Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3682: Li Liuxin and his sword

Chapter 3682 Li Liuxin and his sword

"Jiuyou Emperor, I have been waiting for a long time in Zhongzhou to come to the battle! In this battle, I am willing to obey your orders!"


As Shi Feng led a million troops, the sound of cries kept ringing in this world.

Shi Feng this time can be described as a teacher of justice, on behalf of Tianheng continent, and the ultimate end of that alien race.

The people of the world responded one after another and came to do their best to fight the two major aliens.

Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng saw that in addition to some forces and warriors they had known, there were some forces from the hidden world, warriors.

"These guys don't seem to have appeared yet." Soul power swept the world, and Shi Feng murmured secretly.

The guys he mentioned are naturally the ones who once entered the Tianheng Continental Fighting Power Rankings with him.

At that time, although his Jiuyou Emperor was at the top of the list, there were actually a few of them, whose strength was on par with him.

Shi Feng really wanted to see how many of those who once called Shi Feng together with Shi Feng existed.

But ... one after another, those guys never showed up.


Suddenly, a sound of suspicion sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

Among the warriors who came, he really saw an interesting figure.

Wearing a blue shirt with a loose beard and a long sword in his arms.

"This guy, actually mingled with the crowd, came silently." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a flash of his body.

"Master!" Seeing the master suddenly disappeared as if he had encountered something, Ling Yefeng immediately drank.

"It's okay, when I see an old man, I'll meet him. You are waiting here." Then, Shi Feng's voice made Ling Yefeng's mind ring.

In a crowd, the warriors spoke, and their voices seemed a little noisy.

"These aliens are really abominable! Our Tianheng continent has been almost destroyed by these **** aliens."

"Yeah! I really want to tear all these aliens into pieces! The protoss, the abominable demons, are simply not worth living in this world."

"These **** guys, don't even let the old and the young women lie. We must win this battle! We must kill these aliens."

"I am here to make an end with them under the leadership of Emperor Jiuyou, and to participate in this battle with Emperor Jiuyou, even if I die, I have no regrets."

"Me too! Defend our homeland!"

"To be honest, this time I participated in this battle, I never thought of going back alive. I worked hard to kill a few aliens, and I earned it."

"The Great Emperor Jiuyou, how great it is to pass on martial arts to the martial arts of the world.

The last time I battled with the Protoss, I always looked at it. It was for all the creatures in Tianheng Continent that I tried my best.

Now that the emperor is willing to do that alien race for the ultimate battle, even if we die, we must help! "


The sounds of the road kept ringing in this crowd.

Seems a bit noisy.

However, at this moment, all the people in the crowd suddenly saw a figure of the great black shore appearing in it.

The countless people's complexions suddenly changed at this moment.

"Great Emperor!"

"Great Emperor!"

"Hey come here!"

"Great Emperor!"


The voices were filled with reverence.

After hearing these respectful calls, Shi Feng smiled slightly at him.

But at this moment, his gaze was fixed on the blue figure in front of him.

This person is exactly the remnant sword sword Li Lixin that Shi Feng once knew in the Yunlai Empire in the Tianheng continent.

"Shi ... Shi Feng Xiao ..." Li Liuxin saw Shi Feng, and almost "Shi Feng little brother" blurted out.

But then, quickly changed, Chong Shifeng smiled and shouted: "Great Emperor, long time no see!"

Shi Feng also kept smiling on her face, just staring at him like that.

At this moment, the people around him immediately saw the purpose of the emperor.

It turned out to be for this person.

"His martial art practice is only in the realm of the Emperor Wu. I thought that this was just the cannon fodder that came to death."

"Yeah! I thought so just now, Wu Huang Realm was too weak."

"But he did not expect that he knew Emperor Jiuyou. It seems that this man's origin is definitely not simple."

"If the emperor can come in person, that must be it. It seems that the emperor's realm is nothing more than a special concealment in order not to attract attention.

