Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3654: Three Big Bones


Unsurprisingly, as expected from Shi Feng, as expected, another god-level creature appeared.

What's worse, after he and Jin Mo entered the area, the land suddenly turned into a dark mud.

As soon as they entered the quagmire, Shi Feng and Jin Mo suddenly felt a strong and devouring force, and forcibly absorbed the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, weird black vines came out of the mud.

Entangled frantically, but in an instant, Shi Feng and Jin Mo entangled like a cripple.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!"

Bursts of weird noises rang from above their heads.

Shi Feng had already seen that the god-level creature had chased after him, flying in the air above their heads.

This is a monster shaped like a black mouse, but it is extremely huge. It is covered with twisted black lines and has two black meat wings on its back. Between the fans, a yelling wind sweeps the world constantly.

Open your mouth and reveal teeth like sharp blades, screaming at Shi Feng and Jin Mo below!

"Goo!" This strange voice was extremely loud at the moment.



Shi Feng and Jin Mo both felt the power of sound waves and hit their minds severely.

He was startled and moaned.

At this moment, the big-winged rat flying above suddenly moved like a **** mountain, and crashed down towards Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

The force of this fall is even more fierce.

Suddenly, listening to these quagmire, a burst of "bang" was issued!

The incomparable rumbling sound rang, the whole black quagmire trembled at this moment.

The black mud splashed wildly, making this world suddenly look extremely chaotic.

"Goo!" However, at this moment, the **** rat monster who had fallen into the quagmire suddenly made a loud and painful cry.

Immediately afterwards, the rat's black meat wing flew wildly.

Then he continued to fly violently, extremely fast, and suddenly flew out of this area.

this is?

As the **** mouse left, the stone maple and Jin Mo in the quagmire below reappeared.

The dark vines that had entangled him both had long since disappeared.

Shi Feng's right-handed fist now seemed to look a little wrong.

I saw him clenching his right fist, shaking constantly, the more trembling the more violent.

It's not just his fists, the demons of the manifestation are also shaking involuntarily.

The magic mist that rushed from the remains of the demon became more and more fierce.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Shi Feng, Jin Mo's face was uneasy and asked him.

"Evil night! It must be evil night! Here, there is something related to the ancient evil head evil night!" Shi Feng answered.

As those were shaking, his voice was shaking.

Immediately after, he shouted again: "Destroy the demon realm! Destroy the demon realm! It turned out to be related to that demon!"

Thinking of the demon, thinking of the thing or the corpse that might get the demon, Shi Feng even became a little excited and expectant.

If today's invaders of the Everland are invading, if you want to become stronger, things that are evil night are undoubtedly the fastest path.

And at this moment, even his own body is shaking, which is enough to show that the evil things here are definitely not simple.

"You ..." At this time, looking at Shi Feng's Jin Mo with his eyes, he suddenly twisted his eyebrows, and spit out a "you" character to Shi Feng.

However, after spitting out this word, she did not see what she said, and did not continue to speak.

Shi Feng looked at Jin Mo's abnormal shape and immediately asked her, "What's wrong?"

Jin Mo said, "The feeling you gave me just now is not quite right!"

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked her.

"I can't say it, just like that moment when he suddenly became a person, and my heart suddenly felt uneasy.

But it's much better now, it should be my heart. Jin Mo answered.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded slightly.

After that, I didn't think much about it, and when I thought about it, the night evil armor also wore on him.

Sure enough, what he expected was that the Night Stalker was constantly trembling.

And it trembled more than the remains of the demons and the fists gathering magic!

"Let's go!" Shi Feng immediately drank at Jin Mo.

Immediately afterwards, the two bodies rushed up from the black quagmire.

Then along this quagmire, rushed forward all the way.

"That's right! This direction! That's the direction. Well, there is nothing wrong!"

When flying fast, Shi Feng said secretly.

When flying all the way, Shi Feng has been using the body armor and body as a guide, as a guide.

"Master!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng's mind suddenly sounded an extremely deep voice.

