Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3536: Mo Lei Sheng Zi [2 in 1]

Chapter 3536: Son of Devil Thunder [Two in One]

Shi Feng's rushing body had already rushed under the black waterfall.

And the black waterfall that previously felt evil, not only did not cause a little damage to Shi Feng, but a familiar, pure, thick, and mysterious energy poured into Shi Feng's body.

It was ... an extremely pure thunder force, and it was not other thunder, just as Mu Liang said, Demon Black Thunder!

Shi Feng only felt that the thunder that thunder can continue to pour into the flesh, and the thunder that is stored in his body, is constantly growing stronger.

"Son!" And at this moment, the people on the cliff had already seen the real situation, and the old man immediately drank in a loud voice at the Son.

At this moment, the original complexion was calm and indifferent, as if the Son who is in control is no longer calm, he sighed coldly:

"court death!"

As these two words were spoken, the purple-gold figure flew out and slammed into the dark waterfall.

"We are there, too," and the old man yelled loudly at the people behind him.

"Eh!" The crowd responded in unison, followed closely, and the thirteen figures also moved in unison and flew towards the Dark Falls.

Physically enjoying the stone maple of the energy of the extermination black thunder, at this moment I heard an extremely cold voice coming:

"Stop engulfing energy and kneel to one side to destroy Dantian."

When the cold voice said this sentence, his tone could not be refused.

Shi Feng, who is enjoying and feeling the thunder in his body, is becoming stronger, naturally, he will not stop because of him.

He still swallowed the energy that seemed to have been prepared for him.

The supreme Son saw that man turned his back on him completely, looking cold and frosty.

Then, his shape, seeing that he was about to rush into the dark waterfall with immense madness.

His right hand became a claw, and a dark thunder had flashed on the claw, and an incomparable thunder force had risen in the claw. This claw actually produced a mighty power.

"Wow!" For a moment, I only heard a burst of stress, and suddenly burst out loud at this moment, deafening.

"Ah!" Then only the cold, angry roar sounded.

"Son is ..."



The people who were still flying towards the waterfall suddenly found that the Holy Son was blocked by the black waterfall!






The sound of blasts kept blasting.

The saint is already violently violently bombarding this dark waterfall.

More and more fierce!

The next moment, I saw a dark excalibur appear on his hand, and on top of the excalibur, an extremely fierce dark thunder and dark thunderbolt burst out in this world.

Thunder Sword!

"Boom!" There was another blast that shook the world.

The Thunder Sword in the hands of the Son has severely slashed on the black waterfall.

However ... it was still the same as before, the black waterfall was still flowing, still blocking him from moving forward.





Then the thirteen people had arrived, flying behind the saint, and shouting respectfully to him.

"Don't look at it again, boom! Use your strongest strength, boom!"

Until now, the dark water that has blocked itself has not been broken, and the once calm Son is no longer calm.

"Yes!" After hearing the order of the Son, the people should drink immediately.

Then, one by one, they gave out their strongest soldiers, urging the strongest forces.

Dark thunder erupted on each one, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A louder quake was sounded than before.

The warriors of Molei Holy Land have already shot.


"Huh?" In the dark waterfall, the stone maple still absorbing the energy of pure extermination black thunder, looking at the martial arts outside the waterfall, frowned suddenly.

"The thunder on these people is a little strange," Shi Feng said secretly.

The black thunder erupting on these people, although black, is naturally not his extermination black thunder.

This thunder, full of evil and violent power, is close to the demon!

"Well?" Shi Feng suddenly felt that the speed of this dark waterfall suddenly increased with the violent force of those people.

The pure power of extermination of the black thunder, the surge speed also became fast.

"Good!" Feeling this, Shi Feng grinned suddenly.

This is what Mu Liang said is useful?


Outside the dark waterfall, the crowds of Mo Lei Shrine are still raging.

However, no matter how they bombarded, it was still unbroken.

But at this moment, the demon son saw the man in the dark waterfall grinning.

Then, you can pinch the dead peak to create polar ants, even laughing?

He, is this a joke yourself?

He, this is the view that he is the final winner.

"This man must abandon his Dantian, put it in a pigpen, and let him live like a pig and dog in this life."

Mo Leizi said angrily at Shi Feng in the dark waterfall.

"What the **** is going on? I have been informed that when many people come here, they either rush into the abyss or enter this waterfall.

Why didn't other people get into the waterfall? "The old man at Mo Lei Holy Place frowned.

Then, just listen to the devil son said: "This person, like us, cultivates Thunder Force!"

"Oh!" The old man answered when he heard the words of Mo Lei's Son.

However, in the news he received, Cen Qing of the Yin Xiaozong also entered into it.

The reason why he met Cen Qing in Yin Xiaozong was because everyone was because of the power of thunder.

If it is true, as the Son said, this person touched the pure thunder energy because he cultivated thunder.

Then why did Cen Qing pass without this pure thunder?

"Is it just a coincidence?"

"Still, this person is the one chosen by the undead?" At this point, the old man's face suddenly moved.

But he didn't say this.

This saint, it was he who grew up watching, and he was naturally very clear, this one did not like to hear such words.

Before entering the ruins of the undead demon god, Mo Leizi said that he had sensed a mysterious voice deep in his soul.

Heir to the undead, he is bound to get it.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

At this moment, the cold face was already dark, and Mo Leizi was banging on the dark waterfall while he was drinking coldly.

At this moment, he looked a little crazy, and even a little scary.



A burst of shouting and a roar rang again at the same time.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


The attacks of the people in Mo Lei Holy Land are still continuing, and the bursting is still ongoing.


Looking at the so-called holy son in front of his eyes, his face was full of impatience, madness, and anger.

