Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3709: Festival magic mountain

3709-White Dragon

Led by the woman, they came to a seemingly ordinary old house.

In this house, there is a bland Ishii.

"Master Nether, the secret place is in this stone well." The woman said to Shi Feng.

When she said this, she saw that her hands were knotted. For a moment, Shi Feng felt a spatial fluctuation and rose from this stone well.

A black mang burst out of it.

"It turns out that this stone well has its own inner space." Shi Feng felt as if a door had been opened.

Then the woman came to the ancient well and jumped forward.

When she saw the jump, Shi Feng flashed her body immediately, and she followed.

Shi Fengdun entered an endless dark space, and his body kept falling.

The power of the soul swept out, and this little world seemed to be dark or dark besides darkness.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng's face changed.

He suddenly sensed that from below, there were nine incredibly thick space forces, exuding an extremely ancient and desolate atmosphere.

The power of Shi Feng's soul immediately chased down towards the nine breaths.

Soon he saw nine light doors in the dark space, arranged in a circle.

"Nine doors to space, aren't they?" Shi Feng murmured.

And the middle-aged woman who had just fallen, is now suspended in the center of the nine space light doors.

"Endless land, fairy land, ice and fire land, Wanchuan land ..."

Above each dark light gate, there are four ancient characters that twist and twist, like runes.

Shi Feng said quietly.

"Sure enough!" Then he shouted.

Here, can even lead to the nine realms of the gods!

That is to live, as long as you are here, you can directly shuttle between the gods and the ten realms.

There is such a place in the gods.

Shi Feng remembered that he rushed from the endless earth to the fairy land and walked that space road for several months.

If you are here, you can directly reach any monotheistic land.

Immediately, an invisible mark was hit here by Shi Feng.

As long as there is this mark, you can come back here at any time through the lamp of Solomon.

Then, you can enter any monotheistic land of the gods at any time.

"Master Nether, as long as you enter this space **** gate, you can directly enter the Wanchuan God Land."

The middle-aged woman pointed at the dark light door in front of her and said.

"I know." Shi Feng nodded secretly.

His eyes were already staring above the light gate.

"Then I will pass." Followed, Shi Feng said to her again.

"Oh, by the way, wait a minute, Master Nether." When Shi Feng was about to leave, the middle-aged woman called him again.

"What?" Shi Feng turned her head to look at her.

"This is what the emperor asked the little lady to give you. Please keep it." While saying these words, she handed a green square seal to Shi Feng.

"What is this?" Shi Feng took the Fang Yin and murmured softly.

Then, the power of the soul sensed.

The next moment, Shi Feng felt that an endless world unfolded in his mind.

This world, looking at the extremely real, is like being in a vast and boundless world.

The thought of the soul can freely soar and shuttle in this vast world.

As long as your mind is moving, you can immediately reach any place in the world of your mind.

However, this is just a virtual world.

Shi Feng retracted her mind and said, "This is the map of the gods?"

"Yes, Lord Nether." The middle-aged woman nodded slightly.

Her face kept the professional smile.

Shi Feng also has some maps of the various **** realms, which were once collected by Weijia's house.

But those maps can't be compared with the square seal in hand.

This is an extremely clear, extremely realistic, and extremely complete map of the gods.

With it, entering Wanchuan God Land to find the emperor that day is much simpler.

Shi Feng put away the green square seal, followed, and said to the woman again, "Go!"

After saying this, he saw a flash of his figure, and immediately flashed into the dark gate of the Wanchuan God Land.

Only the middle-aged woman with a mediocre appearance and mediocre body was left, still quietly suspended.

He murmured softly: "Emperor, your subordination has been completed, I hope you can complete your great cause soon."

"Eh!" After saying this, she saw the middle-aged woman suddenly make a painful moan, and her body trembled.

There was a venom of dark blood flowing out of her mouth.

Her body slowly lay back on her back, and then fell towards the endless darkness below.

An invisible force appeared on her body, her head, first turned into powder, exuding in the dark void.

Followed by the body, hands and feet, until the end, the entire body is completely reduced to powder.

Dissipated completely in this world, leaving no trace in this world.


After Shi Feng entered the dark gate, a space light bridge rose at his feet, taking his body to the endless darkness ahead.

Secretly, when a bright light appeared in the darkness not far ahead, Shi Feng was getting closer and closer to the light ...

Until the end, touch it thoroughly.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that the world in front of her had changed.

At this moment, it is no longer in that endless darkness, but a little dark world.

"Here is it?" Shi Feng watched the Quartet, murmured secretly, then raised his head, a ray of sunlight just passed down.

"This is within a dry well." Shi Feng said.

Immediately, the figure jumped up.

Suddenly, he flew out of the dry well and stood on the edge of the well.

Looking at the world in front of me.

This is a city, in front of which is a avenue, but it is desolate, like an empty city.

At the sight, no one was there.

This sense of desolation is like the Destiny Imperial City that left a short time ago.

However, Shi Feng is pretty sure that this is not the city of Destiny.

"So strong **** smell." Shi Feng murmured.

Although no corpse or the like has been seen, the heavy **** smell felt, Shi Feng can be sure that there has been a disaster or even a calamity in this city.

Taking this place as the center, the power of the soul immediately swept out in all directions.

In just a moment, the whole scene of the city appeared in his mind.

"This city is called Tiange City."

"Damn, these beasts!" Immediately, Shi Feng's face changed abruptly, and Ling Ran's murderous intentions came out.

The center of this Tiange City is an extremely vast square.

And on this square, there are densely packed corpses, one after another, many of them stacked on top of each other, forming a mountain of corpses.

At a glance, these corpses have millions of seats.

The corpses were rotten and blood had dried up.

