Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3578: spider! [2 in 1]

Chapter 3578 Spider! [2 in 1]

The small holes under the black spider webs of large spiders are already masterpieces of the green monster.

"Ah!" For a moment, another scream came from the front.

The power of Shi Feng's soul passed through this small hole, and after seeing it, the green liquid monster was attached to the black spider web.

And after it was attached, I saw that the black spider web was quickly corroded into a small hole, and it also paid a painful price, and another scream of painful sounding.

The black armour, the dark war sword clenched in his hand, was slashing at the black spider web in front of him.

Although he cuts fast, compared with the green monster, it still looks much slower.

If this continues, I am afraid that the green monster will cross the road earlier than him.

Obviously, the treasure they valued was there.

But ... why are there so many spider webs here.

The black armored warrior seems to be guarding the treasure, and the large black spider web is obviously not the power of the black armored warrior.

"Go up and help him, and see if this continues, if I continue to do so, I am afraid that will be defeated by that green monster." Shi Feng said to Skull Yan.

"Yes, master!" Skeleton Yan Shen answered.

Immediately afterwards, the huge black skull giant body violently moved, carrying Shi Feng and Jin Mo, and crashed towards the side.

"Wow!" The black armored warrior who chopped the big net suddenly made a deep noise, and then, the helmet wearing the black helmet turned suddenly, two strange red lights flashed from the darkness inside the helmet. And then.

Shi Feng felt only a strong fierce murderous spirit, rushing in.

At the same time, the dark sword in his hand was violent again.

"We are not fighting with you, but we are helping you to break this cobweb and not let the sinister green monster succeed." Shi Feng said, rushing to the black armored warrior.

And when he said these words, Skeleton's mine-breaking axe slashed again, one axe and one sword, and two fierce warriors collided again.

"Oh!" There was another roar like a thunderous thunder, and the space was violent and boiling.

The two weapons fought, Skull Yan Skull Yan's face was exposed with fierce light, and the blood in the helmet of the black armor flashed even more powerfully.

Shi Feng spoke again at this time, yelling coldly at this black armored warrior: "We are willing to help you, if you are still stubborn, you will wait for the treasure to be taken by the green monster.

When Shi Feng said this, he saw the blood flash suddenly in the darkness inside the helmet.

Then, I saw that the black armored warrior turned around immediately, and it was the sword that cut the large black spider web.

Another large spider web burst under his sword.

But Shi Feng's powerful soul power was felt again, and at this moment, the green monster, through the same painful way, passed through three spider webs again.

Although the Black Armor will turn around, a solid and powerful force appears behind him.

It seems that although he exposed his back to Skull Yan, it is not so easy for Skull Yan to hurt him.

Skull Yan's body flashed in front of the **** net, his hands twitched, and Thunderbolt Axe also condensed the strongest force of Skull Yan, and fiercely chopped the black spider web.





Bursts continued to echo.

With the skeleton Yan axe force is heavy and fierce, with the addition of Skeleton Yan, combined with the black armored warrior, in an instant, broke a net.

Although it is still breaking the net, but the black armored warrior, has also been paying attention to the movement of the skeleton Yan.

Slowly discovered that Skull Yan was really trying to help him break the net and did not attack him again.





The sound of blasting is getting denser, the speed of breaking the net is getting faster and faster.

But I can still see that the sword in the hands of the black armor is still more and more panic.

This is also normal. Although there is a skeleton Yan Xiang to help speed up the net, but it is still a large distance away from the green monster, dozens of big nets.

"Damn! Damn! Damn **** spider!" Then, the increasingly irritable black armored warrior spit out words and gave out a cold drink.

He followed closely, only listening to his anger and yelling, "Dead spider, you have been sleeping for thirty years, and it's time to wake up!

If you don't wake up, that thing will be got by that guy! "

The sound of anger drinking resounded in this space, echoing for a long time.

Hearing his shout, you can hear that these powerful black nets are a spider monster.

And listening to the words of the black armored warrior, should be with him to protect that treasure.

The spider's webs of spider cloth should be the one who blocked the thoughts of the treasure, but now it has not been expected to become a force to block the black armor.

At this moment, the black general who looked crazy, irritable, and panic, really wanted a sword to slash the sleeping spider.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, for thirty years, how did that guy sleep enough?

We've known that guy for so long. I didn't sleep enough for 50 years to wake up. Now I want that guy to wake up. It's just a daydream. "

The voices came from the front through the large spider webs, accompanied by bursts of grotesque laughter.

It was this voice, this laughter, that was naturally issued by the green monster.

However, when he said this sentence, for fifty years, it seemed that they knew each other and had endless years!

"Don't let me catch it. As long as I catch you, I will crush you!" The black armored warrior will say fiercely.

"Hey! When I get that thing, I'll see who it is and who shatters it.

Hey Hey Hey! "Are you talking? The green monster laughed again.

It can be heard from its voice. At the moment, it is very happy and excited.

This black armor can be shattered. It seems that the thing is really not simple.

"Damn!" The black armored warrior spit out these two fiercely and extremely coldly.

"Boom!" Under the force of Skull Yan, another black net was cut by him.

"Dead spider! Wake up soon!"

"Dead spider, wake up quickly!"

"Dead spider, wake me up soon!"


Afterwards, he drank loudly, and was constantly drank by this black armor.

With the violent drinking, this space continued to shake.

And Shi Feng also noticed that the green monster said that when it gets the thing, see who will smash who, this black armored warrior, and then refuted it.

In this way, you can hear that there is a real possibility that this thing is only half a step away from the heavens and gods.

What treasures are in this world.

