Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3792: The arrival of Mu Liang

Chapter 3792 The arrival of Muliang

"not good?"

After hearing the news of "bad" from You Chen, Shi Feng suddenly moved.

Quickly asked again: "What the **** happened?"

You Chen replied: "Not long ago, there was a world riot.

Tianheng Continent, after colliding with a mysterious continent, has been shaking continuously until now, it has not stopped.

The subordinates ordered the night wandering ghost to investigate, and according to the news from the night wandering ghost, the place that collided with the mysterious continent was the Western Region.

It was a continent filled with magma. The magma of this continent is very unusual. Today, it is flowing into our Tianheng continent through the Western Regions and is raging on the Tianheng continent.

The vast territory and countless souls have been destroyed. If they do not stop it, I am afraid that the entire Tianheng Continent will be swept by that terrible magma. "

Horrible magma!

You Chen's voice was solemn, and Shi Feng could hear that the situation on the mainland of Tianheng was probably very serious.

If it is ordinary magma, it will not make you dust like this.

Dispatching the eight ghost generals and opening the ghost gate to prevent them.

It seems that it is time for me to return to Tianheng Continent.

However, although the situation there is urgent and the situation is serious, it is not now!

Shi Feng didn't want the magic lamp of Solo, so he was discarded in this magical Nathan.

Not to mention anything else, if you leave the Solomon Lamp here, and if the powerful magicians of the three psychic continents are born, I am afraid that the war on the mainland will be a greater catastrophe.

"If, that kid is here, just fine." Shi Feng thought of these in his heart, and a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

That man always gives people a honest and harmless appearance, and a black dog is always around him.

The most heard in the mouth is fierce and auspicious.

His name is Mu Liang!

At that time, I didn't know why. This Muliang always had a soft spot for the women in Hongyan Holy Land. He mentioned it several times and asked Shi Feng to introduce her to a woman in Hongyan Holy Land.

Muliang can really judge the auspicious and fierce, such a mysterious and dangerous place, if he is present, he is in the auspicious position and avoids the dangerous.

Perhaps there is hope, leaving this magical Nathan.

"Let him come, it's a must!" Thinking of this, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

When he was separated from Mu Liang at that time, he gave him a jade jade bearing the mark of his soul.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng immediately manipulated the Solomon's lamp in his hand.

A singular spatial fluctuation occurred in his hands.


"Mu Liang! Can you hear me?"

Through the jade jade, Shi Feng called to Muliang, who was far away from the gods.


It's just ... Shi Feng didn't get his response after calling Mu Liang many times.

Shi Feng's eyebrows twisted immediately.

The Gods Realm collided with the Supreme Realm and encountered a catastrophe. Numerous creatures were killed by the Gang of Guys.

Shi Feng was a little worried that Muliang would also be in that disaster.

However, the jade jade he gave to Muliang did indeed exist, and the mark of the soul was not broken.

Moreover, this guy can judge the good and bad ...

"Ah!" Suddenly, Shi Feng heard a startled "ah".

This voice is full of surprise.

Also, it was Mu Liang's voice.

"Brother Yuming?" Immediately after that, he heard that Muliang's words again.

"It's me!" Shi Feng quickly responded to him.

Hearing this guy's response, Shi Feng was relieved for him.

"Huh? You?" Muliang, who was far away from the gods, seemed to realize something.

He took out the jade slip that Shi Feng gave him before leaving.

"Brother Yuming, did not expect that you can use this to communicate with me.

How are you now? Now that the world is so uneven, it's really good to hear you talking. "

"You are free now, I need your help." Shi Feng went straight to the topic to Muliang.

"Now? Well, you are free." Mu Liang replied to Shi Feng.

Then he said, "Where are you now, I can find you in the past."

"I open the door of the space now, after you see it, just enter." Shi Feng said.

As he said this, his thoughts manipulated Solomon's magic lamp again.

A more intense spatial force rose from Solomon's magic lamp.

Muliang, who is far away from the gods, is now in a desert.

He immediately saw the void above his head, and a purple flame vortex appeared.

