Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3638: Dangerous war


The terrifying violent white flame continued to spit in the mouth of this white beast.

The more they burn, the more they burn.

This space has long been a world of white fire burning.

However, in the face of such anger, the three great gods still blocked all these white flames.

Moreover, the three strong men gradually approached the white beast.

"Although this beast is strong, the real order is only in a half step.

The reason why they can fight the three great gods is probably because of what they call a unicorn bead! "

Shi Feng still looked at the battlefield below and said secretly.

But it's really hard to imagine. It ’s too simple to compete with the three great gods.

"Is it true that the treasure left by the ancient sacred beast unicorn is impossible?"


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"


Looking at the three big gods getting closer, getting closer, you can hear from the roar of the white beast, he has begun to panic.

If this continues, I'm afraid ...

"Roar roar!" Even Bai Yan, who was spitting from his mouth, began to flutter.

"It's time!" At this moment, Shi Feng above Ling Li suddenly gave a cold drink.

His mind moved immediately, and a huge purple flame swirl appeared above his head.

Immediately afterwards, she saw an extremely huge dark body, and fell from it.

"Master!" Skull Yan suddenly shouted at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng pointed at the bottom with his fingers and said to the skeleton Yan, "Help the white beast, and blast these three gods!"

"It's the master! The subordinates understand!" Skull Yan cried again.

The next moment, he saw that his body continued to fall, and fell towards the battlefield.






The appearance of Skull Yan, the fierce and powerful breath, immediately attracted the four strong men in the battlefield below.

Demon men, protoss women, men in white, and white beasts all gathered their eyes on the huge dark skull of Skull Yan.

After seeing Skeleton Yan, the horror on the face of the white beast was even worse. He thought that the enemy had come again.

If the four gods work together, even if he has a unicorn bead, I am afraid that he will be completely defeated.

It's just ... he soon discovered that the black skeleton didn't seem to fall on himself, and the target he fell on was the three.

And the other three major gods also felt the madness of the fighting spirit of the skeleton Yan, the Demon man suddenly burst into a fierce cry.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his left fist also followed a sudden movement, and he blasted up.

The Protoss woman still shot in white light, divided a part, and shot at Skull Yan.

And the man in white, the sword in front of him trembled fiercely, and the sound of the extremely clear sword groan echoed.

Among the shadows of swords that resisted the white blaze, countless swords flew out, killing Skeleton Yan.

Unexpectedly, Skull Yan came under the bang of the three great gods.

"Hou! Howling! Howling! Howling!" With the appearance of Skull Yan, the white beast immediately felt the pressure abate.

Then there was a roar, and the white fire that had just begun to become chaotic, became more and more fierce and solid.

"Drink!" In the face of the power of the three days of God, Skull Yan yelled, all over his body, black light flashed up.

Above the bone fist of his right hand, an extremely horrifying force has gathered, and then, he suddenly blasted down.

An extremely violent fist was blasted out by him, like a dark mountain, violently suppressing the power of the three great gods.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"


The bursts of force constantly collided at this moment, echoing bursts of rumbling.

The tremor of space, the entire volcano, seems to be about to collapse, and the sky is upside down.

In this wave of collision, Shi Feng and Jin Mo got closer, and they all felt shocked.

Really, too strong too strong!

But ... Although most of the three great gods are fighting against the white flame of the white fierce beast, after all, it is the three great gods that join forces.

I saw the dark fist shadow under the skull Yan Hong, suddenly collapsed.

There is still a wave of spare energy, rushing towards Skeleton Yan.

"Damn!" Skeleton Yan saw this, and yelled, his fists fluttered violently, blocking those forces.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

There was another boom.

Most of this power was eventually blocked by Skeleton Yan.

"It won't work like this!" At that moment, the Protoss woman exclaimed.

I originally thought that everything was under control, but I didn't expect that suddenly such a **** god creature suddenly jumped out and disturbed the plan.

"Let's join forces and kill the skeleton again! Otherwise, with this guy, we can't succeed in destroying that evil animal!" The man in white proposed.

