Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3619: Bone Heaven Calamity [2 in 1]







Between the heavens and the earth, the seemingly painful howls kept echoing.

Skull Yan's immensely huge and dark skull was already kneeling on the ground at this moment, his head was clasped with both hands, and he was still jerking violently.

This space was originally frozen by the extreme Yin force, but as the skeleton's body moved, the sound of "clicking and clicking" continued to sound.

Frozen and broken, frozen after broken, and so on.

"Senior, I can still bear it, don't have to pity me! As long as it can make me stronger, all means, come to me!"

Although the dark skull face of Gu Yan showed endless pain, he still spit out the sentence at the void ghost in front of him.

"Rest assured, I know what to do." In the mist, the ghost made the sound that day.

"Thanks a lot ... Thank you, senior!" Spitting this sentence again, Skeleton Yan has been shaking very violently.

Immediately, I saw a cloud of white light shoot out of the mist.

Turned into a white arc, fell to the skull Yan.

When Shi Feng saw this, she immediately captured it with the power of her soul. She wanted to see what was in the white light.

It's just that ... the power of the soul hasn't approached yet, and it is forcibly ejected.

Immediately after that, the falling white light, unwavering, fell right on the top of Skull's head.

"Ah! Huh! Huh! Huh!" This mournful sound was so fierce that it screamed from the skull.

The whole world, followed by violent boiling.

"Ah!" At the rear, the dark giant face panicked, and then exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw this dark giant, with Shi Feng and Jin Mo flying back crazy.

At this moment Skull Yan's violent breath was not what he could bear.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh !!" The roar of pain was still stronger than a while, and the beast was roaring fiercely.

It's really hard to imagine how painful the torture is going on at this moment.

"It is worthwhile to enter into the realm of the gods and suffer such torture." Shi Feng said to Jin Mo of Shi Feng.

"I ... may not be able to bear it.

If it were me, I would rather not be in this realm. Jin Mo said.

Upon hearing her, Shi Feng grinned slightly.

This little woman didn't want her to bear it.

All the pain, all the suffering, just carry it on your own.

Women are meant to protect.


"There's something moving in the sky!" Shi Feng suddenly felt something again at this moment, and immediately raised her head.

"Huh?" Jin Mo also cheered.

Then, both of them, and the dark giant under their feet, looked up at the same time.

Then they saw a huge white bone claw out of the sky!

The whole bone claw contains the horrible and trembling power of destruction.

Staring at the horrible and huge bone claw, Shi Feng's face has become abnormally dignified, and she said in a loud voice, "This is the skeleton Yan stepped into the realm of the gods, God of Hell?"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a dark halo flashing from the dark skull of Skull Yan.

This is ... the advanced light!

With the help of heavenly ghosts, at this moment, this skeleton Yan has really successfully entered the legendary heaven and **** realm!

The terrible screams finally stopped at this moment.

Skeleton Yan has also stopped twitching.

All over the body, the momentum is soaring!

But at this moment, I saw the white bone claw that protruded above the sky, and suddenly moved suddenly, and fell wildly.

It looks like a huge mountain of bones, falling down.

"You have successfully stepped into the **** of heaven, but if you are still alive, it depends on your own perseverance and good fortune." The ghost again said to Skeleton Yan.

"Just rest assured, the junior will not let you down! This robber, the junior will take over!"

Skull Yan said extremely firmly.

Followed by, that huge black skeleton body suddenly moved at this moment, rushing up.

Skull Yan greeted the white bone claw himself!

The speed of soaring was extremely fast, and under the gaze of a few eyes, he saw the white bone claw and slammed onto the black skull!

Although the skull is huge, this white bone claw is bigger than it.

The falling bone claw gave a sharp grip, and held the skull in the claw!

Subsequently, Dao Dao claw shadows continuously appeared in the sky, more and more, Qi Qi gathered towards the center of the skeleton Yan.

In the sky, a force more horrifying than one was raging.

The whole sky feels completely destroyed.

