Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3606: Advent of God [Two in One]


The skull Yan at this moment, the dark skull face, still appeared extremely horrified.

How many years!

He himself has forgotten, for many years, he has not felt the power of the gods.

The state of the gods is still so horrifying and trembling.

"Oh!" And just then, a sudden laugh, came from above.

After hearing the immature laughter, Skull Yan, Shi Feng, and Jin Mo changed their faces dramatically.

Immediately raised his head and looked up.

I saw the Protoss child standing above them, with a smile on his face, and looked down at them.

The most important thing is that he is still the face of a human race, and the scales that the Protoss should not appear on his face.

In other words, in the battle with Skeleton Yan, he is not yet in a combat state, I'm afraid it's just ... playing.

"The game is over, ants." Protoss children said this.

His right hand was already out, facing the three Shi Feng below.

"You two are quick and happy!" Immediately after, Shi Feng quickly drank Jin Mo and Skeleton Yan.

Before the power of the Protoss strong had been launched, Shi Feng had developed an extremely palpitating, extremely dull, and extremely fearful.

However, after making him feel that way, the Protoss child had no scales on his face.

In a moment of thought, Jin Morton and Skeleton Yan turned into white light at the same time, and at the same time entered Shifeng Mountain in Shifeng.

Shi Feng was really worried that this protoss suddenly struck, and Skull Yan and Jin Mo shattered under his power.

And he was pregnant with an undead monster, so he wouldn't be killed in seconds.

But I really didn't expect that myself, Jin Mo, Skull Yan, in the presence of the gods in this heaven, did not even have a trace of resistance.

A force of terror has emerged under the hands of the Protoss children, and was suddenly shaken by him.

"Destiny is back!" But at this moment, a loud scream sounded.

"When!" Then, a roar of metal roared through.

Makes this dark space become more frantic in an instant.

"This! Is this?" Shi Feng, who was still looking up, now stared at a bronze bell.

This is an extremely quaint, big bell with rust on it, revealing the meaning of desolation.

At a glance, we know that it has existed forever in the world.

But I didn't expect that such an ancient bronze bell would ... block the blow of the Protoss God of Heaven.

Although ... it was a blow that he hadn't really entered the fighting state yet.

"Destiny returns!"

"This is destiny!"

"Destiny returns!"

"The fate of the legend!"

"Fate of Destiny! Destiny of Destiny Reappears!"

"Emperor, destiny is returned!"


Immediately, bursts of utter surprise, joy, and excitement kept ringing.

These cries, all from the mouths of the destiny empires, one by one, seemed extremely inspiring.

Destiny is here!

That is one of the ten artifacts in the legends of the gods, and only exists in ancient legends.

But did not expect ...

And the most crucial point is that the attribute attributed to destiny is precisely the power of destiny. When it is exerted by the emperor of destiny, it can certainly exert its true power.

"Heavenly artifact!"

"Heavenly artifact!"

At this moment, Shi Feng exclaimed with the protoss child above.

Shi Feng also understands why this destiny has always been so confident.

Knowing that there is a strong **** coming, and dare to bring the strongest of the destiny empire.

It turns out that there is this heavenly artifact as the background!

This is, the true destiny of Destiny Emperor, Destiny Empire!

"Oh!" At this moment, the ancient bronze bell rang again.

"Uh!" There was a moan in the midst of the metal roar.

Immediately following Shi Feng's soul thoughts, the figure of the protoss child is constantly flying backward.

Afterwards, more and more people saw cheers, and they kept ringing.

"The Protoss strong, has been flying by the emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!

"God is destined! Haha! Our Emperor is the true destiny!"

"Ha ha, yeah! God's destiny should have belonged to our emperor!"

"The Protoss Heaven God Realm seems to be the same!"


The burst of laughter echoed in this dark battlefield.

The soldiers of the Destiny Empire became more inspiring.

However, Shi Feng's face is still in a serious state.

From beginning to end, no scale appeared on the Protoss child.

At this moment, I saw the figure of the divine child of the Divine Realm flying upside down that day.

