Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3696: Tsing Yi Fairy

Chapter 3696 Fairy Tsing Yi

According to Shi Feng's analysis, after the war, the demons knew that their power had threatened them.

Therefore, there is a high chance that you will hide from this lost journey.

When you and other people enter this lost Gusen, the chance of finding them is actually small.

But no matter what, you still have to come in.

To those fierce things, wipe out all the nets, enter the Protoss into the channel of Tianheng, and reseal.

Silent lost Gusen, Shi Feng, walking forward all the way.

Still echoing their footsteps.

"Have you noticed that we seem to be hovering where we are?"

At this point, Guisuke seemed to find something, and said.

Even if they walked forward, the place where they came in was always the same scene.

But ... the scene hasn't changed, and the fog is getting denser.

"It looks the same, but it's different. Every step I take is marked, so I'm sure that every distance we move is a new journey."

Ghostly said extremely surely.

"Well, I have also left marks, and all marks have not been broken." Hearing ghosts, ghosts nodded.

"That's good." Guijie nodded.

"Lost Goosen, the fierce danger that once the creatures got into it, is it just that easy to get them lost?"

The words behind him also passed into Shi Feng's ears.

Shi Feng frowned slightly, thinking about this secretly.

However, he felt that this lost Gusen was far more than just getting lost.

After entering here, he has been paying attention to the whereabouts of the blue woman.

However, there was no clue that a little bit of blue was found.

The path they took, as well as the power of the soul, could be swept away, and there were no traces of trample.

"Go back! Go back! Go back ..."

However, while Shi Feng was thinking about this, she suddenly heard that the voices of women's voices were echoing.

"Go back ... go back ... go back ..."

Shi Feng's footsteps, suddenly a meal.

Behind the eight ghosts, they quickly stopped.

"What man pretends to be a ghost!" Ghost Flame exclaimed.

It seems that they all heard the woman's voice.

"Here, it's not time to wait, quickly, turn back." The woman's voice sounded again.

"Presumably, which witch of the Devil race is here to pretend to bluff us," Guiliang said coldly.

After saying this, the ghost yelled, "Come out!"

This mighty applause immediately began to swing in all directions.

The fog that made the whole body swelled with it.

"Don't make a noise!" But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly made a noise and interrupted them.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the whispering ghosts shut up immediately.

Shi Feng was still listening carefully, sensing it.

The voice of a woman who floats slowly falls slowly.

But just after the fall, just listening to the sound again: "If you don't go back, you will live forever, and you will be here forever."

This ... was like a warning to Shi Feng, even a ... threat.

"Oh, huh, huh, huh, huh." Shi Feng laughed suddenly at the words of the mysterious woman.

This looks like hearing a big joke.

"The emperor walked in various worlds, and many beings said similar things to the emperor.

No one who has said that has survived. "

That woman, dare to say such a thing to herself, then, there is no need to be polite to her anymore.

"Let's pretend to be a **** and make a ghost. If you want to fight, come out to fight!" At this time, I could only listen to the steady ghost cultivation, and at this moment also gave out a cold drink.

"If you want to fight, come out to fight!" The other ghosts also yelled.

Shouts shook the jungle in this area, and even the fog in all directions was scattered.

However, these scattered fog quickly condensed back.

The eight ghost generals have already printed their own seals, and they plan to lay down the strongest force under their control at any time.

Together, they waited for the woman who dared to threaten.

"Ah!" A deep woman sighed and echoed.

The sound, slowly, slowly, fell.

Nine people of Shi Feng still stood in place.

Time passed quietly, listening only to the woman's voice, and no more sounded.

"Go!" Shi Feng uttered the word resolutely, taking the lead and taking that step forward.

After Shi Feng took that step, the eight ghosts behind him also took firm steps.

Nine figures, walking forward again.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw that the jungle in the thick fog suddenly darkened.

As if sinking into darkness without any sign.