"Well, this must be the case. I didn't expect that this strong man was hidden between us, and we didn't notice it.

I really don't know what realm the martial arts practice of this strong man is. "

"Let the emperor come in person, this person must be extremely difficult. I am afraid that it is unimaginable to be strong."



At this moment, all eyes were staring at Shi Feng and Li Liuxin tightly.

Everyone talked and speculated about the origin of this man and how he cultivated it.

"Yes, I haven't seen you in a long time." Shi Feng still smiled and said this to Li Liuxin.

"I didn't expect that the emperor still remembers me, haha, hahahaha. It's really lucky for three lives, lucky for three lives!"

Li Liuxin smiled at Shi Feng and kept smiling.

"Little man?" Shi Feng spit out the three words with a smile, and then said, "In my eyes, you can hide very deeply.

Although I haven't seen it for many years, in these years, I often think of you. "

"Hidden?" Li Liuxin smiled again. "The emperor is really joking. In the next mediocre warrior, what is hidden?

This time, I'm afraid I just came to death as cannon fodder. "

"Well, don't pretend in front of me. I am really curious about you.

There are a lot of people here, and a lot of things are not convenient to say. Let's go, I want to talk to you. "

"Talk? What are you talking about?" However, Li Shixin was still at a loss when he heard Shi Feng's words.

It seemed that he could not understand the meaning of Shi Feng's words.

"Let's go." Shi Feng said nothing, and an invisible force shone out instantly, covering this Li Liuxin.

Then he rolled around him, his body moved fiercely, two figures rose into the sky instantly, but in an instant, he came to an endless empty night sky.

The eyes of the crowd still chased the two figures closely, and everyone raised their heads and stared at them.


Here, only Shi Feng and Li Liuxin are two people. Shi Feng no longer sells Guanzi, and speaks directly, asking him:

"Say, tell me, what do you have to do with evil night?"

Chapter two

Shi Feng looked at this Li Liuxin in this way.

Li Liuxin's body must have something of a wicked night.

At that time, Shi Feng also saw with his own eyes that this guy who had always been pretending to act as a force to provoke the power of the night, making the magic fog rolling.

"Ah, emperor, I don't understand what you are talking about." However, Li Liuxin said to Shi Feng the same way.

The blankness on his face was even worse.

"Still pretending? Couldn't you just ask me to show you my original shape?" Shi Feng's voice cooled instantly.

"Ah! I do ... I don't understand." However, this Li Liuxin still has this sentence.

Shi Feng's brow frowned suddenly.

The power of his soul has been shrouded in this guy's body, but ... the feeling this guy gives him, it seems that he is not lying.

However, Shi Feng still believes that it should be him, using some mysterious means to make his soul feel this way.

Then, Shi Feng also stopped talking nonsense to him.

As soon as the thoughts moved, the third magic eye of Shi Feng suddenly opened wide, and then, the ears, fingers, hands, and moles all became manifest.

In an instant, the night sky was already full of magic mist.

The reason why Shi Feng didn't have the whole body manifestation was the remnant of the demon, and this Li Liuxin felt the strongest.

"Ah!" However, when Li Liuxin saw the magic mist rolling from Shi Feng's body, his face changed suddenly at this moment.

Eyes suddenly opened.

"Eh! Heh! Hey!" Then, he saw the long sword that Li Liu held in his arms, and trembled continuously.

"Ah! Here! This feeling is coming again, and it is coming again! Ah!" When Li Liuxin changed his face, Shi Feng found that his face had shown a terrifying look.

He seemed to be afraid of something.

"Eh! Heh! Hey!" However, the sword in his arms became more and more trembling.

"Ah!" A painful roar resounded from Li Liuxin's mouth.

At this moment, he saw his terrified look, showing great pain.

"Ah! Don't! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Then he saw that the whole man had fallen, trembling, twitching, and mourning.

