Reference 3517

The old lady nodded to Shi Feng and Mu Liang, and then said, "You two, just follow us all the time."

Although the old man's words have always been very soft, but they can't be rejected.

Mu Liang knew very well that if they said "No", I am afraid that it was these people who attacked them fiercely.

"Well, okay!" Mu Liang responded quickly, looking very well-behaved.

After saying this, what would happen to Shi Feng, he quickly spread the word to Shi Feng, saying, "Don't be impulsive! From this moment on, everything is up to them! Until the blood moon curse is broken."

Hearing Mu Liang's words, Shi Feng nodded to the old uncle.

Seeing the two nodded, there was no slight wave on the faces of the Twelve of the Sword Gods that day.

Like those two, they should have obeyed.

"Hmm!" The old man also nodded to Shi Feng and then looked down at the **** disk entrusted to him, and said to the people:

"Well, God's guidance continues to move forward, let's continue to hurry."

"Yes!" Ten other people in Tianjian Shendi responded in unison.

The old man nodded slowly.

Then, the twelve turned around, and then, forward, broke through, all of them were light and graceful, but they were not slow at all.

Later, the black dog under Shi Feng and Mu Liang also followed, and just like that, followed the twelve people in the sword **** land that day.

"Nether, the **** plate held in the hands of the old lady is the legendary God of Destiny plate." At this time, Mu Liang said a voice to Shi Feng.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said softly to him.

What destiny **** disk, he heard for the first time, naturally has no interest.

"That's it?" Mu Liang asked him again.

He didn't expect that this guy was so calm when he heard the words Destiny God.

"What else?" Shi Feng asked him instead.

"Don't you? You haven't heard of this destiny **** plate yet?" Mu Liang asked again.

"No." Shi Feng answered truthfully.

"No wonder then," Mu Liang said.

Then, once again said to Shi Feng:

"There is a divine sacrifice in Tianjian God Land, called Mu Mu, with the palm of Heaven's Destiny. It should be this old woman!

It is said that Mu Mu has been living in Shenming Mountain for an extremely long time, and it was not until the Lord of the Heavenly Sword God Land went up the mountain that he invited this one down!

At that time, the Heavenly Sword God Land was only the first and third forces of the gods, and the Lord of the Heavenly Sword God Land was only a third-rate powerhouse. Supreme Heaven!

But after getting help from Mu Mu, the Lord of the Heavenly Sword and God Earth flew into the sky, and soon after, he entered the Seventh Heaven Realm of God King. Until now, the martial arts cultivation has reached the peak of Eighth Heaven God King!

Tianjian God Land, although not the peak force, but it can also be considered first-class!

It is said that all of this, in addition to Mu Mu's destiny, is unparalleled, and his destiny has great credit. "

"Oh!" After hearing Mu Liang's words, Shi Feng nodded his face seriously.

In any case, being a first-class force in these gods' realms, this heavenly sword **** land is really not simple.

This old woman and the destiny of his hands ...

"If I can get this destiny disk, coupled with my natural supernatural power, I'm afraid ..." Mu Liang was in his heart at this moment, fantasizing.


Twelve people in front, two dogs in the rear, and flying in the dark desert.

The dark desert in the night is a silence, sometimes even feeling, the silence is somewhat depressing.

"Whirring whirring!"

Bursts of cold winds blew, with a touch of black dust in the wind.

"Wow!" Suddenly, just listening to the weirdness, Suddenly fell from their sky.

With this strange cry, this already dark world seems a little bit darker.

The **** meniscus was completely obscured by the black mist, and the cold wind felt violent immediately.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Wow!" The violent wind, accompanied by screams of stern and screaming screams.

Induced by the strange shape of the sky and the twelve people flying in front of them, their bodies suddenly flew together.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I just heard the sound of Jianming burst, and then I kept screaming.

The ten swords that the Heavenly Sword was sacredly carried by the ten people, at this moment, all came out of the sheath, flew into the sky, and chopped into the night sky.

