Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3590: Top Ten Fierce Swords [Two in One]

Chapter 3590: Ten Great Swords [Two in One]

Shi Feng did not pay much attention to the Son of Heaven.

Suddenly, the skull yam suspended above him instantly turned into a huge white light and disappeared, and then was sucked back into Xumi Mountain.

Now that the Prince of the Sea and the Dragon have been eliminated, nothing is going on here.

As soon as he was in shape, Shi Feng flew up from the ring, and then flew towards Jin Mo.

In an instant, he returned to her.

Looking at him who came back to him, Jin Mo smiled and said to him, "Congratulations on winning the flag and winning the peerless beauty."

"Already there are beautiful women beside me, how can I hold other in my heart." Shi Feng said.

"Hee!" Jin Mo laughed and said, "Now you have become smooth."


"Well, why did this go away?"

"Yeah. Why did you leave?"

"The Prince of the Dragons has been defeated. He still needs to stand on the ring again and continue to accept the challenges of the martial arts. If there is no warrior on the ring in a row of incense, he will be considered to win this contest."

"Yeah! I also remember that Xie's family set such rules. If he leaves the field like this, that is, he gave up?"

"According to the regulations, it should be considered abandonment? But ... there are beautiful women available, and there are ten peerless treasures available. Why give up?"

"You do n’t understand. Different identities, experiences, values, and perspectives are naturally completely different.

In your eyes, Miss Xie's is an unattainable heavenly fairy. If you get it, it will be a blessing in the world, but in these Tianjiao's eyes, the treasures of the world are not yet available.

As for the beauties ... don't forget, Madame Hong Yan, but in front of the world, he said that he is her love! "

"Uh ... you make sense."


After Shi Feng left Huantai, a look of horror followed.

Although Shi Feng appeared, Jin Mo still used a secret method to hide his body. It was still difficult for ordinary martial arts to see him.

"Where is Heavenly Son? Heavenly Son is gone."

"Uh ... Tianyun Shengzi should go. According to the rules, he is no longer eligible to participate in this battle of Taiwan."

"Well ... it is true. But I have to say that Tianyun Shengzi is indeed strong.

It is just that the Prince of the Dragon clan is really against the sky. "

"Yeah. Naturally, the strength of the Son of Heaven, we do not need to doubt. But the strength of that one ... has now proven that this one's combat power is above the Heavenly Holy Land and the Son of Gold.

Well, the one who ranks first in the Tianjiao rankings of the gods will not know if he will fight with him ... "

"That one, I'm afraid it's hard to say.

According to rumors, that martial artist who has succeeded in martial arts has successfully entered the realm of God King Nine Heavens.

If this is the case, I am afraid that this person is also invincible. "

"I've heard this rumor before, but I don't know if it's true or not. It's the realm of God King Nine Heavens, I'm afraid it can also secure the top spot in the Tianjiao battle list!"

"Actually, it's been so many years. Tianjiao's battle list can be re-ranked.

For example, even if this demon is unable to defeat the first metamorphosis, then he will be ranked on top of Jinguang Shengzi and Tianyun Shengzi? "

"Oh, yes……"


"Well, there is nothing for us here, let's go." At this moment Shi Feng said again to Jin Mo.

"Huh!" Jin Mo responded softly and nodded gently.

Originally, the two of them planned to leave the city of Longxu, but as a result, the dragon prince was killed suddenly, and they stayed again.

Now that the Prince of the Dragon clan has been removed, he will be on the road safely.

But ... just the moment Jin Mo nodded, "Two!"

A very respectful voice came from the front.

"Huh?" After hearing that voice, Shi Feng frowned again.

Then look forward.

At this moment, Xie Cheng had come to them and held his fists respectfully.

At this time, his attitude fell into the eyes of Shi Feng and Jin Mo, and it can be seen that his attitude towards them was completely different.

"What else do you have?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Since you have defeated the Dragon Prince, you are naturally the champion of this battle." Xie Cheng told him.

"I just can't get used to that dragon clan boy. As for who is first and who is second, I am not interested." Shi Feng said.

