
"Go to death!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the war general did not answer, but roared, rushing towards Shi Feng in a desperate posture.

"Look for abuse!" Shi Feng spit out the word coldly, reached out, and immediately caught the man's face.

A fierce force was launched, and the body trembled again and again, "Ah!"

An extremely painful roar, and a loud roar from his mouth.

"Huh?" But then, Shi Feng frowned suddenly.

This person's life and death were already under his control, and under the power of a powerful soul, he just wanted to destroy his soul and couldn't do it.

But just now, his soul suddenly died.

This ... is equivalent to the mystery of the Protoss.

"What's going on? Could all these people be traitors to the Protoss?"

Looking at this dead body, Shi Feng said secretly.

Immediately after Jiuyin Gong's operation, bright red blood was continuously ejected from the five holes in the corpse and sprayed into the palm of Shi Feng.

With the existence of a **** king, Nine Heavy Heavens, the power of death and blood was swallowed up by Shi Feng, and turned into an extremely dry corpse.

Shi Feng threw it at will, and threw the dead body into the endless darkness beneath him.

The power of the soul is still sweeping across this dark world.

After killing these hundreds of generals, Shi Feng no longer sensed other living beings here.

What we have to do now is to leave this dark space and see what the outside world has become.

After seeing the self-destructive measures of the heavy helmet and black armored warrior, Shi Feng almost felt that the ancient land was indeed occupied by the protoss.

These people just now are most likely the protoss running dog!

There are so many creatures in the world, and they rely on the enemy in order to survive.

"Be there!" Then, Shi Feng shouted.

The power of the soul has captured the space fluctuation, which is the exit from the space.

In an instant, Shi Feng's body moved violently, rushing into the darkness, and slamming into the darkness containing the atmosphere of space.

"Boom!" The rage exploded, and the whole dark world was shocked.

Shi Feng broke through a fissured space rift directly with his tough body. The next moment, he returned to the normal world.

At this moment, this world is just in the morning, everything is reviving, full of vigor.

The vitality flowing between the heavens and the earth, the vitality of the gods, it really is that the Tianheng continent is simply incomparable.

However, Shi Feng did not have the mood to devour the world's vitality, eyes, stared into the distance.

There, it is the direction of the Destiny Imperial City.

At the same time, the powerful soul force swept violently towards that side.

"Go!" With a low voice, Shi Feng's figure rushed out again, turning into a dark lightning bolt, and flew towards the Destiny Imperial City.

The situation here is such that you should know a lot when you reach the Destiny Imperial City.

With the last memory burst, soon, an ancient giant city appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

That giant city is, of course, the city of destiny!

"It's you, kill Lei Gao!" And at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard that a burst of thunderous drink came from the front.

Above the Heavenly Destiny Imperial City, there are now densely packed figures, and at a glance, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

All are wearing dark heavy helmet armor, and they are all human!

At the forefront of these sergeants was a young man wearing a golden jersey, pretentious and dancing.

He looks as old as Shi Feng, but his martial arts practice is so difficult that even Shi Feng cannot see through.

A handsome young face, with an imposing majesty.

"Who is this person? Gods, when did such a character emerge?"

Shi Feng said secretly, her eyebrows rolled up, looking at each other.

The broken body has stopped at this moment.

In the end, his face became more dignified.

If you don't know the cultivation, you don't know its true combat power, everything is still careful.

"Who are you? Why didn't you kneel when you saw the prince?" A deep, undeniable voice drank from the mouth of the young man in the golden robe.

Hearing this person's words, Shi Feng smiled coldly, and replied: "You are worthy of a protoss running dog?"

"Who do you say is a protoss running dog!" And when he heard Shi Feng's words, the man in the golden shirt was directly angry.

"Presumptuous, what are you talking about!" Just then, behind the man in the golden robe, a black armored warrior pointed at Shi Feng and drank loudly.