Even a towering tree around it seemed to have suddenly changed.

Every tree moves wildly.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"


The ground beneath it also violently trembled, as if the waves were rising and falling.

The body that drove them also followed.

"That woman, can you manipulate this lost Gusen?" Said the ghost.

"Damn, this woman didn't dare to come out and fight us head-on, but she played this yin behind." Gui Yan said.

"Everyone be careful, this woman is playing Yin, and it is decided that it will not be just that."

Ghostly face also followed coldly, and shouted, "All the signs I have lost in Gusen cloth are broken."

"Mine too!" Onsuke said.

"So is mine!" Said Ghostly.

"Mine, too, has been destroyed." Shi Feng, who was walking in front of them, had been walking all the way after entering this lost Gusen, leaving marks all the way.

And with the Lost Gusen shock at this moment, all the marks are shattered one by one.

Shi Feng's face suddenly became abnormally cold.

No matter who the woman who made that voice was, she dared to do such destructive things, Shi Feng had already beheaded her.

The power of the soul is still sweeping, and Shi Feng wants to find out where this woman is hiding.

However, with the fall of Lost Gusen, the trees moved wildly, the fog was thicker, and the power of the soul was more limited.

Under the sweep, there was still no sense of life.

Lost and Gusen changed a lot, but the steps of Shi Feng's people were still very firm, still one step, one step, one step ... walking forward.

"The Ghost Gate is in a big battle, shock!" But at this moment, the eight ghost generals shouted in unison.

"Oh!" A metal roar rang suddenly at this moment.

A gate with a grimace descended from the sky, and the earthquake landed on this violent earth.

The Eight Great Ghosts, and they ended up with their ghost gate.

As the ghost gate trembled, the violent ground was immediately suppressed by the ghost gate and it calmed down instantly.

Chapter two

"Go!" Gui Jie said in a deep voice.

Shi Feng and the eight ghosts will walk, and the ghost gate will follow them.

Wherever you pass, the road becomes flat.

Even the violently moved trees were slowly shaken by the ghost gate array, moving more and more slowly, and eventually, they were all motionless.

"Well!" At that moment, the voice of the woman, who had not been seen for a long time, suddenly resounded.

"Get out of here!" The ghost yelled suddenly again.

However, as the ghosts drank around, they really saw a green figure immortal in the thick fog in front of them.

At a glance, it really looks like a fairy descending from the earth.

This is a beautiful young woman, with a delicate face, like a peach blossom, fair skin, and pinkish sheen.

The woman landed lightly, and the eyes of Shi Feng and the ghosts had gathered on her.

This woman is not a demons.

Like a human race, but it feels a bit different.

It is unclear.

"Why manipulating the Lost Gusen terrain affects us to move forward?" Shi Feng said coldly, asking the Tsing Yi fairy.

"Lost Goosen is a forbidden field, and you must not go into it.

This is my duty. "Said the Tsing Yi woman with a serious face.

The fair-skinned little red face looked serious.

Although she appeared, the voice she spoke was still clear.

As if from another space-time.

"I won't be able to enter this Lost Goosen, then the creatures in this Lost Goosen can come out of it?"

The ghost yelled at the woman.

"Oh, duty? With that duty, why not prevent the Protoss and Demon from running to Tianheng, but also manage us to enter this lost Gusen, except those evils.

Ghostly eyes were full of disdain.

"Just!" Guiyin should also reconcile.

The ghost's white face was still full of seriousness, and he also said:

"I heard, however, that the reason why the demons in the lost Gusen was broken is because a demon head sneaked in.

So girl, since your duty is not to let you enter this so-called forbidden area, why didn't you stop the big demon? "

"I ... I ... I ..."

Hearing the serious question of Guixiu, this Tsing Yi woman, serious and stern, slowly became unnatural.

Even this talk has been utterly vomiting.

"I didn't find ... I ..."

