Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3677: 100,000 why


After Yu Chen was ordered, his spirit body gradually disappeared into the night sky.

"Brother, don't worry, Brother Qingchuan should be fine." As if he saw Shi Feng's sorrow at the moment, Xiao Linger comforted Shi Feng.

Although Shi Ling is Shi Feng's younger sister, Shi Feng is a master of Luo Qingchuan. In terms of her seniority, she is still a senior.

However, whether it is the Eight Great Ghosts, You Chen, or Shi Feng's apprentices, she is much older than her.

Therefore, she still calls her brother.

Hearing Xiaoshiling's comfort, Shi Feng nodded secretly.

She smiled slightly.

"Brother, let's go home. You are rare to come back. You should accompany your wife, your sister-in-law, and Leer.

Otherwise, you will never be with Leer, Leer will never know you again. "Shi Ling said again.

"Well, go, go back." Shi Feng said.

Head down, glanced at the dark and peaceful world underneath.

There, there are the most important people in this life.

"Dad, aunt, where are you?" Just then, the two of them suddenly heard the babble call that snorted loudly in the night.

"Leer, this guy, another one ran out secretly." Xiao Linger stepped in with his hands and looked like a little adult, saying to Shi Feng.

"Brother, do you know.

Last time, this little guy also ran secretly out of his own body, causing me and my sister-in-law to find him for a long time.

But worry about dying us.

As a result, this little guy sneaked into hiding and played hide-and-seek with us. You said that you were not angry. "

Shi Ling said this, his tone became a bit harsh.

Looking at such a younger sister, Shi Feng only felt a little wanting to laugh.

"Daddy, aunt." Hearing Xiao Le'er's call, the little guy should have found the two of them in the night sky at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a senbai light, like a senbai meteor, from the bottom to the top, forming an arc, approaching him quickly.

Subsequently, Sen Baimang dispersed, and Xiao Shile appeared.

"Dad, aunt, you are here," Xiao Shile said.

Shi Feng embraced Xiao Le'er in her arms and said, "Let ’s go, father and aunt are going home.

It's so late that Le'er should sleep. "

"No." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiaole struggled in his arms.

"Leer doesn't want to sleep yet.

Dad and aunt play for a while. "Shi Le began to be coquettish.

Feeling that his son's small body was twisting in his arms, Shi Feng looked to her sister Shi Ling for help.

Haven't taken care of Leer, this incompetent father, don't know what to do now.

"Huh!" Xiao Shiling, however, intervened again, snorted at Xiao Shile, and said angrily:

"Le'er, it's too late now, even thinking about playing.

If I do n’t go back to sleep, my aunt is going to hit you. "

However, Xiao Shile saw that Linger looked like this, but she was not afraid at all, and snorted angrily at Linger: "Hum! My aunt is fierce.

But then, Shi Le's small body flew, and flew out of Shi Feng's arms, but actually went around, hiding behind Shi Feng.

Then he poked out his small head from Shi Feng's right shoulder. "Hey!" He vomited his small tongue and made a face at Shi Feng.

"Le'er, I think you're getting more naughty." Seeing Xiao Le'er like this, Xiao Ling'er was even more angry.

Shi Feng looked aside and said nothing.

A slight smile.

For the two little guys to make trouble, for him, do not have any fun.

He fought abroad all the year round, always hovering between life and death, always straining his nerves.

Shi Feng thinks about it, he hasn't relaxed like he is now.

He really cherishes this short peaceful time.

He knew that, before long, he would re-embark on the journey.

Tianheng continent will be a hard battle.

Although, now my strength is greatly improved!

Even if the Tianheng continent is settled here, he has to go back to the gods again.

In that battle, the Protoss entered the heavens and gods under the leadership of two powerful gods.

I don't know what the world of gods will look like today.

If no one can stop the two gods of the gods, I am afraid that the gods today are almost the same as today's permanent land.

"Brother, take a look. As soon as you come back, Le'er's tail is up."

Shi Feng involuntarily thought of those things again, and at this moment, Xiao Linger's sentence pulled his consciousness back.