"Eh!" He trembled violently, and groaned in his mouth again.

Then a ray of white blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"White blood? Is this the lowest level of the Protoss?"

Eyes also stared at the face of the Protoss child, Shi Feng said secretly.

"No!" But then, he denied the idea that had just come to mind.

"This is not white blood, but snow color! This is, the Snowscale Protoss!" Shi Feng said.

The protoss with snow-colored scales, he had never seen it before.

After the Zhen Shenfei Protoss child Zhenfei, he laughed without anger and laughter:

"Interesting! Haha! Interesting! Really interesting! There is a heavenly artifact in the little gods! Good! Good! Really good!

I am still missing a weapon at hand! "

As he said this, a sudden surge of weather burst out from the protoss child and stormed in all directions.

Only under this momentum, the whole dark space, like the sea that has been stormy, began to roll and boil violently.

At the same time, snow-colored scales constantly appeared on the child's face, then spread down and spread to his whole body!

The protoss, the strong man in the heavens and gods, suddenly entered a real combat state!

"Changed!" Shi Feng immediately uttered these words.

On the other side, the face of the destiny monarch saw a sudden change.

His hands twitched suddenly, and saw that the destiny of suspension floated wildly, "Oh!"

Accompanied by a roar of violent sound, immediately violently blasted towards the protoss heaven **** realm strong.

The protoss children, who were originally strong, now seem to have completely changed after entering combat.

Seeing the destiny of Feihong coming, I saw him, pointing with one finger, pointing to the heavenly artifact!

"One finger!"

"Just a finger?"

"It's a shame on the Emperor!"

"Competing with the power of the emperor and destiny, this **** protoss, with only one finger, is really too much to control."

"Just! Blast him!"

"Boom him!"

"Boom him!"


One by one, the destiny empires screamed in anger.


"Lin Tiantian, finally got serious!"

"The power of Tian Si, Megatrons from all walks of life!"

"Shenliu Tiansi has entered into a combat state, and this battle will come to an end!"


On the protoss side, one by one the protoss also spoke.

It turned out that the Protoss children who looked only seven or eight years old were named Shenliu.

Among their protoss, held a mysterious position called Tian Si.

"You're just trying to die!" At this moment, even the Destiny Emperor, holding a scepter of Destiny, appeared above the stream, and said coldly at him.

Hearing the words of Destiny Emperor, the expression on the flowing face was even more disdainful.

And just then, the finger he pointed out collided with the bronze bell.

"Oh!" The big bell was struck again.


"Ah!" At this moment, another painful cry came out.

This burst of sorrow came from the mouth of the Protoss God.

After colliding with the destiny, he saw his body trembling again.

He, after entering the state of battle, is not yet the enemy of destiny?

"Oh! Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!" However, when he saw his body trembling, he was in pain, and he burst into laughter.

"I used 30% of my power, and I couldn't even compete with this heavenly artifact. The heavenly artifact was indeed a **** of heaven!

Then ... try my Qicheng strength! "

When I said this sentence, I saw that the trembling body of the stream was changed to the palm of his hand, and the palm of his hand was blasted above the fate of heaven!

"Boom!" Destiny returned and was shaken again.

When this palm blasted out, Shenliu's body stopped trembling, and he finally resisted the fate of his destiny with this palm!

70% of the power!

"Oh!" However, at this moment, a spit of bright red blood spewed out of the Heavenly Emperor's mouth above.

All vomited on that destiny!

After spitting out this blood, I heard the Destiny Emperor suddenly screamed, "Come and help me, and I will urge the Destiny to come home and kill the gods!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The blood of Ming Emperor's blood was spilled that day, and his fate returned, and suddenly the bells that were extremely thick and extremely fierce were issued!

The sound of Zhong Ming constantly oscillated, echoed and swept continuously.

"Huh?" Feeling the change of heaven's fate in the palm of his hand, the streamer's immature face covered with snow scales changed again at this moment.

On the other side, when the Emperor of Heaven fate shouted and shouted, Shi Feng's body suddenly moved violently, immediately urging the fastest body, and rushed towards his life that day.

