Chapter 3800 Collapse

The center of the Eighteen Altars, the Shi Feng people, are still devouring the pure spiritual power that keeps coming.

"Huh?" As Jiantong swallowed with all his strength, his eyebrows twisted suddenly.

Follow, turn your head and look to the right.

"Hey." Just as he turned his head, a laugh of hey sounded.

It was Muliang who made this laugh.

At this moment, he is just opposite Jiantong's four eyes.

The reason why Jiantong's eyebrows were twisted just now was that he felt that this person had been looking at himself.

"What do you keep watching me doing?" Jian Tong said with a bad face.

"Do n’t get me wrong, girl, just admire your beauty with your eyes.

There is absolutely no disagreement about you, friends and wives should not bully this reason, still understand. Mu Liang quickly explained to Jian Tong.

Hearing Mu Liang's words, Jian Tong's face eased a lot.

She said: "I'm just a dead person, there is nothing to see."

"Girls, don't say that, don't think so." Mu Liang said: "Life or death, girl, you will always be so beautiful.

And looking at the girl, below, there is always a sense of deja vu, as if we ... have seen it before, but can't remember it. "

"You say that, but I have some impressions on you," Jian Tong said.

"I remembered it, while in the Gods Realm!"

At that time, Shi Feng and Mu Liang were walking in the Gods Realm. At that time, Jian Tong had been in Shi Feng's Heavenly Demon Blood Sword.

Although the two didn't have any intersection, when Mu Liang said that, Jian Tong remembered it.

Thinking of this, Jian Tong grinned and said, "It stands to reason that you have indeed seen me. It seems that my beauty still cannot be remembered by you.

Really man's mouth, deceitful ghost. "

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough." After hearing Jiantong's words, Mu Liang's face was apologetic, and he coughed continuously.

"Beautiful girl, you really misunderstood me." Mu Liang said: "You don't know something about the girl, there is a stubborn illness underneath. As long as the time passes, it is easy to forget things.

Even Youming Brother was with me that day, in fact, I only remember sporadic points, I am afraid that if Youming Brother will contact me in a few years, I will not remember him, hey! "

Speaking at the end, Mu Liang sighed deeply.

"Wang! Wangwang!" Xiao Mu shouted immediately after Mu Liang said this.

Jian Tong and Mu Liang's attention suddenly attracted the past.

When Jiantong looked around, Xiaohei nodded at him.

The dog head and the dog face looked very serious.

It seems that Mu Liang ... is really true.

Jiantong only smiled slightly, and said nothing more.

Mu Liang said that, Xiao Hei did that, believe it or not, it was her business.

"Girl, it is true, you have to believe me." Mu Liang also explained to Jian Tong.


Shi Feng, who is in a strange state, at this moment only feels that he is extremely huge.

Feel like this is this sky, this land!

Feel your soul is heaven and earth!


Suddenly, Shi Feng only felt that he was the whole person, and then violently grew countless, just like this world, he must be supported by himself.

"Hoo!" Shi Feng slowly opened his eyes above the altar, and slowly exhaled.

"The power of the soul has finally stepped into the second **** of heaven." Shi Feng spoke slowly, and said this sentence.

He looked around and found that everyone around him was still absorbing spiritual power with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, he also started to absorb as much as possible.

Nowadays, the breakthrough of the power of the soul still needs the constant nourishment of the spiritual power, and then it continues to strengthen the soul.


Time passes slowly, slowly.

This world, the night has long faded into the day.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Shi Feng, who absorbed his soul with all his energy, frowned.

Not only he but others also withdrew from the state, and then bowed their heads together.

They had already discovered the altar under their feet, and a strange shape appeared.

With a click, a loud noise resembling an eggshell shattered suddenly.

At the center of the altar at their feet, a fierce crack appeared suddenly.

"Click, click, click ..."

"Click, click, click ..."

There are more and more loud noises, and more and more cracks appear. This altar has become more and more broken.

"Click ... click ... click ..."

Then, on the top of the holy mountain, the sound became more and more dense.