"Daddy, dad, you take Leer out to play." And Xiao Shile, sprinkling Jiao in front of Shi Feng again.

"No pleasure, it's very late now.

You won't sleep now, and you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning. "Shi Ling said again.

It seems that her aunt is quite competent.

Full aunty, elder gesture.

"Okay Linger, I'll take Xiao Leer and go to Nether Purgatory." Shi Feng said to Shi Ling.

"Ah! Brother. How can that work." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Shi Lingqiao's face changed suddenly.

Followed her and said, "Brother, Nether Purgatory, the yin is so heavy, and there are so many things, you are not afraid to scare Leer."

Although Shi Ling said "so many things", they are naturally those ghosts in Nether Purgatory.

Not to mention that Shi Le is still so small, when Shi Ling first came to Nether Purgatory, he was shocked to see those things.


This has nothing to do with martial arts, but the natural rejection that comes from seeing those things, and the fear that comes from the heart.

"Rest assured, brother has his own sense." Shi Feng said to Shi Ling.

"Le'er was born with nine congenital nether corpses and absorbed into Yin's vitality, which was good for him.

As for the things you say, as long as I don't let them approach, how dare they. "Shi Feng said.

He, but the true master of Nether Purgatory.

"But ..." And Shi Ling looked a little hesitant.

"Auntie, just let Dad take the fun.

Le Er promised that she would be good, not to cause trouble, or to make trouble. Xiao Le'er said to Shi Ling.

"But if the sister-in-law and the mother know, they must ..."

"Then don't let them know." Shi Ling said before Shi Ling had finished speaking.

"Then Linger must follow, Linger must protect Leer well." Shi Ling said.

"Well, let's go together." Shi Feng nodded.

Seeing my brother agree, Shi Ling's little hand, at this time concluded a mysterious handprint, followed by a throbbing handprint, "Open it."

Shi Ling whispered softly, and saw three of his bodies, at the same time a golden light shone.

With the fall of golden light, the three figures had disappeared.


"Whirring whirring!"

Bursts of wind, howling world.

In the original Nether Purgatory, the screams of stern, tragic, and infiltrating ghosts continued.

However, when Shi Feng first appeared in Nether Purgatory for the first time, his thoughts moved, and all ghosts retreated.

Today's Nether Purgatory, with the exception of the roar of the yelling wind, has no ghosts.

"Wow, here's curious!" Xiao Le'er was still lying on Shi Feng's body, like a naughty monkey, crawling on Shi Feng's head and breathing the air of this world.

"Daddy, where is this? Leer likes it here." Shi Le said.

He is born with nine congenital nether bodies, and has a natural love for nether purgatory.

"This is your real home." Shi Feng told him.

"Oh. Leer's home is so comfortable," Shi Le said.

As he said these words, he was still breathing the heavenly and heavenly air.

It's not just breathing, his entire body has involuntarily enlarged pores, and a burst of yin vitality keeps pouring into his small body.

Just then, suddenly, a white light flashed on him.

This little guy is like this ... directly advanced.

From one star Wuling, it broke through to two star Wuling.

"Unexpectedly ..." Shi Feng was slightly surprised at the breakthrough of his son Shi Le.

"Brother, look at it.

I said, this little guy is a monster. Shi Ling also looked at Shi Le and said at this time.

In fact, when it comes to evil spirits, Xiao Linger is very evil spirits.

But did not expect that this little music child is even more wicked.

"Daddy, Le'er loves it here." Only Xiao Shile's face was smiling with a naive smile.

As for the martial arts breakthrough, he seems to be a regular meal, and he does not take it seriously.

Perhaps young, I don't know yet.

"Since you like it, let my aunt take you here more to play." Shi Feng said softly to Shi Le.

"Well, yeah." Xiao Leer shouted happily when she heard Shi Feng's words.

Then looked at Shi Ling again and said, "Auntie, have you heard that? Dad asked you to bring more fun here to play."

"Then it depends on your disobedience.

If you are not good and obedient, your aunt will not take you out. "Shi Ling answered with a grunt.