At the same time, white light flashed beside him.

Skull Yan and Jin Mo were released by him again.

Suddenly, Shi Feng drank to the two of them and drank: "Help the Heavenly Destiny Emperor, together urge that Heavenly Artifact and kill the Protoss."

"Understand!" As soon as Shi Feng's voice sounded, Jin Mo shouted.

"My subordinates know," Skull Yan also exclaimed.

Although the two of them were in Xumi Mountain just now, they have been paying attention to the movement outside.

Although needless to say, naturally understand what to do.

The three of them immediately rushed towards the side where the destiny belonged.

Not only the three of him, but also the four deities of His Majesty the Emperor, have moved at this time!

There are also four great gods, leading 100,000 elites, consolidating the destiny's unparalleled killing array, one by one, the armor shining, looking at it, as if converging into a galaxy, also rushing towards the return of destiny.






The next moment, the destiny that had always been violently returned, was shaken louder, and a more roaring roar was issued.

As if the dragon keeps roaring!

One after another, stronger forces shook from the fate of destiny.

"Eh! Uh! Uh! Uh ..." Following that, the current that used seven points of power to groan, the body was shaken again.

"Sir Master!"

"Sir Master!"


Shouts rang out among the Protoss army.

At this moment, two extraordinary figures were seen flying out of the army.

A man wearing gold armor covered with golden scales, as if a golden armor **** came.

Another wore a white robe with blood-red scales all over his body, like a **** fiend.

The momentum of these two men is not simple!

This is the existence of the two **** kings, the Nine Heaven Realm.

"Master God!"

"Master Shen Lan!"

Seeing the two flying out, someone in the army of the protoss shouted.



Later, only the two Protoss wars broke out with the **** Gan and Shen Lan at the same time.

The God of the Golden Scales dried the gods, moved his seal with both hands, and suddenly saw a golden force, which suddenly exploded behind the **** strong flow that day.

At the same time, the Bloodscale God has also shot Shen Lan, a huge blood axe, emerged above the head of the stream, and then slashed down towards the "God Destiny" ahead.

Still retreating, immediately sensed two forces to join.

At this moment, I just listened to him slowly speaking: "I really didn't expect that in this little realm of gods, I was forced to use 10% of my power, and even if I die, I can just stare!"

As soon as the words fell, the magical stream has been changed into a seal.

On the right hand, an extremely mysterious handprint has been moved, which is trembling in space.

Then a seal was printed, and the crit struck forward, and a **** axe, like the power of extinction, blasted on the ancient bronze bell.


However, just as "God Destiny" was shaken again, I heard a loud shout, and suddenly yelled, "Here, it seems that I have forgotten my power and has not yet shaken in!"

This shout was yelled from the mouth of the huge skeleton Skeleton Yan.

Just now, when the powers of the Heavenly Emperor's forces shook into Heaven's destiny, the strength of Skeleton Yan had not yet entered.

At this moment, Skull Yan was still holding the Thunderbolt Axe.

All the power has been shocked into the thunder axe, and held up high, like a giant who opened the world.

Peerless black axe, violently chopped down towards that "returned by destiny".

"Oh!" The sound of madness ringed the world.

The boiling darkness was boiling more fiercely.

Collisions of forces, collisions, collisions, and violent shocks, only in this moment, this space became extremely chaotic.

As if, into a chaos.

However, chaos quickly dissipated.

The figures that were swallowed up by the chaos immediately appeared.

"Ah!" Yelled for a while, yelling from the countless people's mouths.

"噗! 噗! 噗! 噗! 噗!"

Between the dark world, the sound of vomiting blood echoed.

The four gods, the five gods, the five gods will be one hundred thousand elite, at this moment they all look unusually embarrassed.

Shi Feng, with a pale face, was holding Jin Mo with his right hand tightly beside him. Jin Mo at this moment looked weak and abnormal.

Like a flower about to wither.

The skeleton Yan holding the dark axe, the huge body half kneeled in the dark void ...

(End of this chapter)

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