Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3761: Power in the river






"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In this dark space, the sound of rumbling continues for a long time.

The evil woman, under the horror bombardment of the two weapons of the black lotus body, turned out to have not yet been destroyed.

"Is it true that she is really immortal?" Thinking of the woman's previous words, Jian Tong spoke and asked Shi Feng.

Hearing Jiantong's words, Shi Feng grinned and said:

"This woman's physical body is indeed abnormal, but under the bombardment of my black lotus body, her physical body is constantly being destroyed. Sooner or later, she will be killed!"

"That's good." Jian Tong nodded.

This time, I was really risky.

Caught here by these things, they were almost given by ...

Now think of it, Jian Tong feels palpitations.

Fortunately, he arrived in time.

Really, it's so risky.

Thinking of these in his mind, Jiantong slowly sighed his breath, turned his head, looked at him beside him, and looked at the Lengjun, but with a sneering face.

A touch of unusual emotion rose from Jian Tong's heart and stirred up.


"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Kaka! Kaka! Plus! Ah!"


With bursts of blasting still ringing, the wicked woman who used to look stiff, now screamed out tragically.

In this burst of bombardment, it seems that this woman is getting more and more painful.

"Today, you are definitely dead.

You do n’t have to waste time. You can destroy yourself directly and suffer a little bit. "

At this time, Shi Feng spoke again, and said to the woman.

"I am immortal, I am immortal!" Shi Feng's words, however, received the woman's fierce response.

"Fine then." Shi Feng responded with a faint smile.

His time is really tight.

Today, Leng Aoyue and the disciples of Tianhuang still have no news, and I do not know whether they are dead or alive.

However, this woman must die.

Do not take advantage of this at the moment, who knows what moths will come out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Although it was a beautiful woman, Shi Feng manipulated the body of Helianthus violently and showed no mercy.

She is not worthy of pity.


Suddenly, a louder cry than before, but halfway through the cry, it suddenly stopped.

Shi Feng had already felt that under the body of Black Lotus, the squirm and delicate body had no breath at all.

Although this evil woman has a hard mouth, she actually did what Shi Feng said.

She should know that she has escaped this disaster, know that Shi Feng will not let her go, know that if you go on like this, she will die sooner or later.

Rather than humiliating and dying in pain, it is really better to just destroy the soul and the self ends directly.

"Okay." Shi Feng said lightly. Such a result is the best. It really saves you a lot of time.

The body moved slightly, and the Nine Nether Gnomes started to work and began to swallow.

A white blood burst out of the woman's body and flew towards Shi Feng.

That beautiful and perfect body suddenly shrivelled.

The blood touches Shi Feng, just like the blood of other creatures, it is swallowed directly by Shi Feng.

Swallowed cleanly.

Then he slowly raised his head, and then looked at the black lotus giant standing proudly in the air.

Holding a dark staff, holding a dark chain ...

"These two things are very similar to his breath, as if they belonged to him.

Could it be that this is the weapon he once used, and for whatever reason, it was lost everywhere. "

Shi Feng thought secretly.

However, whether it is what you think it is, the black lotus body with these two things is already much stronger.

In the future, it will be a great fighting force.

This is something to be pleased.

Thinking of these, Shi Feng thought.

The huge black lotus body began to fade again.

Eventually, it disappeared into this dark space.

"Okay, let's go." Shi Feng said to Jiantong, Skull Yan, and Nine Nether Wraith.

Now here, Skull Yan does not have to enter the Xumi Mountain again.

"Well." Jian Tong nodded cleverly when he heard Shi Feng's words.

"Roar!" Nine Nether Underworld Demon also gave a low roar.

Subsequently, Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and Nine Nether Wraiths all moved at the same time and flew towards Skull Yan.

Eventually, it landed on Skull Yan's big dark skull.

When they were settled, Skull Yanxuan violently rioted and rushed towards the outside world.

The speed is extremely fast, like a dark thunder.

"Roar!" Nine Nether Phantom Demon, then gave a low roar towards Shi Feng.

