Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3550: Immortal Demon Seal [Nichiichi]

Chapter 3550 Undead Seal [Two in One]


The man in the black robe smiled, he was holding the left hand, although he still couldn't see what he was holding in his left hand.

Followed, then saw him send up with his left hand, as if sending something.

"Ah!" The Dark Skeleton exclaimed when he saw it.

"Huh?" On the dark altar, Shi Feng's face also changed.

A sense of intimidation had already appeared in his mind.

At this moment, although his whole body was shining with Jin Mang, he was still bound by the smoky smoke entangled on his body, and still could not move at all.

"Afraid?" Shi Feng heard suddenly, a sad voice sounded.

It is the sound of the source of all things.

"Don't stop talking nonsense!" Shi Feng immediately drank at him.

After drinking this sentence, he suddenly felt that there was a mysterious, sacred, extremely mysterious, and familiar power in his body.

This ... is already the power of all things!

Feeling this power, Shi Feng's body suddenly made a sudden jump.

"Well!" A strange noise.

The strands of black smoke that bound him were instantly destroyed by him and turned into nothingness.

Shi Feng was lying on the body of the dark altar, and suddenly rose at this moment.

"Well!" Seeing Shi Feng getting up, the man in the black robe suddenly made a sound of astonishment.

But soon, he said again, "That's right! It was such a sudden burst of power.

But ... how much! Under this thing, you must end!

Hehe, you should be grateful for being bombed to death like this, Master Devil who passed down your heritage.

Hey Hey Hey! "

"Ah! The master is careful!" The dark skeleton yelled in shock at Shi Feng again.

It seems that Shi Feng can't see the thing, but the dark skull can really be seen.

"Drink!" Shi Feng said in a deep voice.

At this moment, he already felt a mysterious force, gathered to his right hand.

Followed, he suddenly shook his fist and went up with a punch!

"Hey, everything is struggling, all resistance is vain! Hey, hey! This thing left by the devil, this world ..."

"Boom!" Before the words of the man in black robes had finished, he heard the sound of an extremely violent trembling sound, and suddenly a sudden rumbling sounded.

Shi Feng's fist seemed to be bombarded on a huge thing, he felt as if he had hit a giant mountain.

The whole space shook again.

"This ... this ... how is this possible!" He laughed a moment ago, and said something vain, the black robe man who thought that Shi Feng would die.

There was an extremely incredible call.

He already believed that that person would be destroyed under that thing.

As a result, I did not expect that Shi Feng's punch that gathered mysterious power turned out to be blocked by the blast!

"This ... this ..." Not only the black robe man, but at this moment, even the dark skeleton, the dark skeleton changed again.

He didn't expect it at all, Shi Feng was ... so fierce!

"Lord ... Master ... what the **** ... how ... did it!"

"You, what the **** is going on!" The black robe man who responded yelled loudly at Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng didn't answer him, grinning.

Then, the fist against the intangible object above was slightly retracted, and then blasted upward.

"Boom!" Another violent roar sounded loudly.

Immediately afterwards, a dark thing finally appeared.

Previously, Shi Feng felt that she was bombarding a giant mountain, but what appeared at the moment was the size of a fist.

Like a piece, printed!

Black mark!

At this moment, the black seal was already blown away by Shi Feng's fierce punch.

"This!" Skeleton made a more incredible voice.

This is also true, it is too abnormal!

This is the thing of the old master. This seal is the legend, the immortal seal!

It turned out that I did not expect ...

"What's the matter!" It was an exaggeration that the man just blocked the undead mob bombing with a punch, and now it is ...

The man in black robe shouted in astonishment again.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his body was flying backwards, and flew away towards the immortal seal.

When Shi Feng saw this, his body suddenly moved, turning into a golden mang, bursting out ...

"This ... this boy, too ... fierce!" At this moment, a mighty middle-aged man in a white robe spoke up.

