Chapter 3810

In the Spirit Demon Continent, except for this white-skinned person, other human races are called aliens.

The identity of these strangers is extremely humble in the spirit demon continent, and it is even called lowly.

However, today, people from the Soul Demon Continent saw this "alice" tavern, this humble lowly alien, actually killed the noble magician.

This is simply a sin against the sky.

Indeed, as the man shouted, this sin would kill the Nine Clan!

"This strange person is indeed bold! He even did this kind of crime."

Someone said.

This is simply, what a god!

"This strange person, take it! I have said long ago that these strange persons are simply not worthy of living in this world.

The aliens of the whole spirit world are all slaughtered, but the most correct! "

"Let's not talk about the other, these two strangers, including all our strangers and relatives, all strangers related to them, should be punished, not forgivable!"

Someone spoke again.

For some people, it is simply unacceptable that an alien kills a distinguished magician.

"It's really wrong!" Even the waiter said this secretly.

"Grab him! Everyone quickly grab him and take them to see Master Aicha."

One of Karl's companions who was still sitting on the ground at this moment pointed to Leng Aoyue and Shi Feng, and shouted at the crowd.

Although such a shout was issued, although many people were angry because of alien killings, and even said some angry words, when they saw such a fierce cold and proud month, at this moment, no one was approaching this side.

"Grab him! Grab him quickly! Don't everyone, just watch the stranger killing people like that."

Seeing no one in the pub doing anything, another person squatting against the wall shouted loudly.

"Everyone, don't worry, just now, my cousin has left the tavern and went to the Cass City Guard.

It is estimated that the guard will soon. "At this moment, someone yelled in the tavern.

"Well! Now that someone has notified the patrol, then we do n’t have to do it."

"Well, yes. When the guards arrive, they will handle it naturally."

"We, just wait for the guard to arrive quietly."

"Anyway, these two strangers are going to suffer, just wait and see."


Everyone in the tavern spoke again.

The two people sitting on the ground against the wall heard someone telling the patrol that the patrol would arrive soon and did not shout again.

Binocular, still staring at the side where the two strangers were, slowly stood up from the ground.

It's just that the moment the two men's bodies just stood up, "Ah! Ah!"

Suddenly, he listened to two tragic screams and roared from their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of eyes, people saw their bodies and instantly became fragmented.

Flesh, viscera and bones were scattered all over the floor.

It was really shocking and terrible.

"This ... this ... dead?"

"He ... the two of them, how come, dead?"

"This ... this ... this ..."


There was a startling cry again.

In fact, when the invisible force of Leng Aoyue shocked the two people just now, they had already cut off their bodies.

For a time, it was just that they had not noticed it themselves.

When the body really stands up, it is completely divided.

"Slain! Even these two people were killed by these two strangers without our awareness."

"Three lives, these two strangers, killed three lives."

"Yes! Killing one person is a death sentence that can never be forgiven. Now, three lives have been killed. It is not until the delay is executed that the public will be angry.

"Hush! Now, let's not rush ahead and say such things.

The two aliens were fierce, and they knew that they had committed a death sentence and could no longer live. Who knew what action they would make underneath them.

Let's watch the fun first, then talk about the fun! Next, there was naturally a patrol team to deal with. "

"Um ... well. These two strangers are absolutely crazy."

"I depend, you said, be quiet, be quiet!"


"If I were them, it would be the best choice if it directly concluded my life.

Otherwise, he will be sentenced by Master Ai Cha, an absolute felony, and he will definitely die as hell! "

"Well, it depends on whether these two strangers are stupid. Seeing how they are sitting still today, it seems that they are really stupid."

"This kind of alien is originally powerful and brainless, and it is difficult to practice supreme magic.

It's because they are so stupid. "



Suddenly, a heavy noise reverberated in the tavern.

At this moment, the door of the Alice Tavern was being pushed open by force.

Afterwards, he saw a group of men in white robes entering the Alice Tavern.

Each face is solemn, revealing the sacred and inviolable color.

"The adults of the patrol are here."

"Patrol! It's a patrol!"

"The patrol is finally here."



Seeing the white figures that entered, they suddenly shouted one by one.

Later, some people walked towards them, toward these so-called "adults", telling more clearly what happened here.

After hearing those words, these serious-looking guards also showed their angry colors.

They can't tolerate it at all, even strangers kill people!

Moreover, it is in the city of Cass that they guard.

This is definitely a challenge to their authority.

"Two humble aliens, roll over!" A leading man in white robe raised the silver staff in his hand at this moment, shouting at Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue.

The sound of drinking was like an order, and Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue could not be resisted. They rested in this Alice tavern and reverberated.

"Get out? Will these two strangers roll over?"

"The old man spoke, measured them, and dared not refuse?"

"The humble aliens dare to kill the distinguished magician, and these two aliens will definitely not die well.

And before he dies, he will surely regret coming to this world. "

Hearing the sound of that party, Leng Aoyue looked up at that party.

I really didn't expect another group of self-righteous people to arrive.

Leng Aoyue still sat there still, and then a voice came out of his mouth: "Go!"

The word "roll" immediately hit the entire Alice tavern, and it boiled violently.

"Ah!" An extremely loud cry came from the mouth of the magician who led the patrol.