After hearing its roar, Shi Feng smiled slightly, double-opened, and gave him a slight photo.

At this time, this fierce creature like a puppy slammed into Shi Feng's arms.

During that time in the world of death, Shi Feng often followed this

"Little pets" together.

After that, Tianheng's battle with the Protoss and Demon clan summoned his own avatar and this Nine Nether Demon.

Since then, it has been placed on Xumi Mountain, but it has been neglected.

"Left! Hum! Hum hum!" And threw herself into the arms of nine nether demon, but glowing in the low woo the same time, with a small head start rubbing stone maple chest.

"Okay, okay, don't be wronged." Shi Feng felt his emotions, gently touching his cute little head with his hands, comforting.

Nine Nether Wraiths, a generation of murderous creatures, listen to this name, they will be extremely domineering.

Today, in Shi Feng's arms, it is really like a puppy.

"Woo, roar! Roar!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, he roared low again.

"What a lovely little guy." Jian Tong looked at the lovely Nine Nether Wraith and said with a smile.

Later, he also reached out to touch its little head.


However, just before Jiantong's hand was about to reach out, the Nine Nether Wraiths suddenly twitched their spirits, their hairs stood upright, and they roared fiercely at Jiantong.

"Ah!" Jian Tong instantly sensed that a violent momentum rushed out of the little guy.

Her face changed suddenly, and she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Don't be rude!" Shi Feng shouted at the sight of the Nine Nether Demon.

Follow, and drink coldly:

"This is my life-saving benefactor. I have saved my life many times. How can you do this to her."

"Woo, woo! Woo!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the Nine Nether Wraith whined again.

The fierce color above the beast's face disappeared and became a well-behaved look, nodding at Shi Feng.

Followed, looked at Jian Tong again, "Woo, woo, woo woo."

A flattering look screamed at her.

Chapter two

The proud Nine Nether Demon, except this master, naturally does not allow any creature to touch his head.

However, after hearing that this is the master's life-saving benefactor, it is completely different.

Jiantong, who was frightened just now, saw that this little guy had become like this to himself, smiled, smiled at it, and asked:

"Now, can I touch you?"

"Woo, woo!" Nine Nether Ghosts gently placed their small heads, and they looked very cute and became very cute.

Let Jiantong watch, and could not help but stretch out his hand again, to touch his little head.

Nine Nether Underworld's little head lifted slightly, his small eyes narrowed, a very enjoyable look, let Jiantong feel like this.

Skull Yan was still violently storming, and Shi Feng returned to the big river again.

The river was still tumbling and surging.

"Master, is it up or down?" Skull Yan asked Shi Feng.

"Go down!" Shi Feng answered him directly.

From this Heihe River, Shi Feng had previously seen the bodies of many disciples in Tianhuang Holy Land, and emerged from the bottom of the river.

Therefore, he wanted to go to the bottom of the river to find out.

"Yes, master!" Skull Yan Shensheng responded.

The huge dark skull suddenly sinks violently.

The speed of sinking is still extremely fast.

After returning to the river, Shi Feng's face became dignified again.

The power of the soul, try to sweep again.

Previously, with the power of the source of all things, this river could not restrain the power of his soul.

But now that the power of the source of all things has disappeared, Shi Feng's idea of ​​the soul is still the same as before and cannot be spread.

As soon as it appeared, it was washed away quickly by the river.

Their figure is still sinking, sinking, and sinking again!

The power of the soul cannot be sensed, and Shi Feng gazes in all directions.

He did not dare to carelessly.

In the river, I met the evil race before and had a very abnormal flesh.

"By the way, what's wrong with the monsters array?" Shi Feng murmured again.

At that time, when he was fighting against the evil family, he wanted to use the celestial demons arrayed in the mountains of Xumi.

However, at that time, under the influence of Shi Feng, the demon formation in Xumi Mountain had some accidents.

Thinking of this, the white light flashed above the left hand.

Xumishan became the size of a fist and fell into Shi Feng's hands.

Shi Feng felt it carefully.