This is ... the voice from Skeleton far in the fierce land.

When entering the Demon Demon Realm, Shi Feng had been waiting for Skull Yan to communicate with herself.

After that, there was no audio at all. Shi Feng wondered if this Solo magic lamp would be able to connect to the destruction of the demon domain.

However, at this moment when I heard the voice of Skull Yan, I should have thought more about it.

Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

"Master, previously, your subordinates have been unable to sense you through the Solomon's magic lamp, but just now, with the help of senior ghosts, I finally felt it." Skeleton said.

"Oh, it was the help of the ghosts." Shi Feng, who was still flying, nodded secretly.

Followed back to Skeleton Yan: "I am now in a mysterious place. Next, you will always keep in touch with me with the Solomon's magic lamp. If something is wrong, I will let you open the way to space immediately."

"Subordinates understand!" Skull Yan immediately answered.

"Then first!" Shi Feng said.

"Yes!" Skull Yan Zaiying.

Then, the voice went completely silent.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo were flying all the way.

At this moment, they have flew out of the quagmire area.

What entered was actually a land of black bones.

Under them, there is an endless land, and above the earth, there are dense, endless black bones, extending to the endless distance.

Each of these black bones was breathed with the ancient gloom.

"This ... is it an ancient battlefield?" Jin Mo stunned.

These black bones look like a dark murderous, fighting and killing each other before the endless years.

Ripped opponents, also torn by new opponents.

"Yes, yes!" After hearing Jin Mo's voice, Shi Feng nodded.

Although, it is no longer seen what level these black bones were before they were born.

But judging by the hardness and color left behind by these bones, I am afraid that this fierce creature is extremely difficult.

The battle of that year was bound to be magnificent!

"Hoo! Hoo!"

"Roar roar!"



At this moment, Shi Feng and Jin Mo suddenly heard the roar of fierce beasts, and they continued to make loud noises.

The sound was dense and dense, as if there were thousands of ways.

"Roar! Roar!"

The roar, one after another, kept echoing and trembling.

This roar seemed to originate from the sky, as well as from the black bones of those ferocious beasts.

It sounds sensational, just feeling that the brain is extremely chaotic, as if to blow it up.

"Move! The bones of these fierce beasts are moving!"

At this moment, Jin Mo shouted again. He saw the black bones in the land beneath him, and even rioted.

Those ancient fierce creatures who died clearly seem to live at this moment.

"Boom!" A burst of thunder broke from Shi Feng's body.

The violent black thunder, like the black stormy sea, suddenly poured down violently.

Those who survived the black bones just rioted, rushing towards Jin Mo and Shi Feng in the void.

At this time, the black bones that quickly rushed up were immediately swallowed by the dark magic thunder.

A large number of dark beast bones became nothingness directly in the black thunder.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo continued to fly forward.

On Shi Feng's body, darkness and thunder continued to erupt, and white unicorn fire was burning.

Black Thunder and white fire continue to destroy those black bones.

Of course, Jin Mo was not idle either.

There was a constant burst of powerful power on her body, and a black bone was constantly destroyed under her power.

At the same time, blossoming red huge flowers are constantly blooming in the void.

All the black bones that came into contact with the safflower were also destroyed.

The martial arts of Hongyan Holy Land is mysterious and powerful.

Also with a strange beauty.

"Huh? Be careful!" At this moment, Shi Feng immediately called out, suddenly looking up.

At this moment, Jin Mo also looked up.

I saw a huge bone and beast appearing on top of them, the shape was like a black bone dragon.

Although it is a black bone, this bone beast has given Shi Feng and Jin Mo an incomparable horror, an immense fierceness, and an immense danger.

"Oh!" The black bone fierce beast opened his mouth and roared, and the roaring sound turned out to be like a dragon chant.

At the same time, a black flame blasted out of his mouth, burning towards Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

"Little ... be careful ..." Shi Feng shouted to Jin Mo quickly, and then shouted again: "This blaze, I am afraid ... has reached the dual power of God!"

