Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3562: Good or bad, you good or bad [two in one]

Chapter 3562: Good or bad, you good or bad [Two in One]

"Jiantong!" Feeling Shi Feng, the strange shape of the blood sword of the demon, called out to Jiantong in the sword.

Today, Jian Tong is the sword spirit in the sword, maybe she can sense anything.

After a call, after a while, there was still no reaction in the blood demon of the demon.

"Jiantong!" Shi Feng called again.

The sword was abnormal, and Jian Tong also appeared abnormal. Suddenly, an extremely bad feeling appeared, and Shi Feng's heart appeared.

"That girl, don't go wrong." Shi Feng said secretly.

At the same time, his heart moved, the power of the soul was released, and he was thrown into the blood sword of the demon.

Soon, Shi Feng's soul thought of Jian Tong's condition and murmured: "This girl fell asleep.

Stuck into a weird state of sleep. "

The sword Tong in the blood demon of the demon, eyes closed slightly, hands and feet wide, in the sword, in a quiet suspension-like posture.

Her body trembled slightly, and every time it trembled, the blood demon sword of the demon also beat slightly.

The sleeping Jian Tong seems to have some strange resonance with the Blood Sword of the Demon.

But sleeping ...

Seeing Jian Tong falling asleep, Shi Feng felt uneasy in her heart.

He still remembers that a ghost **** beast on the demon blood sword was sleeping in the sword, and eventually, it was swallowed by the new sword spirit of the magic sword.

For this day's magic blood sword, Shi Feng still needs to keep it up.

Thinking about this in his mind, Shi Feng and Jin Mo clasped their right hands slightly, and slowly separated from Jin Mo's hands.

Jin Mo felt that the fair and delicate little hands also slowly withdrew.

He let go of his hand, and he had something to do.

Jin Mo understood it, looked at it quietly, and said nothing.

Shi Feng's right hand prints, and the prints slowly change.

With the change of his right hand, the mysterious Senbai mark constantly flew out of the fingerprints, and one after another drifted into the blood sword of the demon.

Under the control of Shi Feng, all the Senbai marks are gathered around Jiantong's body, densely packed, and guarding the sleeping Jiantong.

With these imprints, as long as there are different fluctuations in the blood sword of the demon, Shi Feng can sense through them.

At that time, you can respond immediately.

After doing this, Shi Feng's soul thoughts have quietly withdrawn from the blood sword of the demon, and his eyes are still staring at the blood sword tightly, murmuring secretly:

"This sword is about to advance!"

Advancement is a good thing, but the more evil this sword is, the more you need to guard against it.

Immediately afterwards, the blood flashed.

The blood demon of the demon reappeared on Shi Feng's right **** and turned into a blood-colored sword pattern.

Shi Feng's right hand moved slowly, and naturally, she touched Jin Mo's tender little hand.

The little hand trembled slightly, and then it naturally opened slightly.

Two hands, ten fingers, were clasped together again, feeling the beating and temperature from the palms of each other.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and drank at the skeleton Yan under her feet: "Skull Yan, keep going, go to the treasure house of the demon god!"

"Yes, master!"

After receiving this order from Shi Feng, the huge body of darkness raged again, raging fiercely, like a dark tornado with violent volume.

This time because of flying low, wherever he went, the void was boiling and the sand was flying wildly.

Flying between this heaven and earth, on the way, Shi Feng, Jin Mo, and the skull saw several figures.

However, after seeing the skeletons remotely, those people immediately turned around and fled desperately.

For these innocent people, Shi Feng followed them.


"Is this the devil's treasure house?"

Also on that endless land, Shi Feng still stood proudly on the skull, looking at the chaotic pile of stones in front of him, wondering.

Not only Shi Feng, but Jin Mo's brows were also frowning.

The chaotic stones were nothing but ordinary stones, and Shi Feng couldn't see any clue in it.

Not even the power of his soul can sense anything else.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Skull Yan said with certainty: "The treasure house of the old master is indeed here!"

"Really?" Shi Feng said.

However, he also knows that skeleton Yan should not lie to himself.

Although there is no clue, there must be clues in it.

Then the skeleton said again, "Master, you go in person, you can see it when you visit.

I can only send you here. "

"Well," Shi Feng responded, and said to Jin Mo, "we're going."

"OK." Jin Mo answered gently.

But when Jin Mo just came up with the word, the skull immediately said, "Master, never!