"Just after suffering and going through such calamities, Skull Yan, I don't know if I can hold it." Jin Mo said with such a beautiful face that she was worried.

Along the way, and Yan Yan has long been familiar.

This guy, Jin Mo knows it's pretty good.

"Life and death are his own choice.

Along the way, you have to fight with the sky and the earth! "

Shi Feng said so.

After a lifetime of hard work, Skull Yan has not stepped into that realm.

Shi Feng knew that Skull Yan was almost desperate about the realm of the gods.

Now, with the help of heavenly ghosts, he has just entered the gods of heaven.

Presumably Skull Yan can stare at him even if he really died after his death.

"Hopefully, I can still carry it down." Shi Feng said such a word secretly.

He naturally hoped that Skeleton Yan could survive.


Time passed slowly.

In the sky, the horrible bone claws are still appearing, more and more.

All at a glance, the whole sky was covered.

"Under these terrible devastating forces, Skull Yan, are you really alive?" Jin Mo said again and asked Shi Feng.

"Should be alive," Shi Feng said.

"Master, this little fellow is your good slave." At this moment, Shi Feng heard the voice of the sky ghost again.

In the voice, there was approval.

"Although he has the title of master and servant, he is my friend! I have always regarded him as my life and death partner!"

Shi Feng said so to the ghost that day.

"Oh ... haha ​​..." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the sky ghost sent out a weird laughter.

Followed, he came out again: "Master, you are like the old master. Hehehe."

The old master he said was naturally that, Emperor Youtian.

"Oh, right?" Shi Feng asked him back.

"Yes!" Tian Gui replied again.

However, these are just the two words.


In the void, Skeleton Yan is still "fighting" with Tianjie!

Slowly, slowly, and slowly over time.

Only to see the white bone claws in the sky, slowly becoming less.

Fewer and fewer, even fewer and thinner!


"Tianjie should end soon!" Shi Feng said again, looking at the scene in the sky.

"I don't know, Skull Yan has stopped." Jin Mo's face still worried, said.

"It's life or death, and soon we can see Zhenxiao!" Shi Feng said.

"Roar!" However, just when Shi Feng's voice had just come down, they suddenly saw a fierce roar from the sky.

Immediately, Shi Feng and Jin Mo changed their faces.

Not only the two of them, but even the dark giant's dark face changed greatly, and then secretly exclaimed:

"That guy, really carried it down? Really ... stepped into the heavens!"

"Roar!" The roar rang again.

This roar was extremely violent.

The whole world was followed by violent earthquakes, and the sound of trembling came out: "Boom! Rumble!"

It was this roar, and then all bone claws in the void were broken.

The body of the dark skull appeared again in the sight of Shi Feng and others.

This huge black skeleton has become extremely broken. In addition to being broken and notched, it is also covered with dense cracks like spider webs.

"Skull Yan!" Jin Mo looked at Skull Yan in shock, exulting.

"Ha, good!" Shi Feng also laughed and exclaimed.

Although Kuanyan's body was extremely broken, it was nothing at all for him when he entered the state of heaven and god.

"Master ... Master ... Master ... Mother ..."

Following that, the two of them heard the struggling voice that Skeleton made to them.

"Don't talk anymore, recover from all injuries and lift yourself to the top." Shi Feng said to the skeleton Yan in the air with a commanded tone.

"Yes ... Master!" After Skull Yan responded, she saw the dark skull and slowly sat up.

Already started to cast mysteries and enter a state of recovery.

When Skull Yan began to recover, Shi Feng's face moved a little, and then he looked at the half-sky **** in front and said:

"Thank you!"

This is thanking him for Skeleton Yan.

"Where is the young master? This is a matter of his subordinates," Tiangui replied.

"Senior!" Just after Tian Gui's voice had fallen, Shi Feng and Jin Mo immediately heard the dark giant under him, and made a rough and respectful cry.

"Don't say I can't help you improve your cultivation. Even if you can, you haven't qualified yet." Sky ghost replied to the dark giant.

