Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3651: City of destruction


Ten strands are not weaker than Shi Feng's own magic power, that is to say, ten strands of the power of the gods are gathering towards Shi Feng.

If such ten forces would blast Shi Feng into the air, I'm afraid ... this is the undead monster.

However, it was seen that Shi Feng's face still had a disdainful joke, as if he didn't pay attention to these ten forces at all.

With a grin, he smiled and said, "So illusion, I want to hide this less? Oh!"

After a laugh, he saw the ten forces, and Qi Qi exploded on Shi Feng.

However, Shi Feng remained motionless, as if ten strands of air rushed on her body.

All this is illusion, this is invisible air.

This move initiated by this silver-haired man is entirely based on illusion, which makes people hallucinate and target people's consciousness.

In fact, this technique is also extremely mysterious. If the deceived person really feels that this is ten real powers, then he will feel that the ten powerful real impacts are rushing to himself, causing casualties!

However, this silver-haired man, the opposite side of the operation found the wrong person.

Today's Shi Feng, the power of the soul is a half-step god, how powerful, naturally see all this.

"Ah!" The handsome silver-haired man was shocked when Shi Feng broke the operation easily.

And at this moment, Shi Feng slammed the punch again.

Extremely fast and extremely powerful, it really hit the heart of this silver-haired man.

"Boom!" There was a sound boom, ringing the whole world.

"Ah!" Along with it, there was a painful and terrible roar.

The face of the silver-haired man had become extremely frightened by the pain, and the whole person bowed because of Shi Feng's fist.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body, like a sandbag, flying backwards violently.

At this moment, Shi Feng's figure flickered again. When he appeared again, he was already in front of the inverted silver-haired man.

There was still that sneer on his face, then both hands came out, "Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Unleashed a mighty force, slamming at the silver-haired man.

With Shi Feng's attack, the world shook again and again. In this moment, a hundred punches were left on the silver-haired man.

The original handsome face has been blasted into a pig's head, a piece of blue, a piece of purple, or even blood, which is simply unbearable.

That silver robe was also tattered and bloody.

Since this man is strong, he is ready to be beaten and even killed.

Who made him so short-sighted and offended a person who couldn't even offend.

"Mi Yi ... lost ... actually lost ... so thorough!" On the other side, the woman in black still under the control of Jin Mo, reappeared with surprise.

Destruction instrument, the strongest genius to destroy a clan.

At the age of twenty-five, he stepped into the realm of heaven and earth.

It is among the younger generations that there is the most hope to reach the existence of heaven and **** realm.

For this woman in black, controlling the ritual of destroying the Shenmu can launch the power of the **** of God. That is already an invincible existence and invincible power.

However ... it was such a complete defeat.

It's really hard to imagine that the destroyer holding the Destroyed Tree has no power to fight back. How far has this man's combat power reached!

"Well, let me return to you here." Shi Feng said, looking at the scarred silver-haired man.

Then, the right fist filled with the rolling magic mist, and then raised high.

There was a bang at the door of the destroyer.

Shi Feng already knew that this punch was enough to end the life of this person.

"No ... don't ..." Mi Yi's face was extremely horrified, and she shivered.

In the face of death, how could he not be afraid.

This voice pleaded.

He didn't want to die.

"Stop!" However, as Shi Feng's fist was about to hit, a sound of old and mighty shouts came immediately.

The sound was like a hong bell, tumbling.

At the same time, I felt a terrible horrible power of destruction, suddenly descended, before the silver-haired man faced the door, blocking Shi Feng's punch.

"Boom!" The world is shaking!

However, after Shi Feng's fist was blocked, he couldn't move forward.

"Who!" Shi Feng immediately drank, and his face had become extremely dignified.

Even a strong man came out and even blocked himself from the strongest blow.

Come, it's not easy.

"Patriarch! It's the patriarch!" Hearing that burst of shouting and the power to block that person's punch, the woman in black immediately called out in her heart.

"Grandpa ... Grandpa!" The face was filled with endless horror and exclaimed.

Slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

But that punch didn't end him, but he still had a lingering fear.

Just now, it was really dangerous.

It's just a little bit worse, just ...

If it wasn't for Grandpa's imminent appearance, it would be ...

At this moment, some of them did not dare to think about it.

At this time, Shi Feng's face also looked towards the other side.

In the dark and distant distant space, there was a plain old man in a gray shirt.

Seems very ordinary, but the whole body is filled with an ancient and strong breath.

Shi Feng's eyes suddenly condensed at this moment, and secretly said, "The true **** of heaven is strong!"

I do not know when, the tree of destruction held by the silver-haired man in his hand appeared in the hands of this old man.

Just now, Shi Feng heard that man call this person "Grandpa", and it seems that there will be another battle!

For the silver-haired man, Shi Feng had ignored it for the time being, and was rolling in war, swept towards the old man.

"Young, I don't want to fight with you." But at this moment, just listening to the old man in the shirt slowly speaking to Shi Feng.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said softly "Oh".

However, his warfare did not fade away, nor did he let his guard down.

Who knows if the old guy will have any means and conspiracy.

After all, this place is the territory of these people, and we can't relax in the slightest.

After the old man said that to Shi Feng, he slowly lowered his head and looked towards Ling Yefeng, who was holding the mutant sickle, saying:

"Fellow man of death, come with me, I have the secret you want to know."

"Do you have the secret of my ancestors?" After hearing the words, Ling Yefeng's mighty face was shocked.

The old man nodded slowly, and then said, "If you want to know, come with me."

When this sentence was finished, the silver-haired man in front of Shi Feng had a floating figure and flew towards the old man.

At this time, Shi Feng no longer stopped.

