Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3628: Breakout [2 in 1]


In the Dongfeng Empire teleportation shrine, the people were even more frightened when they saw the two men appearing on the altar.

These two people are extremely extraordinary, and their strength must be extremely simple.

Nowadays, people in the Tianheng continent know that when the protoss did not enter the fighting state, they were no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, people have concluded in their hearts that this is the two protoss strong!

"Kill!" A fierce general wearing a golden armour snorted.

When his drinking rang, the martial artists in the temple immediately shot.

The next moment, a mighty force rushed from all directions towards the two on the altar.

"Dead! Dead!" Shouted a middle-aged warrior.

"You must die! You must destroy these two protoss!" A woman in her early thirties prayed secretly.

"Destroy! Destroy them!"

With this wave of attacks, the roar continued.

"Huh?" Above the altar, Shi Feng's eyebrows flickered in response to attacks coming from all directions.

Jin Mo also looked complex. Under the influence of the power of the soul, this person who transmitted the temple was obviously all human.

Originally thought that this Dongfeng Imperial City had already fallen, this would be a **** mountain of corpses, but did not expect ...

"Well!" Shi Feng gave a light meal on his right foot, and a burst of noise rang out from the altar.

At the same time, rippling ripples were created in all directions around him.

Under the ripples, the rushing forces from the Quartet collapsed.

It swept across like a wind, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

All the people in the temple were lifted up and hit the ground!

In this moment, no one stood in the temple except Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

Lying down, lying down, overlapping and pressing, looking at a mess!

However, Shi Feng just stepped out at will, and these people were not harmed much.

"I and I are not protoss and demons. You don't have to find yourself suffering." Shi Feng said to these people.

Sounds have echoed in this teleportation temple.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, someone immediately exclaimed: "Not protoss and demons?"

At this time, one by one had discovered that he was not injured, and he slowly climbed up from the ground.

"Not the demons and the protoss? Then you are the demons?" At this time, a standing middle-aged man stared at Shi Feng and asked.

This man and a woman, one in England and one, is simply breathtakingly beautiful.

So this person suddenly suspected ...

"I and I are human." Jin Mo replied.

"Human race!"

"Our Terran!"

"So, some strong men came to our Dongfeng Empire from other places to help us fight against aliens!" At this time, someone cried.

Cheeky cheer.

The strength of these two men, to be precise, the strength of that young man, they are obvious to all, and all of them here are not his rivals.

Just one kick just let everyone fall to the ground. It can be said that if he wants to kill the war here, he only needs to move his fingers.

This ... is simply an extremely powerful being.

With the arrival of the strong, Dongfeng Imperial City has a little more vitality.

"This strong man is so familiar!" Suddenly someone said this.

Suddenly, countless people turned abruptly, and they seemed to find something.

"Yeah! Why, this one, looks so familiar!"

"This one ... huh?" Someone frowned, always feeling where I'd seen it, but I couldn't think of it!

"Idol of War! This is, the reborn Jiuyou Emperor!"

When this sentence sounded, the whole teleportation temple seemed to startle the horrified waves.

"Ah! Emperor Jiuyou?"

"Nine You Emperor!"

"The Great Emperor Jiuyou! Yes! There is nothing wrong, he is the Emperor Jiuyou! He is our Emperor Jiuyou!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou, it is the Emperor Jiuyou!"

"Ah! When I think about it, I also think about it! There is nothing wrong, nothing wrong! Emperor Jiuyou, Emperor Jiuyou came to save us."

"Really ... really ... really, Emperor Jiuyou!"

"I remember, I still remember the image of the sky that appeared a year ago. There is nothing wrong, nothing wrong, this is the one!

One year ago, the Protoss invaded, and it was this Jiuyou Emperor who killed the strongest Protoss with his own power and forced the Protoss! "

The sound of cries has been constantly.

One by one, they were extremely excited, and even a lot of them couldn't help shaking.