Many women's bodies are even more naked, and they were obviously defiled before they died.

It is simply that the beasts are not as good.

Chapter two

This Tiange City has already been slaughtered.

And Shi Feng is sure that those who slaughter the city are not protoss.

After fighting with the Protoss for so long, Shi Feng also has a relative understanding of the powers controlled by the Protoss.

Judging from the traces on these corpses and the remaining power, it was not the Protoss.

Being able to do such a thing, Shi Feng flatly felt that after the collision of the gods and the upper world collided, those who considered themselves powerful mighty warriors regarded the creatures of the gods like ants and gnaws.

Made these desolate things!

How are these people different from those cruel protoss!

Shi Feng killed the protoss, not because of racial relations, but because of the evil they did.

"I will now go to Ji Mo Shan and find the Destiny Emperor, and let him figure out all the lunatics and kill one by one!

These idiots, since they like killings so much, Bendi, let them taste the killings. "

Shi Feng said resentfully.

His body flickered and flew straight into the sky.

At the same time, a white flame bounced from his fingertips, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky.

Like a white meteor, it fell on the square where the corpses gathered.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the white fire rose, swept across, spread, and swallowed in all directions.

Suddenly, a white volcano appeared in this square, and the volcano continued to rag.

A rotting corpse was burned.


Ji Mo Shan is not far from this Tiange City.

In other words, this Tiange City is the closest city to Jimo Mountain.

When flying in the sky, the power of Shi Feng's soul was always released.

Along the way outside the city, the towns and villages not far from the city, Shi Feng also saw a rotting dead body.

The white Mars fluttered out from him.

As if the stars are a little bit, but the fire of this star can indeed be ignited.


Elderly people, children, women, those animals are all spared.

Shi Feng really hated those things that were worse than these animals.

He never felt that he was a good person, but everything he did was well deserved.


Ji Mo Shan, a mountain that is extremely strange to Shi Feng.

But there is a magic word in it.

Today, Shi Feng is very interested in "magic".

In particular, the demon Lord Shasha helped build a demon body for himself with the spirit.

Moreover, Shaye and Emperor Youtian are the ones with the most profound feelings.

"So, is it the offering of the Demon Mountain?" Soon, an extremely tall and dark mountain fell into Shi Feng's eyes.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge monster, standing in this world.

Magnificent, magnificent, exuding a disturbing breath.

Beyond the magic mountain, the sun is shining.

However, just after approaching this demon mountain, the sky gradually became gloomy.

The mountainside was shrouded in dark clouds, so that all the peaks above were submerged in the rolling black clouds.

"This is a dangerous place!" Then Shi Feng came to this conclusion.

The closer he got to this offering, the more he felt uneasy.

He didn't know why that destiny emperor chose here to let him come to him.

You can feel uneasy when you cultivate now, let alone that destiny monarch.

"Destiny emperor, this emperor is here. Come out." Shi Feng shouted at the offering demon mountain.

Shouts echoed in this world for a long time.

However, after a long time, there was still no response in the offering of the Demon Mountain.

silence! Depressed!

This is the feeling after approaching this sacrifice demon mountain again.

The whole mountain seemed to give him an invisible coercion, like a real eternal demon, overlooking everything and suppressing everything.

This is really where the gods belong?

That Emperor was there that day?

Shi Feng frowned, deepening.

At this moment, his body flew into the mountainside of Ji Mo Shan, in the rolling black mist.

When Shi Feng wanted to ascend her figure, she suddenly saw that in the dark mist, there was a towering dark stele.

On the stele, several large characters are carved:

Go up to the mountain to worship the demon and walk up.

"Up on foot?" Shi Feng murmured.

However, just after he said this, "Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!"

Just listening to the sound of violent bursts, Don kept echoing.

The entire sacrifice demon mountain, and the whole world, experienced extremely violent shocks.

As if the troll awakened.

Shi Feng suddenly raised her head, and suddenly saw all the dark things descending from the sky.

Looking at it, densely.

"This is, Stone Ladder?" Shi Feng murmured.

Those dark things are not others, they are just stone stairs.

Enough, hundreds of words.

Shi Feng couldn't figure it out. One or a few would be fine if you go up the stone steps. Why are there so many?

Could it have been so old that there were so many living creatures on the mountain, so many stone ladders were needed?

Either way or not, the dark stone staircases fell into the large space in front of Shi Feng.

At first glance, it was truly spectacular.

Each stone staircase stretches upward, drowning among the rolling black clouds, as if extending to the endless starry sky.

But in the end, Shi Feng ignored these stone ladders.

The stone inscription engraved on foot to walk up. There was no need to be obedient.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's figure was a movement, and flew straight up.

That day, the Emperor asked him to come to this demon mountain to find him, but when he arrived, he did not see him at all.

With his destiny, he should have known he was here.

Since he didn't show up, that guy was waiting for himself at the top of the demon mountain.

Having made himself so troubled or even disturbed, Shi Feng really wanted to find him after the Destiny Emperor.

The stone maple rushing up, along the dark stone wall, constantly shuttled in the rolling black mist.

At his speed, it is reasonable to say that this sacrifice to the top of Demon Mountain will soon be available.

However, this sacrifice demon mountain seems to be endless, and the peak cannot be seen at all.

At the speed of flying, this has not yet arrived. If you go down that stone ladder, when should you go?

"No!" But at this moment, Shi Feng frowned sharply, and found the situation.

Flying shape, immediately jerked!

"I've been flying for so long, but even fly back here?"

Shi Feng said.

With his eyes fixed on the dark stone monument, he swept towards the dense black stone stairs.

"Ghost place!

Could it be that when you go up the mountain, you really have to step up to reach it? "

(End of this chapter)

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