Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3587: Son vs Prince Edward [2 in 1]

ID: 3587 Name: Whoopsie

The Crown Prince of the Dragon race swung right by hand, and a wave of water emerged.

Subsequently, the water waves became larger and more fierce, and the water waves became sea waves.

A force of terrible, terrifying water rose from the waves.

This ocean wave has the impression that it can destroy everything in the world!

At this moment, the Prince Prince of the Dragons pushed his hand forward.

The unparalleled huge wave rushed towards the Heavenly Son in the sky.

"The genius of the sea tribe is truly extraordinary!" Seeing that huge wave, Tianyun Shengzi's strange and beautiful face suddenly became extremely dignified and said loudly.

As he said this, his right hand condensed his sword fingers, and he saw the palm-shaped white clouds floating above his head, which began to change instantly.

At the same time, the momentum rose sharply.

In the end, the huge white cloud changed into a white giant halberd, and the shape was exactly the same as that of the Heavenly Cloud Saint Hal.

That mighty power, if it is invincible, destroy everything!

"Move!" Tianyun Shengzi drank softly.

Then he saw the white cloud giant halberd move fiercely, bombarding down the violent waves.

In the eyes of everyone, I saw these two peerless forces collided together at this moment.


There was a loud roar, and at this moment a violent blast came.

As if the whole world is to be broken at this moment.

Countless people even feel that the two forces collided, and they seemed to have been shattered at this moment.

"Okay ... so scary ... Sure enough ... so scary!"

"This ... this is, is the power of the real geniuses of our gods? Really ... too powerful!"

"Tianyun Shengzi ... deserves to be a genius list ... ranked third in existence!"

"Tian Yun Sheng Zi ... deserves to be Tian Yun Sheng Zi!"


"It's really strong!" Not far away, even Jin Mo looked at the side and couldn't help saying these four words.

"Hm." Shi Feng nodded after hearing her words, saying, "There are still a lot of people watching this battle."


The two peerless forces collided, and at this moment, the statures of the Son of Heaven and the Son of Dragon were all flashed at the same time and suddenly disappeared.

"Boom!" But the next breath, another peerless rumor came.

This roar originated from the sky.

Immediately someone looked up and shouted, "There!"

In the sky, two extraordinary young figures collided together at this moment.

Immediately after, the silver dragon shadows kept flashing wildly.

The power of fog also kept emerging.

It turned into white flying dragons, and the silver dragon shadow of the dragon prince, constantly impacting.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

In the sky, there was a constant sound.

But at this moment fell into the eyes of ordinary martial arts, the picture has become extremely chaotic.

The two Tianjiao have long been submerged in energy.


The dragon-shaped energy in the middle of the sky has not dissipated, but this loud noise came from the ring!

Above the ring, the waves and the white cloud halberd have disappeared.

After hearing the noise, people bowed their heads.

Immediately, the two of them returned to Yantai at the same time.

Prince of the Dragon family, with both hands as claws, grasping between them, showing the shadow of Daolong claws.

Tianyun Shengzi's hands are pointed by the sword, as if the two exquisite swords are in hand, the movement is still elegant and elegant.

The princes of the dragon tribe, the claws of the dragon, are constantly being destroyed.

"Drink!" A soft sip, sang from the mouth of the Heavenly Son.

I saw this sword finger condensed in the right hand, and at this moment suddenly moved forward a little, toward the Prince of the Dragon Race.

It seems like a smashing sword out of nowhere, piercing everything in front of it!

Faced with such a blow, the sneer appeared on the handsome face of Prince Long.

Proud of him, he naturally does not retreat, his right hand becomes a claw, and the silver dragon Lin immediately covers the entire claw, the silver light flashes, one claw bombards forward!

Meet the sword of Tianyun Shengzi pointing away.

"Boom!" Two Tianjiao, two horrific peerless forces, once again collided together.

The ring below, the ground under everyone's feet, and even the entire city of Dragon Beard were trembling.

In a hurry, at this moment, many figures have begun to retreat and fly.





Many people even got close to the platform, and were directly trembled and vomiting blood.

This is still the ring, and the Quartet has a strong defense.

According to rumors, this platform was endlessly circulated in Longxu City, which was built in the era of the Dragon Slayer Warrior.

