Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3486: Eight Yin Dragons [2 in 1]

Chapter 3486 Eight Yin Dragons [Two in One]

Shi Feng is in the forefront of Linghan Yan, and she is grateful for her heart.

Then, she said to Shi Feng again, "It's just that Tianyinshan will never give up on this. I worry, you are implicated ... hey!"

Talking, Ling Han sighed deeply again.

It is really helpless to provoke such a thing.

"You don't need to worry about it," Shi Feng said to her.

Linghan looked at him with an indifferent look. He seemed to not really put Tianyinshan in his eyes.

He secretly said, "Is it possible that he is also a person with a strong background? To the depth, his power, and his elders, can compete with Tianyin Mountain?"

Thinking of this, Ling Hanyan immediately remembered the unparalleled war pet of the person in front of him, who could have such a war pet, it might indeed be extraordinary.

While Ling Hanyan was still thinking about this, Shi Feng's figure moved again, and began to break through.

After Shi Feng's move, Ling Hanyan immediately returned to her spirit. Then, she also moved in shape and flew to Shi Feng.

With full flight, he quickly caught up with Shi Feng and flew with him.

Then, Ling Hanyan opened her mouth again and said, "You and I have known each other until now, but you don't know what the other person is called. The little girl's surname is Ling Yan, from the spiritual virtual gate, how about you?"

"My name is Nether." Shi Feng said to Ling Hanyan.

"Huh?" After hearing Shi Feng's self-reported name, the text disappeared. Ling Hanyan frowned.

Until then, he really didn't speak again.

Ling Hanyan asked: "You can have such unparalleled pets, presumably the forces behind you must be extraordinary?

I wonder which super power you came from? "

"In this world, I am just for a casual repair." Shi Feng replied.

In Tianheng continent, he is the Lord of Nether Purgatory, the Lord of Tianheng!

In the reckless continent, he is the Lord of the Abyss of Sin, the Reckless Lord.

In the Divine War Continent, he is the God of Nine Secluded Holy Land!

In this realm of gods, there is no power, and it is indeed a loose repair.

"Sanxiu!" For Shi Feng said that in this world, Ling Hanyan didn't pay much attention, but when he heard the word Sanxiu, Huarong suddenly moved.

Just now, thinking that he was supported by a powerful force behind him, Ling Han's heart was settled slightly.

And at this moment ... if he is a casual repair ... then, it is really too bad.

Tianyin Mountain ...

"Linghan Yan flies with this one, Langcai looks like a girl, in fact, she really looks like a pair of gods."

"If there is no one in Tianyin Mountain, it may really be envious of others!

It's just a pity that it will not last long. "

"The eight eight-yin boys and that one should be at this moment, right? But the spirit and the smoke are still with him in this direction. Are they really not afraid of the eight-yin boys? Not that one?"


At this moment, Ling Hanyan also realized that she immediately opened her mouth and said to Shi Feng, "You and I can't go any further."

A few people in Tianyin Mountain are still ahead, and then they are sent to the door.

"Why?" Shi Feng frowned when he heard Ling Hanyan's words, but soon realized that before Ling Hanyan answered, he said:

"I said no need to worry."

Shi Feng still looked calm.

Seeing him like this and listening to him say that, Ling Hanyan felt that this one should not even realize the true seriousness of the matter at all.

She said, "The Tianyin Mountain and Eight Yin Boys we saw earlier were just one of them, and there were eight of them. Apart from the Eight Yin Boys, we have Tianyin Mountain ahead of us at the moment. Young Master, seal off. "

Said these words to Shi Feng, the spirit's smokey tone and face became extremely dignified.

However, Shi Feng casually replied: "I know!"

"Since you know ..." When Ling Hanyan just said these four words, Qiao's face suddenly changed suddenly.

She had already seen, there was a red figure in the void ahead!

It is those people in Tianyin Mountain!

The eight Yinyin boys carrying the mahogany coffin, and the Tianyin Mountain who was sitting on the coffin, passed down from India.

With nine eyes, they looked at Shi Feng and Ling Hanyan together. After seeing these nine people, Ling Hanyan was overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

"Let's run!" Ling Han Yan yelled at Shi Feng immediately.

Immediately after saying this, her body moved violently, and her way of life broke through.