Hearing that, the demon man nodded and said, "Yeah, yes!"

After reaching an agreement, they saw the three figures moving in unison and stormed away.

"Where to run!" Seeing the three men rushing up, the white fierce beast immediately roared again and uttered words.

Then, the four-hoof slammed and chased away the three big gods.

In his mouth, the white flames continued.

"Damn!" Skeleton Yan had already seen the thoughts of the three gods, and spit out coldly again.

However, he had no intention of receding at all, and the huge skeleton continued to fall, even to meet the three gods.

"Skull Yan, be careful!" Shi Feng above looked at him and quickly called to him.

Skull Yan greeted the three in this way, which was indeed a bit reckless.

Seeing this, the man in white immediately smiled coldly, sneer: "Good opportunity! Kill!"

Unexpectedly, the murderer even rushed towards the three of them, which was purely to give the three of them the opportunity to kill him.

"Roar! Roar!" Below, the white beast was still chasing wildly, and Bai Huo vomited toward the three days above.

The three great gods are a little farther away, apparently getting closer to the huge black skull.

"God destroys the soul!" The Demon man drank.

"Shenguang is soaring into the sky!" The Protoss woman also yelled.

"A sword, Dongtian!" The man in white said coldly.

Immediately, a huge dark demon claw revealed this space, angrily grabbing the skull and leaving.

At the same time, the white light on the Protoss woman was like a white giant pillar, blasting fiercely towards the skull.

The sword shadows in the white men's swords were all dissipated. The seemingly simple and ordinary sword stabbed at the skull.

Then when the sword pierced, heaven and earth resonated with it, trembling constantly, as if heaven and earth were in shock.

A sword in the sky! Like this sword, it can really penetrate the heavens and the earth, and change the color of the heavens and the earth!

"Oh!" In the face of the three horrors, Skull Yan's skull face was still scared and roaring.

The two bone-hands were furious, and the Thunderbolt Axe levitated in front of them, doing a chop, and then veiled down towards those three gods!






There was another violent blast.

This time, space trembled with unprecedented violence.

The whole world seems to be plunged into chaos at this moment.

Because the power is too powerful, even Shi Feng and Jin Mo could not see the battlefield below.

This time, the three heavenly gods launched a full blow to Skull Yan. This really is to put him directly to death!

"Skull Yan, this guy is too reckless!" Shi Feng's mind flashed again.

He felt that the three heavenly gods rushed forward, and he should retreat first, wait until the white beast rushed up, and then slowly merged with them to fight the three heavenly gods together.

But he ...

"Ah! Hey! Howl!"

Immediately afterwards, just listening to the painful roar of pain, came from below.

This burst of sound, obviously, was the roar of the skeleton Yan.

Bombed by three powerful men, where can he get better.

The chaotic scene disappeared very quickly, and Shi Feng and Jin Mo could see the scene below again.

Skull Yan, the huge skeleton body trembles, the atmosphere is chaotic, and the situation is already very bad.

Even the Thunderbolt Axe didn't know where to go.

As the three celestial beings attacked Skull Yan, the white beast finally caught up, burning wildly, and then burning to the three of them.

Just now, the three-day **** urged to blast towards Skull Yan with all his strength, and wanted to destroy it in this blow!

However, it seems that the white beast below is also ready.

Behind the Devil Strong, the magic mist raged.

Under the Protoss woman, she was shot in white light.

The white man stepped on his foot, and Ling Ran's sword appeared, stabbing down.

The three powerful forces greeted the white fire.

It's just that ... even if prepared, this wave is more rushed, and the power of the three gods will soon be turned into nothingness under the incineration of white fire.

The white mad flames soon burned on the three great gods.




Two murmuring, Dayton came out of the white fire.

"Extinction!" A cold, sweet drink originated from a Protoss woman.

Immediately afterwards, the three heavenly gods joined forces again, and saw Bai Yan, who burned the three powerful men, immediately collapsed.

