Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3827: Red and white pets

Chapter 3827 Red and White Battle Pets

The screams of pain rang out for a while.

Eventually, with the begging of all the disciples of Wanjian Guizong, their ancestors' groans gradually disappeared.

This means that Bai Renfan's avatar has completely disappeared under the flames of Tian Luo Zi Yan.

Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and Xiong Ziyan turned back toward him.

Eventually, he rewinded back into the whirlpool of purple flames around Fossil Maple, violently, and disappeared.


Looking at the void that became somewhat empty, some disciples of Wan Jian returned to the clan, and their voices became sobbing.

Although, it is an avatar of the grandfather, but it is also equal to the grandfather.


And the most important thing is that there is a patriarch who can guard them.

Now that the grandfather is not there, it means that oneself will also be waiting for this person's slaughter.

This man not only killed the great brother and sister who returned their swords, but also the grandfather and grandpa...

This is a demon, they don't think that this person will let go of themselves next.

As time passed slowly, at this moment, the sky was already gray.

Seeing that it is about to change from night to day.

On the top of Wan Jianfeng, there was a thick fog.

Shi Feng's gaze swept, looking at the thirty disciples of the suspended sword of Wanjian Guizong.

"This Wan Jianfeng is really too quiet.

Quietly unusual. "Shi Feng murmured this sentence secretly."

It was originally thought that after entering the Wanjian Peak, the elders of the Wanjian Sect will continue to appear.

As long as those elders show up, they can ask them exactly where Mu Liang's mother is now.

But I didn't expect that they have all been killed here now. Except for the ancestor of the grandfather, no one else was seen.

At this moment, Mu Liang embraced Xiaohei and came to Shi Feng.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiaohei saw the red and white sword companions again, and remembered the hatred not long ago.

Roaring down again.

However, this time Mu Liang ignored him.

"Those Wanjian return to the sect, it seems that many people are not there?" Mu Liang has also discovered the anomaly and said to Shi Feng.

Hearing his words, Shi Feng nodded gently, followed his mouth, and said to the disciples of the Wanjian Guizong:

"Where did the rest of your swordsman go?"

Shi Feng's words were full of coldness and full of refusal.

These disciples who belonged to the Zongzhong disciples also felt cold.

They have a very clear feeling that as long as this coldness moves, I am afraid that they will dissolve themselves into dust.

"Our elders have something important to do, and they are not in Wan Jianfeng." The man who previously called the red and white sword mates as the red sister and the white brother immediately answered.

"I naturally know they are not there, where did they go?" Obviously, Shi Feng's sentence was even colder, and even became a little impatient.

"Into...into the world of Shura." The man spoke again, pointing at the black stone underneath with his hand.

"Sura World?" Shi Feng frowned as he heard his words.

The word Shura, it sounds familiar, and I don’t know where I heard it.

Shi Feng didn't care much, following the man's instructions, the power of the soul suddenly shrouded the dark stele.

"Sure enough!" Immediately, Shi Feng sensed that there was a force of space flowing in this dark stele.

In other words, there is space in this stele for another world.

It is estimated that it was the man who just mentioned the world of Shura.

Sensing the abnormality of the stele, Shi Feng's face eased a lot, "Let them come back, I have something to find them."

Not only was he looking, but he was not as cold as he was just now.

"Just now we have sent signals to the elders to inform them that Wan Jianfeng has something serious happening.

If the elders receive the signal, they will rush back in time. "The man replied again.

Today, his identity is the highest.

So after he spoke, these Wanjian returned to the disciples, and no one spoke again.

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded softly, "Oh."

"That young boy is waiting here, waiting for your elders to come back." Shi Feng said again.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

When Shi Feng finished speaking, he heard the little black and cried again.

This time, Xiaohei was barking at Shi Feng, and after the call, the dog face with some dumb face, facing the red and white sword companion again, grinned his teeth, revealing a fierce look.

Suddenly, the red and white swordsmen immediately felt anxious.

"This dead dog is so vengeful!" the woman in red scolded in her heart.

"Hey, what should I do?" The man in red was a little overwhelmed, and voiced the woman in red.

"What else can I do." The woman in red answered this to him.

After returning to this sentence, the man in white saw that her figure was at this moment, her knees were bent, and even directed at the two people and the black dog, she bowed down.

"Uncle Dog, it's my two who have no eyes, offended you, and hope you can forgive!"

The woman who was originally arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant, and could not be looked at at this moment, showed a very pitiful appearance at this moment, and pleaded at Xiaohei.

Seeing him like this, the man in white also knelt quickly and begged Xiao Hei: "Grandpa Dog, also hope to forgive sin! From now on, you are our little ancestor!"

I really didn't expect that these two, as disciples of Wan Jian Guizong, now kneel at a little black dog, and they also speak so disregarding their identity and face.

"The two of them..." At this moment, Zhong Wanjian returned to his disciples, and he could no longer stand it.

As a distinguished disciple of Wan Jian, this is really...too shameful.

If this matter is passed on, how will Wan Jian return to the sect, and how will he stand in the world of Gods in the future.

It's just... nobody said anything.

If I dare to say anything at this moment, I am afraid it is death.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

However, when they saw that the two were still kneeling, Xiaohei was still not satisfied, and still yelling at them.

"Uncle Dog, please be angry, please be angry, we really know that we are wrong." The man in white quickly said again.

"Wang! Wangwang!" Obviously, Xiaohe didn't buy it at all.

"This little thing, the temper is really not small." Looking at Xiao Hei, Shi Feng smiled faintly and said.

"Brother Ning, let you laugh." Muliang said to Xiaohei in this way.

"Wang! Wangwangwangwang!" However, Mu Liang's words also attracted Xiaohei's dissatisfaction, turned his head, and yelled at Mu Liang.

