Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3684: Uncontrollable







In the dark world, the cries of battle continued to scream, shaking the sky.

At this moment, everyone is ready to fight!

Each face has become abnormally dignified.

Look straight ahead.


"Damn alien!"

"Protoss, demons!"

"Fight to death!"

"In my body, do my best, kill!"


At this moment, low, murderous and hateful voices slowly spit out from the mouths of the martial arts.

They saw each figure constantly appearing in the bright world in front of them, the more and the more, the more and more ...

"Protoss! Demons!" At this moment, Shi Feng secretly spit out the words.

The power of the soul has enveloped the past toward that bright world.

With a sweeping force, the dense alien figure on that side appeared in his mind.

It's like a locust crossing.

Later, Shi Feng and the martial arts saw the alien flying in front and stopped.

Soon, Shi Feng's eyes gazed at the front days of the alien "people" group.

Three gods of the gods, Protoss, Demon, one each!

The two gods of the heavens, the protoss, the demons, are also one person each.

However, this day God is a strong god, four protoss, two demons!

At that time, in that sacred mountain of white fire, Shi Feng met a demons, a protoss, and one, like a human race.

At that time, it was learned from the mouth of the demons that, plus them, the protoss and demons combined, that is, the five gods were the strongest.

However, the three were killed, and now there are still six heavenly gods and one heavenly powerhouse.

That day, under the torture of the ghosts, the demons naturally dared not lie.

It seems that these days, there are protoss of the Protoss, entering Tianheng.

The power of Shi Feng's soul swept and swept among these people.

He asked the aliens to fight the ultimate battle, which was said to be the thirteenth day.

As we all know, there must be some means between your protoss and demons on these thirteen days.

At that time, Shi Feng felt that there might be stronger people who got them into this world.

But now, looking at these people, I have not seen the stronger aliens, perhaps, have not yet appeared.

Anyway, Shi Feng knows that this battle cannot be as simple as it seems.

"You, which is the Jiuyou Emperor of the First World War?" At this time, a dark man with a long head and four horns uttered a voice, blasting like thunder, shouting at Shi Feng.

After saying this, he saw the eyes of this brave man, staring at Ling Yefeng beside Shi Feng.

Among those present, in order to reach the Heavenly God Realm, only Ling Yefeng and the blue woman, who destroyed the clan and the patriarch of the tribe, did not arrive at this moment.

Moreover, this image of Lingye, and the breath of death revealed on his body, is close to the four words of Emperor Jiuyou.

"Looks like, you are the Nine You Emperor." The Demon Strong said loudly.

This sentence is full of disdain and contempt.

At this moment, the strong people of the Protoss and Demons gaze are staring at Ling Yefeng and the woman in blue.

In their eyes, these two are the strongest.

However, all eyes were involuntarily showing contempt.

They felt that the words of these two gods alone were not qualified and had no strength to fight against their own two races.

After the invasion of the Tianheng continent, the two major races know that this Tianheng continent is not simple.

Therefore, what Emperor Jiuyou declared war on them, and for the sake of insurance, they agreed to fight one after the thirteenth.


"Everyone shouldn't look down on this battle! Don't look down on your opponents." However, at this time, among the protoss, a man shrouded in a white robe opened his mouth.

You can hear from her voice that this should be a woman, and also a young woman.

And precisely, Shi Feng's eyes were staring at the woman in this white robe. This person, Martial arts, was in the double world of the gods, but the most important thing was that she gave herself a sense of strange Mystery.

Hearing the words of the demons and strong men, Ling Yefeng drank in a deep voice: "I am the death emperor Ling Yefeng. This is my teacher, Jiuyou Emperor!"

While drinking this discourse, Ling Yefeng pointed to Shi Feng with her right hand.

"This is the Jiuyou Emperor?" When he heard Ling Yefeng's words, he saw the demons and strong men becoming even more disdainful.

"A half-step **** in one step, I can unscrew his head with one hand. Oh, that's the kind of person who declares war on me.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Talking, this strong man of Demon Clan laughed.

This pair looks like the funniest joke in the world.

"If you look down on me, you dare to fight me!" Hearing the laughter of the Devil and the brave man, looking at the arrogant look, Shi Feng said at this moment.

"Don't you dare! If you seek death, I will fulfill you." The strong man of the demons responded.

While listening to this sentence, he saw his body suddenly move and flew forward.

"Di Cang!" Seeing that the Demon Strong moved, the woman in the white robe immediately drank at him.

"Anyway, let him go." However, as she drank the discourse, a voice sounded from her mind.

"Master Ji." In the voice, the woman in white robe shouted, turned her head slightly, and looked at a middle-aged man of the Protoss.

This middle-aged man, dressed in white robes, is handsome and windy, with a natural breath on his body.

This is also the strongest of the gods today, the existence of the triple heaven of the **** of heaven.

God moved again and again, and the voice echoed from the mind of the woman in the white robe:

"I'm curious about that person, presumably this one, too!"

As he said this, God Ji turned his head slightly, and looked at the Demon Strong, who was also in the triple heaven of God.

"Geqiang!" At this time, the woman in white robe followed the glance of that god, looking at that one, and whispered softly in her mouth.

The strongest person in the Demon Clan is slightly different from other Demon Clan and looks a bit gentle and elegant.

He has a long head, is dressed in purple, and has fair skin. If there were no dark lines of magic, it would look no different from ordinary people.

However, among the protoss and demons, no one dares to underestimate this gentle-looking man.

Even the most powerful protoss, God Ji, has said personally that if I really fight with all my strength, I ... I am afraid that I will not be defeated.

However, God saw that Jiuyou Emperor was not simple, and he also knew that Geqiang should have seen it.