Holding the Destiny Compass, carry on the deduction with the Destiny Compass.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!" Beside him, the skinny puppy Xiao Hei with furry dogs cried out "Wang Wangwang" constantly against the sky.

"Leave Xiaohei, see old acquaintances go." Muliang said to Xiaohei.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Mu Liang's figure fluttering toward the purple flame vortex.

"Wang Wang, Wang Wangwang." Xiao Hei cried again.

Just when Mu Liang's feet had just left the ground, he jumped violently to Mu Liang's back.

The small claws clutched him tightly, and looked very incomprehensible. Together with Muliang, he slowly drifted into the whirlpool of purple flames.

Immediately after that, the whirlpool of purple flames suddenly rolled, disappearing on this desert of the gods.


Magical Nathan, before that "Holy Mountain".

After Shi Feng's hand in Shi Feng rolled out a purple fire, he rolled back into the magic lamp.

At this moment, Mu Liang and his black dog, Xiao Hei, appeared in front of Shi Feng.

"Yu Ming Brother!" Mu Liangdun shouted to Shi Feng when he saw Shi Feng.

"Long time no see." Shi Feng said to him.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time." Mu Liang replied with a smile.

Followed by, looking at Leng Aoyue beside Shi Feng, he also said: "This old grandpa, how are you."

"Grandpa ..." Hearing this guy's cry, Leng Aoyue heard nothing in his ear.

He calls his master a brother, but he calls himself ... Grandpa,

"Wang ... Wang Wang ... Wang Wangwang." When Mu Liang shouted, his little black dog Xiao Hei also cried.

It's also like saying hello to Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue.

"This is my cold Aoyue. If you like, call him Aoyue Brother." Shi Feng said to Muliang.

"Your apprentice." Hearing Shi Feng's words, this Muliang was suddenly slightly surprised.

To his surprise, Shi Feng's apprentice was so old.

And Leng Aoyue, seeing this guy in front of him, looked at himself with such a weird look, and suddenly felt awkward.

Needless to say, he naturally understood what this person was thinking.

"Proud ... Brother Aoyue." Muliang shouted this sentence, which sounded a little stiff.

"Well, looking for you, I want you to help me, how to get out of here." Shi Feng went straight to the subject of this Muliang again.

"This place ..." When hearing Shi Feng's words, Mu Liang's attention was no longer on Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue.

Binocular, began to look around the scene.

And the Destiny Plate held in his hand also went into operation.

A mysterious force rose to the compass of fate.

Chapter two

After Mu Liang looked around, the smiling face gradually became serious and dignified.

In the end, lowering his head and looking above the magic lamp of Solomon, he said: "This is the place of the fierce!

The three parties are all fierce, including the place where we are at the moment, and the junction of yin and yang is also fierce.

Only the front is fortunate! "

At the end of the talk, Mu Liang's final gaze fell on the small hill looking at the ordinary.

That one, called the peak of the Holy Mountain by the three powerful magicians.

After that, he said this again: "We should go into this mountain and say it now."

"There are three powerful men in this mountain, and we are not allowed to enter." Hearing Muliang's words, Leng Aoyue said to him.

Hearing Leng Aoyue's words, Mu Liang looked down at Destiny Plate, then turned his head to look at Shi Feng, and finally said to Leng Aoyue and Shi Feng

"Nothing! Listen to me, just enter this mountain! Otherwise, the fierce will swallow the auspicious, and the fierce danger will come.

Although there are ominous signs in this mountain, Youming Brothers can be auspicious. "

"Then listen to you, enter this mountain." Shi Feng made a decision on this.

He believed Mu Liang.

Since Shi Feng made the decision, Leng Aoyue naturally no longer said much, and nodded slowly.

"Go." Shi Feng said again.

Immediately afterwards, the figure moved.

Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, Mu Liang, and the little black dog Xiao Hei rushed to the holy mountain together.

Xiaohei jumped into Muliang's back once again, and then caught him tightly.

When Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue entered the magical Mishan at the beginning, it was difficult to break through.

As soon as the figure moved, he was directly sucked back to the ground.

However, after seeing the three magicians, they could only fly normally under the guidance of them.

