Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3698: Magic heart


The Devil Girl's face was shy as she jumped happily, but then her face was frozen for a moment and her body was also meal.

With his eyes widened, he looked horribly at everything he saw.

Her eyes, and in the distance, were all people lying or lying on the ground.

Every tribe has lost its vitality, died, and died.

"Brother Ye ..." Soon, her gaze was fixed on a familiar corpse lying on her back.

The glamorous face with dark magic lines suddenly changed suddenly at this moment. At this moment, she felt that the whole world had lost its color.

It feels meaningless to live.

Darkness, despair ...

And at this moment, the full body of the demon girl trembled.

All consciousness abruptly retreated in her mind, and was also killed under the power of the soul.

Killed silently.

However, although Shi Feng killed secretly, in this magic land, there was a sudden commotion.

I saw a phantom, suddenly rushing out from the depths.

The more you rush, the more.

"It seems that these demon heads have been found." Outside of the magic land, Shi Feng said with a sneer.

Upon discovery, he found that he didn't even look at these monsters.

"Well, let's go." Later, Shi Feng said this sentence.

When his voice just came down, the eight ghosts behind him responded quickly: "Yes!"

"You go with me too." Then, Shi Feng said to the woman in Tsing Yi next to her.

"Ah." The Tsing Yi woman also sighed deeply and said nothing.

She knew very well that she could not refuse at all.

Next, Shi Feng was in a riot, grabbing the Tsing Yi woman beside her, and rushed directly along the earth.

Behind him, the eight ghosts will also be rushing in shape.

When rushing to the magic land, Shi Feng's soul power was still sweeping wildly.

The monsters that burst out one after another were still killed by him.

At this moment, anyway, the war has started, and the movement has been making a lot of noise. This demons should soon spread to the entire tribe.

Shi Feng simply operated the Nine Ghosts, and the forces of death began to rush towards him. A dark blood spurted out from the corpses of the demons and flowed to him.

Demon heads rushed one by one, and when they were not close to Shi Feng, they fell down one after another.

By this moment, Shi Feng had killed more than a thousand demon heads.

"Ah! Emperor Jiuyou!" But at this moment, an extremely fierce roar sounded.

An extremely tall shadow, at this moment jumped out violently, roaring loudly.

This roar also prevented Shi Feng's soul from extending forward.

The person who appears is the deity dual-strength power of the demons, hey!

"Jiuyou Emperor!" In his mouth, still shouting Shi Feng's name.

Eyes like lanterns, staring at Shi Feng rushing furiously.

Seeing this demon head, Shi Feng's flying figure suddenly made a stop, and the Tsing Yi woman stopped in front of the group of demon.

Immediately afterwards, the Eight Great Ghosts also stopped.

"Oh, how about a demon?" Shi Feng said, looking at the magpie.

As for this maggot, Shi Feng didn't look at it at all.

His eyes were sweeping, looking for the strongest demon of the demons, the grid.

"Jiuyou Emperor, my demons have returned to Lost Gusen, what else do you want?" Xu said fiercely again.

After hearing the words, Shi Feng felt a little funny and said:

"Your demons invaded Tianheng with the protoss, and how many people did I kill?

Just want to forget it? "

"Weak flesh and strong food, this is the law of the world. Your human race is weak, and it is inevitable to be slaughtered."

Hearing the word “獠”, Shi Feng smiled even more, saying:

"Well, weak meat and strong food, well said!

My tribe is weak and should be slaughtered by your demons. But now, the Devil clan is in the eyes of the emperor, and it is also a weak animal.

It is natural that the emperor killed you! "

"You!" Hearing Shi Feng's humiliating remarks, the evil spirit's face was even more angry.

Even the demons on his body showed their anger and fierceness.

If they could, they really wanted to rush up and tear the Nine You Emperor of this tribe into pieces.

But ... none of them had the courage to step forward.

The battle of Zhongzhou, the strength of this Nine You Emperor, is obvious to all.

"Well, let's go to war. It doesn't make much sense to talk about these nonsense anymore.

Calling that lattice dome is just not enough for me to kill you, you devil. "Shi Feng said.

With this sentence, he moved again.

Step by step, towards the grid, towards the demons.

"Do your best to stop him!" Grimace shouted suddenly.






Immediately afterwards, they heard roaring roars and roared from the mouths of the demons.

The strongest demon head has not yet done anything, but the monsters behind him have begun to violently impact.

One after another rushed to Shi Feng, the devil fluttered.

Shi Feng waved his right hand forward, and a fierce white raging flame burst out from his hand.

The demons that rushed towards the past burned.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Each of the demon heads was suddenly burned by Bai Yan, and all the demon bodies were instantly swallowed by Bai Yan, sending out extremely painful and tragic hind feet.

The raging white flames began to spread wildly, sweeping wildly.

Instantly turned into a burning white sea of ​​fire.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Ah! Ahh! Ah!"


There are more and more screams, and the magic land in front has turned into a magic hell.

When these demons once murdered people, how cruel it was.

Now it's time to let them see what is despair.

Bai Yan swept wildly, and the demons started to retreat.

The Demon Celestial Dual Sky Stronger retreated fastest.

However, as he retreated, his mouth was still roaring: "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

I used to look at this guy and thought it was extremely heroic, but now it looks like he is afraid of death.

Then, Shi Feng's figure flashed again.

At the same time, the eight ghosts will flash at the same time.

Soon, where they stood, there was only one woman in Tsing Yi.

Standing here alone, eyes, looking at the flaming white flame ahead.

The pale and tender face showed utter horror.

She wondered what would happen if those white flames burned on herself.

But thinking of this, she kept shaking her head and desperately shook the idea out of her mind.