"That is to say, the reason why the devil entered this lost Gusen is entirely because of your failure, girl?" Gui Xiu asked again.

"But ... so," she did not deny.

It's just that the look looks more and more unnatural.

"Oh, did you know that girl, because of your failure, how many lives have died on the land of Tianheng?

The souls of the entire Tianheng continent almost died because of your failure. "

Gui Xiu said with a smile.

Although words have become more and more mean, this is indeed the case.

The catastrophic calamity that erupted in Tianheng mainland was due to her so-called default.

"I don't know that," the woman in Tsing Yi said again.

She has been staying in Lost Gusen, so she really doesn't know what happened outside of Lost Gusen.

"Do the demons who fled from the outside have returned to this lost Gusen?" Shi Feng said at this moment and asked her.

This information is crucial.

And this woman can control this lost Gusen, she must know.

"I can't tell you." As a result, the woman said so.

Upon hearing her, Shi Feng's brow frowned again.

Shi Feng said in a deep voice:

"Since you've stopped us from getting lost, Gusen, why don't you stop the Demons from entering again?"

Hearing Shi Feng's applause, the Tsing Yi woman quickly responded:

"Because they belong here. And I can't stop them."

"Oh, I really came back here," Shi Feng said secretly.

I didn't expect it to be so simple, from the mouth of this woman in Tsing Yi, to put her words out.

"You!" And soon, the Tsing Yi woman realized something.

"Since you are not the demon rival, then take us over." Shi Feng said to her again, at the moment, her tone became a little tough.

"No!" The woman in Tsing Yi shook her head and said again:

"No! You're leaving Lost Gusen, you can't move on.

Otherwise, I'm welcome. "

When saying this, a mysterious ancient wooden power rose from her body.

With her ancient atmosphere, the big tree in this lost Gusen has a slight shock.

Seems to resonate with this Tsing Yi woman.

Later, she saw her three thousand blue silk dancing without wind, and the momentum of the whole person seemed to change suddenly.

She said again: "I give you another chance. This is really the last time.

If you do n’t look back, do n’t regret it. "

"I also give you a chance and show me the way to find the Demons.

Otherwise, don't regret it. However, Shi Feng also made a noise and said to her in such words.

"All right." Tsing Yi woman said.

Then she saw her palm facing Shi Feng, and the eight big generals behind Shi Feng, violently pushed out.

Suddenly, the wind was violent, and an invisible force rolled violently.

Secretly, Shi Feng seemed to see a swirling palm print condensing the power of the raging wood, and blasted in this direction.

Wherever I go, everything is gone, that piece of earth is instantly messy.

"Hum!" A scorn of disdain snorted from Shi Feng's mouth.

Although this woman had spoken a little before, she was stupid, but the power that exploded at this moment can be said to be extremely fierce.

This strength of her has already reached the duality of the gods!

In her eyes, she was nothing but a god.

Ghost them, let alone needless to say.

If you really only have the gods' realm of heaven, I'm afraid that they will enchant them with ghosts and fly directly under his palm.

It was her failure to let so many souls die for her failure, so that the entire Tianheng almost died.

Nowadays, there is still a face blocking the way for others, and even want to kill.

At this moment, Shi Feng was already angry.

"Give me, break!" Shi Feng roared angrily.

"Boom!" The sound of thunder suddenly seemed to explode suddenly at this instant, and a thunderous force rushed violently, impinging on the rolling wooden force.

Suddenly, the power of this woman's palm was immediately wiped out in Shi Feng's roar.

"This ... this is ..." Feeling that her palm strength was broken, the woman in Tsing Yi seriously changed her face, and then she was surprised.

However, Shi Feng shouted the thunderous force but it was unfinished. After breaking her palm strength, she surged fiercely on her.

"Ah!" A cry of pain and tragic sound.

The Tsing Yi woman trembled, as if there was no gravity, and it was extremely fiercely bombarded on her.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person was bombarded and flew out ...

(End of this chapter)

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