Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3749: Encounter with Magic Battle


"Tianheng continent, could it really have collided with other continents?"

Shi Feng on the road.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, You Chen's shameless face moved slightly, and then answered, "Yes, the emperor."

It really is!

"Clash with what continent? What is the situation today? At what level is that strongest on that continent?"

Shi Feng asked Yu Chen directly.

"The continent that collided with us was called Dark Continent, a strange continent.

It is said that the continent, like the dark camp in Zhongzhou, is dark and has no light.

The creatures on the dark continent naturally focus on the cultivation of dark martial arts.

The name of the strongest person in the mainland, called the Lord of Darkness, is rumored to be an extremely scary existence.

It is unknown at what level. You Chen said to Shi Feng.

"Did the creatures of this dark continent have launched an attack on our Tianheng?" Shi Feng asked again.

This is the most critical issue.

After experiencing the collision of gods, war war continents and other continents, it is normal for the strong to insult the weak in a world of weak meat and strong food.

"Relax, there isn't." You Chen said.

Hearing the words of You Chen, Shi Feng's face moved slightly.

Then, just listening to You Chen and saying, "Not only that, the Lord of Darkness even sent messengers and wanted to see you, the Lord of Eternity.

They stated that they wanted to build peace with us and that the two continents coexist. "

"If peace can really be achieved, then naturally it is the best." Shi Feng nodded secretly and said.

"Um." You Chen also echoed, and then said, "At that time, the ambassador sent back by the Lord of Darkness told him that you are not in Nether Purgatory, and we don't know where it is.

However, our subordinates also speak for you. We are also willing to build peace with the dark continent. "

"Well, this is exactly what I meant." Shi Feng said to You Chen.

Therefore, Shi Feng has always been at ease when doing things.

"The messenger also said, if possible, the Lord of Darkness wants the Emperor to go to the Dark City of the Dark Continent to meet you.

If the emperor is inconvenient, you can convey the news of the return to the dark city, and the Lord of Darkness is willing to come in person. You Chen said again.

These words, it seems that the Lord of Darkness really has the sincerity of peace.

"If the messenger comes again, tell him that if the Emperor returns again, he will go to the dark city and visit the Lord of Darkness." Shi Feng said to Youchen.

"A good emperor, your subordinates will convey your meaning of peace." You Chen replied.

"Oh, the emperor, do you want to leave Tianheng?" Soon, You Chen reacted from Shi Feng's words.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded gently, "This time, I am afraid that all the worlds have collided with each other. This world is really about to change.

Our Tianheng, this time collided with the dark continent, and next, I am afraid, will continue to collide with other continents.

You guys, you have to keep an eye on Tianheng's movements and be ready to meet the enemy.

In addition, there must be no harmful heart, no anti-human heart, the side of the dark continent must also always pay attention. "

"My subordinates know," You Chen answered.

"The **** war continent where Leng Aoyue is located has also collided with a world called the spirit demon continent, and the creatures of that spirit demon continent, under the command of the protoss, have begun to invade the **** war.

Therefore, I must return to the Divine Continent and help them meet. "Shi Feng said again.

"It turned out that not only our Tianheng continent collided with other continents." You Chen said.

"Okay, I'm leaving, here, I'll leave it to you again." Shi Feng said again.

After speaking this sentence, his mind had already communicated with Skull Yan, a vortex of purple flames, and then appeared over his head.

Originally returning to Tianheng, he basically went to see his mother and sister, but now he has a son.

However, the divine war is so urgent that we cannot stay here.

It is learned that if Heng's situation is very good today, Shi Feng is also assured.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body violently move, and went straight towards the purple flame swirl above.

"Congratulations to the Emperor!" You Chen cried with both hands, bowed to Shi Feng, and exclaimed.

Instantly, Shi Feng rushed into the purple vortex and disappeared.

Purple flame, again a fierce roll, disappeared into this nether purgatory.

You Chen still looked up and looked up quietly.

He continued to do so after a long time.

Don't know what he was thinking.


God fights the continent.

Shi Feng has returned, and his body has fallen on the skull of Skull Yan, standing proudly on his shoulder.

At this moment, Skeleton Yan flies wildly in the void, Shi Feng lowers his head and looks down, looking at an endless desert world.

Today, it has come out of the most fierce land and has come to the west desert.

Looking at the westward desert, Shi Feng remembered for the first time the strangeness in the Yinling Temple in the westward desert.

The last time I met, Ziyi seemed to have awakened some memories and became very strange.

I don't know, as a disciple of Buddha, what has happened to him now.

All thoughts, back to the past.

That one, there is always a laughing teenager on his face.

Seems easy-going and approachable.


Now that he has arrived in the western desert, Shi Feng wants to go to Yinling Temple and look at it suddenly.

However, because of the cold and arrogant moon, staying for a while in other places may waste time.

"Master, there is someone in front!" At this time, still thinking of those Shi Feng, suddenly heard Skull Yan shouting.

After hearing the voice of Skull Yan, Shi Feng turned back to God immediately, then, looking at the front.

Shi Feng saw that there were hundreds of people fighting there.

These hundreds are divided into two camps.

On one side, they wore weird clothes, all wearing robes of different colors, like fancy clothes.

And those people are even more blond. Although they are human, they are ... very different from ordinary people.

On the other side, the appearance is an ordinary human race. Among them, Shi Feng saw dozens of people wearing Buddhist monks.

People in Yinling Temple!

"Those strange people, it seems, what kind of magician is that spirit land?"

Shi Feng stared at the more than one hundred people in robes, whispering.

These people, except for their peculiar looks, gave Shi Feng a very different breath.

Shi Feng felt that the strength of each soul was extremely strong.

These more than a hundred people are all practitioners of the soul.

