Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3645: Physical transformation


The emperor Lan Lan, the emperor of the Tianlan Empire, heard the three daughters talk about his second daughter, Linglong, and his face suddenly moved.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Ling said nothing else, and her right hand was raised violently, and then she slammed into the face of Ling Ling Princess.

"Stupid!" At the same time, a scream in his mouth.

"Pop!" Just listening to an extremely crisp applause, echoed violently in this Jinyu Hall.

"Ah!" Accompanied by a painful scream.

This fan of Lan Yan, because of using some power, this Linghan Princess, the body has been fanned back.

It didn't stop until exiting two meters.

"Father Emperor, why are you there?" Princess Linghan covered her left face with more pain in her hands and asked lamentingly at her father, Lanyu.

When he came over, he originally wanted him to be his own, but he didn't expect that he didn't ask anything, didn't ask the reason at all, and when he heard the exquisiteness, he gave himself this fierce slap.

They are all biological daughters, and his blood flowed. The difference would be so big.

Thinking of this, Ling Han felt full of grievances.

"You stupid, why even ask me?" Lan Ying didn't answer, but asked the Princess Linghan instead.

Then added impatiently: "What a fool."

"My daughter really doesn't know, but she still hopes that the father will speak clearly." Princess Linghan replied, in her tone, she was full of unwillingness and dissatisfaction.

"You know your second sister, who is your husband now?" Lan Yan asked her again.

"Ah ..." After hearing this sentence, the spirit princess suddenly realized something.

She is her second sister and the daughter of her father.

However, her husband, that is ... the Lord of Tianheng Continent, Emperor Jiuyou!

Gradually, gradually, everything, Princess Linghan understood.

Even if it was really exquisite and wrong, Father Huang did not dare to punish her.

Because she had a good husband, the Father, and did not dare to offend.

Over the years, the Tianlan Empire has fallen into crisis many times, all because of the shot by Emperor Jiuyou.

"But ... but that's it. As a father, you can tell me clearly! But ..." The princess Linghan only dared to speak in her heart.

Although Lan Ying slapped her and called her a fool, she didn't dare to hit him.

He knew the father's temperament. If he replied, I'm afraid it would be ... a loud slap.

At this moment, apart from the grievances in her heart, she was really, really envious of that exquisite.

"Why, her exquisite life is just so good.

Ever since she was a child, the emperor has regarded her as the pearl of her palm, and has always spoiled her until she grew up. After growing up, her husband turned out to be the legendary Jiuyou Emperor.

I ... I ... I ... "

Thinking about it, Princess Linghan is about to cry.

At this moment, he could only hear the voice of his father Lan Ling again: "Now that you know, let's step back.

Have a little memory, don't offend people you can't offend at all. "

"Female ..." Princess Linghan's little hand hid in the sleeve robe, holding it tightly, trembling.

Followed, followed by Lan Yan, an embarrassed body, said with respectful words in his mouth, "My daughter retired."

"Hmm ..." Lan Ling nodded slightly, and after answering this, he ignored him directly.

Turned around and walked back towards the high Jinlong chair.

Looking at that ruthless figure, Princess Ling Han turned her back and went straight to the Golden Dragon Hall.

"Did this life, Linglong, ever prevail over me?"

"No! No! I'm unwilling! I'm really unwilling!"

"If my husband is also proud of the existence of heaven and earth, Father Huang, how dare you despise me so much, how dare you slap me!"

"Why, why, she is exquisite, that's such a good life!"


In the extremely high sky, Shi Feng was turned into a white flame fireman, burning.

However, at this time, Shi Feng's roar had stopped, and even seemed extremely quiet.

So quietly suspended in the void, as if dead.

Jin Mo, guarding this white fireworker.

When Jin Chong flew up, Jin Mo was shocked to see him motionless.

However, it was felt that his breath was still there before he let go.

He seemed to be settled in this raging white flame.

However, it was only as if Jin Mo didn't understand what was happening at the moment.

"Anyway, as long as he is fine." Jin Mo said secretly in his heart.

Follow, she is here, waiting quietly, waiting, waiting again!

She won't leave until she wakes up.

Waiting for so long, she felt Shi Feng's condition and was always stable.

It was slowly glooming.

It seems that this small world also has day and night.

At this moment, the night came completely.

However, this night sky was brightly illuminated by the blazing white flames.

This is true even of the earth below.


"White firelight among the holy mountains of white fire?"

"Sky, why is there a sudden fire, what is the sign of this?"

"Who flies to the sky to see what happened!"

"Should ... Shouldn't, this little world at the bottom of the volcano has cracks, so white fire enters!"

"A bad omen! This must be a bad omen!"

"Will it be the aliens who discovered this world and shattered this small world, so will the white fire enter?"

"But ... in the holy mountain, there is such a powerful beast to guard, aliens, can they still come in?"

"Everything is really hard to say! I have a hunch that a major disaster is coming!"

"It's hard to escape! It's hard to escape!"


There was a burst of cries, ringing among the ancient buildings inhabited by the people of the Tianlan Empire.

At this moment, the place is full of figures, all looking up at the sky, crying sadly.

Each face looked extremely bad.

Although someone just shouted for people to fly up and take a look, but standing on the ground and looking at the sky and the white firelight, they felt a terrible sense of danger and anxiety.

Who dare to soar.

The fire of Kirin is this firelight, for them, they are extremely powerful and terrifying.

In that tallest stone house, Emperor Langao heard the movement coming from outside, and at this time, he slowly walked out of the house.

"Your Majesty, I'm terrible!" As soon as Lan Ying stepped out, a graceful and noble old man shouted at him in astonishment.

This is the book of ceremony of the Tianlan Empire, but at this moment, instead of saluting to the emperor Lanxi, he yelled at him directly, and he had long forgotten what "ceremony" was!