However, the flight is also extremely low, not too high.

Today, there is no pressure to fly to that holy mountain at such a distance.

However, Shi Feng also felt that the power of his soul was still unusable.

In this case, it must be the same for the three people.

Therefore, they could not find the three of them to enter this holy mountain with the power of their souls.

"You lazy dog, look at what you are lazy now.

Go on like this, I see how you get a good bitch. "

Muliang looked dissatisfied and said to Xiaohei.

"Wang, Wangwang, Wangwangwang." But when he heard Muliang's words, Xiaohei cried again.

He, who has not transformed, now looks wronged.

"You can't go arrogantly when you enter this mountain, everything still has to listen to me." When approaching the holy mountain, Mu Liang said again.

"I know." Shi Feng replied.

"Pap! Pap! Pap!" With three soft sounds, Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and Muliang fell together on the mountainside of this holy mountain.

When it fell into this place, Shi Feng could clearly feel that this seemingly ordinary hill was filled with a mysterious force that was difficult to explain.

His own soul quivered lightly.

But the tremor made him feel very comfortable, like his own soul, bathed in it and washed.

There is a sign of breakthrough in the soul that is about to break through.

"It seems that the mysterious power flowing in this mountain is of great benefit to the power of the soul!

I am afraid this is also one of the reasons why the three magicians who cultivated the way of the soul regard it as treasure. "

Shi Feng said secretly again.

After stopping there, Muliang looked around.

The Destiny Disk in his hand has not stopped running since just now.

All around, quietly.

In the dark night, I couldn't even hear the sound of insects.

Without the slightest breath of life, it was a little depressed.

Shi Feng looked at Mu Liang and looked around. During the deduction, he didn't speak. Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue never interrupted him.

"Strange." But suddenly, Mu Liang said the two words.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked him quickly.

"There is no murder from the outside, but from the inside.

What a strange place.

By fierce luck, um, walking along the mountain, jiwei, at the top of this mountain.

Um ... no, there is a fierce approach! "

Mu Liang said, suddenly, he saw his face, suddenly changed suddenly.

"Someone's coming?" But at this time, Shi Feng suddenly sensed something and immediately shouted to Shi Feng and Mu Liang.

"The three people?" Leng Aoyue asked him.

"No, no!" Soon, Shi Feng shook his head.

"From the mountain." Shi Feng said suddenly.

"The old guys were also alarmed." Then he said again.

"Let's talk down the mountain first."

"Well." Leng Aoyue nodded.

"Well, retreat to good luck." Mu Liang also nodded in agreement.

Then his three figures flashed at the same time, as fast as lightning.

The mountain was not high, and in a flash, the three of them fell back to the ground.

"Arafa, what are you doing?" A cold woman suddenly sounded from the holy mountain.

This voice is the voice of the beautiful blonde female magician, Loesa.

"Arafah!" Then, another cold voice came out.

It's Nacrete's cry!

"Oh, it seems that you guys can't sleep tonight!" Then, the spear song also said aloud.

"Humph!" At the moment, what responded to them was a cold hum.

Then, the three former Shi Feng from the Holy Mountain saw three black figures and were flying out of the dark jungle.

This is the three men in black robes, covered with a dark and evil atmosphere.

The appearance of these three people is also the appearance of a demon in the Spirit Demon Continent, except that the magic they practice is different from that of the three people.

It is Yin evil magic.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

With the cold hum of a person just now, a yin and wicked laughter followed.

"Beautiful Loesa, tonight, I will marry you. You have kept the beautiful body for so many years, let me come tonight **."

There was a lustful expression in this humorous voice.

"Barlow, talk nonsense again, tonight, I will tear your mouth!" Luo Aisha responded.

At this moment, three white figures drifted slowly from the holy mountain.

Soon, it fell in the air.

Holding a golden staff, Krit pointed directly at the three black robe magicians who came tonight and said:

"Tonight, do you really plan to go to war?"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" The magician named Barlow laughed again.

"Hand over the stolen thing, hand over my beloved Loesa, otherwise, it would be a dead net!"

(End of this chapter)

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