Followed, she saw that her body was also moving, and then went backwards crazy.

Since that person no longer controls himself, it is natural to escape early.

Chapter two

In front of the flaming white sea of ​​flames, the demons retreated, launching their full strength against the white flames.

It's just that this white flame is too terrifying, and their magic is reduced to ashes at the touch of a button.

They knew that this was a force they couldn't resist at all, but ... the demon heads were still retreating and they stopped.

The puppet of the double **** of heaven started to secretly command these demon heads.

Among the white flames, the actions of the group demons naturally fell into Shi Feng's eyes.

He felt a little strange.

"These demons seem to be procrastinating." At this moment, the ghost behind Shi Feng said.

"Well, I also see some clues." Shi Feng nodded slightly when he heard the ghost words.

After he had said this, his arms snapped to his sides.

The burning white flame suddenly became more fierce, like a flood beast, and hurriedly rolled towards those unswallowed monsters.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" There was another tragic shout.

And this riot of white sea of ​​fire, even the day of God's dual heavenly realm was swallowed up.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" I was extremely painful under the burning of Bai Yan.

It felt like the whole person would be burned to ashes under the white flame.

Despite him, he urged the whole body to fight against magic.

But ... with his power, it was a power he couldn't compete with at all.

And at this moment, I suddenly heard, a very cold voice came out in front of me: "Tell me, where did the grid go.

What are you Mozu waiting for? "

Among the blazing white flames, I saw Shi Feng and the eight ghosts will appear at the same time.

Shi Feng leaned out with his right hand and grabbed the face of the uncle.

"Tell me all the secrets of your demons. Otherwise, this emperor will make you worse than death!" Shi Feng's fierce and cold voice sounded again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"



However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, the original howling shouted, and he even made a crazy laugh.

"Jiuyou Emperor, do you think you are already invincible in Tianheng?"

"Tell you, you will soon see despair."

"Don't think, you can destroy my demons, haha, hahahaha, my demons, it's far less simple than you think.

Emperor Jiuyou, Emperor Jiuyou, ha ha, ha ha ha ha, in the eyes of my demons, you are just a joke, ha ... "

But when it came to this, he heard the giggling laughter come to an abrupt end.

Like the demons that Shi Feng once caught, this encounter directly annihilates his soul.

"Well, before he died, let him blow a wave of cows." Behind Shi Feng, Gui Wu said a very disdainful voice.

However, Shi Feng felt that through the words, the demons should still have the means.

At present, the strongest of the demons, Ge Qiong, has still not appeared.

"Clash! See the devil, kill without amnesty!" Shi Feng sighed coldly.

"Kill!" The eight ghosts will respond in response to his shout.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's figure rose up again.

Take this flaming white fire, and then rush forward.

The speed of the white sea of ​​flames is getting faster and faster, and more and more demon heads are drowned by this white sea of ​​flames.

After the scream, it was ashes in the sea of ​​fire.

At first glance, this was a one-to-one battle. The demons were really miserable.

However, Shi Feng gradually realized that before many devils were devoured by the sea of ​​fire, they were not in a state of panic and despair.

It's that, the color of perseverance.

Like a warrior who is not afraid of death.

After that, Shi Feng saw more and more such demon heads.

"What are these famous celebrities playing?"

"They, what measures are left?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"


In front of the sea of ​​white flames, the eight ghosts will have rushed out of the sea of ​​flames.

Faster than the sea of ​​fire swept through, forming a ghost gate battle, summoning the ghost face gate.

"Boom!" The door opened, and horrible ghosts flew out of the ghost gate.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a tremor sounded.

Shi Feng felt that the quake sounded as if it came from the ground beneath him.


When the sound had just fallen, it suddenly sounded again.



"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"


Subsequently, the sound became louder, faster, and denser.

Also, getting boring.

"This voice ... makes me feel a little familiar." Shi Feng said suddenly.

But when he said this, his body was shaking involuntarily.

"The evil demon body resonates with it!" Shi Feng's face suddenly changed at this moment, eyes opened.

"Eight ghosts will return!" Shi Feng hurriedly sang, and ordered to the eight ghosts ahead.

After hearing the orders from Shi Feng, he quickly hurried back.

Back to the white sea of ​​fire, back to Shi Feng.






The sound continued, as if the drums of drums were constantly being struck.

Shi Feng and the Eight Great Ghosts followed the sound of the earth at their feet, and the vibrations followed.

The blaze of white flames burned by the magical land was constantly destroyed by the shaking of the earth.

When Shi Feng thought, the undefeated flame immediately rolled back towards him.

Soon, he rolled onto him, all swallowed into his flesh, and returned to Dan Tian.

"Emperor, what is this?" Ghost started, asking Shi Feng.

"If I guess correctly, it's the heart!

It's the heart beating. "Shi Feng said.

"Heart?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, his eyes opened at the same time on the eight faces.

"Yes, it's the heart." Shi Feng answered again.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The violent sound was still intensifying.

"Success? Did it succeed?"

"Magic heart, did you succeed?"


The demons in the distance ahead shouted at this moment.

"Magic heart? It's really a heart." Hearing the shout over there, the ghost said.

"What ... what kind of heart is it, making such movements?" Ghost feeling also made a noise.

"Magic heart." And Shi Feng murmured secretly: "The heart of evil night, we will meet again."

At that time, before the Tian Miao Empire was unified by the Yun Lai Empire, Shi Feng entered a **** world.

That blood-colored world was created by a creature with blood-lined and human blood, calling itself the blood demon.

In that year, Shi Feng met that one, the evil heart of the night, in that scarlet world!

Unexpectedly, now this magic heart appears here ...

(End of this chapter)

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