Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3582: Qingzhou [2 in 1]

Chapter 3582: Qingzhou [Two in One]

"small stone!"

"the host!"

Jin Mo shouted at the same time as Skull Yan.

Jin Mojiao's voice was natural, and the voice of Skull Yan was respectful and dignified.

"God King Sixth Heaven!" The power turned secretly, and Shi Feng grinned as she felt her strength.

This time, being able to advance and fill up his perverted Dantian was really an accident.

However, this is also the death of those two guys!

Originally, three powerful demons died.

The green monster, although not as good as the dark warlord and the black spider, was very evil, even the skeleton Yan had suffered in its hands.

However, after the green monster died, Shi Feng was unable to capture the power of death and his soul at all.

Not even blood!

After that thing died, it turned into a pool of green liquid, and then evaporated on that altar.

"Huh?" But just then, Shi Feng suddenly felt something.

His face was lowered, his eyes were fixed, and he stared above the successfully integrated Mount Xumi.

However, this Sumeru mountain ...

"This mountain is now in our eyes, but it is only the rank of the **** Wang Yaeten." Along with Shi Feng's face and gaze, Jin Mo looked at Xu Mishan below him again, and said.

Hearing Jin Mo's words, Shi Feng said, "This mountain is really just a mountain of the eighth level.

Really, your sister! "

At this moment, Shi Feng couldn't help but want to swear.

After the integration of his own Sumeru Mountain with such a powerful **** mountain, it was just that.

If that's the case, what are you doing?

The eighth-level Xu Mishan might as well let the skeleton Yan directly punch.

"Master, why is this so?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Skull Yan also couldn't understand, and asked Shi Feng.

"This ghost thing is so weird that people can't figure it out," Shi Feng said.

Saying this sentence, my heart suddenly moved.

Immediately, Xu Mishan trembled under him, and then fell violently downward.

"Well?" But just as Sumiyama moved, a sound of astonishment sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

Skull Yan also felt it at this time, and said, "When this mountain moves, the power has reached the God King Nine Heavens." After saying this, Skull Yan turned his head to ask Shi Feng:

"Is the master motivated by his own power?"

"No." Shi Feng shook his head slowly and replied.

Then he said, "I just urged it at will, and it is the power of the mystery that can reach the power of the **** King Nine Heavens."

When talking about this, Shi Feng felt relieved a lot.

This Sumiyama, looking at the level of the eighth heaven of the King of God, can urge the power of the nineth heaven of the King of God. Although not as perverted as before, it is much better than the eighth heaven.

The eighth sky and the ninth sky, although only one level behind, are quite different.

"Boom!" A fierce roar, Xu Mishan crashed to the ground.

This space shook again.

"Come back." Shi Feng said lightly.

The immortal mountain that fell to the ground and then flew back up.

While flying, Xianshan is constantly shrinking, shrinking ...

When flying under Shi Feng's body, Xu Mishan was not the size of a human head, and the white light flashed for a while, once again on the back of Shi Feng's left hand, turning into a mountain pattern.

Later, Shi Feng ’s mind was moving again, and the powerful soul force swept out in all directions, saying:

"Now, it's time to continue thinking about ways to leave here."

"When I was standing on that golden altar, from there, I felt a strange spatial fluctuation." Ku Yan said.

At the same time, his skull, black bone fingers, pointed to the side.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said softly "Oh".

Immediately, the power of all souls gathered towards the golden altar.

He paid attention to this altar before.

However, under the shroud of his powerful soul, nothing was felt.

However, I did not expect that the skeleton Yan who stood above it had different feelings.

"Check it out!" Shi Feng said.

After he said this, the three figures moved at the same time and rushed towards the black altar.

"Slap! Slap! Boom!"

Two bangs and a roar, three figures fell on the golden altar at the same time.

When both feet fell on the altar, Shi Feng immediately sensed a strange wave.