Immediately after, Jin Mo's grasp of the woman in black followed a slight shock.

A mysterious force shook her hand away from the woman in black. The next moment, the woman in black also flew towards the old man.


After doing this, the old man slowly turned around, his figure fluttered lightly, towards the front, towards the endless sky.

"Master." Ling Yefeng looked up and shouted at Shi Feng.

"Go." Shi Feng said to him, and his figure followed.

Then, Ling Yefeng and Jin Mo also followed the old man in the gray cloth.

"These people cultivate the way of destruction, or they know where the destruction of the sky and the dark concubine are." Shi Feng thought of it and secretly transmitted a voice to Ling Yefeng.

"Well, the disciples think the same way." Ling Yefeng replied.

At this moment, Shi Feng, Jin Mo and Ling Yefeng gathered together, and started to wander with the three people in front.

"However, be careful, you may already have some fierce battles waiting for us." Shi Feng again spoke to Jin Mo and Ling Yefeng.

"I know." Ling Yefeng replied solemnly.

"Understand!" Jin Mo nodded slightly.

In this way, they followed all the way, silent all the way, flying silently.

After flying for half an hour, the figures of the three men in front of them slowly fell obliquely below, and fell into a seemingly unusual ruin.

This ruin looks no different from other ruins at all.

"Pop! Pap! Pap!" Three bursts of light, and Shi Feng followed them.

The old man's hands immediately concluded an old and weird handprint.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The Shi Feng trio immediately sensed that the ruins under their feet immediately began to tremble.

In front of their six, a dark thing was seen, slowly rising, rising, rising ...

Gradually, Shi Feng also began to see clearly. This was a flash of darkness, an ancient and huge door, tightly closed, and a stream of darkness flowing on it.

Until the entire dark door reached the ground, it seemed like a dark creature standing proudly on the earth.

Compared with the others, Shi Feng looked extremely small, as if six frogs were facing a black giant.

At this time, the old man's handprints were removed, and then he said in a deep voice, "Let's enter with me."

After saying this, he took the lead to go straight ahead.

When he touched the dark door as a whole, he went straight in.

Later, the silver-haired man and the woman in black followed him into it.

"Let's go!" The three of Shi Feng's body flickered, and flashed into the dark door without any hindrance, only the whole world in front of them, followed by a black one.

But slowly, slowly, lighted up slightly.

Shi Feng saw that at this moment, he was standing at the gate of a city, and in front of the eye, was a giant city.

However, although the city is large, it is deserted and Xiao Suo. On the distant road, there are few people walking.

This heaven and earth is also a dark, windy, sweeping.

It was disturbed by the inexplicable silence.

In front of the three men, the old man, the silver-haired man, and the woman in black had turned around and faced them.

The old man said, "Welcome to the city of destruction that destroys us."

"Destroy a family, is it related to the **** of destruction?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Well, there is nothing wrong." The old man nodded slowly to Shi Feng, saying, "We destroy the tribe, it is the descendants of the **** of destruction, who live here and cultivate the way of destruction."

"Then you have met Skyrim?" Ling Yefeng asked him immediately.

"See you." The old man nodded slowly and said.

"Where is he now?" Ling Yefeng asked again.

If these people are truly descendants of God, then they are of the same bloodline as the destruction of heaven.

If that's the case, then it should be all right!

"Now, his condition is not very good. I will take you there later," said the old man.

"What the **** happened?" Ling Yefeng hurriedly asked when he heard that the situation was bad.

Along the way, he has always been concerned about the destruction of the sky and the security of the dark. Two good brothers who grew up together and fought together, he really didn't want them to happen.

"He and his friends secretly sneaked into the Palace of Destruction, and in the Palace of Destruction accidentally released the beasts suppressed by the ancestors.

If it wasn't for the old and found out in time, the two of them might have died.

Come on, let's talk as we walk. "

After saying this, the three people who destroyed the tribe turned away.

Shi Feng's body flickered, and they walked beside them.

The old man reiterated: "Mie Tian and his friends were seriously injured and have been in a coma for three months.

The mysterious methods of destroying a tribe are cast out, and for the time being, to save them their lives, but whether they can wake up or not depends on their own fortune.

If you can survive under the mystery for another month, then you will be fine. "

"A month." Ling Yefeng murmured secretly, nodding secretly.

Pray secretly in my heart, hoping that they can survive.

Must survive!

"Your family have been living here?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Yes, yes." The old man nodded gently and said, "Our family, from the ancestors, has always had a mission and must not leave without permission."

"Mission?" He frowned slightly, and then he thought of something and asked him, "It's a protoss!"

Hearing the word "protoss", not only the old man, but even the silver-haired man and the woman in black, were all moved.

The old man nodded back and said, "Yes, Protoss!

Here, there is a channel for the Protoss to invade Tianheng. The mission of our grandparents is to resist the Protoss and prevent invasion. "

"It really is!" Shi Feng said.

That protoss is really everywhere.

If we count one more here, there are already four channels leading to Tianheng in Tianheng continent.





The old man walked along the avenue of this ruined city with a few people from Shi Feng. After seeing the sparse people in the city, he shouted at him immediately.

Shi Feng sensed that the people of this city are also the way of cultivation and destruction.

"Um." The old man looked kind and nodded back at them.

"You said before that you knew about my ancestors." Ling Yefeng asked him again.

"Well, I'll wait to take you to a place where there are legends about death, a period of ancient secrets that may only be understood by you," said the old man.

"Oh!" Ling Yefeng opened her eyes, "Oh" said.

There is another ancient secret that only I can understand.

What kind of place, what kind of thing is that?

Regarding the place of the ancestors, Ling Yefeng looked forward to this ...

(End of this chapter)

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