"Okay, the two of you are at your disposal. Whatever you want them to do, let them be as good as possible."

Shi Feng said to Xiaohei.

Chapter two

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiaohe replied after hearing Shi Feng's words.

It's just that although Xiaohei opened his mind, he couldn't speak human language at all.

He called so, Shi Feng couldn't understand what he said.

"What is he talking about?" Shi Feng asked Muliang.

Getting along with Muliang and Xiaohei, Shi Feng had long seen that Muliang could understand the barking of this little black dog.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Mu Liang grinned and smiled bitterly, saying:

"The two people previously wanted Xiaohei to be their favorite pet.

Now this guy wants them to be his pet. "

Hearing this, Shi Feng smiled even more.

Let two people be the pets of his dog...

This is really...

"Haha, interesting." Shi Feng smiled and said.

Although Muliang's words were light, the words he said to Shi Feng just now were passed into the ears of the disciples of Zhongwanjianzong.

"Let Sister Red and Sister Bai be the pets of this dog?"

"This...this...if that's the case, it would be a shame!

It's better to die than that. "

"Yeah, if you change it to me, it would be better to go to the Yuanshen directly, a hundred.

Huh, what a face to be a dog's darling.

This is not only shameful, but also shameful to Zongmen. "

"Sister Red and Brother Bai, will you agree?" There were disciples, but at the moment they said a little uncertainly.

Once the red and white sword companions, the younger generation in Wan Jian's guizong, can also be regarded as outstanding talents.

In their eyes on weekdays, there is also a proud existence.

But he did not expect that today, he was kneeling down to a dog and called him Uncle Dog, asking for his forgiveness.

It's unbelievable, this is the old red and white swordsman.

Therefore, they are also not sure...

"This dead dog! It turned out..." The woman in red, trembling with anger at the moment.

It's just that in order to survive, the body held back, and the pitiful look on the face did not disappear.

"What to do! What should I do, Hong'er.

Do we... do we really want to... be the pet of this dog?

This..." The man in white still had no idea, said the woman in red.

"What else can you do, do you want to die or do you want to live?" The woman in red did not answer the man in white, but asked him instead.

"Of course I want to live." The white man answered without thinking.

After answering this sentence, he realized that Hong'er had already made a decision.

"This is also... hey... if it is known to the elders, we have to stab us alive with a palm...

But if...if you don't do that...that is, be directly killed by the demon. "

While the man in white was thinking about this, the woman in red was already heard, respectfully shouting: "Hong Jie sees his master!"




"Sister Red... Sister Red, she... she turned out... she turned out...really..."

"Sister Red, you!" There was a disciple of Wan Jian Guizong, who exclaimed directly at the moment.

He couldn't accept it at all. His own sister called the dog master.

She is her sister, if she calls the dog master, what is she?

"Sister Red, you!" The man with the most seniority at the moment suddenly yelled at the woman in red.

Faintly, there was a murderous intention in him.

At this moment, he really wanted to give this woman a thousand pieces.

This is really too shameful, too boneless.

However, just before his drink fell, he heard the man in white also cry:

"Bai Han, see master!"

"You! You two!" The man, already flushed with red, was irritated!

"Sister Red, Brother Bai, how are you going to meet the world in the future?"

"Yeah, the face of Wan Jian Guizong has left you both."

"Hey! From now on, I don't think you two are sisters or brothers! So so ostentatious, so cheap, you are simply not worthy of my discipleship."

"If the elders knew that you two were like this, they would definitely not let you go! They must not!"


Zhong Wanjian returned to his disciples, and he was shaking with rage at this moment.

"It's really two dog legs." Even Shi Feng looked down on those two at all and said so.

In the face of those accusations from the same class, the red and white swordsmen looked as if they had not seen them, and their faces were unmoved.

Immediately afterwards, I saw two white marks, and Yu Shifeng's palm surfaced. At the next moment, I saw his palm shoot forward. The two marks turned into two white lights and flew towards the red and white swordsmen. And go.

In an instant, it was printed on their foreheads.

Seeing the two of them, the body shuddered violently.

The two faces suddenly changed at the moment.

Naturally, they already knew that the man had marked himself as a master and a servant.

With this master and servant imprinted, both of them will be completely enslaved.

Later, Shi Feng put another mark on Xiaohe's forehead.

Said to him: "From now on, these two people are your darlings.

Their life and death are already between your thoughts. If you don’t obey, you can also torture them and die better than life. "

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiaohei shouted at Shi Feng's words and responded with a cry.

It can be heard that Xiao Hei's cry sounds a bit happy.

The mood was obviously much better and became a little pleasant.

"This guy." Mu Liang shook his head slightly.

Looking at the red and white sword companions in front of them, they felt really pitiful.

From now on, the four characters of red and white swordsmen will surely become a big laughing stock of the gods.

Not only these four words, but also Wan Wanjian Zongzong.

Once, the famous Wan Jian returned to the sect, one of the pinnacle forces of the gods.

Really, this little thing in my arms is broken.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiaohei shouted again in front of him.

He has thought hard and tried to manipulate the red and white sword companions there.



"Uh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Suddenly, I saw the red and white swordsmen screamed in pain, and even the two bodies continued to roll in this void.

As if suffering from extreme pain.

"Ah! Don't! Don't lord! Don't! Master!" The woman in red immediately begged at Xiaohei.

"Ah! Don't be the master! We will obey your orders in the future, ah! ah! ah ah!"

The same is true for white men.

"Wang!" Then after the call, the call stopped.

The dog face looked very satisfied.

"Wang Wang! Wang!" Then, he shouted at Shi Feng again.

Mu Liang said: "Xiaohei said thank you. He is in a good mood now and can eat six large pieces of meat in one bite."

(End of this chapter)

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