"It really is a spatial fluctuation, but this spatial fluctuation is very strange and mysterious!" Shi Feng said.

"Well." Jin Mo nodded slightly when she heard Shi Feng's words, and then she said, "I don't know where the power of this altar's space can go."

This altar may be to let them go outside.

Maybe, it will lead to a more dangerous and more inexplicable mysterious space.

It's just ... Now they don't know where the road is, they have no choice.

"Skull Yan, the space force that spurs this altar!" Shi Feng said, and ordered Skull Yan.

"Yes, master!" Skull Yan immediately answered.

Immediately afterwards, he saw ten black bone fingers, forming an extremely weird handprint.

"Drink!" There was a sudden yell, yelling loudly from Skeleton's mouth.

At the same time, the voice of the hands went on a bang.

"Boom!" An extremely loud trembling sounded again.

It's hard to remember now, this is the first roar of this space.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" After that boom, the entire golden altar trembled immediately.

The more trembling the more dense, the more trembling the more violent.

Shi Feng has also sensed that the space fluctuations on this golden altar are getting thicker and thicker.

Gradually, a faint golden light lit up on the altar.

The golden light was getting brighter and brighter, and the altar was shaking more and more fiercely.

Until this moment, the golden light had become extremely bright, and Shi Feng and Jin Mo had been completely swallowed, even the huge dark skull body of Skull Yan was swallowed in it.

In the end, a golden beam of light burst from above the golden altar.

It looks like a golden dragon, soaring into the sky, rushing to the top of the black rock wall above, as if seen as invisible, it instantly penetrates into it.

"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The sound of violent thunder was still ringing.

It wasn't until all the golden light rushed into the dark rock wall that it was staring at, and then this space slowly and slowly stabilized again.

Until the end, all the tremors disappeared, and everything returned to peace!

The earth, a mess, these traces prove that this very peaceful space once had an outrageous war!


It was a little grey, and looking at it, it was about to dawn.

And at this moment, in the gray sky, a huge column of golden light suddenly appeared, and the whole world was instantly illuminated as a golden, sacred look.

It's as if the deity was born.

"Boom!" The golden beam of light suddenly fell on a barren ground, and a loud rumbling sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light dissipated, and three figures appeared in the land.

It is Shi Feng, Jin Mo, and Skull Yan.

"This is it?" Shi Feng looked in all directions, and the power of Shi Feng's soul rolled wildly towards the power of soul.

Immediately after, his face changed again and said, "This place should be ancient and ancient, or the barren land we were then, we are back!"

"Well, it's right here." Jin Mo also said.

Just come back!

Originally, there was a long way to go.

"Go!" Shi Feng said.

Then, the two fluttered again, and flew to the black skull of Gu Yan again.

"Okay, keep going. Leave this wasteland as soon as possible." Shi Feng said to Skull Yan at his feet.

If you stay here, if you continue to hear that weird voice, who knows what else you will encounter and where you will go again.

Although, in that world, the green monster was eliminated, the black armor battle will be with the dark spider.

But Shi Feng knew that they were not the strongest being in that world.

He still remembers the green river, the stone bridge, and the darkness behind.

In the darkness, those fiends that were felt by the power of the soul were stronger and more horrible than the black armored warlords.

"Well, master!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, after the skull Yan Shen drank, the huge skeleton body violently moved forward and rushed out.

"The sun is rising." Jin Mo stared at the front and said to Shi Feng.

After going through a fierce danger, a calamity, and finally returning here, I just felt that everything seemed relaxed and calm.

Quiet, everything followed.

Everything I experienced before seemed to have a long dream.

While saying that sentence, Jin Mo moved her knees, and then, slowly sitting down on the skull of Gu Yan.

The sitting position is very casual and leisurely.

Long hair and white clothes fluttered with the wind.

After seeing her sit down, Shi Feng also sat down and sat next to each other, looking forward with her.

Shi Feng said, "We should be watching the sunrise together for the first time."