Trying to escape the claws of those in Tianyin Mountain, the spirit at this moment is smokey, and I just want to escape from here.

The spirit contains smoke, and martial arts are in the triple king of the gods, among the disciples of the Lingxumen, their qualifications are also superior.

With her full effort to break through the air, her figure had disappeared for a moment. "Huh?" But then, she immediately realized what she was doing, her face moved again, and her body broke suddenly, then turned.

Immediately after she saw, at the end of the side of the void, the young black figure hovered there alone, motionless.

He even faced Yin Li and Ba Yin Tongzi alone.

"This guy, he, what are you thinking about!" Ling Yan's silvery teeth clenched his lips and said.

At this moment, she struggled in her heart.

"It's nothing!" After she finished speaking these four words, she moved again, broke through the air with all her strength, and flew back towards the side where Shi Feng was.

On the other side, after the boyfriend Yin Yin and Yin Li saw Shi Feng and Ling Hanyan, they started to move.

Eight-yin boy, with eight feet moving in the void, sturdy and approaching.


"Tianyinshan finally appeared! That one ... unexpectedly, even that one appeared in person!"

A warrior exclaimed when he saw the print sitting on the redwood coffin.

Earlier in the day, he had seen the eight-yin boy carrying the coffin several times. Although he knew who was lying in the coffin, that several times, that one never appeared.

But at the moment ...

"This man has snatched the woman she wants, and has completely angered him?"

"It seems that there is a good show."

"Tianyinshan passed down, Yin Li! That man, with his peerless war pet, thought he could fight this one.

However, he should soon realize that the horror of printing away! "


The spirit flew back to Shi Feng with smoke, his tone seemed a little angry, and he said to Shi Feng:

"Hey, why don't you move? Do you really think that if you have a pet that can kill the Tian magnetic **** beast, you can be the enemy of Tianyin Mountain?"

As the Bayin boy got closer and closer to Yin Li, but the person remained motionless, the expression on Linghan's face became increasingly panicky.

Shi Feng's eyes were still staring at the nine people in Tianyin Mountain in front of him. He heard the smokey words from the spirit beside him. He said, "I don't think of these people yet."

"Ah! Why don't you understand yet?" Ling Hanyan said, "Bayin boy, that is the existence of eight ascending peaks, and that Tianyin Mountain was handed down by people. spirit!

Your war pet is strong, but in front of the Eight Yin Boys and that one, it's ... not enough to kill! "

"I naturally know." Ling Hanyan didn't expect that Shi Feng answered her, it would be this sentence.

After hearing this sentence, Ling Hanyan said, "Since you know, why are you still ..."

However, before she finished speaking, she saw an extremely dazzling blood shining from Shi Feng's hands.

Then, a blood sword appeared in this hand.

Looking at this blood sword, Ling Han's heart filled with smoke, and suddenly felt a sense of extreme anxiety and panic.

"This ... this sword ..." Linghan smoke came from Lingxumen, and high-level warriors naturally saw a lot.

Even extraordinary devices are not uncommon!

But this sword in this hand, this feeling ... has surpassed the peak ...


"Is there a Warrior Pet, and there are such Warriors ... He ... is it really just a casual repair?

Are these all just obtained by his own luck? "

The spirit of smoke said secretly in his heart.

After Shi Feng sacrifice the blood sword of the demon, the spirit of the smoke has been shut up.

But at this moment, she was still worried in her heart, after all, the other party was ...

When the blood demon sword in Shi Feng's hands appeared, the eight-moving boys' eight pairs of feet moved quickly.

The pupils of eight eight-yin boys shrank, and now at a close distance, they felt the terrible sword power on the blood sword of the demon. The eight men's faces appeared with fear and jealousy, one by one, feeling extremely dangerous.

The Tianyin Mountain passed down the seal, and it looked a lot better. The blank eyes were like dead eyes, staring at Shi Feng tightly, saying:

"This seat originally didn't want to be your enemy, but you are in charge of this seat's gossip. How could I really be fooled by Tianyin Mountain?"

Yin Li's voice was cold, and in this voice, there was endless killing.

This cold voice was not low, and soon fell into the ears of the martial arts in all directions.

After hearing that, someone was surprised and said, "This one, how could you say that you didn't want to be the enemy?

