Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3724: Incredible change


Shi Feng bowed her head and stared at the faint words in her palm, murmuring secretly:

"Enlighten yourself with your heart and move naturally with your heart. This warfare technique is called, Jiu Youxin is out!"

After saying this, the quiet word in the palm of your hand slowly dispersed.

At this time, Shi Feng raised her head, and the power of the soul swept out of the city of Dugu again, and said secretly, "Yes, it's almost time to come."

All the sights of Dugu City immediately appeared in his mind.

Today, the city of Dugu looks peaceful, as if it was the tranquility before the storm.

However, it is gradually discovered that these days, more and more souls enter the city of Dugu.

It seems that most of them come to see the excitement.

Looking forward to that peerless battle.

Look at the Jiuyou Lord who dared to provoke the three powerful men. Is he really strong or just impatient.

"It's windy." Suddenly, a young man in Dugu City looked up at the sky and said this.

Subsequently, all beings in the city of Dugu felt that the wind was blowing between the weather, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

Increasingly violent.

Above the sky, there were billowing dark clouds from all sides.

Immediately after, "Boom!" A wild thunder exploded, a purple thunder flashed, and a heavy rain fell violently!

"A sudden change in the sky? I am afraid something will happen!" There was a creature, making such a noise.

"Here! I am afraid those are here."

"finally come!"

"Waiting for so many days, good show, is it finally about to start?"

"A strong wind rises, dark clouds emerge, a violent thunder blasts, and a torrential rain is approaching. I am afraid that the most mysterious one is here first!

The violent wind blowing from heaven and earth was getting colder and colder.

Although it is a hot summer day, only in this moment, people seem to feel that the winter has come.

In this moment alone, the sky above Dugu City is full of black, black clouds, like a sea wave, constantly rushing.

A large, fierce, horrible figure loomed in the dark clouds, as if they were all dense and endless.

This scene looks extremely shocking.

"Oh! Ah!" A howling voice came out from the billowing black fog, ringing the whole world.

Immediately after, "Oh!"






An angry, fierce, screaming cry kept ringing.

As if thunderstorms kept blasting on this lonely city, it was deafening.

The constant reverberation between heaven and earth caused the heavens to shake.

"Missing Supreme!"

"Welcome to the Supreme!"

"Welcome to the Supreme!"


In the city of Dugu, one after another, they immediately knelt toward the sky, worshipped, and looked with reverence, and called out respectfully.

It is rumored that many years ago, the human race and the demon race existed as Xeons. In addition to these two races, other races in Chaos Land were extremely low in status.

Until one day, a self-proclaimed mysterious existence appeared, completely changing the pattern of chaotic land.

He integrated the various races to become the supreme outside the human race and the demon race, so that the status of the major alien races was equal to that of the two races.

Therefore, at this moment in the lonely city, the aliens kneeling towards Mi Li are really worshipping from the heart.

"Little animal, get out of me!"

Just then, a roar of incomparable anger roared.

The turbulent world suddenly became more violent.

Afterwards, the failures saw a series of silhouettes constantly appearing over the city of Dugu.

The figure appeared and the roar sounded. It seems that the human overlord, Tian Mo Jue Sect master Mo Que, is leading Tian Mo Jue disciple to kill with his affiliates.

At a glance, under the billowing clouds, there were all human figures, densely packed, hundreds of thousands of people.

Tian Mo, the lord of the sect, and Mo Que, the strongest human race, made a call and immediately called for hundreds of thousands of martial artists.

And those who can qualify to follow Mo Que at this moment are the elite among the elite.

"Giggle, why don't you just have a son, why are you so angry?

There are so many sons, dead one or two, what's the point? "

Before Mo Que's anger was heard, he heard a "giggling" laughter coming from the East.

All eyes suddenly looked towards the side.

I saw three strange figures flying in the sky.

The three figures, two men and one woman, the men, are extremely handsome, and their faces are even more beautiful than women.

