Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3570: The mist is over! [2 in 1]

Chapter 3570: Mist Shroud! [2 in 1]

The nine strong men launched the strongest attack, and the fighters who flew wildly also sacrificed the strongest fighters and launched the strongest force.

The powerful forces rushed to Shi Feng, Jin Mo, and the skull.

This world has become extremely chaotic and violently boiling.

The strength of the forces, the martial arts on the sidelines, the face has changed greatly at this moment.

Very shocked!

For the first time, almost everyone saw such a horrible, so violent force.

The top nine strong men, plus dozens of powerful men on top of the peak, this battle is probably enough to fill the annals of the gods.

"With such terror, can they stop it?"

"These forces are gathered, I am afraid that the gods are strong, but are they so?"

"As long as they left the axe, they could leave safely.

But now ... "

"Well, obsessiveness is too heavy! But I don't know, alive is the best!"



"Mist Omori riots, obviously the moment this dark skeleton raised the axe in his hand, it means that it has something to do with it!"

"Even if the Mist Omori riots are related to them, they can block the collective strength? This is the case, however, the top nine powerhouses join forces with dozens of superpowers!"


Shi Feng and Jin Mo, at this moment have stopped looking at each other.

With his eyes fixed, he stared at the horrible energies that had come in front of him, the power of the soul, sensing all directions.

Although the skeleton was there, although the skull had a bamboo chest, Shi Feng, still involuntarily trembled.

He can only feel it, so is Jin Mo.

Shi Feng tightened her hand even more and said to her, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen, believe me!"

Shi Feng was able to say this to her with absolute confidence in the skeleton.

He knew that skeletons would not lie to themselves.

"Mist of mystery, mystery of mystery ..." Just then, everyone in this misty forest heard it, and a strange, ancient, desolate and desolate voice echoed.

And the martial arts in this world obviously saw that this word was spit out from the skull's mouth.

Suddenly, all the white mist in the misty forest disappeared at this instant.

In the void where Shi Feng, Jin Mo, and the skull were, a white storm fog suddenly appeared.

Extremely violent, as if a volcano erupted, but this time it was not the fire but the fog.

Shi Feng, Jin Mo, and the huge dark body of the skull have been swallowed up by the white storm fog.

Crazy stormy fog, like the tsunami in the storm.

Under the storm, devour everything.

I saw the peak fighters blasting towards the three of Shi Feng, the power of the peak ... all of them were swallowed up instantly.

The white haze and haze seemed to be the only one in this world.

The moment he swallowed the top fighter and the power of the top, countless faces raged again.

The storm was still rolling and sweeping in all directions.

More and more, more and more violent, the speed of sweeping is also extremely fast, like a tornado.

At this moment, I have swallowed away towards the nine peak powerhouses and the martial arts behind them.

"Fast! Retreat!" Zhong Qiang already realized that something was wrong, and Jin Guangsheng's eyes widened and he shouted loudly.

He grabbed the Jinguang Shengzi next to him and rushed up violently.

At this time, no one could care about the engulfed golden light sword.

The other strong men also swelled.

Up, down, left, right, back ...

Except for the front, there are flying in all directions.

For a while, it seemed like birds and beasts scattered.

However, the speed of this storm was too fast and too fast. Eleven people were swallowed up in an instant.

One of the eleven is Long Yingqiu, the strongest person who incarnates the golden divine dragon!

The one who had just turned into a golden dragon, rushed to the front, and when he saw that the white storm was not right, he quickly flew back.

But it's too late!

Although he is fast, the white storm fog is coming faster.


The martial artists were shocked to see that the Nine Big Powers were in control of the situation just now. As a result, they suddenly became the strong powers and began to flee.

In this battle, the situation is really ... ephemeral and unpredictable.

But soon, they had no time to think about it anymore, and the white mist raging wildly in all directions was rushing towards them.

Every figure began to fly wildly.



"Drink! Ah!"


All the calls, the constant cry.

The white storm fog has completely swallowed up this world.

Far away from the previous battlefield, people looked up, as if a white troll stood proudly between the heavens and the earth, standing on top of the sky, unchanged forever!

At this moment, the turbulent white mist seemed to finally stop.