"That's natural!" When he heard that, the wind was colorless. "I was with Brother Ye, Lord Jinguang, and Sister Shan, and the four of us, the four forces, almost all died in him hand!

He, but got the legacy of the undead! "

"He, who is it? From what forces?" A martial arts practitioner said, an old man who is also the King of God's Nine Heavens.

"Source of all things! Source of all things! That's right! That's the power of all things! Source of all things!"

And at this moment, the Virgin Mary they heard was saying something in their mouths.

The face of the alluring city was shocked.

"Source of all things? Virgin, what is that?" After hearing the words of Virgin Mary, the old man who just spoke asked her immediately.

Our Lady of the Red Eyes said, "That is a peerless treasure! I was lucky to have seen this treasure once many years ago!"

"This is the treasure, why hasn't old heard of it?" The old man said again.

"I have never heard of it." The Dark Wind Deity's leader is colorless, saying the same.

The same goes for the other great powers.

"The source of all things has never appeared in the realms of gods.

That legendary treasure has been circulating to me, my hometown! "

"Your hometown?"




On the other side, Shi Feng chased wildly.

And the black robe man was still flying wildly.

Furiously, he looked closer and closer to the immortal seal.

Two withered hands had reached out, watching, and about to catch the immortal mark.

And just then, as the two hands were getting closer, the immortal seal trembled slightly.

It's like struggling.

"Sin barrier, dare to resist again!" Heipao screamed immediately when he saw this.

Then, he saw the thin hands, a black mist erupted, and rolled towards the magic seal.

"Original!" And at this moment, the man in the black robe suddenly heard an extremely cold voice.

Shi Feng, who was already chasing after him, arrived.

I saw his right fist, still flashing with extremely bright golden light.

Then, another punch, blasted forward, and blasted again towards the immortal mark.

Shi Feng's fist, which surrounded the evil black mist of the immortal seal, was immediately scattered by him.

And his fist slammed on the immortal seal.

"Boom!" Another violent roar.

Space is exciting again!

This space is extremely unstable.


"Ah! No!" The man in black robes shouted a scream.

Seeing the immortal seal that was about to be recovered, at this moment, Shi Feng was blown away again by a punch.

Shouting, his body moved again, ready to chase away the magic mark again.

But Shi Feng, how can I give this thing a chance.

This time, his left fist also moved, and a punch hit the heart of this black robe man.



There was a loud noise.

A scream of screaming and painful sounded at the same time.

No matter how strange and gloomy this black robe man is, it will be mysterious and weird.

Today, the source of all things, even the immortal seal of the undead demon can be blown away, let alone this black robe man.

The next moment, the body of the black robe man, like a broken sandbag, flew back frantically.

Shi Feng didn't stop there, he chased again.

Suddenly, he caught up with the man in black robe and came to him.

Immediately after, the fists danced wildly, and the shadows of Dao Dao continued to shine.

Punch after punch, keep throwing punches, and constantly bombarded the man in this black robe.

"Boom boom boom boom!"


"Ah! Ahh! Ah!"


This time, Shi Feng really treated him as a sandbag.

The sound of blasting and screaming is endless!

"Okay ... so fierce!" Said the others on the dark altar, lying on the altar.

They could be brought here by the man in black robes, and he would be made on top of this altar.

Naturally understand how powerful that black robe man is.

Now in front of that person ...

"Xunxin, how do you know this person?" At this moment, Madame Hongyan asked, saying to the middle-aged woman in the Holy Beauty Site.

She entered this space with Shi Feng!

"The disciple also happened by chance, fortunately for his help. Otherwise, the disciple might have died of poisoning!" The middle-aged beautiful woman called Xun Xin, replied with respect to the Virgin Mary.

"What kind of power is he from?" Madame Hong Yan asked her.

"This ... disciple is not clear yet." Wu Xin replied.

"Oh!" Madam Hongyan frowned slightly when she heard the words.

Immediately afterwards, only listening to Wu Xin said, "Predecessor Feng was right, he has been passed down by the undead.