Woman, extremely enchanting and glamorous, it is a time misfortune.

"Nine-tailed demon girl! Nine-tailed demon girl is also here."

"This time, it is really a gathering of the top three!"

"Dugu City, really brought all three of them together."

"The Lord Jiuyou God! I didn't expect that all three of them really came."

"It was originally thought that the monarch of Moku was bound to come.

But did not expect that these two will also appear. "

"But by comparison, this nine-tailed demon girl is a lot of idleness, only the second oldest of the demon family."

"Fairy woman!" Nine-tailed demon Ji's words that were neither salty nor light, fell in Mo Que's ear.

I saw Mo Que's face was even more angry, and spit out these two words fiercely at Jiuwei Demon Ji.

When Mo Xuan was killed, this demon woman even dared to make fun of herself.

If usual, Mo Que might have attacked her.

"Well, it seems almost all come together." Just then, suddenly listening to a young leisurely voice, rippling in this world.

After hearing this voice, the spirits of all living beings in Dugu City changed once again.

"Jiuyou God Lord!"

"Yes, it's really beside the Lord of the Nine You Gods!"

"The corners are here. It seems that they are really here."

"Performed! A big play, really going to be performed."

"You said, can these nine gods of God resist the power of the three strong ones?"

"Who knows. I don't want to guess anymore.

The last time I thought about it, I thought that the Lord of the Nine Youshens would be killed by Mo Xuan, but in the end, he was severely beaten. "


"Huh! It shouldn't be too late." In the city of Dugu, a figure rushed out of the teleportation temple, and that was the end of the grudge.

Standing at the door of the temple, he looked up at the sky on the city of Dugu.

Immediately afterwards, Mo's resentful face changed suddenly, and she said in a grudge, "Mo! Miss!"

It can be seen that this Mo resentment is really full of hatred for Na Moque.

Both eyes have become red.


Under the attention of a series of eyes, people saw the black figure, rising slowly from Dugu Inn.

Keep your hands behind your back, your face calmly, and there will be no waves.

In the face of the three strong men in chaos, and in the face of the many creatures who came to slay him, this one seemed to have not looked at them at all.

"The Lord of the Nine You Gods is out!"

"Looking at him, it seems like he's very confident?"

Chapter two

"Did he really survive those three failures?"


"Small animal!" Seeing Shi Feng appearing, Mo Que had already retracted his gaze towards Jiuwei Demon Ji, glaring at him fiercely.

At the same time, he tied his hands with his hands and immediately laid an enchantment in this world.

This enchantment, Mo Que, is to prevent that "boy" from escaping, so he completely blocked the world.

Shi Feng naturally felt the world of Mo Que's seal and grinned.

Not at all concerned.

Then, he saw that the mark on Mo Que's hand changed drastically, and then a palm pressed down.

Mo Que, shot directly.

Seeing Mo Que's shot, the warriors in the void also launched attacks.






The sounds of sword groaning, the loud noises, the raging sounds, and the roaring sounds suddenly sounded.

Hundreds of thousands of powerful forces made this sky look extremely bright, spectacular, and shocking, following the palm of Mo Que and rushing to Shi Feng.

"This ... these powers converge, I am afraid that even the legendary half-step gods are struggling, right?"

"It's so fierce!"

"We are chaotic. Can anyone really resist such a force?"

"Are these nine Youshen masters able to compete?"


Shouts startled, and rang again.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the young dark figure, and finally moved at this moment.

Shi Feng's hand condensed with his sword, moving up a bit, the movement was still so casual.

However, just this action, the sentient beings were extremely surprised to see that hundreds of thousands of violent forces suddenly disappeared ...

The violent sky returned to a calm moment.

"Broken? He will break Mo Qi's joint effort with all the people and just break it?"

"I rely! Pervert! Is this too perverted?"

"One trick! It's just one trick! Just like killing Mo Xuan, only one trick!"