"Huh! Huh!" In the distant void, an escaped spectator watched the heaven and earth and rejoiced: "Finally escaped!"

After all, he was far away from the battlefield, and when he saw something wrong, he flew with all his strength.

Then he suddenly felt something, and then turned his head and looked to the right.

There, he saw ten figures. Among those ten, there were five strong men in the pinnacle state.

Lord of Lights!

Lord of the Dark Gods!

Lord of the Poseidon Palace!

Lord of the Light Temple, step in the wind!

On the landlord of awakening, there is no awakening.

As for the other four peak powerhouses, they are nowhere to be found.

"The four people have been swallowed up by this weird mist. This seat was almost left there," Wu Wu said, looking at the side.

"The power left by the undead is really not to be underestimated! I don't know if the four of them are at this moment alive or dead!" Feng said colorlessly.

Those who have been swallowed by the white mist also have his dark wind gods.

However, at this moment, he was fully connected with them.

Even he who holds the stone of their soul cannot sense their life and death.

There is also his own precious treasure of the Dark Wind God, he is still fully communicating, but there is no slight reaction.

This ... **** white weird mist!

Suddenly at this moment, the face of the Lord of Jinguang changed immediately, and shouted at the crowd:

"I have sensed the Golden Light Sword! The sense is extremely delicate! Don't give up, continue to sense!

I can sense that there is a mysterious force in space that is pulling the golden light sword! "

Upon hearing the words of the Lord of Light, other people's faces changed immediately.

In other words, that guy and his skeleton have left in that space mysteriously?

And when they left, they were ... robbing them of their peak fighters!

"Drink!" Followed by a dreary sip, Dun sang from the colorless mouth of the Lord of the Dark Wind God, and a black spit of blood spit out from his mouth.

In a moment, I saw that the colorless face of the wind had become extremely sloppy, and the marks on my hands changed dramatically. This scum was extremely hard!

The dark wind **** beads are the treasure of their dark wind gods, and naturally cannot fall into the hands of others.


In the first battle just now, in fact, among the nine great powers, the Lord of Light, God of Darkness, God of Dark Wind, Lord of the Peak of Moon, and Lord of the Temple of Light controlled the equipment of the peak.

Several other strong players either had no peak fighters, or the peak fighters were left at home but not brought out.

For example, the Virgin of the Red Face, the Holy Book of the Red Face remained in the Holy Place of the Red Face.

The five people who control the device of the peak, holding the **** of the gods of the **** of the gods and the **** of the gods of the gods of the moon, are swallowed by the white mist, and they are unknown.

The Holy Sacred Monument of the Lord of the Light Temple has been holding his hand tightly. When fighting, he urged the Holy Sacred Monument to summon the Sacred Sword of Light!

Therefore, the one who is most worried about his weapon at the moment is the Lord of Light and the Lord of the Dark Wind Gods.

Poseidon Palace master Bi Haiqing, manipulating the power of the sea, has never seen her offering any treasures.

The awakened Lord was ignorant, and he didn't even know where he went or what he did.

At this moment, he was calm, as if nothing had happened, and he had not lost any treasure.

"My dark wind **** bead!" At this moment, suddenly heard the wind colorlessly uttered a shout, his face showing joy.

Looking at him like this, it seems that after paying some price just now, he also felt the dark wind **** beads in the white mist.

As long as the Dark Wind God Pearl is still there, all other losses are not a big deal.

Including the white stormy fog, the Dark Wind Deities have one **** king Qizhongtian, two **** kings Liuzhongtian, and five peaking.

They didn't expect that they thought that everything was under control, but it was such an ending.

This time, I am afraid that the losses will be heavy.

"Someday, I'll dig that man's bones!" The Jinguang Shengzi next to the Lord of Jinguang showed a dark color on his face, and said fiercely at the white troll.

It was originally thought that his vengeance would soon be reported. As long as the man died, Red Spirit had a chance to put himself into his arms.

But did not expect ...

"Oh!" At this moment, they suddenly saw a crisp and bright sword groaning from a distance.

Hearing that sword chant, the face of Mr. Jin Guang followed a shock change, and then shouted, "Jin Guang Shen Jian!"