Shi Feng's body couldn't help shaking under the black flames.

Now, I am afraid that only God's power above heaven can make him so!

Jin Mo's face has also become abnormally dignified.

The two urged full strength, their bodies continued to fly forward, and in the end, they escaped the black flames.

The two fled, "Oh!" Only the sound of Long Yin sounded again, and the black-bone fierce beast shaped like a dragon had been chasing towards them.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

A black bone above the earth was still raging.

Still rushing towards the flying Jin Mo and Shi Feng.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo not only ran away at the moment, but also constantly destroyed those black bones blocking the road.

At the same time, the strength of the body is constantly flying.

"Someone is on that black bone!" At this moment, Jin Mo suddenly shouted to Shi Feng.

"People?" Shi Feng frowned slightly when he heard the word.

Then turned around and looked.

Sure enough, there was a figure standing on the black bone fierce creature like a dragon.

It was a woman, fluttering in a blue dress and a fairy-like figure.

However, when Shi Feng wanted to see her face clearly, there was a mysterious force to stop him from seeing him.

"Although it is a human form, it is difficult to say whether it is a human race." Shi Feng said to Jin Mo.

"Huh!" Jin Mo nodded.

A woman who stands proudly on the black bone beast is not good at first sight.

But ... if it was really good, that keel wouldn't be allowed to keep up with them.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Bursts of dragons were still rumbling.

The black keel still spit out the dark dragon flame, burning stone maple and Jin Mo.

But every time, he was hidden by the two of them.

Although this keel is terrifying, its speed of flight is somewhat inconsistent with its strength.

In this chase, gradually ... gradually ... distanced by Shi Feng.

If it continues like this, it should be sooner or later to shake off this keel and that woman.

"Yeah!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng and Jin Mo suddenly heard, a cry, ringing in front of them.

Immediately they saw another huge black bone rising from the horizon ahead.

Is also sweeping the breath of horror!

"The keel is behind, is this ... this is the bone of the Phoenix?"

Looking at the body of the dark giant bone, it looks like a giant bird, Jin Mo exclaimed.

"Maybe, it is!" Shi Feng said.

Regarding the Phoenix, he actually met a little Phoenix when he was on the continent of the Divine War.

The shape of this black bone is indeed very similar to the phoenix, although after being reduced to a black bone, the exhalation has become different from the real phoenix.

At this moment, I saw the phoenix black bone in front of it, and also made a sudden move towards Shi Feng and Jin Mo.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo changed their appearance suddenly at this moment.

There is a keel at the back and a phoenix bone at the front.

Shi Feng and Jin Mo suddenly shifted to the left, but just when they moved out, "Roar!"

Another ferocious roar came.

"I rely! Is this a white tiger, one of the beasts?"

Shi Feng shouted loudly.

Seeing to the left, Pentium produced a huge dark tiger bone, although it was tiger-shaped, but the horrifying and powerful momentum revealed was no less than that of the dragon bone and the black bone of the Phoenix.

The dark tiger bone on the left was blocking the way, and the front and rear, keel and phoenix bones came in. At this moment, Shi Feng and Jin Mo could be said to have completely retreated.

But then, the three have reached the existence of the **** heavenly one!

And the woman who can't see her face above the keel is even more unfathomable!

"Since entering this dark place, I have lost contact with Skeleton Yan!

I'm afraid that the Solomon's lamp here can't communicate again!

How to do? What to do!

There is no retreat, and three murderous creatures are enough to destroy me two. "

The situation has become increasingly urgent.

The three fierce creatures approached Shi Feng and Jin Mo rapidly.

The dark keel, the dragon's mouth widened, and the dark dragon flame burned again.

The phoenix's black bones fluttered violently. In the sky, there were large and fierce fireballs, like meteorites, descending wildly towards Shi Feng and Jin Mo, madly smashing!

"Roar!" Dark tiger bones, screaming in the sky, and screaming tigers ...

(End of this chapter)

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