But he did not stop.

It seems that this grid is no longer treating the life and death of the earth as one thing.


After the Demon Clan powerfully flew out, no one stopped him.

Among the protoss and demons, almost all eyes were fixed on him.

During the mad flight, he saw his right hand widened, leaned forward, and drank in his mouth: "Come on, boy, I'll let you know, what is beyond your control, what is despair!"

Chapter two

A frenzy of strength has condensed in the hands of the earth.

This piece of vanity shook with it.

As if his strength had resonated with the whole world.

"Oh!" As a result, those who turned back to the land were scornful laughter.

With a flash of Shi Feng's figure, she had already come to the land.

Di Cang's hand suddenly grabbed Shi Feng.

If it is an ordinary martial artist, I am afraid that under this capture, it will be enough to destroy everything.

And Shi Feng, the right index finger and **** merged, condensed the sword finger, only slightly forward casually, greeted the Devil who is strong.

"Destroy it!" A claw and a finger were about to collide, and the earth gave a roar of fury.

"Boom!" The whole world exploded with the blow of the two.

But then, "Ah!" I heard only a terrible cry and went back to the sky.

Shi Feng, did not die out in the strength of the earth.

On the other hand, the ground was full of flames and flames.

And among these white flames, there are black thunders rushing, and there is scrolling in the eerie, and more ... a terrible demon breath.

Soon, the roar of the earth stopped abruptly.

This powerful Demon Clan who had just gone crazy just turned into gray under the power of Shi Feng.

Jiuyou Gong is running, and the breath of Bai Yan, Thunder, and Demon suddenly rushes back towards Shi Feng.

The power of death, blood, and soul were instantly swallowed up by Shi Feng.

I didn't expect that this was the first battle ... the ultimate!

The powerful heaven and **** realm, the earth is strong, just like this, fall!

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Bursts of laughter, and Dun Cong rang loudly.

"The Emperor Jiuyou is mighty!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou is mighty!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou is mighty!"


Immediately after that, there was a cheering drink.

The demons are so arrogant that they are now so easily destroyed by Emperor Jiuyou.

In contrast, the protoss and demons have changed greatly.

The strength of the earth is naturally known to their families.

It turned out that I didn't expect it.

Shen Ji, the strongest protoss, also showed a slight surprise, turned his head slightly, and looked at the demonic dome:

"This person, you should have used your Devil's power just now."

"Several forces." Ge Qiong said so.

Follow him and say:

"This person should cultivate a technique that can fuse various powers together and erupt, but ... the magical power that he fuses is very strong, pure, and overbearing!"

"That should be the power of the devil who killed your demons with a powerful bloodstream." God continued.

"Should be." Ge Qiong nodded slowly.

That gentle face had been calm before.

However, at this time, his eyebrows were slowly twisted, revealing a rare dignified color.

After a while, just listening to his deep voice, "This man is by no means simple, he must die."


Destroyed the crazy demons, Shi Feng's eyes, then looked at the protoss and demons strong, and said:

"Who will die next?"

Shi Feng hopes, these guys come with one by one.

Originally, there are too few strong players on their side, which is very unfavorable.

Best of all, those "people" follow the wheel tactics with themselves and let them extinguish them one by one.

"Hugh is so arrogant! Don't think that killing the earth is invincible in the world." Then, after listening to the demons, there was a loud drink.

Send out this burst of drinkers, but also a Demon strong.

This man is a full leg tall, with two black horns on his head, like two long knives rising from the sky.

The upper body is naked, muscles are bulging, and the whole person is exposed to explosive power.

A black terrifying python coiled around his waist, and a snake's mouth spit out the rolling mist of darkness.

This is a demonic powerhouse in the dual world of heaven.

And the devil snake around his waist is also very simple, revealing extremely dangerous.

However, this man fought with himself, which is exactly what Shi Feng meant.

"Since you want to die too, come out." Shi Feng said to him, his face full of ridicule and disdain.

"Extremely arrogant, let you become the food of Wulongmo!" The tall demon race again.

"His!" Even the big snake around his waist made a disturbing hissing sound, looking a little manic.

Then, he saw the Demon suddenly move.

"Ape, don't be impulsive." However, just as the demons moved, the polite and powerful demons finally spoke.

At the same time, a mysterious invisible force swept out of him, pulling out this demon named "Ape".

Feeling that his body was bound, the ape suddenly turned his head and said, "Ge Qin, why?"

Ge Qiong slowly shook his head and said, "You are not his rival."

"This person, I can tear him severely." Ape said unconvinced.

However, after listening to his words, the dome still slowly shook his head. Then, he looked at God Ji and asked:

"What do you think?"

"I'm afraid you and I have both shot."

Living in this void of the second-class strong man, did not expect the Lord God to say such a sentence.

Every face suddenly changed suddenly at this moment.

When the eyes looked at the black figure again, they were completely different.

This man, the man who claims to be Emperor Jiuyou, needs the two adults to deal with it at the same time.

This ... this is simply unthinkable.

This man fell into his eyes only half-step God's cultivation, to what level did he reach?

"Well." Hearing God's words, the dome nodded slightly and said, "I'm planning that too.

If I were the only one, I would not dare to confront it, but you and I should join hands carefully. "

"Liange Qiong said so!"

If it was only God ’s Word, it might be better.

But this grid sky also thinks that, it really is ...

That guy, is it really such a pervert and needs these two together?


In the distant sky, Shi Feng still hovered quietly.

At this moment, he also saw that the two strongest demons and protoss were planning to join forces to deal with themselves.

"Two heavens, three heavens, um ... there are some qualifications to fight me!" And Shi Feng murmured this sentence ...

(End of this chapter)

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