Also, he ... seems to be obsessed with spirit! He came here as if to come for the spirit. "

"Looking for the spirit?" With these four words, Xiumei raised her eyebrows gently on her unparalleled beauty.

I don't know what she was thinking at the moment.

Find spirit! The Source of Everything!

"Tianheng, the mainland!" She whispered these words in her heart!


"Boom Boom Boom Boom!" On the other side, Shi Feng was banging at the black robe man.

Heipao people continue to scream.

Under this bombardment, although not dead, looking at his body, it seems that they have completely fallen apart.

This body doesn't look like a body!

"Master, the immortal seal!" At this moment, the dark skull on the altar rushed to Shi Feng, a void in the distance.

"Undead Seal!"

"Undead Seal!"

"The black mark just now, that was ... the immortal mark!"

"One of the treasures of the undead, the immortal seal!"


When he heard the voice of the skull, the strong men on the altar changed their faces again and shouted in shock.

It seems that they have all heard the immortal seal of the undead!

But I did not expect that the little black mark just now is the thing in the legend!

"No wonder! This man was in control of the immortal mark at the time. No wonder I was not his enemy!"

The main wind of the Dark Wind Deity is colorless, and the sky is filled with emotion.

But when he got himself defeated by the immortal mark, he felt much better.

"The immortal seal is indeed strong!" The **** of the gods of the gods nodded.


When Shi Feng heard the cry of the dark skull, his eyes moved and he looked at the black mark that fell on the earth in the distance.

Then, he blasted the left hand of the black robe man into a claw, facing the land, facing the immortal mark on the land.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Shi Feng sucking suddenly in her left hand.

Undead Seal, flew towards him instantly.

The speed of breaking the air is extremely fast, turning into a black light, like a moving black shooting star.

The next moment, Shi Feng looked down with his left claw, and held the flying immortal seal in his hand.

When Shi Feng seized the immortal mark, her heart suddenly felt a strange strange feeling.

In his hands, a piece of ice is cold, and it is a strange feeling that cannot be said.

"Undead, the magic seal!" These four words trembled into Shi Feng's mind, causing Shi Feng's heart to be shocked.

"Undead Seal!" Then, the words were spit out in his mouth.

Just then, he had a very delicate connection with the immortal seal.

Although the master-servant contract has not been concluded, but under that subtle induction, a wonderful thing has been concluded with Shi Feng.

"Immortal Seal!" Shi Feng bowed his head, staring at the black mark in his hand.

From now on, the immortal seal has become his thing.

"Previously you wanted to bomb me with the immortal mark, um ... next, let you try the power of the immortal mark!"

Shi Feng said at the black robe.

After saying this, he took the hand of the Undead Seal and made a sudden move, violently blasting towards the man in the black robe.

"Boom!" The strength of this blow turned out to be stronger, more fierce, and more violent than that of the Heipaoren who just blasted at Shi Feng.

"Ah!" The black-robed man screamed again with a hissing exhaustion.

And he is not dead yet!

This guy ... is also immortal?

At this moment, not only the thoughts of the strong men on the dark altar emerged, but even Shi Feng thought so.

The ordinary martial arts, even if it is the existence of God King Jiu Zhongtian's peak, has been destroyed under such violent bombardment.

But he ...

The Heipao people were once again blasted out.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" But at this moment, the black robe man who flew out gave out these grotesque weird smiles.

At this moment, he even laughed.

"The great uncle has already given me my immortal body! Hehe, hehehehehe, I am immortal! I will never die!

I, the eternal world exists, hehe, hehe, hehehehe! "

The man in the black robe flying wildly, the weird laughter that made him seemed to be more excited and more mad.

It was as if the pain was not coming out of his mouth.

"Given the immortal body? This immortal body can still be given?" Shi Feng secretly heard the words of the man in black robe.

Even those on the dark altar frowned, revealing a thoughtful look.

"Hey ... undead?"

(End of this chapter)

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