Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3592: Evil spirit [two in one]

Chapter 3592: Evil Spirit Of The Night [Two in One]

Yan Chengcheng said, "... Actually, it's because of the little girl's affairs. I don't know if they have heard the evil night."

"Sha Ye?" Jin Mo's face appeared puzzled when she heard the word Sha Ye, and it seemed that she had never heard the word.

"Shit!" And when Shi Feng heard these two words, his face suddenly snapped his eyes, and both eyes opened for one.

Lord of the Lord! He can't be cooked naturally.

On him, there is a demon armor of the night, as well as the remains of the night.

I didn't expect that I was really saying this, and heard the name of evil night.

Although Shi Feng was shrouded in black robes, the Lord of the City could not see his face, but he had heard from his voice that he had sought the person in accordance with the orders of the emperor, and found nothing wrong.

"It seems that you have heard of evil night, sir.

I do n’t know how much I know about the evil night? "Yan Acheng said to Shi Feng.

"I know a little, but I'm not too familiar with it," Shi Feng replied.

"What's wrong with this evil night? Ling Ai, possessed by evil evil spirits?" Shi Feng asked him.

Speaking of this sentence, he thought of Li Ru, the daughter of the butcher in the same village, and Li Ru's symptoms at that time were the disillusionment produced by Sha Ye's corpse and he lost his self.

"Ah! Exactly!" Said Yan Yancheng, deeply sighing.

Even more sure, I really did not find the wrong person.

Later, he reiterated: "Just two days ago, the little girl suddenly appeared in the Capricorn, and she always claimed that she was so crazy that the Lord of the Lord had become a nightmare. It was the appearance of being taken away by evil.

So I personally rushed to the Heavenly Emperor and asked the Emperor for help. The Emperor told me that you two will pass by Yancheng City today. As long as you find you two, the little girl will be saved. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng said quietly.

Sure enough, as he expected, there was nothing wrong with the fate of the emperor that day, and he had already calculated that he would go to fate the emperor that day.

And this destiny emperor even knew what he had to do with this evil night.

I am afraid that all the secrets in him have been seen through by this destiny emperor.

For this, Shi Feng is not surprising.

The other party is, after all, a destiny lord of the level of God Nine.


"Where did you go before Ling Ai appeared on Capricorn? Or, what did you get? What did you encounter?" Shi Feng asked again.

According to his understanding, those who are controlled by the thought of the evil night cane should have come into contact with those candies, and the candid thoughts born in the can bodies have taken advantage of them.

"No!" But after hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Yancheng Lord shook his head with certainty and said:

"The little girl has been in the house these days, never, and apart from the slaves in the house, she hasn't touched anyone or anything."

"Take me to see it now," Shi Feng said again.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the owner of the city said, "Well! This is naturally the best."

"Please come with me." With that said, the ambassador made a gesture to Shi Feng and Jin Mo, and pointed his hand to the road outside the hospital.

"Master City Lord, the last will retreat first." Just then, the gold armored warrior will open Chu, and said to the Lord Ah City with his fists.

"Well, go." Yan Yancheng nodded slightly.

The next moment, he saw that the armored warrior would rise and left the courtyard in an instant.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo walked in the direction of the fingers of Nacheng Acheng, and saw him walking around. Yancheng also moved his legs and walked beside Shifeng.

"What the **** is this night?" Asked Jin Mo, who heard the voice of Shi Feng while walking.

"It was a powerful monster before the endless years. In the rumor, many powerful creatures joined forces to divide it into corpses.

His corpse, dropped all over the world, even our Tianheng continent, I encountered several corpses, and his corpses will give birth to evil spirits, bad, corpses and evil thoughts , Will be attached to the warrior. "Shi Feng explained to her.


"How much do you know about Shaye?" Shi Feng said as he walked. This time, it was his turn to ask the Lord Ah.

"I have never heard of this demon. After the little witch chanted, I only learned from him that nothing was known about this demon." Said Yancheng Cheng.