At the next moment, he saw his body, in this boiling space, above that piece of earth, rolled up very violently.

Very quickly, I got out of this Alice tavern and got out on the outside avenue.

Chapter two

The pub boiled suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

When an individual in the tavern recovered, each one was dumbfounded and stunned.

It's unbelievable what I saw before me.

The captain of the patrol was originally arresting these two strangers.

Just now, let these two strangers roll towards them.

As a result, he did not expect that, under the power of that strange person, he first got out of this Alice tavern.

This strange person, even the guard, dare to offend?

Offended the Cass City Guard, this is simply to challenge the entire Cass City!

This stranger, relying on his own ability, is really, dare to do anything, not afraid of anything!

"You guys, what are you still doing stunned! Almost abolish him, abolish them quickly!"

At this moment, the captain of the patrol who got out of the Alice tavern shouted angrily at the patrols in the tavern and issued an order.

There were a total of twelve men in the patrol team that had previously come in, and one man got out. There are eleven men left at the moment.

These eleven people suddenly raised their magic wands in their hands, and the magical power immediately rose above their staffs.

It's just that at this moment, "S! S! S! S! S! S! ..."

The sound was crisp and rippling again.

These magicians also had the time to use their staff to launch magic, and they saw the staff exploded.

Face to face, and then changed dramatically.

At such a distance, the staff can be given to the destroyer, absolutely, is of extraordinary strength.

Unexpectedly, the stranger who appeared in this pub turned out to be such a powerful existence.

"Vile aliens, daring to be an enemy of our city of Cass, you will certainly not die well."

However, despite knowing the strength of these two strangers, there is still a guard, pointing at them and shouting in anger.


Dare to do this in the face of his own patrol, this strange person is really a god!

It's just ... when his words just fell, "Ah!"

It was echoed with a stern scream.

In full view, people saw the body of this patrol, and even ... directly blasted open.

This stranger started killing again.

And at this moment, the killer is still a member of the Cass City Guard!

This this……






In the tavern, there was a sound of cold breath.

At this moment, these people were really shocked.

This, this is simply something that has never been heard and never happened.

Today, it happened in this little Alice tavern.

Foreigners, rebel!

Killed three people and killed the members of the Cass City Guard. This is probably to be recorded in the history of Cass City.





Seeing the death of the companion, the guards suddenly burst into incredible shouts.

Not long ago, Lola, who was also talking and laughing with them, now, even ...

"Hurry up and inform the lord!"

"This matter, quickly notify the city owner!"

"The rebellion, some people have rebelled in our Cass City, please inform the master of the city!"


The patrols have also realized the seriousness of the incident and screamed quickly.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a white light rushing out of them, and the white light burst out of the Alice tavern and rushed into the sky.

Just as they rushed out of white light.




"Boom, boom!"

The people in the Alice's tavern felt the ground under their feet trembling violently.

It ’s not just the Alice Tavern. At this moment, almost the entire city of Cass, there has been a violent riot, just like a major earthquake broke out.

"Is there a big deal in Cass?"

"It should be a big deal, a three-level signal was issued!"

"It must be a big deal! What is the big deal?"

"I don't know, the three-level signal, even the lord of the city, will it be possible?"

"What happened to Cass City, who knows what to say."

"It turned out to be a tertiary signal. I haven't seen a tertiary signal in Cass City in years.

Remember the last time, it was a god-level beast siege! "


At this moment, almost the entire city of Cass began to boil.

One figure after another, began to rush out of the avenue and began to look around.

And in the Alice Tavern, at this moment, those who watch the lively, have also closed their mouths.

Only in this way, watching quietly.

But there are some timid people who have quietly slipped out of this Alice tavern.

Although lively is beautiful, it must be lively.

Seeing now, they naturally already know that these two are simply murderous demons regardless of the consequences.

As long as they are uncomfortable, just kill them.

Moreover, the power is terrifying and powerful.

One person remembered that he had said that they were humble, that they were killing themselves, that they were stupid, and that they must not have ended well.

Therefore, he did not dare to stay on.

It is very likely that the two people would kill them if they did not agree.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"


In the city of Cass that was shocking, there was a reverberating sound at this moment, outside the Alice Tavern.

White silhouettes continue to fall from the sky.

Just like a heavenly soldier coming!

Soon, outside the Alice tavern, these white figures were all there.

The magic army of Cass City seems to be coming.

"Look, that one is!"

"Over there! Over there! That one, that one really showed up!"

"Appeared! Lord of the city, our Lord of the city!"

"Yes! It is the Lord of the City! It turned out that ... the Lord of the City really appeared!

Let's go over there and take a look. There must be something big happening there! "

"When the lord of the city appeared, it must be very important and important! We, let's not go over it, okay? Otherwise, we will lose our lives."

"Relax, our strongest magic corps in Cass City has been dispatched, and then there are other murderous things that can't compete with the strongest magic corps? In that case, we do n’t need to stay in Cass . "

"Uh ... that's what you said."

"City Lord is here!"

"City Lord!"

At the moment, the Alice Tavern, which had just been quiet for a while, sounded again.

Later, they saw a figure rushed out of the tavern.

They looked up one by one and looked at the supreme figure above the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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