Emperor Jiuyou, it is recognized as the first strong in the human race.

In people's minds, it used to be, and it is now!

"We are saved! We are saved!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou came, we don't have to die!"

"Long live Jiuyou Emperor, long live Long live long live!"

"Long live Jiuyou Emperor, long live Long live long live!"


Then, shouts rang out in the temple, just like a mountain tsunami.

All the figures had bowed down, all with respect and piety.

It can be seen that everyone is from the heart.

Jin Mo did not expect that all of a sudden, it turned into such a situation.

Shi Feng glanced at these figures, and said calmly, "Okay, you are all flat."

From the voice of these people just now, Shi Feng has also heard that the Dongfeng Imperial City has also fallen into a deep water.

"Thank you, Emperor!"

Later, Shi Feng looked down at the teleportation altar under his feet. A handprint was struck out of the hand, and the earthquake fell on the altar and disappeared.

The originally sealed altar was now sealed again by him.

Following Shi Feng's face slightly, he said to Jin Mo, "Let's go!"

"Huh!" Jin Mo nodded slightly.

Afterwards, the two flickered and disappeared on the altar.


"The emperor disappeared?"

"Great, where have you been?"

"Imperial, why disappeared?"


Seeing the suddenly disappearing Shi Feng and Jin Mo, the voices resounded.

Based on their cultivation, the two of them could not be captured just now.

Someone's face changed drastically, and his face was extremely bad. He exclaimed, "Mother, the emperor has left?"

"How is that possible! Emperor Jiuyou, how is it possible to leave."

"Yeah! I still remember that a year ago, the emperor was alone and went to fight against the protoss. For our tribe, he almost died."

"That is, the emperor cannot leave!"

"Muffy ..."

Someone said this, and then, all the figures in the temple moved in unison, and kept flying away from the temple.


Over the Dongfeng Imperial City, Shi Feng and Jin Mo stood proud together, looking up at the martial arts in the floating sky, as well as the demons and gods outside the large array.

Shi Feng frowned, looking at the figure of this ethnic group, saying: "They even resisted this alien army."

"In this, there must be a strong human race." Jin Mo said, then turned to look at Shi Feng and asked him:

"Did you find one?"

"I keep looking for it, but I haven't found it yet," Shi Feng said.

"Hey!" At this moment, Jin Mo sighed secretly.

She started, envious of this Dongfeng Imperial City.

If your Tianlan Empire follows the Dongfeng Imperial City and resists the army of the Protoss and Demons, then, how good!

However, you have learned from You Chen that the Tianlan Empire has long been occupied and no longer exists.

"Well, these two people suddenly appeared in the sky? These two people felt to me something extraordinary, and they always seemed to have been seen somewhere."

Above the walls of Dongfeng Emperor Palace, Emperor Dongfeng said secretly looking at the sky.

"Your Majesty!" At that moment, a voice came from behind him.

Emperor Dongfeng turned his head and looked back. It was his Shangshu Shangshu who returned.

Behind the Ministry of Justice Shang Shu, also followed each other.

Looking at them, the Emperor Dongfeng uttered a voice, and Shen Sheng asked, "What happened to the teleportation temple?"

However, looking at their appearance at the moment, the Emperor Dongfeng felt that the matter over there should have been dealt with.

"His Majesty, two people broke the seal in our altar and entered the teleportation shrine." Shang Shu, the punishment department, replied.

"Two?" After hearing the two, Shang Shu's brow frowned again.

Faintly, he realized what, followed by turning his head again, pointing his hands at the two extraordinary figures in the sky, and asking, "It's these two!"

When he saw the action of the Emperor Dongfeng, the face of the Shang Shangshu suddenly changed dramatically, not only him, but also the officials behind him.

The Shang Shushu quickly exclaimed: "No! Your Majesty, you must not be so rude!

