
Shi Feng slowly turned around, eyes, and then looked at the void in the center of Dugu City.

There are a total of twelve people, male and female, who are present at the moment, all of them are younger generations.

In the end, Shi Feng fixed her eyes on a black figure.

Today, Mo Xuan is also wearing a black suit. Although the other disciples of Tian Mo are also extraordinary in temperament, Mo Xuan is among them like a chicken.

The living beings immediately recognized it, and he was the first genius of chaos, Mo Xuan.

"Mo Xuan, it turns out that this person is Mo Xuan."

"Mo Xuan, we were the first genius of chaos, and we finally have the honor to witness it today."

"Mo Xuan came out, a really good show, really will be staged."

"This man's tragic end is doomed."

"I have to say that he is really arrogant, but it will not be long."

"If Mo Xuan takes a shot, I don't know, how many moves can he resist?"

"I dare to conclude that Mo Xuan can defeat him within ten strokes!" A young man in his early thirties, said with a firm face.

When he said this, he clasped his chest with his hands, and it looked as if everything was under his expectation and control.


"Hehe, Mo Xuan is out."

In the city of Dugu, a figure leaned against the corner of the wall, with a green grass in his mouth, and said this expression with interest.

Naturally, that Momo also came.


"Mo Xuan, he is the real Mo Xuan."

"Mo Xuan!" The girl who had previously collided with Shi Feng had shifted her gaze, staring closely at the peerless figure in the other crowd.

To her, as if in this world, only this one is left.

Handsome, handsome, with a deep background, extraordinary strength, and extraordinary talent, none of which is billions.

He was like the brightest star in the sky.

Mo Xuan!


Shi Feng looked at the Mo Xuan, but he could not see his martial arts practice.

However, it is not surprising that in the realms of the gods, he has seen too much to see the existence of cultivation.

The hidden secrets and techniques of cultivation are not unusual in this world.

Therefore, those people could not see his martial arts practice, and there was no strange color on his face.

"Kneel down!" At this moment, a young man beside Mo Xuan sipped coldly at Shi Feng.

Drinking resolutely, full of majesty, cannot be resisted by any creature.

Cheers echoed, and Shi Feng grinned indifferently, and spit out a word from his mouth, "Kneeling!"


People heard the shouting youth, and there was a shout in their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his knees were bent, and the whole person went down on his knees directly in the void.


The kneeling young man suddenly looked up suddenly, his face showing an extremely fierce look, staring at Shi Feng on the other side fiercely, shouting coldly.

"Hisse! That person is too bold?"

"Tian Mo Jue Zong made him kneel. Did he kneel?

Moreover, in front of Mo Xuan? "

"This person seems to be one of the Ten Greatest Masters of Heaven, right? It seems to be called, Tian Gang!"

"Oh! He's Tian Gang, one of the top ten? He!"

"This man dared to do so to Mo Xuan. Is he really going to break the pot? Knowing that he has offended Tian Mo Jue Sect and knowing that he killed Bu Yi, he can't live.

"I'm afraid that's the case! Let's wait for his tragic death."


Tian Keng just kneeled, Tian Mo Jue face looked cold.

"Huh!" Mo Xuan snorted coldly, waving his big hand, Tian Gang, kneeling, immediately stood up.

"Ah!" Tian Gang growled loudly as if a violent ape was angry, shaking the whole sky.

Later, he saw a riot in his figure.

However, just as he moved, Mo Xuan said, "You don't have to go, you are not his opponent."

Tian Gang's strength is on par with Bu Yi.

But Bu Yi has already died in the hand of that person, Tian Gang must be defeated.

What's more, it was obvious to all that just now, that person's direct word would make him kneel.

Mo Xuan knew that in front of him, he was not a simple and strange enemy.

The reason Mo Xuan called it weird was that the power that had just been pressed on Tian Gang had not even noticed it.

So for Mo Xuan, this is not a powerful adversary, but weird.

"But Brother ..." Tian Gang's face still appeared with a look of anger, and Mo Xuan was unwilling to speak.

