3736-Red Star

At this moment, Shi Feng had approached the behemoth.

However, the thousands of tentacles of this behemoth finally arrived.

The force of the congregation slammed the three heads and six arms of the thunderstorm.

"Anti!" Shi Feng roared angrily.


Under a thousand tentacles, this space seems to be bursting.

Even if the body of the black lotus that gathered Shi Feng's strongest power, it also trembled and trembled.

But this time, it didn't end immediately.

"Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!" Shi Feng began to shout in his heart.

He was getting closer and closer to the behemoth.

As long as the body of the black lotus is strengthened again, it can reach the evil animal.

By that time, hum!

"Oh!" There was a loud noise.

The body of Hei Lian finally couldn't withstand the gathering power of thousands of tentacles, but it exploded violently.

But at this moment, Shi Feng leapt forward, and leapt towards the behemoth again.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Seeing this man rushing over again, this behemoth yelled incomparably again.

Thousands of tentacles that had destroyed the body of Black Lotus slammed away towards Shi Feng.

It can't get this guy closer anymore.

Absolutely not!

However, although the body of Hei Lian is extinct, but the remaining power is still there, the speed of these thousand tentacles is now mad, which is slower than before.

"Good!" At this time, Shi Feng exclaimed a "good"!

The voice did not fall, he had leapt to the face of the behemoth, just at the wound where the white scale was broken.

And Shi Feng's figure didn't stop there, still rushing forward.

I saw him, and rushed in directly from the bleeding wound.

Thousands of tentacles flew away, after all, a step slower and left empty!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Hmm! Hmm!"


The monster was roaring wildly.

As soon as Shi Feng entered the flesh, he launched his most powerful force.

Crazy thunder, white flames, magic power, and cold power, all powers poured out.

Destroy this monster.

And just then, Shi Feng's mind moved again.

All the pouring power gathered towards his palm.

A white "you" word appeared in his palm.

This warfare skill was realized by Shi Feng not long ago, and Jiuyou heart was gone!

With one palm forward, I pushed it out casually.

Also banged on the thick flesh of this behemoth.

"Boom!" A violent blast of sound burst into the body of the murderer.


On the top of the mountain, behemoths roared upward, white tentacles danced wildly, white shadows fluttered, as if white lightnings were raging and dazzling.

Then, the white flame billowed, fiercely burning on it.

Instantly into a sea of ​​white flames.

In the sea of ​​white fire, an extremely violent dark thunder exploded again, the thunder light shining, full of the power of destruction.

There is also a rolling mist of magic, rushing through it.

All of a sudden it was a magic mist.

It looks like a scene of extinction.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The roar sounded louder than louder.

"God Lord, got into this creature?"

"Yeah! For now, the Lord is attacking inside him."

"God of God, did you win?"

"It's hard to say, it's unknown at the last minute without waiting for the battle of the strong."

"Well, that's the same! Hopefully, Lord God can defeat this demon."


Looking at the chaotic scene at the top of the mountain, the sentient beings talked again.

However, at this moment, the living beings saw that under the white tentacles dancing in the road, the sea of ​​fire, black thunder, and magic mist were constantly annihilating.

In the end, "嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" The tentacles blasted at the fierce body itself.

This will destroy the remaining power.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Although the tentacles on his own flesh, this whiplash made it extremely painful.

There was even a tentacle, like a long snake, who had penetrated its broken rift and pursued Shi Feng.

Without kicking that guy out of the body, you can only let it hurt.

However, Shi Feng didn't go all the way after killing this behemoth.

Instead, he started rushing up and down, up, down, left, and right. This thick flesh and blood, as if he had opened up a crooked gully.

However, I have to say that the flesh is really thick enough, and until now, Shi Feng hasn't really reached the deadly organs of the fierce creature.

However, he was not in a hurry.

Let yourself succeed in this thing, this thing will die!

Daodao's violent energy still rages on him, and continues to cause violent damage to this thing.

The pain was so severe that it twitched more and more.

And that white tentacle, like a white snake, swims very fast, catches the breath of Shi Feng, and does not even walk according to the "gully" opened by Shi Feng, and it also begins to rupture its own flesh and blood.

Breaking the meat all the way, rushing down all the way, and finally at this time, hit **** Shi Feng's back.

"Uh!" Painful, Dun cried from Shi Feng's mouth.

His body was also shocked.

However, this tentacle blow did not hurt him much.

What's more, the strength has been greatly reduced after the thick flesh was washed away.

For Shi Feng, this blow was just a pain.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha. Sin beast, useless, wait for death. Hahaha."

Shi Feng laughed wildly and continued to storm.

"Roar! Roar!"

Shi Feng's laughter in her body exasperated it even more.

Immediately afterwards, they saw thousands of white tentacles, once again rising to the sky.

"No, let's run!"


"God has entered into him. This time, this creature is very likely to attack us again."


When all the beings in the mountains saw this, they shouted again in shock.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a figure, and then flashed wildly.

This mountain forest became chaotic for a while.

It's just that these creatures are thinking too much.

The white tentacles that fell violently did not fall to the mountain forest, nor did they bombard these creatures.

Perhaps these creatures can't get into the eyes of this beast at all.

For it, these creatures are hardly different from a single ant.

Thousands of white tentacles that fell, even fell to the top of the mountain, to the murderer itself!

This picture is already a suicide scene.

"噗! 噗! 噗! 噗! 噗 ..."

The tentacles fell, as if thousands of giant arrows shot in all directions, and Qi Qi shot this beastly body, Qi Qi broke through the white scales and broke into the flesh.

It wants to do this self-harm? Expulsion of Shi Feng from its body?

