
"This is a **** jade gopher!" Qi Geng exclaimed suddenly.

"God Jade Gopher!"

"Is this a jade gopher?"

"God Jade Gopher!"


When it comes to the **** jade gophers, the faces of the five juniors of the Lin family also changed.

It can be seen from their faces and tone that this is an extraordinary thing.

Lin Geng quickly bent over and picked up the **** jade gopher on the ground.

"God Lord!" Then, in a respectful shout, he gave the **** jade gopher both hands and handed it to Shi Feng.

Although I was reluctant, although I really wanted to put it in my own storage mystery, Lin Geng's consciousness was very clear, and my heart was naturally very clear. Who should I give these treasures to?

"Tell me about this jade gopher." Shi Feng didn't reach for it, but asked Lin Geng.

From his jade gophers, he felt the vitality of heaven and earth, as if endless.

"The **** jade gopher is a magical earthly thing.

Legend has it that it was born in the heart of the earth.

Once the **** jade gophers are formed, they will continue to devour the earth's air and become the purest heaven and earth vitality! "

"Oh, it turns out! It really looks like a treasure!" Shi Feng nodded and said.

Then they said to them, "I do n’t know how long this thing has been here. The vitality is strong. You swallow the vitality first, until Dantian is complete, then give it to me."

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the faces of the Lin family suddenly moved.

Unexpectedly, this one actually let himself absorb the heaven and earth vitality in this jade gopher.

This one ... but the fiercely-known Jiuyou Lord!

Even Tian Mo, the sacred master, Mo Que, was killed by his bombardment, and now the leader of the chaos **** and land!

But he ...

"Thank you Lord!" Lin Geng thanked Shi Feng immediately.

He was holding the **** jade gopher at the moment, and he felt that the heavens and the earth were full of vitality. Even if the five of them absorbed it with all their strengths, by comparison, it was nothing more than a sloppy salary.

Since this kind of grace, Lin Geng was not polite, his hands shook.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But at this moment, the violent roar resounded, and I saw the whole mountain again violently violently.

The faces of the five Lin family members moved again.

"It's okay, it's those tentacles that have picked up, but everything is still careful."

Shi Feng said.

As soon as his voice fell, the Lin family saw it immediately, and the white tentacles rose from the mountain forest and rose back into the sky.

Seeing this, Lin Geng slowly let go of his heart.

Then he concentrated all his strength and began to devour the vitality of heaven and earth in the **** jade gopher.

The weather of Shenyu Gophers is the purest and purest for transformation, and it is very smooth to swallow.

Lin Geng devoured fiercely, and soon afterwards, he felt that the energy in Dantian reached a great success.

After that, Lin Geng passed it to Lin Xu.

After Lin Xu, handed it to Lin Mu, and after Lin Mu, handed it to Lin Ke.

Finally, the youngest girl, Lin Nianwei, was given.

With this magic jade gopher, the energy of the five people in the Dan family of the Lin family has reached a great completion.

"God Lord, here you are." Lin Nianwei said softly, raised the **** jade hamster with both hands, and handed it back to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng nodded slightly and took the gopher.

Shi Feng sucked violently!

Immediately, the sky and the earth were full of energy, and Dayton poured out from the **** jade hamster.

Constantly devoured by Shi Feng's hands.

Passing by the arm, he flowed to his even more abnormal Kirin Dantian.

Originally, the **** jade gophers, which had been devoured by the five people of the Lin family, were still a white jade color and exuded a holy white halo.

However, after being sucked by Shi Feng, Bai Guang suddenly dimmed, and even this jade gopher became increasingly dim.

Gradually, a grayish-yellow color was cast, and then turned from yellowish-yellow to earthy-yellow.

However, Shi Feng still did not stop there, still sucking.

Seeing the five of Lin's family, his complexion changed.

They sensed that this one was devouring energy continuously.

The vitality swallowed at this moment, I am afraid that the five of them are more than a hundredfold!

"What kind of cultivation is this one? It is still swallowing up, and it seems that there is no sign of stopping?"

Lin Xu secretly sighed, spreading the other four members of Yin Lin's family.