Under the efforts of the Lord of Light, the Light of the Golden Light finally flew out of the white mist.

Immediately turned into a golden mang, flying towards them.

"Huh!" Looking at the return of the Golden Light Sword, the Lord of Lights finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

In fact, he has the same thoughts as the wind is colorless. As long as the Jinguang Excalibur is still there, he can afford the other losses.

The Golden Light Sword is the essence of the Golden Light Holy Land!


"The Godwind's Dark Wind God Bead!"

Just as the Jinguang Excalibur fell in front of the Lord Jinguang, and Jin Mang retreated, the Lord of the Dark Wind Goddess was colorless and immediately shouted.

The dark wind **** bead also flew out of the white mist intact.

Wind's colorless heart was finally let go.

"Boom!" But at this moment, I heard a roaring sound coming from the sky.

I saw the white mist like a troll, which suddenly collapsed.

It was as if a huge snowy mountain had suddenly collapsed.

But the collapsing white mist is constantly disappearing.

The Lord of Jinguang and others suddenly focused their eyes there.

Immediately afterwards, all eyes appeared in their eyes.

"Pills! Pills are alive!" Suddenly, behind the wind, the middle-aged man shouted.

The man called Qiumaru is the strong one of the Dark Wind Deities, and the martial arts practice is in the Seventh Heaven of the King!

When the warrior had just finished uttering that sentence, he then followed with a call: "Yuyuan!"

He also saw a surviving strong teacher, martial art cultivation, also in the Seventh Heavenly King of God.

However, although both of them are the Seventh Heaven of the King of God, although they are still alive, they seem extremely intimidating and extremely weak.

"Virgin!" A woman shouted these words immediately afterwards.

This is the strong of the Holy Land.

Although Our Lady of the Red Face was devoured by the white mist, two strong men successfully escaped from the Holy Place.

Everyone sees that compared with the two Seventh Heavenly Powers of the Dark God, the Goddess of the Ninth Heavenly Kingdom, the Virgin Mary, looks better.

"Goddess of God God Ye!"

"Yuefeng Lord!"

"Crazy Dragon!"


Immediately after, the voices cried, and they rang from people's lips.

In addition to the Virgin Mary, those three peerless figures also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The four peak strongmen swallowed up by the white mist all survived at this moment.

In addition to them, they soon saw three more figures.

The two people that Tiansha God previously appeared, the four strongest men, plus the three survivors, the survivors, are a total of nine!

However, previously, at least thirty people were swallowed up by the white mist!

In other words, after the white mist completely collapsed, more than twenty people have disappeared. I am afraid that under the previous white mist, the smoke has disappeared.

"Under the Seventh Heavenly Kingdom of God, all have died under the white mist! Only two people survived the Seventh Heavenly Kingdom." Looking at the side, the wind said colorlessly and said.

Those nine people, four peaks, two **** kings eighth heaven, three **** kings seventh heaven.

"That man and the dark skeleton, really escaped by the power of that white mist." The main shrine of the Temple of Light said Yin Feng.

"Let's go!" The Lord of Lights suddenly sang.

"Huh!" Everyone answered in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the ten figures moved in unison, blasting towards the place where the white storm fog disappeared.

The five peak powerhouses flew forward, and soon flew the five behind them.

At this time, Our Lady of the Red Face, the God of Heavenly God, the Lord of the Moon God Peak, and the God of the Dragon God, all also moved, meeting the five peak strong men.

The nine peak powers came together at this moment.

"Damn!" Ye Ziyu, the leader of the **** of the gods, said such a sentence with anger.

At this moment, he looked very angry.

Compared with several others, he was the most angry.

I don't know what he encountered when trapped in the white mist.

"Let that guy run away. In the future, we must be careful." Tiankang Shenlong Yingqiu said with a dignified face.

Upon hearing his words, Zhu Qiang nodded.

After this feud, they were really worried. At that time, Shi Feng came to the door with a skeleton.

"Until this person is surrendered to the dark skeleton, we better not separate." The fascinating face of Our Lady of the Red Face was still cold, said loudly.

After hearing the words of Our Lady of the Red Face, Lord Jinguang shook his head slowly and said, "Now let him run away, how difficult it is to surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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