Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3599: Really, one shot [2 in 1]

Chapter 3599: Really, One Hit [Two in One]

"Dark General!"

"General Dark God ..."

"General Dark God ..."


Suddenly, bursts of incredible shouts came and went.

This **** general, wants to let people see the gap between his protoss and the tribe.

As a result, it is really reflected.

Like an ant, he died directly in the hands of this human race.

"Zhu people!"

"God dark, how can it be so useless!" At this time, a blue scale Protoss of the Seventh Heaven of the King of Gods said indignantly.

Like him, the angry **** kept secretly fighting, and with a trembling body, he would rush out and fly, kill the human race, and show the power of the **** race.

"Don't!" Suddenly, a low voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

At the same time, a green-scaled hand rested on his shoulder, preventing his next move.

"God is Lord!" Looking at the green hand on his shoulder, he turned his head to look at the green scaled face, and he respectfully shouted.

God shook his head slightly at him and said, "This man is weird. I'm afraid you are not his rival.

Don't be impulsive. "

"There is a supreme situation, and I can make him die without a burial!" Said the Bluescale Protoss fiercely.

He did not accept God's words at all, and he was not his adversary.

"I said, you're not his rival!" With that said, the tone of Yu Yu was noticeably cold and impatient.

I saw the body of the Bluescale Protoss suddenly tremble, he already felt that an overwhelming coercion covered his body.

Even under the pressure of terror, even breathing became difficult.

"Yes ... Yes ... I see ... God is Lord ..." said the Bluescale Protoss.

"Huh." God nodded slightly, pressing the hand of the Bluescale Protoss before following it loose.

Only then did the Bluescale Protoss feel a light following.

The **** Yu gently fluttered, and then, the Protoss and the Speaking Sergeants saw that the strongest battle of the Protoss would have disappeared.

The next moment, the **** Yu appeared in front of Shi Feng, blocking him from the vanishing road.

"Finally here!" Shi Feng grinned, looking at Shen Yu ahead.

"You give me a very strange feeling." God Yu also looked at Shi Feng and said.

Followed him and said, "A feeling I can't tell."

"It was the feeling before death." Shi Feng said to the **** Yu.

"Oh!" When he heard Shi Feng's words, God smiled indignantly and said, "I'm not interested in playing with you.

Before you die, take your full strength.

Otherwise, there will never be a chance to use it again. "


"He's already met that Protoss. Can he really fight one?"

In the distance, Qing Er, who had not left, looked at Shi Feng and said.

General Kai Chu, beside Qinger, didn't say anything, but his fists were clenched tightly, and that heart was always hanging.

"The generals listened to my orders and were ready to go to war!" In the fate of the fate, the Lord Ah City had passed an order of God, and spread the word to 100,000 soldiers.

Shi Feng will fight against the protoss of the Protoss. Although he has seen the power controlled by Shifeng, it is still impossible to destroy the protoss by his own power.

He wanted to take advantage of Shi Feng's battle with the Protoss of the Protoss.

"Yes!" One hundred thousand soldiers at the same time responded with a voice.

Like a torrent of momentum, entered the ears of the main city of Yan'a vigorously.


The Protoss is powerful, quietly suspended, without other actions.

He was waiting for Shi Feng to shoot first.

Shi Feng looked at him with a smile, and at this moment, he grinned even more at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, my mind moved.

A huge white light shone from Shi Feng in front of him.

The white light fell instantly, and a huge and extremely dark skull appeared in the eyes of all beings.

An intimidating coercion immediately shrouded the world.


"This is? What is this?"

"So terrifying existence!"

"he and I……"


Every face, no matter whether it was a protoss or a tribe, was extremely terrifying, with a pair of eyes that were instantly glaring.

One by one, it was like seeing terrible things, and there were sounds of cries that rang out from the mouths of living beings.

Not only the other creatures, but even the protoss, the **** of the protoss, and the scales covered with green scales, have undergone earth-shaking changes, and even he has shown horror.

