Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3634: The Voice in the Darkness [Two in One]

Chapter 3634: The Voice in the Darkness [Two in One]


Shi Feng urged the strongest power of the soul, and launched the strongest magic power he can do now, magic power.

Focused on his fist, he blasted into the space below him.

There was a violent roar, and under his fist, there was a sudden shock, and the space in this area was constantly violently violent.

"Boom Boom Boom ... Kah! Kah! Kah!" The sound of rumblings, and the sound of bursting ice, rang from all sides.

Under Shi Feng's fierce fist, at this moment, a crack of half a meter has appeared.

"Come again!" Shi Feng drank in a cold voice, and immediately, punched fiercely, and then banged downwards.

"Boom!" Another violent roar rang.

"Oh!" A voice echoed as if the glass was broken.

And that crack had cracked, this time was actually blasted out by Shi Feng a mouthful, almost the size of a humanoid.

When Shi Feng saw this, her body moved suddenly, and she rushed down suddenly, rushing into the seemingly endless dark world.

However, just as he entered, the darkness was not as dark as the outside world looked, and there was a faint faint flame in the space, wandering in this space.

It's like a ghost.

"What kind of fire have you seen?" For the fire, Shi Feng thinks that she may also be a holy fire in the form of fire, and she will know more about it.

"Ben ..." How long has the flame not been damaged and threatened by the flame, the flame originally wanted to spit out the word "the seat", but immediately thought of this cruel means and a warning to himself.

Really afraid that he accidentally offended the fellow and suffered unnecessary pain, he immediately changed his mouth: "I haven't seen it yet. Try to gather him over and devour it."

Flame proposal.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded.

These dark flames, Shi Feng felt every ray of flame, exuding the atmosphere of yin, showing the sense of oldness and mystery.

As for the energy in it, he couldn't feel it at all, it was extremely strange.

With a slight shock, a strong suction force spread from him.

Under this force of suction, the dark flames that originally fluttered slowly fluttered wildly, as if these flames were all alive at once.

Struggling against Shi Feng.

"These flames are born with wisdom." Shi Feng was startled.

"Ground fire! These belong to the level of ground fire! Oh my god, Tianheng continent has so many ground fires in this ghost place!

The treasure here is absolutely extraordinary! "At this time, even the flame was shouting in alarm.

Followed by another call: "Da Bu! Da Bu! Quickly devour these ground fires, although I don't know what grade, but absolutely Da Bu!"

The sound of it was full of excitement, and even almost crazy.

Skyfire is the absolute best fire, extremely difficult to encounter.

Although the ground fire is a little bit, it is extremely difficult to encounter.

However, I did not expect that there should be so many here.

Devouring the ground fire, the flame can really make up for it.

However, there should be nowhere to go.

The most important thing is that there are so many ground fires here, so the things here are really not too extraordinary.

It's hard to imagine what kind of thing is in this ghost place.

These thoughts kept flashing in my mind.

The suction from Shi Feng's body immediately became more violent.

Immediately, dozens of dark flames were forcibly absorbed by Shi Feng under the fierce struggle.

Subsequently, a ray of flame was constantly inhaled by his body, flowing into the Dantian, the holy fire!


"Yeah! ~"



After swallowing one wave after another, one after another.

The clusters of black fire made extremely angry sounds at Shi Feng.

Abusive, accusatory, furious emotions.

Shi Feng turned it around, turning a blind eye, and was forcibly sucked into him.

Inside the body, the scarlet torch keeps rolling, engulfing all black fires, devouring and digesting.

"And! And also! Continue, these are indeed very supplementary!" Within the body, a urgency of the flame was issued.

"Don't worry," Shi Feng said to him.


"Ahhh!" Then there were waves of black fire.

When I entered this dark space, I saw that the dark flame seemed to be endless, and the space was full.

However, with the wild devour of Shi Feng, at this moment in this life, it has become empty.

Until the end, all black fire was devoured by Shi Feng.

"That's all," Shi Feng said to the flames.

"Well, let's do this first," the Holy Fire replied.

He could hear from his voice that this guy seemed to be feeling full of Ruyi.

"Go forward! I can sense that the thing is not far ahead. I'm afraid I can see it as soon as I pass by." The flame said to Shi Feng again.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded.

The figure of the pause suddenly moved suddenly at this moment, a snoring sound, like a dark lightning. Rushing forward.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" In a hurry, there was a sound of shattering space in my ears.

"Where? You try to sense again and see how much distance there is." Shi Feng asked again to communicate the flame in his body.

The guy just said that it is not far ahead. If it is really not far ahead, at the speed of Shi Feng, I am afraid that it has already arrived. However, in the eyes, where the power of the soul sweeps, it is still an empty endless dark space.

Nothing else!

"Hmm ..." The flames whispered, "It seems ... still not far ahead, you try again."

If he could hear it from his voice, even this moment, he was not quite sure.

"What's going on?" Shi Feng asked him.

"In my induction, it is clearly ahead, however, I now feel that the distance from the previous moment ... seems to have not changed." The Holy Fire replied.


"There are several possibilities. Either that thing makes me feel a problem, or, although you are moving fast, you are hovering in place," Shi Feng said.

"We are not wandering in place." Shi Feng said.

Although it was gloomy, he could feel that this place was not the place before.

In other words, it was the mysterious thing that caused the induction of the flame to cause problems.

If so, I am afraid it will be more troublesome.

"Go ahead," the flame suggested again.

"OK." Shi Feng nodded.

Suddenly, he rushed forward.

"Ground fire!" Then Shi Feng exclaimed again.

Just after flying out, the dark world in front of them appeared a bunch of dark flames, floating in there again.