"Good! As long as the aunt brings Leer here to play, Leer will be good." Xiao Leer said.

"Go, Dad will take you around." Shi Feng said to Shi Le.

"Le Er wants his father to carry it," Le Er said.

"Well, okay. Dad is carrying Le." Shi Feng laughed.

"Hee hee, Dad is the best, and it hurts most. Not like Auntie, he's always so fierce towards Leer."

Shi Le said this and glanced at Linger again.

"Huh! With Dad, it means that the aunt is not good, you are a conscienceless little guy." Shi Ling looked very dissatisfied.

"Linger, go." Shi Feng said to Shi Ling.

"Okay." Shi Ling nodded.

Xiao Leer's body slipped from Shi Feng's head to his back.

Then his small hand gripped Shi Feng's neck.

When the figure moved, Shi Feng and Shi Ling flew at the same time, and the two figures quickly left the stone statue of Jiuyou Emperor.

Fly and shuttle through this nether purgatory.

At the ear, there is a "whistle" wind.

"Daddy, Leer wants grandma, mother-in-law, and aunt, we all move to this home together."

Shi Le lay beside Shi Feng's ear and said to Shi Feng.

"This home is different from other homes. Le'er likes it here, but grandma and her mother, they are not used to living."

Shi Feng said to Le Er.

"Why?" Shi Le blinked his eyes wide and was puzzled.

"Since this is our home, grandma and my mother, why aren't you used to living?" Le'er asked again.

This ... Shi Feng doesn't know yet, how to answer.

Shi Ling next to her said, "Because the wind is so strong here, grandma will feel unwell."

"That." Shi Le blinked at Tian's innocent big eyes again, as if thinking about something.

After a while, I listened to this little Shile again:

"Leer can build a house for grandma. Grandma lives in the house and there is no wind."

In this sentence, Shi Feng, Shi Feng could not answer.

The little guy is too young to tell him those things, he must not understand.

"It's still cold here, there will be a house, and grandma will still be frozen." Shi Ling answered to her again.

"Grandma is frozen, so cover it better." Shi Le added.

"Anyway, grandma just can't live here." Shi Ling said in a strong tone.

"Why can't grandma just live here?" Xiao Shile asked again.

Although he was born with an extraordinary character, he is like an ordinary child, and likes to ask "100,000 whys".

"I just can't live here, don't ask why again," Shi Ling said again.


Shi Feng: "..."

Shi Ling: "..."

Two people, made a little speechless by this little guy.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"



Ears, still the sound of yelling wind.

Gradually, Xiao Shile finally became quiet.

However, the little head lying behind Shi Feng was still turning, still looking at this world with curiosity.

A different gloomy sky.

Not the same, full of ancient and cold mountains and rivers.

Not the same, very overcast.

And at this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and suddenly a thought came into Shi Le's mind.

However, immediately after these ideas were introduced, Shi Feng immediately withdrew.

"Le'er is still young, so don't be affected by me. It's better for him to practice everything with his innate resources."

Shi Feng said secretly.

He was worried that if Shi Le was affected by his martial arts perception, he would probably affect his natural perception.

Everything, wait until later.

"Daddy, just now, you seem to be in Le'er's head, it's strange." Shi Le showed another curious expression and said to Shi Feng.

"Well, nothing." Shi Feng said to him.

"Oh, oh, Leer knows it." Shi Le nodded smartly.

"Dad, what's that, I want to go down and see." Then, Le Er looked at her with a finger.

There is a rough black sea.

Shi Feng once called it the Nether Black Sea.

The black waves are tumbling.

This black sea is also one of the secret places of Nether Purgatory.

Once Shi Feng, has not entered here to explore.

"This is the Nether Black Sea." Shi Feng answered to Shi Le.

"Famous? Black Sea?" Shi Feng said.

"It's the Ghost Black Sea!" Shi Ling corrected for Le Er.

"Le Er wants to go to the famous Black Sea. Dad, do you take Le Er to the famous Black Sea?

Le Er felt that here, it was fun.

Dad ... "

(End of this chapter)

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