Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3544: Laughing [2 in 1]

Chapter 3544: Laughing 【Two in One】

"I'm not convenient for you to reveal the matter of the Virgin." The Hongyan Holy Land woman only responded to Shi Feng.

As for the weight of the saint's life is not important, she did not mention it.

"What a beautiful place to be." Shi Feng sneered secretly.

He had realized that these people did not seem to take Jin Mo's life seriously.

I really do n’t know, she is called the Holy Beauty of the Holy Beauty, but what kind of status she is in this Holy Beauty of the Holy Beauty.

Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to the woman next to her:

"That being the case, I continue to move forward, whether you go forward or back, please."

After saying this, Shi Feng's figure flickered, and she flew forward again.

Soon, she was the only one living here.

She turned slightly, looking in the direction of the man's departure.

"Another, a desperate man for her?"

"The beauty of the spirit is indeed unparalleled in the world. Men in the world are all moving." As she said these words, a jealousy appeared on her mature and beautiful face.

"Ah!" Then she sighed deeply.

Suddenly, her figure followed.

But ... she didn't move back, and she chose to move like Shi Feng.


"Well?" Shi Feng, who continued to go deeper, suddenly felt the shadow behind him.

Suddenly his complexion moved, a sound of surprise came out.

Shi Feng thought she would retreat here, but she did not expect that she followed.

Aren't you worried about the unknown forces and strong men?

Seeing her coming after her, Shi Feng's rushing figure slowed down slightly.

Soon, the middle-aged woman in Hongyan Holy Land came to Shi Feng again.

"Why didn't you leave?" Shi Feng asked her.

"Intuition tells me that going back would be more dangerous." She said so.

"Oh?" Shi Feng opened his eyes suddenly, then asked, "Your instincts are correct?"

"Nothing wrong! This feeling is very clear. As long as I step back, I'm afraid, my life will soon die." She said so.

Shi Feng's brow wrinkled and deepened.

But soon, his brows opened again.

After all, just listening to her words, who knows whether it is true or not?

At this moment, Shi Feng only wanted to go forward without any retreat. Therefore, he could not use his martial arts instinct to sense the situation at the back.

Follow him again: "There is danger before and after. Be careful yourself."

"Um." She nodded slightly.

She also knew in her heart that in such a dangerous place, she could only rely on herself.

Even if the person around him can manipulate the Demon Black Thunder, the strength is strong.

But he couldn't keep an eye on himself and protect himself.

The road ahead, the billowing magic mist, the tumbling ground became more and more fierce.

In the magic fog, the energy of the extermination black thunder contained in it is also getting thicker and thicker.

This is good for Shi Feng.

He even felt that, before the collapsed golem, if the energy of the magic thunder was so strong, I am afraid that in the face of these hundred warriors, the four top peaks can also be destroyed!

"Forward, what is that!" At this moment, Shi Feng's soul power was felt again, and there was a dark behemoth far away from this moment.

"Well? That's the temple of the undead!" Then he heard the middle-aged woman beside him, exclaiming.

Listening to her say, the behemoth in the rolling mist of magic ahead really looks like a dark palace!

The shape is simple, exuding an ancient, mysterious and desolate atmosphere.

"Those people came for the site of this undead demon god.

Maybe, now he has entered this magic hall. The middle-aged woman in Hongyan Holy Land spoke again and said to Shi Feng.

"It's very possible!" Upon hearing her, Shi Feng nodded, agreeing.

I don't want to miss anyone who sees such a magic hall and enters Hongyan Holy Land.

This demon house in the site of the undead devil is likely to be the demon house where the undead devil lived.

I am afraid that all the treasures, exercises, and everything of the undead may remain here.

Who can do it!

"Go!" The word drank in his mouth, and the speed of the middle-aged woman's flying speed rose sharply at this instant.

"Slap! Slap!" Two sounds, Shi Feng and her fell into the magic hall together, looking at the tightly closed giant dark gate in front of her!

The huge magic gate exudes a very heavy breath, like a dark giant, blocking it in front and not allowing any existence to step in.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has enveloped this magic hall.

Then he found out that to enter this magic hall, only this magic gate!

"You can only enter from here!" Shi Feng said to the middle-aged woman.

When she heard Shi Feng's words, she nodded.

He followed, and the two of them went forward.

"Be careful." The woman reminded Shi Feng.

This is the house of the immortal deities, close ones, really any danger may come!

Even if the peak of the King of God's Nine Heavens exists, it has to be cautious.

"Hmm!" Shi Feng nodded secretly when she heard her words, "I know."

After speaking these three words, Shi Feng's complexion gradually became more dignified.

Although he got the thunder **** of the undead, but if there is the power of the undead here, he can instantly make himself gray.

Step by step.

Step by step.

Shi Feng and the two slowly followed the gate.

Shi Feng, dare not have the slightest.

Finally, at this time, he stood before the magic gate.

Slowly reached out with his right hand and touched the magic gate.

"Boom!" The moment when Shi Feng's right hand touched the Demon Gate, there was an extremely violent bang, and then it suddenly rang.

Shi Feng and her face changed dramatically again.

"Be careful!" The woman exclaimed.

At the same time, her figure suddenly retreated.

Shi Feng was not indifferent, and hurriedly backed away.

But with one breath, the two had retreated a hundred meters away.

The two figures finally stopped at this time.

Gaze forward.

The sound of humming naturally came from the huge magic gate.

At this moment, the demon door was shaking violently and looked extremely unstable.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Then, I saw a more intense roar.

The next moment, Shi Feng and the middle-aged woman saw that the terrifying power of that side had not appeared, but the demon gate was slowly rising upward.