Treasury of the old master, only the master can go to you, my mother ... "

"What if she was going?" Shi Feng asked Skeleton Yan.

"This ..." Skull Yan said "this", and then he replied: "It's a dumb subordinate!

Once the master has accepted the inheritance of the old master, then this treasure house belongs to the master. From now on, whoever the master wants to enter will be allowed to enter.

But ... the subordinate still reminded the mother and mother, who knows what secrets the old master has laid, be careful in the land of the treasure house. "

"I'll be careful." Jin Mo nodded, answering.

"Then you follow me." Shi Feng said.

Speaking of this sentence, his figure immediately flew, flying forward, flying in front of Jin Mo and the skull.

And since he said "you", that is to say.

"Skull Yan, you also follow me." Shi Feng said again.

"But ..." When he heard Shi Feng's words, Skull Yan quickly hesitated.

Shi Feng quickly said, "Don't you say, now that I am the owner of this treasure house, I have the right to let anyone in?

Now, I let you follow me, isn't it? "

"Of course not!" Skeleton Yan responded quickly, then said, "Subordinates obey."

After speaking these four words, Skeleton Yan no longer hesitated, the dark skeleton moved again and flew forward.

And since Skull Yan also entered, Jin Mo is still proud of Skull Yan.

"You, be careful." A soft voice came from behind and passed into Shi Feng's ear.

"Relax!" Shi Feng said to her.

Followed, "It's you, so be careful. If you feel something is wrong, tell me immediately."

"I know." Jin Mo answered.

"Here ..." And just as Shi Feng flew into this chaotic land, I suddenly heard a sound of surprise in the middle of Mount Xumi.

This voice is naturally Mu Liang's voice.

"I almost forgot this guy." Shi Feng said secretly.

Quickly responded: "Tell me, what is your destiny?"

"Wait a while, still inductive!" But did not expect that Mu Liang, returning the words of Shi Feng.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said "Oh".

But soon, just listened to Mu Liang again: "Shenpan is a bit changeable here, and it's hard to predict. Let me try it out."


With that said, Shi Feng immediately thought, a white light flashed immediately beside him.

The bright white light fell, and Mu Liang and his pet Xiao Hei appeared!

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwang!" As soon as this piece of rocky land appeared, I saw this little black, and suddenly "wangwangwang" cried.

"Xiao Hei, shut up, don't disturb me!" Mu Liang said to him immediately when Xiao Hei was screaming.

However, Mu Liang finished the sentence, "Wangwang! Wangwangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" This little black kept calling.

Even, the more they called, the more fierce.

It's getting crazy.

"This little black, something is not right." Shi Feng also saw that the black dog was abnormal at this time, and frowned again, and said to Mu Liang.

Then, again to Mu Liang: "You dog, shouldn't you, rabies, right?"

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwang! Wangwangwangwangwang!" When Xiao Hei heard Shi Feng's words, he turned his head and shouted at Shi Feng constantly.

Screamed louder, wilder, and fiercer than before.

Looking at it, it seemed as if he was going to rush over to Shi Feng desperately.

"I'm right, your dog is indeed a rabies." Shi Feng said.

"No! Xiao Hei sensed it!" Mu Liang sensed at this time, her face changed.

Then, he looked away from the destiny disk, looked down at his little black, and asked, "Little black, tell me, what's going on? What do you feel?"

After hearing these words from Mu Liang, Xiao Hei gradually stabilized, "Wang! Wangwang! Wangwang!"

The call this time is much softer than before.

Mu Liang listened carefully.

Followed, I saw him slowly nodded, Ying Ying said: "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"

He already seemed to understand Xiao Hei's words.

"Oh!" At last he nodded and said "Oh".

Seeing that Mu Liang was silent, Shi Feng asked him, "What is he talking about?"

"Xiao Hei said, here is not easy." Mu Liang said.

Shi Feng, still listening, waiting for Mu Liang to continue talking.

However, Mu Liang said nothing after saying this.

Gradually, Shi Feng realized what and asked him, "This dog, just say that?"

"Well, that's right!" Mu Liang said.

"..." Shi Feng was speechless for a moment.

Just now the dog barked loudly, and it was so loud, it seemed to be telling Mu Liang something.

And Mu Liang nodded slowly, listening to the dog barking.

Results ... but results ...

This dog said such a thing.

Moreover, such a crap!

Here, naturally, is not easy!

Could the treasure house of the undead once be here? Can it be simple?