That ... that ... that ... but the Great Emperor Jiuyou! "

"What nine ..." Emperor Dongfeng still said calmly, but after he said these three words, the mighty face suddenly changed with the changes, and then exclaimed:

"What! Emperor Jiuyou! Emperor Jiuyou! Jiu ..."

As he shouted these words, his fingers pointing to the sky quickly put away.

Even if he is the prince of a country, pointing at the emperor with his hand is indeed a crime of great disrespect.

From heavy punishment to heavy punishment, that is to destroy the country and the king!

Although it is said that this country has been almost destroyed by foreigners, I still want to continue to live.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Dongfeng Empire Emperor also moved suddenly, kneeling down directly on the knees with the two figures in the sky, and yelled in his mouth:

"See Emperor Jiuyou, Long live Jiuyou!"

With the actions of the Emperor Dongfeng, the officials who came behind him once again bowed down and shouted: "Long live Long live the Great Emperor Jiuyou!"

Although, they had bowed down before the Great in the teleportation temple.

The voices of all the people above the palace walls shone brightly, straight into the sky.

Suddenly, the generals, the soldiers, and the warriors who resisted the alien race heard the call.

"The Great Emperor Jiuyou? Just now, I seem to be shouting the Emperor Jiuyou?"

"Well ... I heard that, too. Could Emperor Jiuyou come to our Dongfeng Imperial City?"

"If this is the case, then we may have been saved. However, did you see the Emperor Jiuyou?"

"Yeah, in the sky, there are all these alien figures, and there is no Emperor Jiuyou at all.

Could it be a hallucination performed by a foreign race that makes me wait for hallucinations? "

"It's ... it's possible! Alien cunning, don't be taken lightly."

"Jiuyou the Great?"

"Nine You Emperor!"

"Did you hear Emperor Jiuyou?"


Emperor Jiuyou's words echoed in the sky.

"If you want to kill, kill yourself!" Shi Feng said to Jin Mo.

Previously, Shi Feng felt that after entering Dongyu, she did not kill herself.

She really hated these aliens to the extreme.

In particular, it is these aliens that cause the father to die.

"Good!" Jin Mo nodded and answered.

Subsequently, he and Shi Feng moved together and rushed into the sky.

Soon, they came to full force, constantly pouring power into the crowd.

However, his two figures are still rising.

"Boom! Boom!" Two tremors followed, suddenly.

The large array of protoss that had not been broken was actually broken by Shi Feng and Jin Mo at this time.






Suddenly, bursts of shouts rang out from hundreds of thousands of people.

Each face had changed greatly, Qi Qi's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw at this moment.

At this moment, countless people just feel like they are dreaming.

But ... the real scene in front of me is really not a dream.

The invisible large array is indeed constantly declining at an extremely fast speed, and the power of that large array is constantly disappearing.

"How could this be! How could this be!" Someone cried out in despair.

"I've worked so hard for so long! I've worked so hard for so long! Ah! Ah ah ah!" Someone shouted frantically.

"What happened, who can tell me what happened!" An irritable old man exclaimed like a thunder.


They are all very clear that once this large array is destroyed, it foreshadows that they will be killed by that powerful alien, and they will be destroyed.

"Two people, two people, broke through this large array!" Another thunder sounded like a thunder:

"Those two traitors of our people! They will not die! They cannot die!"

"Ah! Ahh! Traitor! Really, a thousand swords!"

"What to do, what to do! We, how to resist that alien!"

"That strong human race, come out quickly, help us resist the alien army, help us kill the two human traitors."

Someone started screaming.

As soon as the big burst broke, they had already seen that the gods and demons had rushed down, one by one, with a cruel expression on their faces.

It was as if a wolf was seeing a sheep just to be slaughtered.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Humble people, finally, it's finally possible to tear Seoul alive to pieces, hehe!" Said a protoss with blue scales, laughing excitedly.

"Well, delicious, wait a long time, Uncle Ben can finally come down.

I will be honored to be a ration of my demons, and so on! "A demon master said with a grimace ...

(End of this chapter)

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