Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3496: Fairy Land [Two in One]

Chapter 3496 Immortal Spirit Land [Two in One]

"Have you heard that Tianyin Laoxian entered Tiantong Divine Road and sought revenge on those who killed Yinli! As a result ... it was a big defeat, and there were countless deaths and injuries in Tianyin Mountain!"


But in a short period of time, this news is convenient for the enthusiasm of the gods to spread and shock the world!

"What's wrong? Tianyin Laoxian led Tianyin Zhongqiang to defeat the mountain himself? How could that be?

What is the origin of each other, and what other peak forces have they gathered? "

The first person to hear the news couldn't help but follow a shock.

This news is really shocking.

"How can there be which peak forces, defeat the Tianyin old immortal, and kill countless Tianyin strong men, only for one person."

"one person!"

"one person?"

"Just one person! How is this possible!"

When he heard that there was only one person, the listener was shocked and shocked.

It also……

This too ... this is really ...

"A man, how did that happen? Who is that ancient power?"

Being able to do this alone, people are naturally connected to the characters in ancient legends.

I am afraid that only those characters can do this.

"This man is holding a dark death sickle, legend, but the legendary death **** is here!"

Someone said in a deep voice, saying this, his complexion had become extremely dignified, and even an inexplicable terror appeared.

Death, that's synonymous with death.

According to legend, death is the only place where death has ever passed.

"Death, does it really exist?"


The matter of God's path through the heavens is spreading throughout the gods.

In the Tiantong Shenlu, Shi Feng was still flying in the direction of the fairy land.

A female ghost Jian Tong wearing a red coat flew beside Shi Feng.

Shi Feng turned her head to look at her, and even sensed with the power of her soul, and asked her:

"Is your injury okay?"

At that time, she was tortured by Yin Yinxian that day.

"Well, you don't need to worry, it's beautiful.

The old man didn't use much power against me. "Jiantong replied to Shi Feng.

"That's good!" Shi Feng nodded slightly.

In his induction, Jian Tong's soul power is really good.

"It's you ..." When Jian Tong said these three words, he suddenly lowered his head a bit shamefully.

"What am I?" Shi Feng saw this, frowning, and looked at you a little puzzled.

"You ... I can sense that your soul power sweeps secretly over my body ... what are you ... what do you want to do.

If you really want to see it, just say it. "

In the end, Jian Tong's face was even more coy.

"You ... don't get me wrong." Upon hearing Jian Tong's words, Shi Feng immediately moved his mind and took back the power of the soul.

Then, she quickly explained to her, "I just want to check your mental strength, and have no other meaning. Don't get me wrong."

"Okay," Jian Tong said charmingly:

"You don't need to explain it, everyone knows it."

After saying "understand", her head was lower and deeper, both of which had been pasted to her two high peaks.

Looking at her appearance, Shi Feng felt ...

"You don't understand yet," he said quickly to her again.

"Hey, hey, hey hey ha ha ha." And these, Jian Tong seemed to be unable to laugh, and then laughed out loud.

Seeing her like this, Shi Feng knew that this girl was intentional.

Deliberately shy, deliberately saying that she peeked at her body ...

"This guy ..." Thinking of this, Shi Feng turned her head and ignored her.

Seeing that he seemed angry, Jian Tong said, "Why, people are just joking with you, so angry?

You weren't so stingy before. "

"Girl thinks too much, how can I be mad at you." Shi Feng said.

Speaking of this, his tone seemed a little gentle.

She helped herself so much.

After suffering so much for myself, how can I be angry with these little things.

The more I feel, the more I owe her.

Hearing Shi Feng's words that were gentle to himself, Jian Tong immediately felt that his heart was beautiful.

Suddenly smiled at Shi Feng, she was gorgeous.

This feeling is really ... pretty wonderful.


"Nether!" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard a coquett, coming from the right oblique.

Turning his head, he saw Ning Qing shallow, flying towards himself.

It seems that she also got the news that Tianyin Lao Xian was run away, so she returned to find herself.