Hold his head tightly in both hands, as if his head was about to explode.

Shi Feng, just staring at him silently, frowned slightly.

This situation of Li Liuxin seems to be extremely possessed by evil things.

Soon, Shi Feng's eyes stared at the trembling sword.

At that time, the sword in Li Liuxin's hands was the magic mist and the strongest magic.

It seems that all the famous halls are mainly derived from this sword.

"It's always this sword, and he's controlling him?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

"Ah! Ah! Roar!" At this moment, Li Liuxin's wailing sounded like a beast roaring.

Shi Feng stooped slightly and reached for the sword in Li Liu's heart.

Suddenly, Li Liuxin's roar stopped abruptly, and he suddenly looked up, his face had become extremely terrible, fierce and embarrassing, glaring at Shi Feng, roaring:

"Get away!"

"Oh!" With the words he saw, the sword in his arms suddenly came out.

Suddenly, this night of magic mist rolling in the sky, the magic mist became more intense, only this moment, it is already the magic mist.

Shi Feng and Li Liuxin were immediately drowned in this magic mist, and no figure was seen.

"What the **** happened?"

"That person seems to carry some evil power.

However, the Emperor seems to have this power. "

"Looking at them, it seems like they are about to fight?"

"Yeah, I feel the same way. It seems that the emperor is persecuting him."

"Is the enemy strong in the future? Is this the first battle here?"

"That person seems to be possessed by some evil thing, the emperor should be to expel the evil thing that he has."

"The emperor is merciful, so it should be."


Looking at the monstrous mist, people spoke again and again and again.

I was full of curiosity about the horrible magic mist above.

"Master!" The army came, Ling Yefeng stared at the monstrous mist.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a violent stature and flew towards the night sky.

"The Great Emperor!"

And the woman in blue, after looking at it quietly, also flew to the other side.

"Hey, hey!" In the dreadful mist, he could still hear the sound of Jianming, still ringing.

When Ling Yefeng and the Eight Great Ghosts were approaching, they suddenly heard that Shi Feng's voice came from this magic mist:

"You don't have to come here, you can do it all."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the ten figures immediately moved.

Shi Feng's meaning is obvious, without their help.

But at this time, they have not yet returned, standing proudly outside this mist of magic, one after another.

However, with the power of their souls, it was impossible to sense what was happening in the mist.

"In battle, two evil forces are fighting." At this moment, they suddenly heard the woman in the blue dress speak.

"Why, I always feel a breath, so similar." Then, she said such an inexplicable word.

Seeing her pretty face, Xiu brows gently.

She seemed to be thinking about it, but she couldn't remember it.

"Hmm! Hmm!"


At this time, in addition to the bursts of swords, there were bursts of roaring sounds in this monstrous magic mist, as if the thunder was violently blasting, shaking the world.

At this moment, almost all the eyes of this world have gathered in that magical sky.

"The Emperor Jiuyou is fighting people?"

"Who the **** is that one?"

"I am afraid that it will not be simple to come to the battle with Jiuyou Emperor."

"Listen to someone who seems to be possessed by a monster, and the emperor is driving him away.

It should be that this evil thing is extremely simple. "

"Boom Boom Boom Boom!" Everyone heard it again, and there was a bang.

Throughout the whole day, everything shook slightly with the loud noise.

In the monstrous magic mist, the dark sword shadow is constantly.

Li Liuxin had become icy, holding a long sword covered in billowing magic mist, and slashing out at Shi Feng.

Every sword that is cut out contains a very strong and heavy power, and sometimes it feels very soft.

Like mountains, but like soft water.

But he felt a terrible beast, biting fiercely at Shi Feng.

Very weird and evil, a terrifying force, Shi Feng only felt, the sword is everywhere, from all directions, constantly rushing towards himself.

"In addition to the power of the night, this person also has a superb sword skills ..."

(End of this chapter)

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