Chapter 3832

"I saw your mother."

Among the Wanjian Golden Pavilion, Shi Feng finally spoke and answered Mu Liang.

"Really?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Mu Liang immediately looked at him, and then asked:

"So what is the status of my mother? She, how is it."

Calculated from the heaven and earth, Muliang calculated that his mother was indeed alive.

It's just that she is very bad.

Although she knew her mother was not good, Mu Liang wanted to learn from Shi Feng's mouth.

"Your mother is okay." Shi Feng answered Mu Liang in this way.

Since he agreed to Bai Rong, Shi Feng would not say that she would not tell Mu Liang about her current situation.

Moreover, this is also for his good.

He, there is no need to worry about those things.

What's more, Bai Renfan, who has tortured Bai Rong for more than two decades, has already been punished.

"Really?" Mu Liang looked again, and spit out the word again.

"Really." Shi Feng nodded.

Then say: "I have also told your mother that you have come to Wanjian Guizong to find her.

Tomorrow, your mother and son will meet. "

"Huh." Muliang nodded.

For a while, he did not speak again.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Shi Feng didn't say anything.

After a while, Mu Liang suddenly made a noise and said to Shi Feng:

"Thank you, Brother Nether."

From this thanks, Shi Feng seemed to hear something else.

This guy is born with different instincts and extraordinary abilities.

After that, he got the Destiny Plate.

It is estimated that his mother Bai Rong's experience can be felt more or less.

"Why thank you between you and me.

Rest well and meet your mother tomorrow in the best condition. "Shi Feng said."

"Huh." Muliang nodded.


Wan Jianfeng Wan Jianzuo, this is a gloomy land, filled with a handle of the sword.

There are as many as ten thousand mouths, really worthy of the name of Wan Jianzuo.

But at this moment, "Zhengzhengzhengzheng!"

"Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng!"

"Zheng Zhengzheng Zhengzheng!"

A mouthful of swords, now trembling together, continuously uttering the sound of sword chanting.

This land is constantly stirred up.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Immediately, five peerless figures rushed into Wanjianzuo, and they were all on top of Wanjianzuo.

The five figures appeared, and the comers were the five old men.

Two of them are Bai Renqi and Bai Renyi, who belong to Wan Jian, and the other three, two old men and one old woman.

The momentum and temperament of the three of them are extremely extraordinary, and they are comparable to Bai Renqi and Bai Renyi.

It seems that these three men are also the same as those of him.

The five figures are suspended above their eyes, and they stare closely at Wan Jian, who is under a violent shock.

"Brother, something is wrong!" From the ten thousand swords in the storm, Bai Renqi seemed to see what happened, and the two old eyes suddenly opened suddenly, Shen shouted.

In fact, Wan Jian had such a vision without Bai Renqi's voice, the other four also understood what.

"Look at what happened, Brother!" said the old lady.

"Huh!" Bai Renqi nodded.

Later, I saw these five old men, their hands moved together, and they each concluded five fingerprints of different swords.

Immediately, we saw a sword of light rising from the Wanjianzuo.

A scene unfolds with their eyes.

The scene that occurred in the dark forest of the Shura world reappeared. In the dark forest, Bai Renfan, Bai Rong, and Shi Feng appeared.

"It's him! How can he be in Shura World!" After seeing Shi Feng, Bai Renyi shouted immediately.

Under their surveillance, this person should still be in the Wanjian Golden Pavilion, not far away.

But how could...

The old lady saw something and said with a deep voice: "You feel it carefully, he is just an avatar with a soul."


"It turned out to be his avatar!"


Hearing the old lady's words, the other old men nodded one after another.

"That is to say, while we were not aware, this person used this avatar to sneak into the world of Shura and tracked his brother to find Bai Rong." Bai Renyi said.

When they saw this person appearing in this world of Shura, they did not have to look down, they also knew that their brother Bai Renfan was the one who died.

In the end, as expected!

Seeing the last scene of Bai Renfan being slaughtered, Bai Renqi's right hand swiped into the void.

That light curtain disappeared invisible.

"Next, what should I do!" Bai Renqi's old face, his brow furrowed, his face uneasy.

Then he said: "Let him see that Bai Rong was detained and tortured. It is possible that this person will be murderous and start massacre in our Wan Jianfeng."

"Well! I really need to deal with it in advance, just in case." The old lady nodded when she heard Bai Renqi's words.

"This person is so powerful that even the doppelganger left by his grandfather was destroyed by him.

Even if we use all the methods that Wan Jian has returned to now, they are not rivals at all.

In order to return Wan Jian to the foundation of Zong Zong, now quietly notify everyone and leave Wan Jianfeng. "

Said an old man with shoulders raised.

"I'm afraid that can only be the case." Next to the long-haired old man, a skinny old man nodded slowly, saying so.

"I don't know what happened to him, Brother Seven." Bai Renyi said so suddenly.

"Brother San, what do you mean?" Hearing Bai Renyi's words, the old lady seemed to realize something.

Bai Renyi nodded slowly, and then said: "In the end we arranged seven younger brothers to greet the one in Shura World.

According to the time estimate, the seven younger brothers should have greeted that one.

Perhaps we can wait until that one arrives. "

"But, that kid, but even our ancestor's avatar can be destroyed, even if that one comes, can he be guaranteed to deal with that kid?"

Bai Renqi still worried, said.

"Even if we can deal with it, we should try it. This can be said to be our last hope." Bai Renyi said.

"If you are a coward afraid of death, you can leave Wan Jianfeng first.

Anyway, Wan Jianfeng is a lot less than you. "

"You! Bai Renyi, can you speak well!" Bai Renqi was angry again when he heard Bai Renyi's yin and yang strange words.