On this day, the demon slayer magic array spent a lot of energy in order to gather those materials.

But it was unexpected. This time at a critical time, moths appeared.

Under the induction, Shi Feng's thought at this moment has entered the Xumi Mountain.

The top of the fairy mountain surrounded by fairy mist, the vitality surging, the white crane flying, the immortality.

Shi Feng's soul is standing proudly on top of the mountain at this moment.

And on this land on the top of the mountain, there is an ancient rune of heavenly demon imprinted at this moment.

Shi Feng's eyes, staring at this Taoist rune, looked slowly and felt slowly.

"Hmm? Yes, something went wrong!" Afterwards, Shi Feng discovered that a crack appeared in one of the golden sky demon runes.

Shi Feng's figure flickered, and he had already flashed on the golden sky demon rune, and then slowly lowered his body. His right hand touched the rune.

A blazing flame-like power immediately passed into Shi Feng's palm.

Shi Feng shook the golden rune in his right hand slightly.

The rune left the ground, a scrolling, golden light shimmering, and it turned into a fiery red bead.

"Fire Demon Pearl." Shi Feng said secretly.

But soon he found out that there was a mouth above the fire demon bead.

A force of blazing flames is constantly draining from this rift.

"It turned out to be so!" Shi Feng soon understood the problem of the monster array.

"Fortunately, I still have two fire demon beads." Shi Feng said again.

At that time, I collected the materials needed for the monster array, and some materials were repeated several times.

And this fire demon bead is one of them.

As soon as the thoughts moved, a fiery red demon bead flew out of the storage ring worn by Shi Feng.

Then, a flash of white light shone and disappeared, entering this Sumiya Mountain.

Shi Feng, who stands proudly at Mount Xumi, looked down with his right hand, and a fiery red bead fell into his hand.

Since the other Fire Demon Pearl has been damaged and has no effect, Shi Feng pinches it slightly, and then pinches it to smash.

And the new Fire Demon Pearl, Shi Feng put it on the ground.

The handprint spell urged, the new fire demon pearl flashed, and a new ancient sky demon rune appeared again, filling the gap.

After doing this, Shi Feng secretly sensed again, and began to secretly urge.

Under this urging, all the heavenly monster runes on the mountain top tremble slightly, and an ancient heavenly monster breath suddenly rushed out.

"Okay, no problem." After the induction, Shi Feng nodded gently.

Stopping and urging, all the runes immediately fell silent.

Shi Feng's doppelganger gradually faded away and slowly disappeared to the top of this mountain, returning to the body.


Skull Yan, still sinking.

This great river is like an endless, endless general.

"Yes!" At this moment, Shi Feng shouted suddenly, his face moved.

"What's wrong, dear." Jian Tong asked him immediately after hearing Shi Feng's cry.

"I sensed Leng Aoyue and You Nian." Shi Feng answered.

To be precise, he has sensed the jade slips on Leng Aoyue and You Nian.

They are under themselves, not far from themselves and others.

"It's gone again!" Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng shouted again.

Already, affected by this strange river.

Although it has disappeared, Shi Feng is quite certain at the moment that the jade jade with his own mark is below!


At the thought of this, a bad hunch appeared in Shi Feng's heart.

Earlier, he saw with his own eyes a body that surfaced.

And these corpses naturally emerged from the bottom of the river.

If Leng Aoyue and You Nian are at the bottom of the river ...

Shi Feng was really worried that when they saw them, it was a cold body.

Ten million, to live!

"Roar!" Suddenly, the Nine Nether Wraiths held in his arms by Shi Feng gave a roar.

"What's wrong?" Nine Nether Phantom Demon appeared this strange shape, Shi Feng quickly asked it.

But soon, without being informed by Nine Nether Demon, Shi Feng sensed that a wave of power fluctuated and came from below.

The aquatic world where they are excited is boiling.

"Below, there is a terrifying power!" At this time, even Sk Yan suddenly made a loud voice, and the voice was extremely solemn ...

(End of this chapter)

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