In the quartet of the ring, there is a large array of strong forces laid down by the Tulong warriors to prevent the power from leaking when the warriors on the ring are fighting.

However, the Dragon Warriors are too long and too long apart, and the forces of this mighty team have already lost too much ground.

But then again, if there wasn't this crippled array of forces to help withstand most of the power of chaos, just now, I am afraid that countless people would have been directly killed by the power of two on the ring.

At this moment, the energy on the ring platform was extremely chaotic, and in all directions below the ring platform, it had also become extremely chaotic.


Suddenly, the Prince Prince of the Dragon Family and the Son of the Heavenly Cloud both retreated at the same time.

Both of them were shaken off by the strength of the other!

"Well!" At the same time as the retreat, the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan raised a scream of anger, but the scream of the Dragon!

Under the sound of this wrath, it added a little more to the chaos of this world.

Tianyun Shengzi also retreated sharply, but at this moment, the retreat figure suddenly turned.

Suddenly, it turned into a storm of clouds, and among them, there were thunderous flashes of thunder, as if the angry dragons were galloping.

After being transformed into a storm of clouds, the prince of heaven cloud no longer retreats, and rolls towards the prince of the dragon tribe.

"It's really violent and terrifying fighting!"

"Son of Heaven! Prince of the Dragon Family!"

"In the end, who is strong and weak? Who is the uncle?"

"This battle! This battle! This is a rare battle! We at Longxu City, I'm afraid that it has been countless years, and no such war has happened."

"Tianyun Shengzi, come on!"

"Son of Heaven!"


Someone already shouted for the Son of Heaven.

And the cloud storm that the Heavenly Heavenly Son turned into at this moment is indeed powerful and terrifying.

"I'm afraid this day's Jinguang Shengzi would not be able to stop it without relying on the soldiers in his hands." Shi Feng looked at the cloud storm and said such a sentence.

The meaning in his words is very obvious. The Tianyun prince who ranked third in the Tianjiao battle list now beats the second-ranked Jinguang priest?

Is this attack by the Son of Heaven Yun so strong?

"His fighting power has surpassed Yin Yin?" Even Jin Mo heard Shi Feng's words, and his face moved.


The storm of clouds was still rolling on the platform, and was still angry at the dragon prince.

Seeing, the Dragon Prince was about to roll.

"No!" But soon, Shi Feng shouted, he said, "This battle technique of the Heavenly Son of Heaven has not yet been successfully cultivated!

Just now, it was me who looked away. "

"Haven't practiced yet?" Jin Mo's eyebrows were twisted, and soon, she looked astonished, saying:

"I remembered that I heard that Tianyun Holy Land had a combat technique called Fengyun Canyun, which was extremely scary.

But this combat technique is extremely difficult to cultivate!

It is said that even the contemporary lord of Tianyun Holy Land is not really in control!

Tianyun Shengzi is using this combat technique at the moment, I am afraid, that is the wind and the clouds! "

However, although Shi Feng said that this tactical skill of the Heavenly Cloud Son has not been successfully cultivated, Jin Mo still feels that the attack of the Heavenly Cloud Son is very strong!

I don't know if the Prince of the Dragon Race can stop it!

Seeing the next breath, the wind-wound residual cloud urged by the Son of Heaven could swallow the Dragon Prince.

But at this moment, "Oh!"

The Prince of the Dragon Family raised his head, sending out a violent dragon howl.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the physical change of the Crown Prince.

"Dragon! It's a dragon!"

"Dragon! Silver Dragon!"



Suddenly, shouts of shock burst out from people's lips.

The crown prince of the Dragon Family, who turned into a silver dragon at this moment.

The dragon body frantically, his teeth danced, and he stormed towards the cloud storm.

"Oh!" Long Yin said, echoing the world again.


Another burst of rumbling sounded.

The dazzling silver light flashed and the white clouds rolled.

"Ah!" Countless people yelled, and were blinded by the dazzling silver light.

Silver light! White mist!

The Dragon Prince, who turned into a dragon, and Yun Shengzi that day were once again devoured by this chaotic energy.

"What happened?"

"What's going on inside?"