"I pray to the empire, and since the founding of our ancestors, we have been fighting the Protoss until today.

For so many years, I prayed to the empire, and I do n’t know how many soldiers died during the war. How dare you defile my empire and pray for the Protoss? "

"These people, aren't they protoss of the Protoss?" Shi Feng frowned suddenly when he heard the words of the black armored general.

And the power of his soul swept into the Destiny Imperial City below him.

Compared with the last time, this destiny imperial city obviously has traces of war.

However, he did indeed live in this destiny imperial city, and did not sense the breath of the protoss clutter.

In other words ... between the empire and the destiny, is it just a battle between empires?

Heaven prays for the victory of the empire, has annexed that day empire, and became the master of this land.

It's just ... Where did the imperial empire come from this day?

The gods, once the transcendental forces, the strongest were just the towns in the peak of the nineth heaven of God.

Now, Shi Feng, in the dark battlefield of the Protoss, destroyed a **** King Nine Heaven peak, and then saw another Nine Heaven peak war general.

It was the one who yelled at himself just now.

And this day praying to the imperial prince, martial arts cultivation reached a situation that he could not see through.

"Tian Qi empire? What is it? Why did the emperor never hear it?" Shi Feng said.

"Hum." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the young man in the golden robe hummed coldly:

"How do the ants of the various **** realms know my heavenly empire with no upper bound?"


Shi Feng murmured these three familiar words.

There is no upper bound. I seem to have heard it somewhere.

"Oh!" Soon, Shi Feng came to her senses.

The magic lamp of Solomon once sealed three mysterious worlds.

One is the gods.

Then there is the upper and lower bounds.

Unexpectedly, these guys, people from other worlds, came to these gods.

Moreover, still lead these hundreds of thousands of troops?

Why did these people come to the gods?

Is it to help the spirits of the gods to expel the gods?

So are they teachers of justice?

Chapter two

Theoretically, the forces opposing the Protoss are their friends.

But this day, a person praying to the empire, at this moment, was glaring aggressively at himself.

All the killings came.

Himself, is a **** king who killed them.

But, that guy was trying to kill himself!

In addition, if these people want to find trouble for themselves, Shi Feng doesn't mind, and he will do everything possible to use all means to send them to **** and reunite with the black armored general.

Suddenly, the man in the golden tabard front of the proud army flashed.

"Eight princes!" The heavy helmet and black armored general followed immediately.

He already sensed that the eighth prince had rushed towards the man.

Although the eighth prince is exceptionally talented and powerful, but that person also feels very unusual to him.

Martial arts cultivation is also an existence he cannot see through.

"Array!" Immediately, he shouted, and he sang from the mouth of the heavy helmet and black armored general.

"Yes!" The generals behind him responded in unison.

The sound of the drink sounded like a thunder.


"Come here!" Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved, and she cried.

He had sensed that the young man in the golden tabard was approaching him quickly.

This has been daunting to him, and he cannot see the existence of cultivation.

"Tian Qi Wushuang Shenlong!" A low-pitched voice rang out from the mouth of the eight princes.

Immediately, a golden dragon emerged fiercely from him.

"Oh!" The sound of Long Yin echoed violently.

Jinlong flew around fiercely at high altitude and rushed down towards Shi Feng.

Contains incomparable terror, the power to destroy all the world.

"This power?" Shi Feng said gently, looking at the golden dragon.

"So it is." Then, Shi Feng was relieved, and the original dignity and fear were gone.

The hit by the eighth prince at the moment, though, used a very mysterious combat technique.

However, this power is only at the peak of the power of heaven.

It turns out that this person's cultivation is the same as himself, and he is in the same heaven as the gods. The reason why he could not see his martial arts cultivation before, should be what secret method was used, or what hidden secrets of cultivation.

"What an unbounded warrior is, that's all." Shi Feng said this sentence with great disdain.

At the same time, he punched upwards, seemingly extremely small fist, and immediately banged on that huge golden light dragon head.