Hearing the words of the Lord of the City, Shi Feng nodded secretly.

The evil night exists in an extremely long time, and I also encountered that thing by accident.

It's no surprise that others don't know about it.

"I wonder if you can tell me in detail." Yan said.

"Um." Shi Feng responded lightly.

Followed, almost what was just said with Jin Mo, besides Tianheng continent, he repeated it with Yancheng Lord.

"Oh! There are such legends of fiendish monsters. I never even heard of them!" Yan Ahcheng said.

"I also heard it by accident. It's not surprising that I haven't heard it." Shi Feng said.

"So, is it very likely that the little girl will be possessed by this stubborn evil thought?" Yan said again.

"I think so." Shi Feng said.

"The front is where the little girl is."

After the three of them walked out of the courtyard, they walked on a promenade. They didn't walk for long in the promenade, and said that the owner of the city pointed to a quiet and quiet pavilion ahead.

There seemed to be Yajing there, but faintly, Shi Feng had already felt a different and wonderful wave.

His forehead, his ears, his left and right fingers were shaking slightly uncontrollably at this moment.

These parts are all accompanied by the evil night.

It seems that this place is really related to that evil night.

"What are you?" Suddenly, Jin Mo frowned and found the abnormal shape on Shi Feng's body, and then asked him with a voice.

"Your body can sense it?" Not only Jin Mo, but also the Lord Acheng, has also been found.

But he wasn't surprised. If he didn't, why did Mingjun let himself find him.

"I forgot to tell you, those black armors I wore before are the Night Slayers!

And the third eye that I manifested at that time, the black ear, was the scum of the night. Shi Feng replied to Jin Mo.

"What!" Jin Mo was shocked when he heard him.

She had to be shocked, but he said just now, that was a fierce demon from a long time ago.

And those wrecked bodies also produce evil thoughts, making people stunned!

In the end he did well, leaving these evil things on him.

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded to Yan Acheng.

Then he said, "Let's go and see. Open enchantment."

When Shi Feng arrived here, she could see that all directions of the pavilion had been laid with powerful enchantments, and the ordinary force could not be broken.

It should be the words of the Lord Acheng himself.

"Okay!" Said the Lord of the Ah City, with his hands forming an extremely strange fingerprint, and then throbbing suddenly.


With the words of Acheng's main fingerprint, Shi Feng instantly sensed that there was a different wave of invisible energy over there.

The enchantment is already open.

And with this open enchantment, his forehead, demon ears, hands, immediately trembled more violently.

The next moment, Shi Feng flickered, and flew forward.

As soon as he moved, Jin Mo and Nayan Lord Cheng also moved.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Three bursts of light, Shi Feng three people fell in front of the quiet pavilion.

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang ..."

"Dangdang! Dangdang ..."

Suddenly, the sound of fierce metal collision came out from this building.


"Ah! Ah!"



Immediately after that, there were screams of women screaming.

As if the ghost shouted.

"Ah!" After hearing this voice, the master of the city said again, distressed, and sighed softly.

It seems that he really hurts his daughter.

"Dead! All dead! All dead!"

"Humble people, dare to bind me to the night! You all have to die! You all have to die!"


Afterwards, I heard only the utterly brutal voices that sounded like men and women, but these familiar tones.

"On!" Shi Feng said in a deep voice.

An invisible force slammed against the wooden door in the attic in front.

There was a loud bang, and the wooden door in front broke directly.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely dark space was revealed in his sight.

At the same time, there was a billowing black magic mist, surging wildly in it.

In the magic mist, a purple shadow loomed.

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang!" With that purple shadow riot, a fierce metal collision sounded again.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo have seen clearly that the woman was tied with a thick black iron chain on her body, hands, and feet.

As she struggled violently, the iron chain was constantly struck.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

At this time, the woman should have found the three of Shi Feng, and suddenly yelled more violently at this side.

It seems like the beast is roaring.

"Sin barrier, really fierce." Shi Feng said coldly, looking at the side.