"I ..." The Dark Giant wanted to say something more, but realized the words of the ghost, he shut up and said nothing more.

"He already said ... can't help me improve!" The dark giant said secretly in his heart.

But all of a sudden, a voice came into my mind: "Your memory should be erased."

"Uh!" Groaned, groaning from the dark giant's mouth.

At the same time, his dark body was shocked.

Immediately after, he felt that his mind had fallen into a blank space, and all consciousness and all consciousness had disappeared.

With a loud slam, the dark giant squatted on the ground.

"Huh?" Shi Feng frowned suddenly when she saw the dark giant abnormal shape.

But soon, he heard the sky ghost say, "This giant clan is impure in nature and is not qualified to know the word Youtiandi.

If the young master wants to keep him by his side, it's better to pay attention to it in the future and be a little wary. "

Shi Feng nodded and said, "Relax, I know!"

"That's good!" Said Tian Ghost.

Then, just listening to his voice again, he said, "Young Master, your martial arts practice has entered the nineth heaven of the King of God. I just sensed the breath in you. I have something that can help you for ten days. Step into the peak of Nine Dragons, would you like? "

The word "major" is already the title of Jin Mo beside Shi Feng.

When Jin Mo heard these three words, he always felt a strange feeling.

She spoke and asked the ghost that day: "If I step into the peak of Nine Heavens, do I have to suffer the same pain as Skeleton?"

"Well, that's right!" Tiangui replied.

Then, he added: "Even more pain than he suffered."

In fact, for ordinary martial arts, you can make yourself stronger, but it ’s nothing more than ten days, from the nineth sky to the peak of the nineth sky.

However, when Jin Mo heard what Tiangui said, he immediately answered, "It's ... forget it."

She didn't want to suffer that kind of torture.

She felt that she couldn't bear it at all.

"Is there any other method without pain?" Shi Feng said, asking Tiangui.

"Without pain, that subordinate can't do it." Heavenly ghost said.

"Then don't need it," Shi Feng said.

It made her suffer more torture than Skeleton Yan for ten days, and she felt distressed when she looked at it. How can you bear it ...

"Oh, right!" Then, the ghost suddenly uttered, as if suddenly remembering something.

He also said: "The subordinates had one thing, which is suitable for the young mother!

Young mother, wait a moment here. "

After the ghost said that day, he saw the half-mist fog in front of him, and suddenly disappeared into the void.

"Give me something?" Jin Mo said suddenly.

"Because it is something sent by this guy, it must not be simple. You just accept it." Shi Feng told her.

"Well, okay." Jin Mo nodded.

He called him the young master, that is, his own person, and accepted the thing, but he could feel at ease and not have to be arrogant.

However, Shi Feng did not put much emphasis on his gift from Jin Mo.

The biggest gain this time was that Skull Yan successfully entered the realm of heaven.

On the day of the Destiny Imperial City in the realms of the gods, if the skeleton Yan Xiuwei was in the realm of heaven, they would not have to run so embarrassed.

On the day in Omori, if the skeletons were repaired in the heavens, those guys who avenged revenge would regret it!

Thinking of this, a sneer spontaneously appeared above Shi Feng's face, and said secretly, "I will go back to Tianheng continent first when the injury of Skull Yan recovers.

Promised her, and accompanied her back to the Tianlan Empire to see her father.

After that, I will go back to the gods again, and the debt that should be collected is still to be collected! "


The void, the sitting skeleton Yan, the body of the dark skeleton, the cracks are constantly healing.

The broken bones are beginning to grow.

Step into the realm of the gods, and under the mysterious method of recovery, the body recovers and has long been detached from the past.

If you continue this way, you will be able to recover from injury and reach your peak state at the latest tomorrow.

"Young Master! Young Master!"

At this time, Shi Feng heard the voice of the ghost again that day.

The mist that had previously disappeared quietly emerged in the mid-air in front of them, and the ghost returned!

"Mother Xiao, please be happy!" Tian Gui said again.

Jin Mo listened to it, but his face changed ...

(End of this chapter)

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