Lan Ling ignored the book of the ceremony, his face remained unchanged, his hands were still behind him, and he looked up into the sky, into the white firelight.

Later, Lan Ling lowered his head, "Be quiet and restless. Pass on the order of the uncle, and let everyone quiet down for you, no big deal."

Lan Yan said.

Although the white firelight also gave him a sense of horror and power, he knew that it must be related to that one.

Day to day, Linglong told herself that the sacred beast in the Sacred Mountain of White Fire had been severely damaged.

After the heavy damage, the holy beast has given its unicorn bead to his son-in-law.

So the moment Lan Lan looked up, he guessed it.

And, now that person in this small world, even if this innocence collapses, he is the first to stand up.

For him, Lan Yan really has great confidence, with him, it is really very relieved.

"But ... Your Majesty ..." When this book of the Ministry of Rites still wanted to say something, Lan Yi immediately waved at him and interrupted what he was about to say.

Lan Yan said again, at this moment, the sound was directly cooled down, and the former imperial power reappeared:

"I said, pass on the order, everyone is quiet.

If there are any more shouting, Tingzhang thirty! "

When Emperor Langao's momentum reappeared, the Book of Rites was directly deterred by him.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly bowed his hands and said, "The minister obeys!"

Later, the book of the Ministry of Rites promulgated Lan Yan's order.

After he left, Langao looked up again at the sky shrouded in white flare.

He murmured softly: "I have a feeling, my good son-in-law is going to be strong again!

Good thing! Good thing! "


"I am ..."

In the blazing white flames, Shi Feng gradually became conscious.

Just now, he felt as if he had disappeared, as if he didn't exist in the world at all, it seemed that he had transformed into nothingness.

It seemed to be sleeping in heaven and earth, and suddenly woke up at this moment!

Slightly lowered his head, looking at the flaming white fire burning up and down his body, at this moment, Shi Feng could not feel the slightest pain.

Not only could he not feel the pain, he even felt that he and the white flame had become one.

The blazing flames felt like the arms were pointing.

Mind was moving again, Shi Feng whispered secretly: "Kirin Pearl, completely turned into my Dantian!" When Shi Feng's whispered voice just came down, I saw him among Bai Yan and suddenly Bai Guangyi flash.

Shi Feng at this moment, directly from the seventh heaven of the King of God, entered the eighth heaven!

After entering the eighth sky, he actually felt that his Qilin Zhudan field still had great energy!

This means that he does not need to devour energy today.

As long as the time comes, you can step directly into the King of God's Nine Heavens!

"Nine stars have disappeared?" Then, Shi Feng found that the nine-star pattern in her heart had the previous seal broken, but now she has completely disappeared.

"My flesh!" But soon, Shi Feng felt that this flesh was wrong.

The body shook slightly, and the blazing white flames burning on his body disappeared directly.

"Little stone!" When he saw the figure of Shi Feng, guarding Jin Mo beside him, he suddenly whispered to him.

After hearing her shout, Shi Feng turned her head, smiled slightly at her, and said, "I'm fine."

"You ... you ..." However, soon, Jin Mo's face turned red, and he turned his head quickly and said:

"Just put your clothes on."

"Oh!" Hearing Jin Mo's words, Shi Feng realized that under the unicorn white flame, his original black robe had already been turned to ashes.

Today, I am full of energy.

Looking at her shy turn, Shi Feng gave a smirk, and then, in black again, he took it out of the storage ring and put it on.

"Okay," Shi Feng said to her.

"Oh." Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jin Mo nodded slightly, and then slowly turned around.

At this moment, Shi Feng's all senses condensed on his own body, only to see his body tremble slightly, and for a moment, the extremely dazzling light of stars burst from him.

Immediately after, Shi Feng punched directly into the black sky in front of him with a blast.

"Boom!" There was a thunderous sound like a thunder, which suddenly struck at this moment.

The whole world, because of Shi Feng's fist, raged.

As if the sky is spinning, the earth is turning!





Below the ground, in a violent tremor.

Every figure was suddenly crooked, and then they shouted in surprise, exhaling from people's mouths.

Although the emperor Lanxi ordered that he should no longer yell, but at this moment, they were unable to control it.

However, there are also those who have reached the realm of the Emperor Wuhuang and above, soaring into the sky.

But after flying into the sky, his body turned sharply with this unstable space!

"Ah! Aah!" Still shouted in shock.

Feeling the power of this fist, Shi Feng shouted in shock: "Under the burning of the flame of the unicorn, let the power contained in these nine stars be completely integrated with my body.

This unicorn flame is like recasting my physical strength.

Now, my physical strength has reached the peak of God King Nine Heaven! "

This, Shi Feng had never thought of before.

The physical body ...

"Not only the flesh!" Then, Shi Feng seemed to have found something again!

The mind is moving again, and the power of the soul works.

Immediately, he saw a staring figure bursting out of him.

A giant wearing black magic armor stands on the stone maple.

And this giant looks exactly like Shi Feng!

In fact, this is actually the power of Shi Feng's soul. The whole soul's body seems to contain endless power!

"The power of my soul, actually ... stepped directly into the half-step **** of heaven!" Shi Feng shouted again in shock.

Earlier, the soul was inflamed by the unicorn fire, and the feeling was really incomparable.

Like a soul, it will be burned directly to ashes.

But now it is unexpected that after experiencing such pain, this soul, actually ... actually ... reached such a state.

This feeling really feels extremely unreal.

However, it did happen, it happened to him Shi Feng.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Feeling such a change, Shi Feng laughed directly at the sky.

This feeling of getting stronger is really incomparable.

"Okay! Good! Really good!"

"Kirin beads, worthy of Kirin beads! Worthy of anti-sky treasure! Haha, hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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