At this moment, Shi Feng hadn't done anything at all, and those dark flames had been frightened, and they were frightened and furious.

But soon, before Shi Feng and the flame approached, those black fires flew without a trace.


"These ground fires already recognize you and me?"

Looking at those black fires, Shi Feng was a little surprised.

Earlier, when they had just entered this dark space, those dark flames saw them and did not take them as a thing at all, but still drifting slowly in the dark space.

But those fires before ...

"It should be these ground fires, there is a sense of each other between the same kind, we have swallowed those flames previously, and these have been sensed." The Holy Fire returned.

This ... is really mysterious.

The world is big, there is nothing strange, Shi Feng feels nothing, and it is normal.

What's more, these ground fires are likely to be produced from the same body, so it is not even stranger.

The fire that wanted to devour disappeared, and Shi Feng flew forward again.

Goodbye after those ground fires, so Shi Feng is more certain that they are not wandering in place at all, but are really moving forward.

"Wait a minute!" Then the flames exclaimed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked quickly.

He followed suit, flew in shape, and stopped immediately.

"That baby, here it is," Shi Feng said.

"Here it is? How is it possible!" Shi Feng said.

At this moment, under the sweep of his soul power, in the empty darkness, there was nothing at all.

Not to mention, what a baby.

"Nothing wrong, I feel right." However, the flame said so.

"So, where is that thing?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"In ... in ... um, right where you are right now." The Holy Fire replied.

"This is even more impossible," Shi Feng said.

When he said this, the power of his soul was another violent sweep.

As a result, it is true that there are no ghosts.

"No!" Suddenly, Shi Fengdun exclaimed.

"Huh!" Even the flames were shocked.

Immediately, I saw Shi Feng's body burning with black flames, and he became a dark fireman immediately.

"Eh! Pain!" A painful sound came from the black fire.

Taking Shi Feng as a repairer nowadays, with his incomparable body, he felt extremely painful.

Black fire, suddenly burning more and more fierce, burning more and more violent.

Soon, it turned into a small dark sea of ​​fire.

In the black fire, Shi Feng's face was haggard.

As soon as he thought about it, those evil night armors appeared immediately, helping him to fight the wild flames together.

"Drink!" For a while, Shi Feng swayed suddenly, condensing the strength of the whole body and rushing up.

Want to break through this black flame with strength.

However ... this black flame did not give him this opportunity at all. When Shi Feng's body was mad, this black flame started to follow closely.

Just burning Shi Feng.

"Damn, what the **** is this?" Shi Feng exclaimed.

"That treasure ... that treasure ... is so powerful." Even the flames were a little surprised at this moment.

"Invader, destroy it." At this time, Shi Feng and the flame heard at the same time, an extremely cold voice came.

This sound, as if originating in all directions, and as if sounding on himself, it is extremely difficult to capture the true position.

"Damn." Shi Feng uttered fiercely.

"Since it can't be destroyed, then ... devour!" Shi Feng ordered the flame in his body.

When the flame was heard, it was even more shocked.

Quickly advised Shi Feng: "You are crazy! These flames are so powerful and violent, how can they be swallowed up.

If forcibly swallowed, I'm afraid I will burst! "

"No matter! Swallow!" Shi Feng still made this sound.

Afterwards, he stopped paying attention to the torch, his body trembled, and he began to **** with his body.

"Ah!" Such a fierce flame entered, a more painful roar, roared from Shi Feng's mouth.

His body began to twitch violently.

"Crazy! You lunatic, this is just messing up! You just, play with me!" Shouted the flames.

"Ah!" The dark flames forcibly inhaled, and even the holy flames gave a painful roar.

Scarlet flames fluttered in Shi Feng's body.

There is no other way for Shi Feng. The black fire sticks tightly to himself, burning himself all the time.

If one can't get rid of it after burning, I'm afraid that sooner or later the oil will run out and it will be completely burnt by these black fires.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! You lunatic, you stop! You stop! Really ... it was destroyed." The flames roared again.

The beating became more and more violent. After the black fire forcibly entered, the whole group of blood and fire seemed to twitch violently.

"Crazy, look at yourself, it's useless. The flame power of the other party is endless. Even if you **** again, it will continue to emerge."

Immediately afterwards, the flames roared again.

"Damn!" Shi Feng spit out the words again.

He did see that after he devoured the black fire, the dark fire continued to arise and burned him.

As if, it is endless.

If he continues to devour it, the flame will be destroyed without waiting for him to finish it.

After drinking those two, Shi Feng ceased to be so crazy and immediately stopped devouring these black fires.

The raging flames immediately burned his body.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" The black fire stopped, and the holy fire made a heavy gasp like humans.

For him, although the situation has stabilized, just now, he was really scared to death by this guy.

It's really messy.

This is simply an outrageous lunatic!

"Uh! Ah!"


Shi Feng, still roaring with pain.

This time, it was originally a treasure hunt.

But he did not expect that the treasure was not found, but was attacked by the treasure.

What kind of treasure is the flame?

Actually ... it was so abnormal.

In Tianheng continent, there is such a treasure against heaven.

"Stop! Stop!" Shi Feng said coldly.

Then he said, "You have been hiding in this darkness all year round, and you don't see the sun, it's just ... buried yourself ...

He ... why don't follow me, I will let you see the light again, let you see ... your true ... value. "

"Fart!" As a result, Shi Feng got this angry response.

That thing is full of humanity.

As if, it's really like "people".

This is really a treasure sensed by the flame?

"Ah! Ahh! Ah!"

"Shi ... Brother Shifeng!" Suddenly, Shi Feng heard a woman's shout, with a surprise in her voice ...

(End of this chapter)

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