The old man and old woman raised their heads together.

The figure in front stopped, and Shi Feng and Mu Liang immediately stopped.

"Dangerous, come again!" Mu Liang said, saying.

As he said this, a great deal of uneasiness appeared on his face.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!" Bursts of wailing, still ringing.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has swept violently upward.

However, it was strange to him that there were constant groaning in the dark sky, but he didn't sense any creatures!

The ten-handed Sword that flew up and slashed violently in the darkness, but it was all emptied.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" And the terrible screams continued.

"What the **** is this monster pretending to be!" Roared, screaming in the mouth of the old man in Tianjian God.

"Don't be impulsive!" The old man called to him immediately.

She had already seen that the destiny of the **** in her hand and the needle of the **** were sweeping wildly.

This is an unknown ominous sign!

However, as soon as her cry rang, she saw the old man's figure violently move and rushed towards the higher dark sky.

"Ah! Get out of me!" The old man yelled.

The night sky was boiling wildly, as if the waves in the wild sea were rolling.

"Ah!" The roar continued, and at the same time, an extremely scary sword force swept away from the old man.

In just a moment, the void was already full of tens of thousands of swords, and "铮铮 铮铮 铮!"

As if you could kill everything in the world!

"The power of the Emperor Eighth Heaven!" Shi Feng kept looking up and murmured secretly.

"But ..." At this time, Shi Feng's brow frowned again.

The power of his soul sensed that the sound of that strange noise should indeed be that the night sky was right.

However, the old man's tens of thousands of swords did not cut a soul.

The screaming thing seemed to be invisible, but it still exists.

"What kind of thing is it?" Shi Feng said secretly.

"Eh!" At this moment, only a painful hum was heard from the higher dark sky.

That hum came from the old man's mouth.

Wan Jian was still standing side by side, but the old man's body suddenly shook at this moment. Then, two blood trails slowly appeared from the corners of his mouth.

A strong man in the eighth heaven of the King of Gods has already been attacked, and even more injured!


"Big elder!"

"Big elder!"

"Big elder!"


Seeing that the old man was so, everyone in Tianjian Shendi shouted in shock.

They are really hard to imagine ...

"Come back!" The old woman shouted into the sky.

The old man's cry had not yet come down, "Eh! Ahhh!" A cry of pain surpassing a burst of pain continued to be heard from the elder's mouth.

Wan Jian was still standing sideways, but the elder's body, like a bird with broken wings, fell down from the higher dark night sky.

"Lian Ying, catch him!" The old man said immediately, and said to a middle-aged man beside him.

"Understand!" Said the heavenly sword **** and earth warrior named Lian Ying.

The body suddenly moved, Fei rushed up, stretched out his hands to catch the elders who fell!

However, just when Lianying's hands just touched the elder's body, "Ah!" A terrible scream, and Dunn roared from that Lianying's mouth.

The sight of his face was filled with incomparable pain.

Immediately after, Lian Ying, the whole person exploded, flesh and blood flew wildly.


"Lian Ying!"

"Lian Ying!"

"Lian Ying!"


The burst of cries resounded from the mouths of the heaven and earth sword.

Earlier, my brothers and sisters who were still alive and well, just like that, were inexplicably ashes.

Lian Ying's martial arts practice is that it is in the triple heaven of the King of God!

All efforts have become blank!

"Sure enough!" Lian Ying's death, not only was the old lady unsurprising, she stared at the **** disk in her hand, and the expression "as it is" appeared in her old face.

Just now, but she asked Lian Ying to pick up the elders, and at this moment her words, her expression meant that she had counted the elder's body untouchable, but she still let Lian Ying touch and let him go Die?

Lian Ying was flying out of smoke, and the elder's body was still falling wildly.

At this moment, no one dared to pick it up.

"Okay!" Just listening to the old uncle, he said these words lightly.