He even said such a thing to him, which means that the origin of this person should not be simple? "

"It must be ... yes ... otherwise, why do you say such things as a person? Shoot it out and destroy it!

This one, he is printed away! "

"He, what is his identity?"

"Well ... While the unparalleled war pet is terrifying, in front of this one, it should be nothing!

This man actually said so, it seems that his identity is indeed not simple. "

"I wonder if you ... noticed the sword in his hand?"

"I have long noticed that the sword should also be an extraordinary sword? Wushuang War pet, holding an extraordinary warrior, he is not from a large force, I do not believe it."

"In fact, the sword in this man's hand is already above, above all!"

"What!" Upon hearing that, the warrior was suddenly shocked and exclaimed: "Beyond the extraordinary! That is ... the Supreme Sword!"


Shi Feng heard the Yinli discourse and said, "Whether you Tianyin Mountain is bullying, Ben Ben is not interested to know!

You rarely force women to do undesired filthy things. I rarely see them. "

Speaking of these last few words, Shi Feng has a strong face and a strong tone!

"Oh!" Even the sword in his hand resonated with it and issued a sword groan.

And his voice echoed in this starry sky.

"Dare to say Tianyinshan like this, dare to say so to Yinli, it seems that he is of extraordinary origin!"

"Now you don't need to say anything!"


"Presumptuous!" And when he heard Shi Feng's words, the eight Tianyin boys immediately yelled at Shi Feng.

"Fight!" And when the Tianyin passed down, he said these words lightly.

When these two words were spit out, the void suddenly burst into a violent storm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!)

Suddenly, just listening to the screams of horrible screams kept ringing, making people ridiculous.

Shi Feng's eyebrows were twisted, and as the master of the billion ghosts, he naturally heard the seal, and secretly manipulated the ghosts.

Tianyin Mountain, cultivate Yin power, refine Yin soldiers!

Shi Feng even sensed that those fierce ghosts were rushing towards him from all directions.

At the same time, the print on the rosewood coffin has risen.

The eight-yin boy is still in eight directions. At this moment, there are eight mysterious forces, rising from these eight people, and rushing towards the person who passed the Yin.

Like eight Yin Dragons!

Shi Feng concluded the mysterious Jiuyou handprints in his left hand, and the white mark of Dadaosen emerged, flying constantly to the blood sword of the demon, printed on the body of the blood sword.

"You step away!" Shi Feng said to Ling Hanyan beside him.

"Ah!" After listening to Shi Feng's words, Ling Hanyan yelled, and then quickly said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, her body fluttered and flew away, and she said to Shi Feng again, "Be careful!"


After the spirit withdrew from the smoke, Shi Feng said with a deep voice: "Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, since it comes and goes, stay and go ... go!"

With the final "go" word ringing, Shi Feng's blood sword in the hands of the sword suddenly burst out.

Immediately, the Jiuyou Mark imprinted on the sword flew wildly and scattered into the emptiness of all directions.




Suddenly, bursts of evil spirits kept screaming.

Ghostly ghosts constantly appear from all directions of Shi Feng.

There were hundreds of words at a glance.


"Thank you!"

"Thank you, Gong!"

"Thank you benefactor!"


These ghosts began to thank Shi Fengqi in unison.

They were almost all killed and killed by Yin Li before his death, and then his soul was refined into evil spirits by His Li Li, and he was manipulated by him forever and ever.

Just now, Shi Feng used the Nine Secrets Method to merge into the Sky Demon Blood Sword and cut it out, cutting off the evil power of these evil spirits!

Yin Li manipulated them with the power of resentment, and without the power of resentment, they immediately returned to nature and returned to themselves!


Over the sky, Yin Li looked at the obliquely below, and that shameless face suddenly appeared incomparable coldness.

The Eight Yin Boys flew towards his eight Yin Dragons, dancing wildly all over him, Yin Li reached out with his right hand, facing Shi Feng below, and drank coldly:


With the sound of these two words, the eight Yinlongs moved in unison, carrying the power of supreme horror and rushing away at Shi Feng.

"Ok ... a terrifying blow!"

"Yin Li, condensing the power of the Eight Yin Boys, this blow from him ... good ... good ..."

"This power ... I'm afraid that it has surpassed supreme power to reach ... God King Seventh Heaven, right?"

"The power of Tianyin Mountain ..."

(End of this chapter)

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