To be honest, when Ning Qingqing learned that Tianyin Laoxian was run away, he didn't believe it. At that time, he thought he had heard it wrong.

The result ... After several confirmations, it was also determined that a man holding a sickle of death appeared and defeated Tianyin Old Immortal, killing countless Tianyin strong men.

Now look at Shi Feng again, and break with a red woman.

"The old man with you is back to see you. I'll go back first."

Jian Tong also glanced at Ning Qing at this moment and said.

After speaking this sentence, Shi Feng had not yet received a response, and her figure fluttered into the **** sword pattern in the **** of Shi Feng and disappeared.

As for the woman in red disappearing suddenly, Ning Qingchan didn't have much accident. She thought that the woman should be sucked into the space mystery by Shi Feng.

"That woman is so beautiful and so charming. Who is she to arrive at?

Is he a beloved woman again? "Ning Qingchan said secretly in his heart.

But she heard Shi Feng, he was going to find his love in the fairy.

But now it's so far away from the fairy land, Jian Tong naturally thinks that it is Shi Feng's beloved woman, but it should not be his love.

"Yes, I'm wondering what these are doing."

Immediately afterwards, Ning Qingchan realized something and quickly set aside these thoughts.

Soon, her flying shape approached Shi Feng, and she turned slightly, side by side with Shi Feng, and broke through.

"Ghost boy, I didn't expect that you could really survive." Ning Qingdao said.

In fact, sometimes this is also a direct person.

Hearing this, Shi Feng also said, "I didn't expect it myself."

At that time, he was violently blasted by various terrorist forces, and Jian Tong fell into the hands of Yin Lao Xian that day and was tortured. Shi Feng really thought that he was really finished this time.

At that time, if the big disciple Ling Yefeng did not show up, I am afraid it was really over.

Everything is really like a dream.

"To the Ghost Boy, what is it that saves you? Some people say that it is the ancient god, the **** of death!

Some people saw with their own eyes that the death sickle was in the world, and almost the Tianyin Lao Xian was beheaded. "

Ning Qingdao said.

And like many people, when she was the **** of death, her tone and face had become abnormally dignified, and even naturally, she expressed fear.


"Almost." Shi Feng said lightly to Ning Qing.

Shi Feng kept hearing about Ling Yefeng's appearance at the moment Ling Yefeng appeared.

At that time, he knew that the **** of death had visited the godless continent and even the gods.

What's more, his horrific reputation was left, and it was audible.

"Really?" Ning Qing asked again.

If she suddenly remembered something, she asked Shi Feng again:

"But I got another rumor. Someone heard, that one called you as a teacher."

"Yes! Yes." Shi Feng nodded, and nodded again.

It is not necessary to deny this, he said: "That one is my big disciple.

Descendants of Death! "

"Descendants of the **** of death?"

For the first time, she heard that the ancient **** of death still left her descendants.

Not only that, combined with the rumor of that war, that is to say, the **** of death passed his sickle to his descendants.

But ... what a horrible and powerful descendant of the **** of death who has the sickle of death, even Tianyin and the old fairy fled. Why did he worship this teacher?

What is this identity? What secrets do you have?

For Shi Feng, Ning Qing shallow became more curious.

Suddenly, she realized that it wasn't as simple as the sacred place of the **** god.

Or maybe he is really not a man in the Holy Land of God, but his identity is absolutely extraordinary.

It's just that he ... has been reluctant to say anything.

"Well, yes, my apprentice is indeed a descendant of death." Shi Feng nodded slightly to Ning Qing again.

Ning Qing shallowly opened his face curiously, and then asked Shi Feng: "Then how terrible is he? He is not even rivaled by Tianyin and Lao Xian?"

Could it be that his power has surpassed the King of God? "

"Then I don't know." Shi Feng said.

For Ling Yefeng's hit with death sickle at the time, even Shi Feng couldn't see through.

At that moment, he only felt that the force of death was the only thing in the starry sky that cut everything out of the starry sky.

It's just that ... that power, I am afraid that Ling Yefeng will be very difficult to cut out in the future.

