Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3813: Phoenix Cry

Chapter 3813 Phoenix Cry

"Ao Yue!"

Looking at the horrible flames, his hand burst toward himself, and Shi Fengton sipped.

As his drinking sounded, I saw a whirlpool of purple flames all around him.

This purple flame is the purple flame of Solomon's magic lamp.

Leng Aoyue has been in communication with Shi Feng on the Soul Demon Continent. Especially after Shi Feng entered the mysterious and unknown magma world alone, he has kept Leng Aoyue in contact with him.

At the moment, when he saw that big hand grabbed him, Leng Aoyue opened the door to the space of Solomon with the magic lamp of Solomon.

However, after opening the door of this space, Shi Feng didn't just leave by this way. Under the movement of his heart, the raging purple flame instantly rushed wildly, burning up, and greeted the big flame that had been captured .

Shi Feng is using the real fire in the magic lamp of Solomon, Tian Luo Zi Yan!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the big flame hand grabbing down and collided with Tian Luo Zi Yan.

Two flaming flames exuding terror suddenly made this space extremely distorted.

Shi Feng's eyes have also been staring at the two bursts of flame.

Although Tian Luo Zi Yan is strong, it has surpassed the gods!

However, what we are fighting against today is knowing the existence of You Tian Di.

Therefore, Shi Feng also does not have absolute confidence, Tian Luo Zi Yan can resist the strength of this person.

I am afraid it is impossible to resist!

At this moment, Shi Feng, who was between the purple flames, thought so secretly.

"Actually, blocked?" But soon, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

Tian Luo Zi Yan resisted, indeed something unexpected.

This flame giant is not as strong as he thought.

"Drink!" Seeing Tianluo Ziyan contend with his power, the flame giant suddenly issued a violent scream.

Immediately afterwards, the angry voice echoed: "Damn! Actually resist this blow of this avatar!"

When Shi Feng heard this, he suddenly revealed his face and murmured secretly in his heart.

After learning the truth, this person's avatar is so powerful, so the deity must be very strong.

"Ah!" At this moment, the flame giant roared upward in the sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom, boom!"

With his roaring roar, heaven and earth rioted.

And the giant column of magma soaring up like a flame tornado.

Shi Feng even felt that his own Dantian unicorn beads were also extremely turbulent at this moment.

"This guy used the power of that treasure!" Shi Fengxuan understood immediately and secretly said.

The reason why Shi Feng came here was because Qilinzhu sensed a mysterious treasure and guided him to come.

That mysterious treasure is among the giant columns of magma!

After the magma giant column riots, I saw the big flame hand competing with Tian Luo Zi Yan, the power of the flame suddenly increased.

Immediately after Shi Feng saw, his Tianluo Ziyan was constantly destroying.

The big flame hand that is pressed down, the more it is pressed down, the more it is pressed down!

Seeing that Tian Luo Zi Yan is about to collapse, this flame big hand is about to be crushed!

If these horrible flame hands are pressed, I am afraid that even this undead demon body will be disabled even if it is not dead.

Shi Feng's flesh was trembling involuntarily under this terrifying momentum.

"It's time to go!" He whispered these three words secretly.

Since he is not the enemy of this guy, he can only escape with the help of the magic lamp of Solo.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng did not hesitate, his figure moved, and he stepped back, intending to retreat into this purple flame vortex channel.

However, after this retreat, Shi Feng's face suddenly changed suddenly.

He did not retreat!

The space channel opened by the Solomon's magic lamp was sealed by a mysterious force!

That guy who burned with flames!

"Oh! Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!" Then, he heard bursts of laughter.

"Since you have come to my field, do you still want to go? Ha! You have the breath of Emperor Tian You, how can this seat make you leave so easily.

Destroy it! Everything related to these guys is under the power of this seat, destroy it! "

As his last sentence fell, Shi Feng saw with his eyes open that all Tian Luo Zi Yan disappeared.

Previously, Tian Luo Zi Yan blocked, and the speed of the flame's big hand fell slowly.

Now there is no Tianluo Purple Flame, this flame master, the speed of falling is extremely fast!