In front of the eyes, so many people looked at themselves kneeling on that guy, Tian Gang really wanted to find this shame with his own hands.

Mo Xuan waved his hand to signal that Tian Gang should stop talking nonsense.

Seeing Mo Xuan's gesture, Tian Gang immediately lowered his head, and revered respectfully, "Yes, master."

Then, the figure moved and stepped aside.

All the living beings in the city of Lonely saw that Mo Xuan, the master of Tian Mo, suddenly moved.

He stepped step by step in the void and walked forward.

"So fast, did Mo Xuan take the shot himself?"

"It looks like this! Mo Xuan shot it directly in person."

"Everyone just saw it with their own eyes. Tian Gang, he wasn't his opponent at all, so this battle requires Mo Xuan to kill him himself."

"Uh-huh, it looks like a good show is about to happen. I don't know, a few tricks to end this battle."

"Even if he takes ten steps from Mo Xuan, isn't it easy?"

"That's nature! Moxuan martial arts repair is that although in the legendary **** king Yae Ten, this genius' Yae heaven is completely different.

I am afraid that even if God King Jiu Zhongtian, Mo Xuan and other evils, you can fight. "


"Oh, Mo Xuan, it's really coquettish." At a corner of the wall, Mo Xing against the wall looked at Mo Xuan's pace, and then smiled.

He is really waiting for a real good show.


"Mo Xuan! Mo Xuan! Really, so handsome, so handsome!" And the girl who collided with Shi Feng, at this moment involuntarily said this sentence.

Looking at Mo Xuan, she just felt that her heart was beating constantly, as if the deer were bumping.

She already knew that this was the feeling of true love.

She found that she had really fallen in love with her.

Even if he couldn't be with him, it was very satisfying to look at it silently.

She realized that this is the true meaning of true love!

"I'm afraid I can't forget this scene at this moment in my life, and my heart has been completely captured by him.

I love you, Mo Xuan, I really really love you. "


Shi Feng also looked at the Mo Xuan, full of the style of a peerless powerhouse.

"It looks so full, enough to show off." Shi Feng said.

The look, and the laughter, were full of ridicule.

Shi Feng's voice naturally passed into the ears of Na Moxuan.

Mo Xuan ignored it, flipping his right finger with five fingers, for a moment, a mysterious gale came instantly.

"Get up!" Mo Xuan condensed his sword and drank coldly.

Chapter two

On a mountain top, the clouds are lingering.

A peerless figure looming in the clouds.

He, standing proudly here, seemed to be completely integrated into this heaven and earth.

As if he were, this heaven and earth, this heaven and earth, is him.

This is already a peerless powerhouse.

He is one of the three strong men of chaos, the master of heaven and earth, Mo Que!

"Master, not good!" Just then, not far behind him, a sound of old, husky, flustered sounded.

"Destiny?" After hearing that voice, the one that looked like an everlasting, waveless face, suddenly moved at this moment.

If other people, Mo Que would not have this fluctuation.

However, it was his voice that uttered the destiny to repair the fate of Tianmo.

Mo Que turned, looked at the white figure in the shuttle cloud, and said, "What happened?"

The billowing sounds and the billowing clouds and mists were immediately dispersed.

The scene on the top of the mountain was completely revealed, and there were many stones, and on each stone, there was a peerless soldier.

Wearing a white robe, he flew to Mo Que in an instant, and there was still a panic on his old face:

"Master, just now I suddenly felt that the trajectory of the Master's fate has changed greatly. I am afraid that a great disaster will come."

"Xuan'er!" Mo Que's face suddenly changed suddenly when he heard Mingtu's words.

Followed him quickly and said, "Clarify clearly, what happened to Xuan Er? What did you feel?"

This baby boy is the proudest masterpiece of his life.

Mo Kui knew that as long as a few years later, with the talent of this outstanding son, he would certainly be able to step into the heaven of God King Nine.

At that time, there were two Jiu Tian Tian Jue who were extinct in Tian Mo.

"The person who changed the trajectory of the young master's destiny has exceeded the scope of his subordinate's destiny. That is already a very simple existence.