Not only the altar under their feet, the other seventeen altars also made such a loud noise.

They all burst.

The top of the holy mountain that had been continually oscillating has been violently violent at this moment.

The entire holy mountain seems to collapse at this moment.


"It seems that we guessed right."

On the other side, looking at the very violent riot in that side, Loyza slowly said this sentence.

"Hey, Holy Mountain, just like that." Spear Song sighed deeply and said.

"It's about time." Kret said.

Look at them like this, they should have a deep feeling for this holy mountain.

Since the endless years have been trapped in this magical Nathan, most of the time, they live in this holy mountain.

This holy mountain is also their home.

Now, the home is about to be destroyed.

"What's the matter, what are your hands and feet?" And at this moment, they heard suddenly, a very cold drink came suddenly.

The sound of drinking was naturally drunk by Shi Feng. At this moment, he had already flown from the altar, standing proudly in the air, and looked down at them three coldly.

"You misunderstood us, we didn't do anything." Luo Aisha immediately began to explain to Shi Feng.

"Why is that so?" Shi Feng pointed his sword at the eighteen altars below and asked coldly.

And at this moment, Leng Aoyue, Jiantong, Muliang, Nine Nether Phantom Demon, and Little Black all flew from the altar.

"Holy mountain, the years of existence have been too long. When we came here, the large formation formed with eighteen altars was already extremely broken.

And after so many years, we have spent so many years, and now, it is approaching the time of destruction.

And just now, they gathered so many spiritual forces, and the Holy Mountain, finally unable to withstand, will collapse. "

Loisa said again.

"Oh!" Shi Feng frowned as he heard Luo Yisha's words.

But looking at this woman's appearance, it doesn't look like lying.

Although the time with this woman is short, Shi Feng knows her in this short time, and this woman will not lie.

It seems that all this is indeed as he said.

The mysterious mystery of the holy mountain, originally, Shi Feng also intended to continue to devour that pure spiritual power, and constantly strengthen his own soul.

It is now difficult for Budo to break through, and it is extremely difficult for this soul force to break through.

Rarely encounter this holy mountain, but the result is ...

Chapter two


Suddenly, a roaring sound resembling a sky-splitting sound violently sounded in this sky and earth.

Finally, the entire holy mountain collapsed at this moment.

Pieces of rock, flying constantly, falling constantly.

The scene looked chaotic.

Loesa, who was in a frenzy, immediately used her magical power.

Two white lights instantly enveloped Crete and Spear Song, and then took them both and flew directly.

Also flew into the air.

The three of them also kept their heads down, looking at the collapsed holy mountain, especially Luo Aisha, with a sad face.

Faintly, even tears flashed in his eyes.

Since the collapse, Shi Feng also knows that he cannot force it.

Following him again, he said to Loesa: "The collapse of the Holy Mountain has any effect on your treasure?"

"You can rest assured that the treasure will never be so easily damaged.

We will naturally hand it to you. "Loesa replied.

"That's good." Shi Feng nodded.

Followed up, looked at the sky, and then said: "There are about two hours to reach noon!"

This sentence seems extremely tough and resembles an order.

"You ... rest assured, when the time is up, we will open ..."

Coret said.

The sound is still so weak.

As if one was careless, he would swallow.

"Huh." Corret said so, Shi Feng said nothing.

But for two hours, he can wait slowly.

"Brother Nether!" Suddenly, when he suddenly shouted, he came from behind Shi Feng.

The one who called him Brother Ning Ming was naturally Mu Liang.

After making this call to Shi Feng, his eyes were fixed on the destiny disk in his hands, his eyes wide open.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Muliang, Shi Feng asked him immediately.

"I'm going back to the God Realm and go back to the place where you took me." Muliang said to Shi Feng.

Look at him like this, and his tone, as if something happened there.

"I will go with you!" Shi Feng said quickly, seeing him like this.

"No, this matter, I can solve it by myself, it's not a big deal." Mu Liang said so.