He really didn't have much interest in this first and the reward of this first, especially the so-called Miss Xie's.

However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, the Xie family owner Xie Cheng still spoke respectfully:

"Here, I know what you are afraid of. You are accompanied by a sage of beauty and beauty, naturally, you are not worthy of you.

You have to be number one, and you can take away the ten things from my family. As for the daughter, you can naturally not marry. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng's face moved as he heard this.

It is okay to take the treasure and not marry his daughter.

"Then I will take these ten treasures." Shi Feng said.

"However, before you take these ten treasures, there is one thing that you have to tell you," Xie Cheng said.

"You say it." Shi Feng said.

"Hmm ..." Xie Cheng looked around, followed by a movement of his hands, and a small enchantment was laid down by Xie Cheng. After doing this, he said:

"These ten things are actually the ten great swords handed down by my ancestors. If they can control them, they are absolutely powerful.

However, now that we are thanking our family, there is no one to control. My father wanted to control these ten excaliburs forcibly, but was defeated and died under these ten extremities.

These ten great swords are now also called ten ominous magic swords by my Xie family. Every ten days, the ten swords will emit the sound of sword groaning, and once the sound of sword groan sounds, I thank the family, Someone is violent for no reason. "

"Oh, so it is." After hearing these words, Shi Feng nodded slightly.

No wonder this guy wants to give these ten swords to himself so much. It turns out that these ten swords have become the fierce sword.

His little Xie family has been unable to suppress it.

In this competition, he took his daughter as the leader, and then publicized the dragon bears of the dragon ancestors and the peerless treasures left by his ancestors.

The main purpose is to send these ten fierce swords to those who can suppress them.

For these ten swords, Shi Feng felt that she should already have the wisdom, and the Xie family could not abandon it.

If you abandon it arbitrarily, I'm afraid the backwash will be bigger and give it to others at will. Those who can't suppress it, too.

"That's what I should say, that's all. This sword is indeed an ominous sword to my Xie family, and you have outstanding talents and children of destiny. I think you can suppress it naturally.

But yes, no, everything is up to you. "


"Then take these ten swords to see." Shi Feng said to Xie Cheng.

"Wait a minute," Xie Cheng said.

Just then, Xie Cheng folded his hands.

His tenfold appearance is like that of a young monk, and the power that appeared in his hands at the moment was indeed the power of the Buddhist monk.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo still remember that the ten treasure boxes they had seen before were sealed by the power of the little monk.

After the seal, I am afraid that this little monk has taught this Xie Cheng to open the seal.

Immediately, the undulations came from not far behind Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

The fluctuation is exactly where the ten treasure boxes are.

Then, ten treasure boxes moved together at this moment and had flew out of the seal.

Then, slipping through the void, flying towards Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh ..." The sound of bursts echoed, and ten treasure boxes fell in front of Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

"Oh! Look over there."

"Um ... this is it? Xie's owner, have you planned to hand over ten pieces of his jewel?"

"It looks like this! But, according to rules, this is not the end of Wuyantai!"

"Cut! You don't think it's over. In fact, it's already over. After defeating the Prince of the Dragon Clan, he is a well-deserved contest to recruit the first. These ten treasures naturally belong to him."

"Indeed! He is number one in everyone's mind.

Although the Xie family has not yet announced, in everyone's mind, he is the well-deserved number one!

Who dares not accept it today? "



Shi Feng and Jin Mo looked at the ten treasure boxes in front of them.

They sense with the power of the soul, and as a result, they cannot penetrate the treasure box with the power of their soul.

Above this treasure box, there is an ancient mysterious power.

It should be the owner of the Xie family, the dragon-slayer warrior left.

The Ten Peerless Swords left to future generations by the Dragon Slayer Warriors did not expect. Now Xie's family is lonely. The Ten Divine Swords have become the top ten magic swords.

Thinking of this is really embarrassing.

Ups and downs, ups and downs, once strong, does not mean always strong.

Times are changing and constantly changing!

"Open the seals on these ten treasure boxes." Shi Feng said to Xie Cheng.