"Yeah! I'm afraid that God King Jiuzhong can reach the Great Perfection, right?" Lin Ke also said.

"This cultivation is, of course, far more than God King Jiuzhong!

Don't forget that the three Supremes we once joined together are not his opponents.

According to rumors, his cultivation is very likely to have entered the half-step heavenly realm, and some people say that he has reached the real realm of heavenly god. Lin Mu said, too.

"But ... but ..." Lin Nianwei didn't know what to say.

She had seen that the **** jade gopher had turned black.

In other words, they feel the endless **** jade gophers, and now, the vitality of the heavens and earth is about to be exhausted.

And he is still devouring.

"Tian Shen Jing, do you need so much heaven and earth vitality?" Lin Nianwei heard another voice.

"I'm afraid, heavenly realm, for us, that's a legendary realm.

If you want to know, you can only understand when you reach that level. "Lin Geng replied.

Until the end, the white holy divine jade gopher turned into a black color, and Shi Feng stopped.

This **** jade gopher has absorbed the vitality of endless years, and all the stone maples have absorbed it.

Shi Feng sensed his own Dantian, murmured secretly: "OK, Dantian's energy has reached half!"

Once upon a time, the flame flame field was extremely abnormal.

And after he devoured the unicorn **** bead, Dantian was perverted and perverted, and even the flame was incomparable.

Even the killing of a few of the gods in the realm of the sky did not show improvement.

So, it has swallowed up the heaven and earth vitality in this magic jade gopher, and now it has made my big abnormal Dantian energy reach half, which is already very good!

"Only half!"

"What, devoured all the vigor of the **** jade gopher, only half way!"



Although Shi Feng's quiet murmur just said to herself, it also fell in the ears of Lin's family.

They, everyone has experienced this magic jade gopher, and they all know how powerful and powerful the heaven and earth are inside.

But he said ...

At this moment, the five members of the Lin family were directly shocked and immediately stunned.

Is this too abnormal?

Shi Feng lowered his head and looked at the **** jade gopher in his hand. Although his vitality was swallowed up, if he put it on the ground in the future, he could inhale it again and become pure energy.

For the Lin family, even this magic jade gopher is still a treasure.

But for Shi Feng, this jade gopher has sucked endless years of earth's energy, and the transformed energy is just the same.

It is already difficult to satisfy him!

Chapter two

Shi Feng handed the dark jade gopher in his hand to Lin Geng and said:

"This jade gopher is useless to me, you take it."

"God Lord!" Lin Geng didn't expect this one to give this **** jade gopher to himself, first hesitated, followed, and quickly thanked Shi Feng:

"Thank God! Thank God!"

Even if the dark jade gopher is brought back to Lin's house, in the future, it will absorb the earth's energy and transform its vitality.

You can also train children for Lin family.

During this trip to the Langkawi Mountains, not only did I get some precious treasures of heaven, earth, earth, five people, but also the energy in Dantian.

Now that the young jade hamster has been obtained, the four young men of Lin Geng and the Lin family already think that this is a worthwhile trip!

The peaks of the quake have now restored a brief calm.

Just now the white tentacles fell down, and I don't know how many souls were killed.

However, this is no longer Shi Feng's business.

Life and death are life. Now that you have chosen to enter this mountain, you must be prepared to stay here forever.


Immediately afterwards, the figure of the six of Shi Feng began to move again, and continued to go up the mountain.

Shi Feng would like to see and see, and what kind of fierce creature has such powerful white tentacles.

Today, there is something wrong with the mountain's seal, but that fierce creature must be left here forever.

If born, it would really be a catastrophe of the gods.

No matter what, Shi Feng also wants to see!

Even if you are not an adversary, you can master the true combat power of the enemy, so you can deal with it in the future!

But for the Lin family, Shi Feng was quite worried about them.

I should have said what I should say. As for the next blessing or disaster, it depends on their own goodness.

Shi Feng also thought that when they approached the fierce creature, they must leave.

If you don't listen, then forcefully order them as the Lord of Nine You Gods.


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah ..."


The roar of roaring beasts, roars and screams, echoed in the mountains and forests.

The ferocious beast seemed to become extremely violent, and from time to time the white tentacles were dropped, making this huge mountain violent.