"I feel that this blow should be the ultimate blow, right? It should be split!"

"Although Tianyun Shengzi's blow was powerful and fierce, the dragon prince finally turned into a dragon. But, dragon!"

"Tian Yun Shengzi must win! It must win! Otherwise, those dragons will really be lawless in our city of Longxu!"

"Yeah, Heavenly Son, you must win!"


"How's the battle going?" Jin Mo couldn't see it anymore, then turned to ask Xiang Feng.

"It's not easy to say yet." Shi Feng shook his head slowly, and said so.

"Oh?" Even he said so, Jin Mo's face moved again, with a soft "Oh".

"Let's wait and see," Shi Feng said again.

"Huh!" Jin Mo answered gently.


Suddenly, the white clouds and fog in the ring were beginning to dissipate.

Even the bright silver light began to converge.

One by one, both eyes were staring at the ring platform at the moment.

Countless people have begun secretly praying in their hearts.

Pray for the Son of Heaven, be sure to win!


Just then, the silver light and white fog had completely disappeared.

The two young and peerless figures fell into people's eyes once again.

"Okay! Great!" Someone shouted involuntarily.

"Victory? Saint Yun, victorious!" Then someone called out.

"Son of Heaven!"


People saw that Tianyun Shengzi, dressed in white, was still standing proudly on the platform at the moment. The white clothes on his body were still dancing slowly with the wind and long black hair.

Posture, still so coquettish!

On the other hand, the dragon prince in front of him squatted on the ground with silver blood hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Who wins or loses at a glance!

"Long live Mr. Tianyun!" Someone even made such a shout.

After hearing his shout, the people next to him quickly changed their faces, and said, "You're looking for death! In the Destiny Empire, only the Destiny Emperor can call it Long Live. You are crazy and don't want to live anymore." ? "

After hearing this, the shouting man realized that he had made a big mistake, his eyes widened, and he shut up quickly.

But ... the death penalty!






All the clan people were shouting, and the empty sea clan screamed in surprise.

There was even a crab-bearer holding a sledgehammer who wanted to rush down to the platform below.

But soon, the two old kings of the Seventh Heaven Realm stretched out their hands together and stopped him. One of the dark-faced old men said:

"Watch it change!"


"You are really strong." The Dragon Prince, who squatted on the ground, looked up at the proud Son of Heaven, and said.

The way he spoke was very serious.

At this moment, no pride was visible from his face.

However, it can be heard from his voice that the dragon prince is already weak at this moment.

"You are also very strong!" Compared to the Dragon Prince, the Heavenly Son, looks, and sounds really better.

The proud and graceful figure has become the only place in the world at this moment.

"Yeah!" Upon hearing the words of the Son of Heaven, Prince Long clan nodded slightly.

"Eh!" And just then, a painful groan sounded suddenly.

This moan came from the mouth of the Tianyun Shengzi.

At the same time, the proud white posture trembled suddenly.

Then, leaned back.

With a loud sound of "嘭", Tian Yun Shengzi, who has become the winner in the eyes of people, unexpectedly ... falls to the ground!

"This ... what's going on? Mr. Tianyun, he ..."

"What kind of hands and feet did this Dragon Clan secretly move? The despicable Dragon Clan must be something disgusting!"

"Ah! This ... this ..."



Suddenly, this reversal occurred, and many people were shocked and speechless.

"Mr. Tianyun, lost?" Jin Mo was also shocked at this time, and turned to ask Shi Feng again.

Shi Feng grinned and responded to her, "Yes."

Then he said, "Both of them have been severely wounded. On that day, Yun Shengzi was more seriously injured. The Dragon Prince, the physical defense force, is obviously far above him!

But this guy, taking into account his image, has been relying on his last strength just now, so he didn't fall down. "

"Uh ..." Jin Mo said softly, just now, even she was tricked by Yun Shengzi that day.

But did not expect ...

"Prince!" Amidst the raging waves of the empty sea, the crab will soon call after seeing below.

The black-faced old man said: "I have insight into my eyes, I already know that the prince has the upper hand."

"Hey!" When he heard that, the crab smiled thickly and said, "That's the case, but I'm so anxious!"

That Terran Boy, really can play! "

(End of this chapter)

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