"Of course it is," said Jin Mo. When she said these four words, the expression on Qiao's face seemed a little dissatisfied, she said:

"When you left the Tianlan Empire, you went so hurriedly that you didn't even have time to watch the sunrise with me."

"Yeah, it was really too hurried back then." Thinking back then, Shi Feng said with emotion.

He still remembers that at the time when he learned that the Undead Mountain had changed, he was concerned about his disciple Luo Qingchuan, and he wanted to rush to the Northern Territory.

That actually has a chance, but ...

"Do you blame me?" Shi Feng turned her head slightly and looked at her again, looking at this white face that was as white as snow and perfect as bright moon, and asked.

Jin Mo nodded gently and said, "I was mad at you before. I haven't even come back to find me after so long.

Did you know that since you left Yunlan Emperor City, I know that you have gone to the Northern Realm and looked at the North every day. I hope that one day I can see your figure slowly appear in that direction.

As a result, I have not been looking forward to your return. "

"I ... heard your father said this." Shi Feng said, ashamed.

"Later, I know that you have your business to do. I know that when you finish your business, you will come to me." Jin Mo said.

Then he grinned suddenly, smiled at Shi Feng, and said, "Just as I am in the realms of gods, you will come to me until you find me."

Shi Feng kept looking at her, listening to what she said, and suddenly she saw a smile on her face, like a holy lily, suddenly blooming at this moment.

"What a beauty!" Shi Feng said involuntarily, looking at this beautiful smile.

Hearing the beautiful "two characters", Jin Mo smiled sweeter and asked Shi Feng: "Am I beautiful?"

It just happened that a beam of rising sun was sprinkled on this beautiful face, making the beautiful smile more vibrant and beautiful.

"Beauty!" Shi Feng said, his face was slowly approaching that beautiful face.

"No matter how beautiful it is, it belongs to you." Jin Mo said.

After saying this, she saw her eyes and closed them slowly.

Her face was slowly moving forward.

Only at this moment, two faces touched together.

Hands clinging to each other involuntarily, kissing involuntarily ...


In the east, the rising sun appears and rises higher and higher.

The light shone on the earth, and shone on forgetting everything, only two of them in their eyes.

"My day!" At this moment, Skeleton Yan, who was flying wildly, spontaneously uttered such a sentence.

Really, tortured him to death!


"Out of this barren land, there is a mountain of Shenyi ahead. After passing that mountain, you can enter Qingzhou!"

Above the skull, Shi Feng and Jin Mo are sitting at the moment.

Shi Feng looked forward, recalling the map depiction, and said.

Soon afterwards, a huge mountain peak appeared to them.

Skull Yan was extremely fast, and in an instant, he reached the top of that mountain peak. It didn't take long for him to turn over that huge mountain.

At this moment, there was a blue and green under him, this land was full of vitality.

Although it is only separated by a mountain, compared with the former barren land, it is really like a day.

"Skull Yan, still follow this direction and keep moving forward." Shi Feng said again, and said to Skull Yan again.

"Yes, master!"

The power of Shi Feng's soul has enveloped this world.

Soon after, the buildings appeared in his induction.

As Skull Yan Yue flew forward, more and more buildings appeared.

"what is that?"

"So scary stuff!"

"Oh my god, what fierce fly in the sky? So scary!"

"Quick ... quick notice ..."


Suddenly, exclaimed in the ground below.

There was a commotion.

Skull Yan is truly terrifying, both in form and in momentum.

It is trembling.

"You seem to scare them." Shi Feng heard the bursts of calls from below, and lowered his head to Skull Yan.

There is no way, the skeleton Yan at the moment, it is difficult to keep a low profile.

"I know." Skull Yan responded to Shi Feng's words.

Followed him reluctantly and said, "I am also too dark, too prominent.

Shi Feng: "Uh ..."

Jin Mo: "Hip-hop!"

Jin Mo couldn't help but smile ...

(End of this chapter)

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