Shi Feng took the Lin family, time and time again, and skillfully avoided the bombardment of the white tentacles.

And their group has also found that when they entered the mountain, the white light that suddenly came down did not appear again.

There were Shi Feng in the mountains along the way, and their journey in this mountain forest was quite smooth.

In addition to the white light no longer appearing, they also found that the mountain had disappeared from the roar, except for those roaring from time to time.

However, it is normal to think about it. There is that fierce creature. From time to time, white tentacles fall down and smash this giant mountain. Which fierce beast can resist it.

"Eh! Heh! Hey! Hey!" There was another fierce roar.

The six people of Shi Feng hurried along all the way, at this moment, they can already see the scene on the mountain top.

There, they saw a white giant creature of immense giant, so imposing, with a breath of ancient desolation, covered with white antennae.

No need to question!

This monster is the "culprit" who constantly bombarded the forest with white tentacles!

"Regardless of this harvest, you guys, stop here!" Shi Feng said solemnly, coldly at Lin family.

Next, he was going to meet the fierce creature for a while, and could not care about them.

"Let's go down the mountain." Lin Geng didn't think about it when he heard Shi Feng's words, and said to the four young people in Lin's family.

He also knew that the emergence of that horrible creature was no longer us.

Moreover, before the Langkawi Mountains, the harvest was beyond imagination.

"Well." After hearing Lin Geng's words, the four Lin family youths nodded together.

However, anxiety emerged from their faces.

Previously, it was the Lord of the Nine You God who led them along the way, and they avoided the fierce bombardment.

Without him, can you wait for someone to go down the mountain safely?

However, it is no longer possible for this man to take himself down five people.

Gradually, the five of the Lin family slowly turned around, however, just as they turned around, Shi Feng suddenly made a noise again and called them: "Wait a minute!"

Their stature ends immediately.

He turned around and looked back at him.

"Just be happy." Shi Feng said to them.

At this time, he also thought that if the five members of the Lin family went down the mountain like this, they would suffer.

Shi Feng said, they immediately understood what it meant.

"Thank you Lord!" Lin Geng quickly thanked Shi Feng.

"Thank God!" The other four Lin family juniors also quickly thanked them.

Subsequently, the five members of the Lin family let go of their minds.

Shi Feng's thoughts flickered with five white lights.

After Bai Guang fell, the five members of the Lin family had disappeared into this mountain forest, and he was inhaled into the Sumi Mountains.

Shi Feng looked up again, his eyes gazed once again on the white evil creature.

Shi Feng couldn't tell what level the creature was.

Although it gave him a sense of horror, it was not special fear.

"Go!" Shi Feng whispered, his body suddenly moved.

Just as Shi Feng moved, I suddenly saw the white behemoth at the top of the mountain suddenly turn.

Earlier, Shi Feng was facing the back of the murderer. At this moment, the eyes of two large lanterns were revealed, shining bright white light.

An evil beast's big mouth opened in anger, like a dark bottomless pit.

On the face, there were even seemingly hard white scales, and each white scale was shining with white luster.

Every white scale seems to contain ancient mysterious power.

At this moment, this behemoth seemed to be staring at Shi Feng, "Hey!" Roared angrily at Shi Feng.

Then, the white tentacles rising to the void, dancing again and again.

Towards the forest below, began to plummet!

And this time the slump turned out to be like white tentacles, like the same white lightnings, smashing down towards Qi Feng.

These scenes, such momentum, are really spectacular.

"I rely on it!" Shi Feng had already realized, her face changed dramatically at this moment.

Thousands of horrible white tentacles, it seems that it is inevitable!

The beings who were previously bombarded in the mountains and forests are nothing more than this fierce manipulating white tentacles and smashing.

Today, it keeps an eye on Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's body immediately moved more fiercely.

But as he moved violently, those white tentacles were also moving wildly.

"Boom boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Eventually, Qiandao white tentacles fell into the mountain forest, into the area where Shi Feng was located.

The mountains and forests were followed by a violent earthquake again. Seeing the scene of the riot, it seems that they are about to collapse ...

(End of this chapter)

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