Then, the hand holding the Destiny God Plate was slightly shaken, and a mysterious ancient force suddenly burst out of the Destiny God Plate and rushed towards the falling elder.

Under the power of the **** disk, the elder's falling body stopped immediately, then slowly and gently fell, and fell in front of the old man.

At this moment, the elder looked paralyzed, and his old face was extremely ugly.

Looking at the old man, he said, "I ..."

However, just as the elder spit out the word "I", the old man hurried to speak, planning what he would say:

"You are very weak now, save a little effort, don't talk! Let's talk when the injury recovers."

"Hmm!" The elder nodded his head, as it should be at this moment.

As soon as he nodded, he saw a flash of white light on his body, which had been sucked into the destiny disk of that day by the old man.

The intention is to use the mysterious power of Destiny God Plate to help this elder heal.

Coupled with the best elixir of his wounds, this elder should be able to recover soon.

The old uncle's eyes were still staring at the **** disk in his hand, sensing and secretly deducing.

At this moment, however, it is discovered that the screams of the terrible weirdness from the higher dark sky have disappeared at this moment.

"See? The horror cursed by Blood Moon." At this moment, Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

At this moment, Shi Feng had to admit that this dark desert is indeed full of terrible danger.

Just now, even the existence of the eighth level of the **** king was so inexplicably injured.

The other party didn't show up at all, didn't know what kind of existence it was, and attacked him.

"Make the King of Gods Eighth Heaven be so wounded, and the strength of the other side, have to reach ... King of Gods Nine Heavens?" Shi Feng murmured again.

"How? Are you afraid?" Seeing Shi Feng didn't respond, Mu Liang said again.

"No!" However, Shi Feng responded to these three words lightly.

"Mouth is hard." Mu Liang said, and then said again: "Now, you should always admit that I am born with mysterious mysteries, right?

If you did n’t listen to me, follow the people behind Tianjian Shendi, the mysterious thing, the goal is probably us. "

After hearing Mu Liang's words, Shi Feng thought about it.

"This guy! Is this a coincidence again this time?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Something that can make God the Eighth Heavenly Power easily suffer, if at that time if you launch that mysterious attack on yourself and Mu Liang ...

I, though not to be spiked, should be wounded.

And that Mu Liang, it is estimated that he can't die any more.

There is also the "Xiaotian God Dog" under him, which should be similar.

"So, if you really want to survive, you should listen to me." Mu Liang said again.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said "Oh" softly.

"What do you mean? I don't like to hear you the most." Mu Liang said.

"Oh!" However, Shi Feng said "Oh" to him.

Mu Liang: "..."


"You, fly in front of us." At this moment, I heard only an old voice.

The old uncle, now pointing his finger at Shi Feng, gave an order to him.

"Listen to her." At this moment, Mu Liang immediately spoke to Shi Feng.

"Listen to her? Fly in front and let me die?" Shi Feng said with a frown, unhappy.

"No! Listen to me, you won't die." Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said again gently.

"You, can you hear me?" Seeing Shi Feng hadn't done so yet, just listening to the voice of the old uncle, it suddenly became cold.

That old face became a little gloomy at the moment.

Shi Feng turned his head slightly and glanced at Mu Liang.

At this time, Mu Liang also looked at him, shook his head gently, and said, "Relax, it's okay."

Mu Liang's voice just sounded in Shi Feng's mind. Shi Feng's figure fluttered, flying over the heads of the people in Tianjian Shendi, and soon, they fell in front of them.

The old man lowered his head again, looked at the Destiny God in his hand, and said, "Well, keep going! Keep going! Without my order, no matter what you see or what happens, don't stop."

The old man's last sentence was obviously to Shi Feng.

In other words, without her order, even if there are super powerful terrorists in front of you, even if you know that you can kill yourself, you cannot stop.

"Hum!" Shi Feng snorted coldly in her heart when she heard the words.

Then, his body flickered, turned into a dark thunder, and rushed forward ...

(End of this chapter)

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