However, I still enjoy the pure thunder force in this waterfall, this feeling is really quite happy.

In particular, they are crazy, helping to devour energy faster.

"Son, have you found that the harder we attack, the faster this waterfall flows, the faster the wicked barrier, the faster it absorbs energy."

The old man of the son of Mo Lei found something and said to their son.

"I naturally found out." The Son replied angrily.

Then, coldly again, "Since he can't break this **** waterfall, let him suck! Let him **** enough."

This can only be the case today.

All he could do was wait for him to suck, wait for the dark waterfall to stop himself, then go in and torture the boy severely.

"I must make him regret this stupid behavior! There will never be a smile on this face in the future," said Moriko.


Slowly and slowly as time passed, Shi Feng, who had closed his eyes in the original dark waterfall, suddenly opened his eyes and murmured, "Huh? It should be almost."

Shi Feng has felt that the pure thunder force flowing into her body at this moment is obviously slower.

Thunder force is also decreasing.

He knew that the power of the Black Demon Exterminator was about to be cleaned by himself.

"Son, it's almost there." Outside the Dark Falls, the old man spoke again.

"Huh." Mori nodded slowly.

Later, there was no other way, he also calmed down, and now his face has returned to a pale color.

"He sucked Lei Li, which was supposed to belong to me, to him to Dantian, and the next time, he abolished him Dantian." Mori Shengzi said to the old man.

"Subordinates understand." The old man responded respectfully.


"Um ... soon." Shi Feng said secretly.

At this moment, his eyes turned to the people ahead.

Next, it's time to settle with them.

"Oh!" But at this moment, a sound of suspicion suddenly came out of Shi Feng's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and looked behind him, and gradually, the body looked involuntarily in that direction.

The next moment, all the people in the Holy Land of the Thunder suddenly saw that the figure in the dark waterfall moved suddenly and rushed into the dark depths inside.

"Run?" Seeing Shi Feng's action, the old man immediately drank.

Then, his figure took the lead and rushed forward.

At this moment, he rushed straight into the dark waterfall without hindrance.

"Huh!" When the old man entered, the demon Mo Lei hummed coldly, and his body also moved.





The sound of water echoed continuously.

The warriors of Mo Leizi also all entered the dark waterfall.


"So impatient, what did you find?" Sumiyama Zhong once again heard Mu Liang's voice.

While Mu Liang said this, his eyes were staring at his Destiny God Plate, but it was clear that this time, his Destiny God Plate was suppressed by this site again, and Shi Feng could not be seen at all.

"I don't know yet." But she did not expect that Shi Feng said so.

"Then you ..." Mu Liang didn't know why.

"A feeling, some mysterious feelings that can't be explained. Don't talk to me first." Shi Feng said.

"Oh, okay." Mu Liang answered.

As these three words fell, his voice was silent.

Shi Feng, now in a silent world of darkness, rushing all the way.

"Give me, stand still!" And then, he heard a young, cold voice suddenly behind him.

Naturally, it was the voice of the Son of Demons.

Then another old voice rang again: "You can't run at all."

"These flies." Upon hearing the two words, a look of irritability appeared on Shi Feng's face.

As soon as my thoughts arrived, I was ready to take out the blood demon sword of the demon and finish the "fly".

"Huh?" But at this moment, Shi Feng, who was flying wildly, suddenly changed his face.

He saw that, just in front of him, there was a dark vortex of thunder, showing the familiar power of thunder.

"That's it!" Shi Feng said immediately.

The mysterious and strange feeling he felt in the dark waterfall just now came from there.

However, at this moment, the dark thunder vortex was shrinking rapidly.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will disappear!

"Wait a minute!" Shi Feng shouted at the party immediately.

The original idea of ​​sacrificing the blood sword of the demon was immediately put away.

If it was really a waste of time to kill those flies, then that dark thunder vortex would disappear.

Shi Feng has a feeling, if you miss it, you will regret it!

Thoughts flashed across my mind.

Followed by, I saw Shi Feng breaking through the air, and actually raised a few points.

"Ah! Damn it!" The dark mid-air in the distance behind Shi Feng, the sage of Lei Lei urged to pursue the dark figure at full speed ahead.

However, he found out that his distance was hurried away from that "cricket ant", and it was farther and farther away.

"This evil barrier, what kind of body stature is it?" Said the old man behind Son of the Thunder, full of anger.

He didn't expect that, as soon as he reached the peak, the speed of breaking the air not only surpassed himself, but he flew faster than the Son!

"Huh!" Then, the Son of Demons also saw the Thunder Vortex ahead, and also saw that Thunder Vortex was shrinking at the moment.


"Finally, I caught up." At this moment, Shi Feng's figure had flown before the Thunder Vortex, said.

At the next moment, Mori Shengzi saw with his own eyes that the "head ants" in front of him rushed into the Thunder Vortex.

And the whirlpool of Thunder, which had shrunk to an extremely small size, looked, and was about to disappear.

"Wait! Wait a minute! Wait for me!" Madame Mo Lei shouted at the party.

At this moment, he was originally thinking to spur full speed, and under this great anxiety, his body also accelerated.

"Wait for me!" He yelled.

The Thunder Vortex is still shrinking.

And that devil son, Mo Lei, has been getting closer and closer.

"Don't disappear!" He yelled in his heart. He had rarely felt ups and downs before, and he even started to tremble.

His fists clenched involuntarily.

He was still approaching quickly.

The Thunder Vortex is still shrinking.

At this moment, it has almost shrunk to the size of a human head.

At this shrinking speed, I'm afraid after three breaths, then ...

"Ah!" Mo Leizi exclaimed.

The magic vortex has become as big as a fist.

And the next moment, I saw this devil son, hit the past fiercely ...

(End of this chapter)

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