He had already sensed that the evil creature in front of him was an existence he could not compete with.

"Master!" Skull Yan appeared in this world, making such a cry.

"the host?"

"He called his master!"

"the host!"


At this moment, Yan Chengzhu, Kai Chu, and Qinger all shouted in unison.

That fierce creature called him Lord.

This ... that means ...

The original Yacheng Lord, who was nervous and ready to issue an order, gradually relaxed.

The divine orders that were held high were slowly let go.

"Kill him." Shi Feng said indifferently, said the skull Yan in front of him.

"Yes!" Shouted a deep voice, and Dun exclaimed from Skull Yan's mouth.

This huge black body immediately followed.

At this moment when Skeleton Yan moved, the protoss, the protoss, was immediately shocked.

The body flew back fiercely immediately, and he began to flee.

"Ben Shao told you just now that it was dying. You still don't believe it." Shi Feng said, looking at the fleeing **** Yu.

"Do not!"

At this moment, the dark bone fist that Skull Yan blasted out issued a violent roar.

"Boom!" A dull blast like a thunder burst suddenly.

"Ah!" Faintly, accompanied by a painful scream.

"God to General!"

"God to General!"

"God to General!"


Suddenly, the cry of sorrow, incredibleness, and extreme surprise rang out from the mouths of the gods.

They saw with all eyes that the powerful **** Yu Yu was blasted into a pool of green meat and mud under the bone punch of this huge creature.

That ’s God and General, but God ’s great presence in the heaven of heaven is so amazing ...

Bursts of fear spread the hearts of the gods.

"Clash! Kill the aliens, keep me safe!"

At this moment, the lord of the city made a sudden shout, and finally issued an order to the 100,000 troops.




One hundred thousand troops shouted loudly, the momentum was as rainbow, and the morale was soaring.

Such a powerful protoss were all killed with a single punch.


Subsequently, 100,000 troops rushed forward together, like a wild beast, surging forward.






The Protoss Army, previously under the command of Shen Yu, was originally divided into the siege of the East and West and the North and South Army.

Now that the gods are falling, the army of the Afghan forces is working together, and the army of the protoss in front immediately falls down like a straw.

Yan Ajun, a steel giant, continued to trample on.

The momentum on one side is like rainbow, and the morale on one side is low ...

"Actually, it really only took one trick to kill the Protoss Nine Heavens ... Actually ..."

At this moment, his eyes were still looking at Qing'er in front of him, and he said wrongly.

Earlier, she was really a little bit unimaginable, saying that it was a trick to solve the existence of such horrors.

As a result, such an unbelievable thing really happened to him.

Although it was said that the person was not his own hand, it was his slave and the beast that shot himself, which was no different from his personal beheading.

Even better than his own beheading!

He had such a terrible and powerful slave!

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it!" General Acheng Jinjia opened his mouth and kept muttering these words in his mouth.

I saw that majestic face, showing more and more joy and excitement.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Then he saw him laugh loudly in the sky, and the laughter echoed in this messy battlefield for a long time.

This battle is really extremely critical for him.

But I didn't expect that it would be like this, so simple to control the war situation.

This feeling really seems like a dream.

"If this is really a dream, I would rather never wake up." Kai Chu said to himself.


"It's over." Jin Mo, who had been silent for a while, finally issued these three words.

After speaking, she saw her figure fluttering gently, and flew towards Shi Feng and Skeleton Yan.

The posture is light and gentle, like a fairy flying.

"She, really, it's beautiful." Even when Qinger saw it, she had to admit her beauty.

At the moment, she was even envious.

She not only envy her beauty, but also envy her, there is such a favorite object.

"She, and him, what are they?" Qing Eryu said secretly in her heart.

At this time, she even regretted in her heart that she had played with her in front of him.

And almost killed his father because of his stupidity.

This time, it was really good and good. If it were not for him, the consequences would be hard to imagine.