The subordinates are incompetent, they can only sense these, and hope their masters forgive him. "Ming Tu's old face is respectful, and he returns seriously.

Mo Que opened his eyes and followed closely, as if he realized something, and said coldly:

"In the chaotic land, those two guys who can move my childless are the two guys? Couldn't those two guys already be able to help?"

Ming Tu bowed his head and didn't answer. He wasn't sure about what he would say.

"Go!" The word drunk suddenly, Mo Que's figure moved suddenly, flashing fiercely.

At the same time, that fate was a flash of the figure.

The two disappeared instantly on top of this strange rocky mountain.

As they disappeared, the drunk clouds slowly gathered and returned, tumbling.


Chaos, the lonely city of Hunyuan.

Mo Xuan's hand condenses his sword, and the storm surges, and Shi Feng immediately sees a peerless sword that appears above him.

The wind sword is huge and unmatched, exuding peerless coercion, full of violent killing intention.

"Mo Xuan shot!"

"It's such a powerful force as soon as you hit it."

"This blow ... I'm afraid that this person's life was killed directly?"

"Tian Mo's exorcism, who provoked this behemoth, really ... lived ... impatiently!"

"Okay ... so strong ... really so strong! This is the power of our first genius of chaos."

The wind sword is now visible, and countless bodies in Dugu City can't help shaking.

Countless people feel it is difficult to take a breath of air.

This is the coercion caused by the power of Mo Xuan.

"Oh, did the first move use Tianmo Hurricane Excalibur? It seems that Mo Xuan also found this person is not easy." Mo resentment in the city still said with a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, the wind sword plummeted and the stone maple stormed.

"Oh." Shi Feng grinned and grinned.

Such forces, naturally, he would not put them in his eyes, grabbing with his right hand at will.

At this moment, all the creatures in Dugu City suddenly widened their eyes.

They saw that the man had caught the stabbing wind sword directly in his hands.


"This ... this person ..."

"I rely on ... that's it, caught?"

"Mo Xuan's power, it's ... even ..."


Many beings can't believe what they see in their eyes at this time.

This is too unexpected, right?

"Master Tianmo Hurricane Excalibur!" Not only are the souls in the lonely city, but even the disciples of Tianmo are facing extreme shock.

However, more unexpected things are still below.

After seeing Shi Feng grab the sword tip of the giant wind sword, he then slashed violently towards the Mo Xuan.

This cut, if it has the power to open up the world, as if the whole world, will be divided into two in this cut.

"This ... this ... this ..."

Even Mo Xuan, who was the first day of chaos, was shivering involuntarily under that power.

He felt the horror of that blow, which was rooted in fear deep inside.

"Impossible! Impossible! It's impossible to have that kind of power.

Weird power! This is the strange power of this person, which makes me have this illusion.

broken! "

Mo Xuan drank in a cold voice, followed without escaping, and saw that he rushed straight up, even rushing straight towards the wind sword.

In the eyes of everyone, people saw with their own eyes that the violent sword of the wind slashed on Mo Xuan's body fiercely.

"Ah!" A roar of pain and despair roared.

Then, the first genius, the flesh broke into the wind sword directly.

In the end, all the pieces of meat were dissipated and turned directly to ashes.


The original noisy world was silent.

Until the wind sword that killed Mo Xuan also disappeared.

In that void, at this moment, there is only that black figure.

Proudly standing, his long hair fluttering in the wind, his face was indifferent, as if nothing had happened to him.

At this moment, all the creatures in this world are widening their eyes.

They are all a little hard to imagine. What happened just now is real.

It's as if, suddenly, a dream, but also an extremely unreal dream.

"His!" Suddenly, in the city of Dugu, a deep breath took a deep breath, breaking the silence.

"Dead ... dead? Mo Xuan, dead?" Someone still said unsurely.

"Mo Xuan, is he dead like this?" Another voice was filled with uncertainty.

But in that sky, there really was only that figure, Mo Xuan, indeed under the wind sword, disappeared.

Until now, nothing has been reproduced.

"I ... I depend! No!"


(End of this chapter)

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