"I rely on! I rely on! I rely on! The nine lords of God! Originally thought that these nine lords of God were passed on to their gods.

Said an alien who came to Dugu City this time to watch the lively.

"He, really makes people accident again and again." Mo Yu still stood at the door of the teleportation temple and said secretly.


"He ... he actually ..."

Today, the girl who collided with Shi Feng five days ago was also there.

At this moment, she is like the living beings, standing alone in the lonely city and looking up at the sky, she also sees the scene that is extremely shocking.

It's pretty, and it's almost staring.


"You! Not a chaos! Who are you and how did you get into chaos?"

The power was broken, and Mo Que yelled at Shi Feng below.

Even the nine-tailed demon girl was surprised.

Every entry and exit of the chaos land has been sealed by the mixed Yuan array. It is impossible for anyone to enter the chaos land!

"Muff, there is another entrance in Chaos Land that we don't even know!" Nine-tailed demon Ji secretly said.

"Oh!" Even the distant clouds in the sky filled with a strange cry.

If so, then it is really dangerous.

Now they know the situation in the gods.

If those powerful men in the upper bound enter the chaos land with that unknown entrance, then the consequences are really unimaginable.

and! And this person, so young, can break away the blow that Mo Que led to hundreds of thousands of ethnic warriors.

There is no such existence in the gods.

Therefore, this person is very likely to be an unbounded person.

"This boy, let him not live! He must die!"

In the dark clouds, the sound rang again.

This time, it was no longer a strange scream, but a hoarse and dull growl.

As the words drifted away, even the nine-tailed demon Ji became serious.

By this moment, the severity of the matter had been recognized.

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone, all evil animals, follow suit."

Shi Feng spoke again leisurely, saying such an arrogant sentence.


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Roar! Roar!"

"Roar! Tear him!"


A word from Shi Feng immediately screamed the aliens among the dark clouds.

Obviously, the evil animals he just mentioned meant them.

The black clouds billowed and became more violent with their roar.

"Cloth, big team!" He could only hear the loneliness in the dark clouds, and suddenly yelled.

When Mi Li sounded the words, Mo Kui and Jiuwei Demon Ji nodded seriously.




However, just as they nodded, their bodies trembled suddenly.

Make a roar.

No one saw what happened to these two.

It was only when people realized that they had found that the young black figure floating in the air just now had disappeared.

"Ah! Damn! Ah! Ah! Ah! Damn!" Immediately afterwards, he heard Mo Que and uttered an insanely loud roar.

"Seal of master and servant!" Then, even the nine-tailed demon Ji Qiao's face changed dramatically.

Just now, she just felt her own soul, and was hit by a gravitational bombardment.

Then all consciousness becomes blank.

When the consciousness recovered, a master-servant mark had been forcibly imprinted into his soul while his mind was blank.

It seems that even Mo Que is the same!

Originally seeking revenge for his son, he was directly struck into the seal of the master and servant and became the slave of that guy.

How can he not be angry.

How can you not be crazy.

I'm afraid the most angry and the saddest thing in the world.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"


In the dark clouds above, the roar became more confused.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Boy, you must die, you must be condemned! Howl!"

Mi Li was even more furious, and the hoarse growled again.

"Roar roar roar!" Accompanying, there are extremely angry and painful screams of aliens.


"His! Mark of the master and servant?"

"Did you hear that just now? Nine-Tailed Demon Ji, signed a master-servant contract directly with that one?"

"I ... I heard it too! And looking at Mo Que's look, I'm afraid it's no exception."

"This ... this ... this ... this is also true, isn't it unexpected?"

"It will happen, but ... it will!"

"This ... also ..."

At this moment, the beings in the city of Dugu no longer know what to say.

This change is too big.

Strong as Mo Que, powerful as Nine-Tailed Demon Ji, actually ...

Moreover, even the mysterious existence in the dark cloud is far away, and it looks extremely bad at this moment.

He ... just one person, the whole messy place ...

(End of this chapter)

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