"Muff, there's a hidden artifact here, a heavenly artifact!" Thinking of this, Shi Feng was startled and changed his face.

If this is the case, if it is a heavenly artifact, if the green monster is really obtained, myself, my beloved, I am afraid that it will be inevitable!


"That thing can't get that monster!" Shi Feng said in his heart.

Then, he said to Skull Yan, "Skull Yan, you can help him shout too! You must not let him succeed."

"Yes, master!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Skull Yan immediately answered.

Then, he also shouted with the Black Armor: "Dead Spider, wake up soon!"

"Wake up quickly, dead spider! If you don't wake up, I will chop you with an axe." Shouted and added, Skull Yan added.

At this moment, Shi Feng's complexion became abnormally dignified.

"Boom!" Soon, a thunderous sound of thunder suddenly exploded with him. This thunder was extremely fierce.





Then, the thunder of Shi Feng continued to awaken the sleeping spider with the black armored general and Skeleton Yan.

What kind of spider is actually able to sleep so much, it takes 50 years to sleep!




Bursts and bursts of drinking continued for a long time, deafening.

"Hey, you guys, don't waste your energy, that dead spider won't wake up at all, and it won't help if it rings."

However, the laughter of the green monster just dropped, "Who ... disturb me ..."

Suddenly, only an unusually hoarse woman's voice sounded in this space.

When he heard this voice, Shi Feng's face moved again, and he was startled, "That spider?"

But listening to the sound of weakness and weakness seemed to be awake.

"Is that the dead spider?" Skull Yan also said at this time, asking the black armored soldier next to him.

Heijia will ignore him, but drink again: "Dead spider, don't sleep anymore, wake me up, **** it!"

Immediately afterwards, just listening to the husky woman's voice again: "You ... Are you ... wary?"

When speaking this sentence, it seems to be much more powerful than before.

"Look at the spider web enchantment under your cloth! When you fall asleep again, that thing falls into that guy's hand." The black armored warrior drank again.

"Ah?" After hearing the words of the Black Armored Warrior, the woman's voice burst into surprise. "Ah!"

Immediately afterwards, I heard a coquettful cry: "You arc, have you come here?"

"You dead spider, sleep your sleep! Stop worrying!" Then, just listen to the green monster and scream.

It seems that as the "spider" wakes up, he can't laugh anymore.

"Oh!" This time it was the spider's turn to smile, and then said, "With me, don't try to touch that thing!"

"Is that so?" The green monster made such a cold voice, and it even made a little disdain.

"Wow!" For a moment, I only heard a moment of horrible sorrow, utter sternness, and utter pain, compared with just now, there were countless screams.

With this howl, this space suddenly turned gray.

Shi Feng only felt that he had fallen into chaos only at this moment.

Not only is the world in front of me changing, but Shi Feng is as petrified as she is now. Her body can't move.

It seems that the green monster has used any mystery, and it is still a very simple mystery.

You can make the creatures immobilize instantly. If you are in battle, especially the battle of the strong, the two armies will definitely control a battle.

It really is so scary!

"This is it?" A terrified shout came from the armor-shoveling general's mouth.

"Ah! Not good!" Then, the spider who didn't know where to hide, also issued a tender drink.

"What a weird power." At this time, Skeleton Yan also exclaimed.

The chaos of this world did not retreat and disappear until seven breaths passed.

At this moment, Shi Feng felt that her body could move again.

And he also saw that the skeleton Yan, the black armored generals, the huge body also moved.

It seems that not only was he unable to move but even them.

"Fighting, fast!" Then they heard the spider, and there was a panic of exaggeration.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Then, the sound of blasts kept ringing in front.

The large webs of spiders that were in the way at the moment continued to explode, turning into black dust and flying.

The black armor was about to see this, and the giant body moved quickly and rushed forward, as if a gust of wind was blowing, wherever it passed, the black dust instantly turned into nothingness.

"Catch up quickly!" Shi Feng also quickly called to the skull Yan.

In fact, in today's situation, Skeleton knows what to do.

The dark skull body is also a fierce shock forward, together with the black armored generals.

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!" Then a strange sound sounded from the front.

Shi Feng saw this now. A black giant spider was hanging upside down from the top of the cave passageway in front of him. Eight spiders moved their feet along the top stone wall and climbed extremely fast.

This big spider must be the dead spider in the mouth of the Black Armor.

And soon, Shi Feng also found that the black hair of the spider was hanging down in front of the spider, like a black waterfall.

This spider has a large beautiful woman's head.

At this moment, both spiders and black armored warriors are extremely anxious.

As if an extraordinary event was about to happen.

This is about their lives.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"


Dao he laughed, and kept spreading to them.

The green monster at this moment seemed very happy, very, very excited, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

"You guys, hey, hey, hey, guys, hey, hey, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, it was so successful, this time, it was so successful!

Finally ... finally ... for hundreds of years, I have waited for this opportunity for hundreds of years, hehe, hehehehehe, finally let me, wait until hehehehehehehe! Hehe! "

"It seems that the treasure has fallen into his hands!" Shi Feng secretly said.

"Damn! Damn it!" The black armored general spit out again.

The sound sounded extremely uncomfortable in anger.

"Ah!" A woman sighed, coming from the front, but from the spider.

Soon after, an extremely large golden altar appeared in the eyes of the Shi Feng people, full of sacred and solemn feeling.

It seems out of place with this dark world, but it really exists.

Shi Feng raised his head, and a green figure fell in his eyes.

The green monster, at this moment, is turning into a green humanoid, with a high look like a king on earth, looking down at himself and others.

(End of this chapter)

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