"Huh!" Xie Cheng nodded, and at this moment, his face had become extremely dignified, and he said in a deep voice:

"Two, you must be careful! If Ten Swords sees outsiders, I am afraid it will be even more fierce."

"Huh! I understand." Shi Feng nodded.

"Um." Jin Mo answered softly.

She stretched her right hand forward, and the butterfly-like white secret appeared again, a cold force, and then diffused from above.

Protected her and Shi Feng.

"Qi!" Just then, the Xie family owner sang aloud.

Immediately afterwards, "嘭! 嘭! 嘭 ..." bursts of sound, ringing in all ten treasure boxes.

Ten treasure boxes finally opened at this moment.

"These ten treasure boxes have been opened!" The crowd around the audience saw the situation, and then someone cried out in surprise.

"What are the top ten treasure boxes hidden?"

"The secret will finally be revealed! It is said that there can be ten treasure boxes from Tianjiao, and these ten treasure boxes have indeed attracted the Heavenly Heavenly Son and that evil spirit to our Dragon Beard City!"


Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Jin Mo saw that they were all bloody, and suddenly burst out of these ten treasure boxes.

Shi Feng and his complexion suddenly changed suddenly at this instant, and his eyes suddenly opened.

Even Jin Mo frowned, and even she felt a familiar atmosphere.

"That's right." Immediately afterwards, Jin Mo realized what he was looking at Shi Feng and said, "Your blood sword!"

"Yes!" Shi Feng nodded.

The ten blood rays and ten breaths that rushed up are very similar to the blood sword of the demon.

These ten magic swords, ten ominous swords, ten magic swords, ten fierce swords, it turned out to be related to the blood sword of the demon.

It was also at this moment that the **** with the scarlet sword pattern was constantly trembling.

It seems that the Blood Sword of the Demon has also sensed it.

It's just that ... Shi Feng still felt that Jian Tong in the blood sword of the demon still didn't wake up.






Suddenly, I heard the sound of sword groaning constantly, and kept coming out from these ten treasure boxes.

After hearing the sound of these swords, the Xie family owner Xie Cheng changed his face again and exclaimed, "No!"

Just now I heard him say that when he heard a sword groan, someone in Xie's family was violent for no reason.

But now, I heard the sound of such dense swords.

According to him, wouldn't they, thank the family and be dead.

Speaking of the word "bad", Xie Cheng immediately moved his hands and concluded a mysterious handprint.

The top ten treasure boxes suddenly moved together at this moment, and the opened lids returned to the customs one after another.

"Wait a minute!" Shi Feng said to Xie Cheng quickly.

However, "Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap ..."

The sound of bursts of movement moved together, ten treasure boxes, have been closed back.

Ten sword powers, ten **** sword lights, have also been sealed back into this treasure box.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh ..." At this moment, Xie Cheng's face was still disturbed, and the sound of heavy breathing could be heard.

Then he looked at Shi Feng again and exclaimed: "Honour ..."

Just now he heard that when he was going to close the treasure box, he called himself and so on.

With the treasure box closed, Shi Feng's trembling **** stopped at this time.

Followed him and looked back at the Xie family and said to him, "I want these ten swords!"

"Really?" Xie Cheng opened his eyes, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Well, I have a relationship with them." Shi Feng said.

"Oh?" Xie Cheng was curious when he heard Shi Feng say so.

Shi Feng said, "It's inconvenient to talk about the reasons. You give it to me, and I can suppress these ten swords for you."

With that said, Shi Fengmian is now sure and confident.

Looking at him like this, Xie Cheng nodded and followed, "Okay!"

Then he said, "Then, I will tell you the seal of these ten sword boxes.

With this seal method, you can open or close the ten sword boxes at will. "

"That would be the best." Shi Feng nodded.

"You take it," Xie Cheng said.

Followed, I saw his mouth constantly moving.

With his thoughts, golden runes, fluttering out of his mouth, and drifting towards Shi Feng.

When Shi Feng's soul power moved, she immediately caught the golden rune that flew away, and then sucked suddenly.

Immediately, all kinds of information kept popping up in his mind and beating in his mind ...

(End of this chapter)

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