Shi Feng, however, was not at ease.

"Relax, this is just a private matter, not that big thing.

To save my mother, when the time comes, I will definitely let me be with me. "Mu Liang said.

"Um ..." Shi Feng responded and nodded, "Okay."

While talking about this sentence, Shi Feng's right hand moved slightly, and immediately, the magic lamp of Solo was sacrificed by him.

Under the urging, there was a purple flame suddenly rolled out from the Solomon's magic lamp and rolled towards Muliang and Xiaohei.

Shi Feng said: "I will send you back. After going back, I will keep in touch with you. If you need me at that time, you will tell me, and I will arrive immediately."

"Okay, Brother Nether." Muliang nodded.

And just when he nodded his head, the purple flames that rolled out madly already caught him and Xiaohei.

Then, he rolled back suddenly and rolled back to the magic lamp of Solo.

Muliang and Xiaohei began to shuttle through a raging purple flame.

When bringing Muliang to this magical Nathan, Shi Feng passed the Solomon's lamp and made a mark of Nine Peaces in the place where Muliang was.

Now, as long as relying on the Nine Nether Marks, Muliang can be sent back immediately.

After sensing that Muliang had returned to the God Realms from the Solomon's Lamp, Shi Feng, then put away the Solomon's Lamp.

"It's something in this space ... Could it be that this is the legend ..."

As soon as Muliang was sent away, Shi Feng heard another cry in shock.

"Do you recognize this thing?" Shi Fengwang shouted to spear song.

"I don't know." Loesa shook her head faithfully and replied.

Corret didn't say a word, and he didn't seem to recognize him like this.

"I have seen it in an ancient book." And Spear Song replied that way.

He said: "In an extremely ancient period, a king appeared in our spiritual demon continent, called, King of Solomon!

According to legend, the king of Solomon, powerful and terrifying, commanded that ancient era.

The King of Solomon is in control of a magical object, which is not only powerful, but also can move through various spaces. "

"King of Solo! The magic lamp of Solo!"

Hearing this vocabulary, not only Shi Feng, but even Leng Aoyue, his face moved.

Because the king of Solomon is a character on the mainland of the Shenzhan, who once ruled the Western Indian Wanzhou.

Today, I never imagined that there was a legend of the king of Solomon on this spirit demon continent, and there was also this magic lamp of Luo.

How is this going?

Moreover, the king of Solomon seemed to be stronger, and even ruled the era of the spirit demon continent.

"It turned out to be the treasure of the King of Solo!" Nalo Aisha said after hearing Spear Song.

"I see." Soon, Shi Feng associates these.

Since the King of Soro can create this Soul Lamp, naturally, he can travel through all continents, including this, the spirit world.

After entering the Spirit Demon Continent, he became more powerful and ruled that world.

And since he can build a Solomon magic lamp, naturally, he can build a better and stronger Solomon magic lamp through the supplies of the Spirit Demon Continent.


However, these are all Shi Feng's conjectures.

Whether it is right or not, it is now impossible to verify.


"Could it be that King Solomon, then went to the Spirit Demon Continent?" At this time, Leng Aoyue thought of these and said.

"Well, that should be the case." Shi Feng nodded.

Although Leng Aoyue has lived on the Shenzhou Continent for many years, the king of Solo was a powerful person farther than him.

Even Leng Aoyue has only heard his legend.

"If it is really the treasure of King Solomon, then this thing must have the secret of King Solomon."

At this time, the spear song again said.

Hearing the spear song, Shi Feng looked at him again and asked, "The ancient books you have seen have this record?"

"Well, there are indeed records." Spear Song nodded to Shi Feng.

Then he said, "As long as you promise me not to kill me, I can tell you everything I know."

When Spear Song said this, Loesa quickly said to him: "Spear Song, not only you, but also Krett can't kill."

It's just that Spear Song didn't pay any attention to the words of Luo Yisha, and then said to Shi Feng: "How?"

"If the ones you tell are indeed useful, I can save you dog life!"

(End of this chapter)

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