Seeing Skull Yan killing the Protoss Nine-Strength Strong, Shi Feng has begun to work secretly to start the Nine-Ghosts.

Soon, the power of the death of God, the green blood, and the soul were devoured by Shi Feng.

After doing this, Shi Feng secretly looked at the battlefield and didn't take any more shots.

The outcome of this battle is no longer suspicious.

The **** of commander of the army, the Eighth Heavenly Powerful, said that the Lord of the City, the more and more fierce the battle, the warriors under his command have also been terrible.

One by one, they have already red eyes.

Between the heavens and the earth, the grievous screams of the Protoss have been echoed.

However, although Shi Feng has not participated in the battle, his nine solitary merits have never stopped working.

The power of death, soul after soul, kept running towards him and was devoured by him.

There is also a stream of blood of different colors, converging into a colorful river, flowing in the void, and also toward him.

"Come," he said, seeing the sudden appearance of Qian Ying beside him.

"Come here!" A soft response sounded.

Naturally, Jin Mo arrived, fought alongside him, and looked at the slaughter going to that battlefield.

When Shi Feng thought about it, the skull in front of him turned into a white giant light flashing, and he was sucked back into Xumi Mountain.


Time passes slowly, slowly, slowly.

Over time, this battle finally came to an end.

The Protoss, led by the powerful Protoss God Yu, launched an army of 80,000.

Today, all of these 80,000 troops have been beheaded and killed.

The Lord Yancheng flew back, flying to Shi Feng, and said to Shi Feng with gratitude and respect, "Hi, thank you very much.

This time, I say that all the officers and men of Acheng must remember it. "

"It's just a matter of hand." Shi Feng told him.

Still look indifferent.

"It's a hand-raising task for you, but for us, having you help us really saved us 100,000 lives and made millions of lives."

Yan said the city owner still sincerely spoke.

"Just feel free." Shi Feng said.


"You heard the dark skeleton just now, but that's calling his master."

"Yeah, I heard it. He surrendered to such a fierce creature, so young, he doesn't know what it is."

"His origins must be extraordinary! Thanks to him for this battle!"

"Yeah! In this battle, I thought I was really going to die, thinking that I would never see her again, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, we depend on Ah Cheng!"

"Yeah yeah! Thank you so much!"

"The woman next to him is really beautiful."

"Since ancient times, beauty has been a hero! He is our great hero!"


At this moment, the generals also looked at Shi Feng's side together, watching Shi Feng talking one after another.

He has become the protagonist of this world.

"Master City Lord, the devil will be fortunate!" Jin Jia warrior will start to fly, has flew to the side of Lord Ah City, shouted at him.

Hearing Kai Chu's words, the Lord Yancheng turned his head to look at him, nodded, and said with a smile, "Yes! Really, fortunately!"

It was he who opened a way of life for Kai Chu and asked Kai Chu to run back and ask Shi Feng to come to help.

Kai Chu succeeded, and even succeeded in winning this unexpected battle.

"This Protoss has never appeared in the Nine Heavens?" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly made a noise again, staring at the far endless place on the battlefield, and asked.

Hearing Shi Feng's question, Yan Acheng immediately replied, "Yes!

In this battlefield, there was no Nine Heavenly Realm at all, and the strongest was also the King of Heaven, like me.

So, the Emperor, I ordered my town to keep saying Acheng, to keep this place!

Today, I did not expect that there is such a **** king, Jiu Zhongtian, and what happened here, I will continue to report to the emperor! "

With that said, the divine order appeared again in the hands of the Lord Ah City.

Subsequently, the master of Yancheng City condensed his sword fingers in his left hand, and swiped gently among the tokens. The whirlpool of the size of the fingers suddenly appeared on this white token.

When all the whirlpools disappeared, the Lord Yancheng put away the token.

It seems that he has reported the matter of this place to the Emperor of Heaven.

Just now, the Lord Ah City said "continue reporting". When I saw God's Protoss of the Ninth Celestial God, he should have already reported it.

(End of this chapter)

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