Chapter two

"So thick!"

Shi Feng, who was destroying in her body, uttered this sentence again.

But just then, his eyebrows flickered suddenly.

But after a short twist, it quickly spread out and laughed again:

"Sin beast, what's the use of this? With your power, you can't destroy me at all.

Everything, but in vain! Haha, hahahaha! "

Laughing, Shi Feng's figure stormed forward again, and then punched forward.

Another thick layer of flesh was violently destroyed by him.

However, just when Shi Feng wanted to take advantage of Qiandao's tentacles and wanted to continue to break through, he suddenly felt empty ahead.

I was suspended in a vast darkness.

"This is, inside the real body of this creature?" Shi Feng looked at the Quartet.

This place is even bigger than that.

Already another space.

"There is a soul, in this physical body, the space opened up?" Shi Feng murmured again.

It was the first time he had seen space in a creature.

At one time, it was simply unheard of.

The dark and vast space was dark and quiet, and there was no sound at all.

That fierce creature is dead, and it should still be roaring.

However, Shi Feng, who is here, cannot hear it at all.

Here, it seems that it has been completely isolated from the outside world.

Being able to open such a space in that fierce object.

It is definitely not easy to imagine what can be done.

"Here, what secret is hidden?" Shi Feng thought of this.

Opening such a hidden space here, Shi Feng felt that it was definitely not fun.

There must be some big secrets here.

As soon as the thoughts moved, the power of the soul swept out and began to spread in all directions.

The scenes in the dark flashed in his mind.


But at this moment, the power of Shi Feng's soul had just swept through the golden light. However, there was a supreme coercion in the golden light, which dissipated his soul power.

The power of the soul was impaired, and Shi Feng screamed in pain, her heart trembling, and her physical body shaking.

The body is about to be unstable, and watching it is about to fall from this dark void.

Shi Feng quickly returned to consciousness and stabilized her figure.

There was a shock of surprise in that still cold face.

"Great coercion, what's there?"

After an exclamation, Shi Feng turned slowly.

The golden light just sensed is in that position.

Immediately afterwards, his body moved suddenly, and he flew towards the side, turning into a dark thunder.

Suddenly, Shi Feng saw the obliquely downward, shining Jinmang.

The body moved again, and rushed down there.

As Shi Feng approached, the golden light on that side became more and more dazzling.

It turned out that Shi Feng was somewhat blinded.

In the golden light, there is a solemn and solemn ancient atmosphere.

Not like the solemn golden light of Buddha's gate, revealing ... even a demon breath.

Shi Feng's mind was shaking for a moment.

But he didn't stop there, still flying forward, rushing into the golden light.

Although these golden lights reveal majesty, in fact, they are not harmful.

"Here is it?" Shi Feng looked around and found that he seemed to have entered a temple.

Underneath is a piece of earth, and above it, burnt dense ancient twisted runes.

Showing the endless vicissitudes of life, the traces of the years, at first glance, have gone through countless years.

The dense twisted runes stretched far into the distance.

And there, stood an old huge golden statue.

"Heavenly demon!" As Shi Feng stared at the golden statue, suddenly these two words popped out of his mind inexplicably!

He has never seen the "human" of this statue at all, and he has no idea what the word "day demon" means.

But that's it, somehow.

The man carved by the statue is an unusually beautiful man.

Yes, that's right! It's a man.

The appearance of this man is actually described as glamorous.

Such a peerless appearance is truly unique in the world, very perfect, like the best work of God.

Too much beauty, too weird, too beautiful, or perhaps to make any woman in the world feel inferior.

"Sky demon? Sky demon slaying magic array?" Shi Feng's mind suddenly popped out of these words.

The demon array he possessed was named after the name "tian demon".

Could it be related?

Still, it's just a coincidence.

Step by step, Shi Feng walked towards the statue of Tian Yao.

At this moment he had felt that all the coercion here, and the coercion that had previously broken his soul, originated in this golden statue.

Looking at the statue, there was a sense of worship that he could not help but admire.

However, Shi Feng was so determined that he would not be controlled by this statue.

Step by step.

Step by step.

In this way, walk towards the golden statue, and gradually approached.

Feeling more and more intense, more and more fierce coercion.

He had determined in his mind that all the secrets in the space opened by the behemoth were in this statue.

However, just after Shi Feng took about a hundred steps, "Boom!"


"Boom boom boom boom!"


This temple, if finally felt the arrival of the "invaders", riots burst out suddenly.

Extremely violent.

Shocked, even Shi Feng's body has felt extremely unstable.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a giant body wearing a golden armor on the land in front of which was also densely covered with monsters, rising from the earth.

Holding a huge gold sword, as if a gold armored **** of war came.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The storm continued.

Shi Feng saw the golden armor again and again, floating out of the ground.

Not just the front, but even his left, right, and behind him are all golden figures.

There are guns, knives, golden axes, golden halberds, golden square painting halberds ...

All kinds of fighters!

The most important thing is that every figure of gold armor shows a breath of horror.

Even Shi Feng's face changed with horror.

A giant body can threaten his life.

And this time, so much came out?

"I rely! This is my life!" Even the calm, he made such a call.

Later, he saw a violent stature and quickly lifted off.

Everything, let's quit here for the time being, and then discuss it in the long run!

This is really a difficult place.

This is absolutely full of unimaginable secrets.

But let's save our lives before we talk.

However, just at this moment of Shi Feng's move, all the giant armors quickly moved.

Don't look at the huge bodies, but they are extremely flexible, rushing up towards Shi Feng.

"I rely!"

(End of this chapter)

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