While speaking these words, Shi Feng was sensing the evil nightmare on the woman through the evil night's body on her body.

And what part of her body was replaced by this corpse.

But after sensing it again, Shi Feng didn't find it.

Follow him and say to Jin Mo and Yancheng Lord beside him, "You are here first, I will go in and see."

"Well, I'm tired of your Excellency," said Yan Yancheng quickly.

"You, be careful!" In another black robe, a voice as nice as a silver bell came out.

This is Jin Mo's first voice when he came to the city's main mansion.

After hearing such sounds of nature, even the words of Achengcheng's majestic face moved.

Through this voice he can imagine, among them, must be a peerless beauty.

Then he turned his head slightly and looked at her.

I don't know what he was thinking at the moment.


Step by step, Shi Feng stepped into that pavilion.

At the same time, he lost his mind.

The third eye above the forehead, the ears, and the devil's hand and finger were immediately revealed.

There is also the night evil magic armor, which was also worn by him at the moment, banned the black robe, and re-exposed his cold face.

The rolling mist of mist also continued to surge from him.

"You!" Suddenly, the woman in the room immediately made an extremely shocked, hoarse voice.

I'm afraid I didn't expect that here, there was an energy with the same origin as him.

"Me?" Shi Feng grinned at that.

His feet were still moving, and he was walking forward, toward the purple-clad woman in the mist.

"What do you want to do?" Soon, the woman noticed something and howled at Shi Feng.

"You should already know what I am doing!" Shi Feng said to her.

Then said, "Give up what I want, and then come out of this woman.

Otherwise, when I knock you out, it will be your death! "

"Let me fly away?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, "Oh! Oh! Hey!"

The woman burst into laughter.

"I'm different from you! Just you, want me to die! Oh! Oh! It's just a dream!"

"Different?" Shi Feng frowned as he heard these words.

I thought to myself, she meant that she was different from the evil thoughts of other evil night corpses?

"These things, I like the bluff, believe her better than believe in ghosts." Shi Feng said.

Then, his mind moved again, trying to manipulate the night evil armor on his body.

Suddenly, I saw the dark magic mist rolling around the woman in purple clothes, and then rushed towards Shi Feng, and continuously poured into the evil night magic armor.

"Sure enough it is useful!" Shi Feng grinned secretly.

"You!" As the side of the mist disappeared, the woman in purple was completely exposed in Shi Feng's eyes.

This is a woman with extremely exquisite facial features. Once, she must be a great beauty.

But at this moment, the cheeky face was filled with fierceness and misery, and there were layers of weird black circles.

The purple-eyed woman's eyes widened immensely, and her eyes seemed to be staring out at him.

He stared at the dark magic armor on Shi Feng's body with two eyes, exclaiming in surprise, as if he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized something: "This is ... the armor of the Lord of Lords! Heyello!"

"You still know the goods!" Shi Feng smiled at her again, looking proud.

"Ben Shao gives you another chance, you have to choose to live or die!" Shi Feng sneered at her.

"Hum!" However, when she heard Shi Feng's sentence, the possessed purple-clad woman burst into a rage.

Then, he suddenly closed his eyes, and then ... the whole person just slumped.

"Huh? What's going on?" Shi Feng was startled.

Seeing that the woman was about to fall to the ground, she flickered to her side and supported her.

Just then, the dark moire around her face disappeared.

Shi Feng's soul power and the demon body on her body sensed her. Then, Shi Feng frowned, and secretly said:

"Strange, it's impossible to sense the power of the night? It's totally impossible! Could it be that the thing has slipped?"

"Qinger!" At this moment, the Lord of the City said aloud.

Standing outside the pavilion, his body flickered and appeared next to Shi Feng.

On his face, full of worry, he stretched out his hands and took over his daughter from Shi Feng.

Then she turned her head and asked Shi Feng: "What's wrong with the girl now?"

"Not so easy to say." Shi Feng's brows were still tightly locked, and she shook her head slightly, saying.

(End of this chapter)

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