Such a dog should not have believed what he could see.


"It! Is it?" Skull Yan at the back of Jin Mo made such a sound.

"What?" Jin Mo heard and asked him.

"It seems to me that I've seen it before." At this time, Skeleton Yan said something like this.

"It? Who?" Jin Mo asked again.

"That black dog." Skeleton Yan said.

Followed him: "It's breath, so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Oh, is it?" Jin Mo answered gently.

Following her eyes, she stared at the black dog under Mu Liang.

There was nothing strange about this black dog in her induction.

However, she has seen Skull Yan Mighty and she knows that she can attract Skull Yan's attention, then this black dog must have something extraordinary.

"Where have you seen it? In the end ..." Then, Gu Yan's skull murmured secretly.

The black skull face also appeared with the color of human doubt.

"in the end……"


"Good or bad! You are good or bad!" Suddenly, just listening to Mu Liang suddenly saying such a word to Shi Feng.

"I'm lucky you fierce?" Shi Feng murmured after hearing Mu Liang's words.

"Xiao Hei, stop!" At this moment, Mu Liang shouted to Xiao Hei under his breath.

"Wang!" Heihe yelled immediately after hearing Mu Liang's words.

The flying dog stopped abruptly, causing a gust of wind.

"That is to say, all the way forward, you will encounter fierce danger? And me, but a lucky sign?" Shi Feng still looked at Mu Liang and asked him.

Listen to what he said literally.

"That's right!" Mu Liang's eyes were still staring at his destiny, and when he heard Shi Feng's words, he nodded to him.

At this moment, his face has become extremely dignified, extremely serious and solemn.

"You can go all the way, I can't go, I have been happy and let me enter your mysterious space." Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

"So what about them?" Shi Feng asked Mu Liang, pointing to the skull and Jin Mo behind him.

"Same as me! If you don't retreat, you will definitely be in danger and you will never be caught again!" Mu Liang said.

"Eanan joined himself, and she was in danger of disappearing!" Hearing Mu Liang's words, Shi Feng's eyes opened immediately, and her face was shocked.

Followed closely, just listened to Mu Liang urging him: "Hurry up, let me enter your mysterious space."

This sound sounded a little urgent.

"I see." Shi Feng responded.

Immediately following the movement of the mind, Mu Liang and Xiao He devoured into the Sumi Mountains.

Later, Shi Feng turned around, facing the skull and Jin Mo, and said, "My friend just speculated that if you continue to go, you will also encounter difficulties.

Quickly release your minds to me and enter my mysterious space. "

"Ah!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jin Mo's beautiful and pretty face was moved, and she was shocked "Ah".

Then asked Shi Feng: "What about you?"

Since we are facing distress, that is to say, this is a dangerous place.

Jin Mo was naturally worried about his safety.

"I'll be fine! I might be here and get benefits." Shi Feng said to her.

Mu Liang calculated it with the destiny of God, which is almost the meaning.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the worry on Jin Mo's face still remained.

However, Shi Feng had sensed that Skull Yan had let go of him.

With a moment of thought, the body of this huge dark skull flashed a burst of bright white light.

After inhaling Skull Yan into Xu Mishan, the piece of mid-air left Jin Mo's beautiful shadow alone.

Shi Feng's figure flickered, and she flickered to Jin Mo's body, looking at her tenderly, saying, "Good, believe me, I'll be fine!"

Jin Mo looked at him quietly, staring at his eyes.

After a while, "Um!" She nodded at him and responded gently.

And at this moment, Shi Feng had sensed that she had also let go of her mind.

"Good!" After speaking the word, Jin Mo also turned into a white light and disappeared instantly.


After both the skeleton and Jin Mo entered Xumi Mountain, Shi Feng turned around again, looking forward again, and then looking at the chaotic land ahead.

The rubble on this earth seems to be endless, extending to endless distance.

The skeleton Yan who had followed the undead god, only knew that the treasure house of the undead **** was in this chaotic land.

But how exactly he can't tell!

Once this turbulent land was a forbidden land, and he was not qualified to step in.

Then, the figure went back and forth fiercely!

The guy Mu Liang said to him "Ji" really gave him a lot of confidence.

During the flight, the power of Shi Feng's soul swept in all directions, sweeping the world, sweeping those strange rocks.

However, along the way, he still hasn't swept out of these strange rocks.

"Well! Is that it?" But at this moment, his complexion suddenly moved ...

(End of this chapter)

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