Just suffered from Bai Yan's incineration just now, although the three major gods suffered scorch injuries on their bodies, but ... the three of them were so energetic that they were still powerful.

It seems that under the burning of Bai Yan just now, they did not cause much damage at all.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The white beast roared again.

Bai Yan spewed out again, and burned to those three guys again.

"Ah!" At this time, violent skeleton Yan also roared.

I saw the bone claw of his right hand grabbing into the void, the disappearing Thunderbolt Axe, and then he caught it.

Above the axe, there is an extremely horrible destruction force. Skull Yan shook his hands and slashed at the three gods!

"Huh! It's the end of the crossbow, dare you go crazy?" The Demon Clan said to Skull Yan again, his tone was full of disdain.

But this time, they didn't join forces to smash Yan Yan together.

If the white blaze is burned in this way, if it is ignored, it will inevitably pay a very heavy price.

"This is the end of the crossbow. I will kill it.

You two, do your best to resist that evil animal. "The Demon Strong said to Protoss women and white men.


"Know! Solve it as fast as possible."

The two nodded together.

Then, they followed the white fire.

The Demon Man's face was fierce, and he punched into the thunder axe cut by Skeleton Yan.

"Oh!" There was an extremely crisp sound.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo have seen it. At this moment, facing the power of the one-day **** alone, Skeleton Yan has looked extremely strenuous.

Under that punch, the huge skeleton was blasted up and trembled.

Although Skull Yan has now entered the realm of the gods of heaven, however, he did not enter the gods of heaven for long.

And the Demon God of the Gods, seeing his momentum, is estimated to be much more stable!

"What to do!" Jin Mo shouted at Shi Feng when he saw this.

"It's okay." Shi Feng said these words to Jin Mo.

"Oh!" Hearing his words, Jin Mo Qiao's face moved immediately.

She already felt that the man next to her had something to hide from herself.

Could it be that Skeleton Yan has the means to fight this demons?

Jin Mo thought so in his heart.

But ... no matter how you look at it, looking at this weary skeleton is not the opponent of this demons.

The trembling skeleton Yan now fell into Jin Mo's eyes, as if he would fall apart at any time.

"Come up!" Skull Yan came up to him and Zhenfei, and the Demon Clan also rushed to this side.

The battle of the gods of the heavenly realm, now the two of them can't even get involved.

"Master!" Skull Yan, who came up from Zhenfei, immediately called to Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded, and quickly took Jin Mo's hand around him, and shouted to her, "Go!"

"Oh?" Jin Mo said softly "Oh", he pulled himself, naturally he would not struggle, let him pull.

The two bodies flashed, and the next moment, they appeared on the skull of the skull.

"Huh? Pull these two ants and think you can fight me?"

The demons who rushed up were getting closer and closer to Skull Yan. When they saw Shi Feng and Jin Mo appearing, they were very disdainful.

He had seen Shi Feng and Jin Mo long before the battle.

However, for him, under the gods, there is no difference between the ants and the ants, and he is too lazy to bother.

Skull Yan did not respond, and continued to rush upward.

Just now the demons were shocked to fly up. At this moment, his body shape has been stabilized by him, urging at full speed and rushing up.

Above their heads, they saw the huge purple flame swirl, slowly turning.

At this time, the skull of Shang Chong was still rushing, and the anger rushed into the purple flame vortex, and was immediately swallowed by the vortex.

"Hum, want to run?" The Devil man's face sneered even more, and he kept rushing.

Soon, his demon body also rushed into the purple flame swirl.

Entering the purple flame vortex, I have felt my demon body, constantly shuttle in a purple flame world.

With the magic lamp of Solomon's body and shape, he was constantly moved by a strange force.

When he had just realized it, he entered a purple flame door, and immediately followed, the world in front of him changed wildly.

In the eyes, there is a gloomy world, in all directions, with a very cold atmosphere.

He didn't bother about this world,

"There!" A cold voice with a joke sounded from his mouth.

He had already seen, standing on the vast expanse of dark ground in front of him, the **** skull, and the men and women on top of the skull ...

(End of this chapter)

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