The magic door opens, but it looks like a dark beast, slowly opening its mouth, as if to devour everything in this world.

"The magic hall opens?" The middle-aged beautiful woman was surprised.

Followed by: "I'm afraid, it's not that simple!"


Shi Feng didn't say anything, just looked at it quietly.

As the magic gate rose higher and higher, the "Dark Giant Mouth" opened wider and wider, and looked more and more embarrassed!

Inside, a dark hall full of mystery slowly appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

"Oh? What is this?" At this moment, Shi Feng heard Mu Liang in Xu Mi Mountain, and suddenly made a sound.

"A magic hall! I am afraid it is the magic house in which the undead deities live." Shi Feng answered Mu Liangdao.

Then, as if he realized something, he heard the voice again, and the voice was obviously cold: "Don't you say that you are always watching the movement outside?"

If this guy has been following the news here, he doesn't ask.

Obviously, he was just paying attention and just happened to see this magic hall.

"Uh ... always concerned ..." Mu Liang said.

When he said this, he could hear it from his voice. Obviously, he had no confidence.

Then, he added: "Just now, there were some accidents."

"Unexpected?" Shi Feng couldn't believe this guy's nonsense.

What could be unexpected about him and his black dog in his own Sumiyama.

"It's true!" Mu Liang said again, speaking these words, his tone suddenly became a little serious.

"Destiny God disk, something really happened just now. Um ... you told me you didn't understand it.

what! Suddenly, Mu Liang felt a bit of suspicion again.

"Suspicious, what's wrong with you?" Shi Feng asked.

"Nothing wrong! Nothing wrong this time!" Mu Liang said.

"What are you talking about? Talk about people!" Shi Feng said.

"The destiny of God shows that your maiden of beauty is here! I'm afraid you really will meet again."

When he heard Mu Liang's words, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved.

Destiny God Plate, it really shows!

And he knows Mu Liang. Since this guy said so, it means that there is nothing wrong!

"Let's go!" Thinking of this, Shi Feng immediately sang to the middle-aged woman beside her.

After drinking this sentence, he immediately looked at the magic hall and rushed over again.

Seeing his sudden rush, she immediately reminded again: "Be careful, don't be too impulsive."

But after she shouted these words, she saw the flying figure in front of her. There was no change at all.

Then she followed her figure and rushed forward.

However, she flew at a relatively stable speed, always keeping that distance from Shi Feng.

Shi Feng is still rushing all the way, but the power of his soul still feels in all directions.

Although flying fast, he still did not relax his vigilance.

The middle-aged woman in Hongyan Holy Land saw that the riotous dark figure in front of her had returned to the gate of the demon again.

And he didn't pause, just like that, he flew directly into the "big mouth" that opened, and entered the dark hall.


As soon as Shi Feng entered it, his figure followed a pause.

Then his brow frowned.

Everything in the dark hall continued to appear in his mind.

And here, it has become a mess, as if it had been looted, and it seemed to have been bombarded by violent forces!

The earth, pots and pans, is a mess, filled with potholes and cracks.

And these traces are very new, they should have been created not long ago, like, they are entering a ruin.

And this ruin stretches forward, can't see his head at a glance.

"How could this be?" The middle-aged woman finally entered the hall at this time.

Looking at the scars, he asked Shi Feng aloud.

"It should be those people who entered and destroyed it! It is very likely that there is something that makes them heart, so they get it while destroying," Shi Feng guessed.

Judging from the signs of destruction, the number of saboteurs is also quite large.

"Well, it should be." Hearing Shi Feng's analysis, the red-faced woman nodded.

But this also means that they are likely to get closer and closer to the unknown and powerful terror.

"Since my Jin Mo is here, it is very likely that it really fell into their hands." Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

"Go! See what is sacred in the end!" Shi Feng shouted again.

The next moment, his two figures moved at the same time.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman didn't hesitate anymore.

"What else can God show?" During the flight, Shi Feng communicated with Mu Liang and asked him.

"After entering this place, be careful!" Mu Liang told him.

The sound was a little dignified.

It seems that there is indeed danger.

"What else?" Shi Feng asked him again, and then said, "Can you speculate, how is she now?"

"Well, please wait a moment!" Mu Liang responded.

Then he urged Destiny again, and then calculated it secretly.

Soon, Shi Feng heard him say, "Ji!"

"She should be fine."

"Oh, very good?"

"Well, yes, that's fine." Mu Liang said with certainty.

"That's good." Shi Feng nodded.

The lingering heart finally relaxed with Mu Liang's words.


This dark hall is large.

The ground where the two of them passed was still a mess.

I really do n’t know what was here.

"This kind of destruction is such a large area, I'm afraid ..." Gradually, Shi Feng realized something.

But just then, the middle-aged woman spit out these two words: "Lingtian!"

"Yes!" Shi Feng nodded.

In other words, here is a spiritual field full of elixir.

And those people, forcibly took away the elixir on this earth with force!

Elixir! It is the elixir left by the immortal demon. I don't know how many years have passed in this space.

Really think about it, you will know its value.

And so much more!

I really don't know which guys these elixir fell into.

This harvest ... It is really rich!

"At that time, I will let those guys spit it out for me!" Shi Feng secretly.

Above his face, a sneer emerged.

He is in control of the Thunder God, but no one else is allowed to arbitrarily automate everything in this magic hall!

"Are you laughing?" At this time, the middle-aged woman flying next to him found the smile on Shi Feng's face, and frowned, and asked.

"Oh." Shi Feng came to his consciousness at this time, converging her smile, and said to her, "It's nothing, I just thought of something happy ..."

(End of this chapter)

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