As fast as lightning, it will arrive in a flash.

"Oops!" Shi Feng shouted.


The big flame hand that was originally captured was now violently slapped down, like slapping flies, and slapped **** Shi Feng.

"Ah!" An extremely painful wailing sounded.

Under the flames, the purple flame vortex around Shi Feng burst directly.

Then this big flame hand flapping on Shi Feng's body, with Shi Feng's body, continued to bombard.

Shi Feng's whole person was blasted into the rolling magma below.

At this moment, Shi Feng only felt that his body had been sinking, and then sinking.

He was able to contend with the rolling magma around him.

The most important thing is that the big flame hand that is pressing down on him is too powerful and terrifying, and constantly destroys his body.

Shi Feng only felt a sharp pain in the whole body, and the whole person really seemed to be about to break away.

"The space power of Solomon's lamp can be sealed by him. He is in control of a mysterious thing, launching such a powerful force.

What should I do? What can I do! "

Tao Dao thought flashed in Shi Feng's mind.

Now, he just wanted to stay away from this place, to stay away from the flame giant for the time being.

"Tui!" But suddenly, there was a long blast of sound, suddenly echoed in Shi Feng's ear.

When he heard this cry, Shi Feng suddenly moved suddenly.

This cry, he was very familiar with it, and he was familiar with the sound, which originated from the one in his hand... Phoenix Fine Feather!

Shi Feng hurriedly bowed his head, looking at the ten-colored feather in his hand.

At this moment, I saw this Phoenix feather, burning fiercely, turning into a ten-colored fire.

The ten-color flame, burning more and more violently, burning more and more violently!

In the end, Shi Feng saw that the big flame, which was pressing on his falling flames, was actually burned in the flames.

"Actually, there is a spirit of that little girl here!" Shi Feng immediately felt that the abnormality in the ten-color flame exclaimed.

The little girl he said was naturally the little phoenix.

Originally, when Little Phoenix sent him this phoenix fine feather, Shi Feng thought it was just a fine feather.

However, she did not expect that in this feather, she had left a spirit here.

It also means that the little Phoenix has always had a soul to follow itself!

Chapter two

Today, this burning fire of ten colors has been raged on, forming a sea of ​​ten colors.

The big flame hand has been completely swallowed by these ten colors of fire.

"Go!" Shi Feng suddenly sipped, and his figure rushed upward.

"Tweet!" Another long phoenix echoed.

The sea of ​​fire in ten colors also hurried with Shi Feng and swept up.

And as this ten-color fire swept through, the ten-color fire began to transform, and eventually, it turned into a ten-color phoenix!

The whole body of the phoenix showed a rush of weather.


Beside the magma, beside the magma column.

The flaming giant was still floating there, looking down at him.

Suddenly at this moment, I saw the fire on the flame giant, which was violently tumbling up.

"What's going on? What happened? Why was my power broken?"

The flame giant spoke loudly, his voice full of anger.

"Tui!" Then, a tweet came into his ear.

"This call? Phoenix!" But I did not expect that after hearing this call, this guy even heard it immediately. This is Phoenix's voice.

Could it be that this exists, have you seen the Phoenix fail?

Immediately afterwards, he saw a ten-colored phoenix flying out of the violent magma below.

Under the ten-colored phoenix, it is the ant that is related to You Tian Emperor.

"Really Phoenix? No, it's an avatar of Phoenix." The Flame Giant quickly saw it.

As he said this, his right hand, which was blazing down, grew back.

Subsequently, Flame's right hand snapped into the void, and a huge flame sword was caught by him.

He held up the Great Flame Sword in his hands, and then violently cut towards the ten-colored flame Phoenix and Shi Feng below.

This chopping, as if to destroy everything, as if to burn everything!

"Tui!" Seeing the ten-color flame phoenix, fanning the flames' wings, rushing up angrily.

"Be careful!" Shi Feng shouted at her.

He clearly felt that this sword cut by the flame giant was extremely extraordinary.

Although, the object he shouted "Caution" is one of the most powerful beasts in the world, Phoenix!

Immediately afterwards, under Shi Feng's attention, the slashed flame sword collided with the ten-color flame phoenix.