In Xumi Mountain, he suffered a backlash, and his energy was still violently lost.

Today, he, Wudao Xiuwei has fallen to the triple world of God.

And at this moment, it was still slumping, and even Shi Feng didn't know what his cultivation would be until he stopped.

These days of hard work, and even all these years of hard work, are probably in vain.


"Oh." It was unknown to Shi Feng, and Ning Qingtian naturally thought that he would not tell himself again.

So Ning Qing shallow didn't ask much.

"Oh, there is one more thing, I must tell you." At this time, Ning Qingchan suddenly thought of something again, and said to Shi Feng:

"The day before Tianyin Laoxian found you, I came across Linghan by accident. At that time, she was with other men, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was also not. simple."

When speaking these words, especially the last sentence, Ning Qingchan kept staring at Shi Feng, always paying attention to the expression on Shi Feng's face.

However, Ning Qingqian discovered that, from beginning to end, this person's face was indifferent.

As if there were any fluctuations because of their own words.

"He doesn't hate that woman at all, and found new love so soon?"

Ning Qing shallowly said in his heart.

Then he secretly said, "Might, he was completely disappointed when Linghan Yan left the mountain because of the Tianyin Lao Xian out of the mountain?

I know, however, that the reason why he beheaded Tianyinshan was passed away entirely because the spirit contained smoke, but the spirit contained smoke ... "

"Still, he doesn't want me to see his true emotions at the moment."

Ning Qing shallow, constantly thinking.

After a while, she heard Shi Feng answer "Oh!"

Shi Feng really didn't have much interest in knowing who Linghan was with.

Seeing him so calm, in this regard, Ning Qingchan would not say much again.

However, she is more and more curious about Shi Feng in her eyes: "Where does this man come from!"

And what kind of peerless woman is she looking for? "


Flying all the way, time passed by day by day.

After the starry sky maple showed power to make Yin Yin immortal eat that day, Shi Feng did not encounter anything on the way.

"Here! Coming soon! We will reach the exit to the fairy land, and we will soon reach the fairy land."

Ning Qing pointed at the starry sky in front of him and said to Shi Feng.

He comes from the fairy land, naturally she is the most familiar.

Hearing Ning Qingchan's words, Shi Feng's face moved immediately, and she said, "Is it finally coming?"

When he said this, he suddenly saw the starry sky in front of him, and a huge stone monument was suspended.

And on that stone monument, there are carved the ancient black mysterious characters of the four gods, "Tiantong Shenlu".

And on that stone monument, there is an immensely magnificent statue, which is naturally the **** of heaven who splits this heaven and **** with all beings!

Before the huge stele, a figure was suspended at this moment, and the figure began to drift into the stele, and once touched, it drifted into it.

In the distance, Shi Feng sensed the mysterious space power revealed in the stele.

When approaching the stele, just listen to a deep cry and yell from the sky, "Three salutes of the **** of heaven, you can enter the fairy land!"

This rule is similar to that of entering the Divine Way on this day.

For this contributor who has made such a great contribution to the soul, he has come here by shortening so much time through Tiantong Shenlu, and saluting him, Shi Feng has no rejection at all.

I think it is right!

Opening the heavens and gods road is really a great achievement!

Later, Shi Feng and Ning Qing shallowly saluted the statue of Tongtong God.


Two bowed!

Three bowed!

Li Bi!


There are fewer and fewer figures ahead.

Slowly, Shi Feng and Ning Qing had no one in front of them.

Afterwards, the two of them fluttered into the huge stone monument.

For a moment, Shi Feng felt that he was in an endless darkness.

In this darkness, even his eyesight could not be seen at all.

Just feel myself, in this dark space, with a dark air flow, it is flowing quickly, flowing ...

Shi Feng didn't know, how long had passed in the darkness, and suddenly, at this moment, his eyes brightened ...

Shi Feng saw that he appeared in a forest of fairy mist.

Ning Qing shallow, standing next to him, in front of them are the warriors who drifted into the stone monument before them.

"Finally ... into the fairy land?"

(End of this chapter)

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