"Well, let's end the struggle. Great magicians, not you humble warriors can fight."

The utterer was an old man in a black fancy robe.

While talking, he held up his skinny right hand, holding a cane tied like a tree root in his hand, exuding an extremely mysterious and extremely mysterious atmosphere.

"Destruction!" The old and desolate three words spit out of the old man's mouth.





Immediately afterwards, they saw that more than a hundred magicians had lifted the cane in their hands and learned the old man, and spit out the three words coldly in his mouth.

As if singing in a group.

Chapter two






With the chanting desolation and cold drinking sounds, the warriors burst into screams.

Destroyed forces continued to appear on them, constantly destroying his flesh and letting them die.

And these warriors gathered to rush forward, trying to rush to the magicians.

However ... Beyond these magicians, there is a barrier condensed by flames, and they have been blocked by their strength.

And the power of destruction is still destroying them.

The flesh was constantly bursting, and the stumps of the broken limbs were flying away. The scene was already extremely bloody.

"What a mysterious soul attack method." In the distance, along with Shi Feng, who cultivates the soul, looked a little surprised.

At the same time, he still proudly stood on top of Skeleton Yan, the power of his soul suddenly moved, and then went towards those who trembled in the past.

"Ah?" At this moment, the old magician headed by him suddenly felt something.

That same skinny old face suddenly changed suddenly at this moment, "Not good!"

A startled cry burst into his mouth.

Although the soul attack of these people is mysterious, but Shi Feng's soul power is at the level of god.

Then, not only the old man, but also the other magicians, their faces changed greatly.

The magical attack that was just called Destruction has already killed more than fifty martial artists.

And at this moment, the power of Shi Feng's soul arrived, and the surviving warriors, the power of destruction, immediately collapsed.

One by one, the pressure was suddenly greatly reduced.

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, I heard a violent blasting sound that rang loudly in this desert.

Skull Yan, like a giant mountain crashing down, shook the sky and made people's eyes confused.

"This ... is this?"

"Okay ... so powerful!"

"Dark skull?"


Subsequently, all eyes were immediately attracted by Skull Yan.

Not only the warriors, but also the magicians, looked at the dark giant one after another.

I have to say that Skeleton Yan is really eye-catching and more attractive than Shi Feng.

"Thank you for your help!"

"Thank you for your help!"

"Thank you!"


The warriors suddenly realized that the power of destruction had just disappeared, and they all thanked him for this.

"Souls from the death world, do you want to be our enemy?" At this moment, the old wizard-headed magician followed his voice and said to Skeleton.

"Roar!" Skull Yan shouted at the front without any nonsense.

He was roared out by a violent force of sound waves, and turned towards the magicians.

Guard the magical flame wall in front of them, and collapse under the roar of Skeleton Yan.





At this moment, it was the magicians' turn to scream.

He who has the power of the gods, how powerful this roar is, even if these magicians condense the magic battle, they can not compete with Skeleton Yan at all.

"How ... how can ... there are so many gods in this continent."

The old wizard-headed magician urged magic to contend with it.

But he was like a dead leaf in a violent wind, his body continued to swell.

Seeing, as if about to be broken.

Invaded the Divine War Continent for more than a month, and they naturally understood the Divine War continent.

This **** battles the continent, the strongest, but reaches the peak.

It is rumored that the Lord of Heavenly Desolation, who was called the strongest, could only step into the sixth heaven of the King of God.

Their magic battlefield headed by him, even against the strongest Lord of Heaven, is probably enough.

But now ...





The screams were still ringing.

After the magic sacrifice of these magicians was broken, they looked extremely vulnerable, like individual eggs, constantly breaking apart.

"Everything else is gone, leaving the old man alive." At this time, Shi Feng, who was proud of Skull Yan, gave the order to Skull Yan.

"Yes, master!" Skeleton Yan said.

"Roar!" After saying this, he was a roar again.



"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


With the roar of Skull Yan, the screams became fiercer and fiercer.

A total of 138 magicians.

However, at this moment, all the magicians have died out.

On that piece of land, it became empty, except for the old magician, who was standing there alone.

At this moment, even those warriors behind Skeleton Yan looked secretly.

In this world, there is such a powerful and horrible existence?

"Is this really what we are fighting against the mainland?" Someone guessed in his heart.

"Perhaps, this horror comes from the land of the genie? But, is there any resentment against those people?" Some people also speculated.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the old magicians suddenly moved on the ground and flew directly into the air.

He even fled.

It was just that he lived. Skeleton Yan obeyed Shi Feng's order to stay, and how could he let him escape like this.

Gu Yan's dark right bone hand protruded forward, for a moment, as if through space.

Above the flying old magician's head, a dark bone claw broke through the sky and grabbed it down.

"Ah!" The old magician in flight fled up his head immediately.

That skinny old face changed dramatically again.

Magic was urged by him again, and a hurricane rolled up from him, revealing the power to destroy the world.

However, this hurricane was fierce again, and under the bone claw of Skull Yan, it was like a piece of paper, and it instantly collapsed.

Grabbing the bone claws, Dun grabbed the old man in the hand.

Lifting it up, the bone claws drilled back into the void and disappeared.

From the beginning, Shi Feng has been running Jiuyou Gonggong, devouring the power of those pure and powerful souls.

I have to say that the soul power of these so-called magicians is really good. For his soul, it is really a great supplement!

When Skeleton Yan's dark claws retracted, they threw them fiercely to the ground.



A loud noise and a scream sounded at the same time, the old magician was directly thrown by the skeleton Yan severely on this desert land.

These magicians are really very different from the warriors.

Each soul is really strong.

However, compared with this physical body, it is really weak and poor ...

(End of this chapter)

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