"Boom!" A burst of incomparable bang made the world continually shock.

This absolute collision, if you want to collapse this world!

"Ah!" Then, a very violent and extremely crazy cry shouted out of the flame giant's mouth.

I saw that magma column, shocked once again extremely fierce.

And the momentum of this flame giant rose again.

Stronger and fiercer than before!

"Why is that strange treasure in the end, it can instantly increase his strength! Every time fierce!"

Seeing the flame giant change again, Shi Feng looked at the giant column of magma and secretly said.

Seeing him like this, Shi Feng even wanted the thing in the giant column of magma.

Must get!

Under the rush of the ten-color flame phoenix, the flame giant sword of the flame giant was exploded.

"Ah!" Under the roar again, the flame giant even used his flame hand to catch the ten-color flame phoenix.

The blazing fire of ten colors continuously pours out from the flame phoenix, constantly burning the flame giant.

The flame giant dances with fists, resisting, contending, bombarding the ten-color flame phoenix.

After all, this phoenix is ​​nothing more than a spirit rejuvenated with the help of phoenix fine feathers. Compared with the legendary real phoenix, it is naturally very comparable.

The two behemoths were in a fierce battle together.

Under the burning of the fire of the ten colors, the flame giant's body is constantly destroyed.

Under his bombardment, the Ten-Color Phoenix is ​​also trembling constantly.

If you continue to fight like this, I am afraid that you will lose both sides!

"Aoyue, and then open the space channel, I will borrow Tianluo Ziyan!"

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng shouted at Leng Aoyue, who was far away in the spirit world.

Under his burst of shouting, he saw the purple flame vortex, formed again around him.

Shi Feng no longer hesitated. With a rush of thoughts, the violent purple fire suddenly burned out from the vortex of purple flames.

It was Tianluo Zihuo of that solo magic lamp.

As soon as Tianluo's purple fire appeared, it burned up directly and burned towards the flame giant.

"Huh?" The flame giant immediately sensed the movement from below.

The big flame face changed suddenly at this moment.

It seems that at this moment, he felt a threat.

Under the burning of the ten-color flame phoenix, he has doubled the pressure.

Now, adding this extraordinary purple fire!

Followed by, he saw his flame giant move, want to enter the giant column of magma.

"Stop him, don't let him in!" Shi Feng saw this and hurriedly shouted to the ten-colored phoenix.

"Tui!" Shishi Fenghuang immediately responded to Shi Feng's call.

I saw the fire of ten colors burning from her, violently rolled, immediately encircling his flame giant, blocking his retreat.

"Ah! Get away! Destroy!" The flame giant roared angrily, turned suddenly, and tried his best to slam into the fire of ten colors that blocked the way.

It's just that the fire of ten colors is burning more and more fierce!

It is as if these ten-colored phoenixes have gathered all the power of fire here.

No matter how fiery the Giant of Fire bombards, it will destroy it.

And at this moment, the violent purple flame also followed.

Seeing the flame giant, he roared loudly again: "Ah! Stink Phoenix, then destroy together!"

Then he turned violently, looked at the ten-colored phoenix, and then rushed towards him violently, violently hit it.

"Tweet!" Ten-color Phoenix has no fear, and ten-color wings flutter again, and the blazing fire continues to burn forward.

The fire of ten colors continuously burned the giant flame.

However, he is still raging forward, anger, anger, and anger again!

Fierce shock!

Soon, he saw that he rushed to the ten-color phoenix, the whole body of flame, as if just letting the ten-color flame continue to burn.



At this moment, the flame giant roared upward.

Suddenly, I saw this whole body of flames, which blew up extremely violently and turned into a raging flame, making this world a riot!

Have the power to destroy the world.

"Be careful, Little Phoenix!" Shi Feng's face suddenly changed when he saw it, and he exclaimed suddenly.

However, it is too late.

The fierce blasting fire has already swallowed the entire body of the Phoenix.

"Damn!" Shi Feng shouted coldly again.

Quickly manipulating Tianluo Zihuo sweeping away...

(End of this chapter)

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