"Oh!" They resounded as if they were crying like a painful dragon.

The whole golden dragon body was violently trembling.

"Oh!" In the roar, suddenly saw the golden dragon, suddenly burst out.

Turned into the golden light of the sky, rolled like a wave in the sky.

"You!" The eighth prince did not expect that the Wushen Shenlong launched by himself was broken by this person so easily.

The violent face of Ying Qi suddenly changed a lot, and made a cold voice against Shi Feng:

"It seems that this prince despised you! From now on, you are qualified to fight the prince truly."

With that said, the eighth prince turned his hands into claws, and a sudden surge of momentum rose from him.

As if the eighth prince had become a golden dragon.

At this moment, it feels like Shi Feng.

Moreover, this momentum is madder, fiercer, and overbearing than the previous Golden Dragon, and slams away toward Shi Feng extremely viciously.

Heaven and earth boiled for it, as if everything would be destroyed under the grasp of these claws.

"Oh!" However, after hearing the words of the eight princes and the attack, Shi Feng smiled and said:

"Fight me, you don't deserve it."

After saying this, his right hand condensed into a sword finger, and he clicked forward very quickly.



Hearing only two sounds, he clicked heavily on the bark of the octopus.


Yaeko ’s fierce offensive has been blocked with the click of Shi Feng.

Not only that, if he was severely hit by the whole person, he was trembling violently, and a painful yell came from his mouth.

The next moment, he saw the whole man, like a broken sandbag, and flew out frantically.

"Eight Prince!"

"Eight Prince!"

"Eight Prince!"


Immediately, bursts of surprise calls continued to rang from the army.

The eighth prince is the arrogant arrogant of heaven. At a young age, he successfully entered the realm of heaven.

Such an eighth prince was knocked down by a fellow young man.

And from their conversation, it can be concluded that this young man is the humble soul of the gods.

Since entering this world, they have absolute pride in facing the souls of the gods.

It turned out that ...

The eighth prince was blasted back, and the heavy helmet and black armor rushed forward immediately, catching the eight prince.

Shen Sheng shouted, "Eight Prince!"

The body is stable, but the eighth prince's face is incomparably angry, even a little embarrassed.

That person, in the presence of so many people, said that he was not worthy to fight him.

However, he flew himself with one finger.

This feeling, the eighth prince almost felt that this person slaps himself in the face of the generals.

He only felt that his face was hot and hot.

"Dead! This man must be dead today!" The eighth prince pointed at the stone maple in front of him, and roared, like a wild beast with hair.

The roar shook the sky, echoing for a long time.

"Eight princes, the big battle is over. You can kill the battle, kill it!" The heavy helmet and black armor will speak again.

"Good!" The Eighth Prince responded, grabbing his right hand in the void, and suddenly saw a golden dragon halberd, which he slammed out.

Subsequently, the golden dragon war halberd suddenly pointed at Shi Feng in front of his hand, exuding a sudden killing intention!

Immediately following, the killings condensed by hundreds of thousands of soldiers behind him, the rushing spirit of slaying, and the fierce and horrific killing force all rushed towards the Golden Dragon War Halberd in the hands of the Eighth Prince.

Baetian's long hair and golden jersey danced fiercely, and the mighty weather was violent. It looked as if he had changed a person, exuding monstrous coercion.

"My prince will show you, is my prince unworthy to fight you, or you, unworthy!"

When the eighth prince gave this shout, he leapt forward.

However, in this step alone, she directly stepped in front of Shi Feng, and the golden dragon war halberd in her hand was immediately moved and stabbed directly towards Shi Feng.

This halberd, I am afraid that is the sky, can directly pierce a hole!

When Tian Qi prayed for the empire's battle, Shi Feng felt mysterious when he saw it in that dark space.

However, at that time, it was just hundreds of people, and now it is hundreds of thousands ... army!

(End of this chapter)

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