"How come I haven't spoken well, I have been speaking well." Bai Renyi said.

"You're an old thing, and everyone with a discerning eye can hear it. The last time you didn't make a difference, it seems that this time, you have to be better than a match."

"Zheng!" When Bai Renqi's last sentence fell, a sword chanted, and he resounded from him.

At this moment, Bai Renqi feels like a sharp sword with a sheath out of it, and the sword is soaring into the sky, as if the sky is about to be pierced by him.

Chapter two

"Come on, who is afraid of whom!" Bai Renyi grinned and sneered when he saw Bai Renqi intending to start.

The right hand is condensed with a sword finger, and the slanted finger is long.

"Zheng!" There was another sound of Jian Yin.

Above the sky, a purple sword emerged, and the sword's prestige covered the whole world.

It made the whole world boil slightly.

The two strong swordsmen, together, made the world move together.

"Okay, Brother Two, Brother Three, what time is it, and you two are still working hard!"

Seeing him like this, the old lady immediately sneered at them.

"Sister, as you saw just now, this old thing has always been yin and yang."

Bai Renfan said to him.

"Old things, you have received two good apprentices, and lost the face of our Wanjian Guizong.

Why, Tusun worshipped mad dogs, even you learned from that mad dog and learned to bite people? "

Bai Renyi said.

"You!" Bai Renyi became even more angry when he heard Bai Renyi's words.

The original thing has made him very angry.

Now this old thing is mentioned again.

It really is... Bai Renqi at this moment really has all the thoughts of unloading Bai Ren Yi Da in front of him.

The soaring sword momentum on his body instantly became more mad and fierce.

"Enough!" Suddenly, the old lady burst into anger.

"Boo!" With her ranting, I saw Bai Renyi's purple sword shadow, which broke in a blink of an eye.

Not only Bai Renyi, but Bai Renqi was staggering, and his figure became a little unstable.

The sword in him was broken by that anger.


"Sister, you!"


At this moment, the four old men in this place all changed their faces.

Their teacher and sister had such strength, which was completely beyond their expectations.

"Sister, don't your cultivation behavior have been..." said the old man with long eyebrows in shock.

Their martial arts practice is in the peak of the **** king Yae heaven.

It is only half a step away from God King Jiuzhongtian.

But in just such a half step, it's like one day at a time.

After spending most of his life, he could not move.

Throughout Wan Jian's return to the sect, he entered the God King's Nine Heavens, and only their great brother Bai Renfan was alone.

But Brother Bai Renfan has already been hit by that man.

If they do not have the peerless existence of God King's Ninefold Heaven Realm, then they will return from the peak to the first-class force.

Now, I never imagined the strength shown by their sister...

"Well!" The old lady nodded slowly when she heard the long-browed old man, saying:

"Three months ago, I actually successfully stepped into the King of Gods."

Although they had guessed it just now, they were startled when the sentence was said from the old lady's mouth.

"Hey, what a pity. It's a pity." The old man with long eyebrows slowly shook his head.

Say: "Sister Sister, you have stepped into God King Jiuzhongtian, and if the brothers are not dead, we will return to Sect, and there will be two strong kings in God Jiuzhongtian Realm.

It's just... It's a pity. "



In addition to Bai Renqi and Bai Renyi, the other two old men nodded slowly.

Face with regret.

At this moment, Bai Renqi and Bai Renyi did not fight anymore.

Almost all the old men's eyes were fixed on the old woman.

Although she is their little teacher and sister, but with respect for strength, they have given her all the right to speak.

Although, the master is dead, there is no new suzerain.

But in their hearts, their little sister is no doubt the new suzerain.

No one can take on such a big task except her.

Feeling that they are looking at themselves, this is also expected for the old lady.

She said, "For today's sake, we will first secretly inform all disciples to evacuate. The farther away from Wan Jianfeng, the better. Without our order, we must not return to Wan Jianfeng, and preserve the portal first."

"Well." The four old men nodded together, agreeing with this.

Later, the old lady said: "Next, let's communicate with the seven younger brothers to see what is happening on his side.

No matter what, we have to ask that one to take the shot.

Only when the kid dies and we return to the clan can we be truly peaceful.

Otherwise, there will never be peace! "

After that, the four old men nodded again.

Things, just like that, just like that, set!


On the other hand, Shi Feng and Bai Rong, still in the world of Shura, did not leave.

Shi Feng still felt the strange strange feeling of this Shura.

He couldn't tell why he felt this strange feeling.

"Can it be related to You Tian Di, Sha Ye, Tian Yao?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Even if it is related to those three people, Shi Feng can't figure out which one is related.

All three of them are left on him.

Youtian Emperor's soul vein, the inheritance of the heavenly demon, Sha Ye's residual body, devil qi...

Shi Feng thought about these in his mind, but he couldn't understand.

After a while, he stopped thinking too much.

Looking at Bai Rong beside him, he said, "You didn't mean to go out and prepare, why are you still here?"

"I'm like this now, I still can't see anyone when I go out." Bai Rong said this to him.

Although the appearance was restored to more than half, but it was still covered with scars.

Women, both of whom love beauty, want to show the beautiful side to others.

"It's not easy, cover your face, it will be fine." Shi Feng said casually.

Just hearing his words, Bai Rong slowly shook his head and said to him:

"You still don't understand women too much."

"Oh, okay." Shi Feng said.

Don't understand, then don't understand.

I myself don't understand women.

Since she wanted to stay here, she stayed here.

Originally, Shi Feng wanted to explore this world of Shura to see what this world of Shura that made him familiar with.

It's just that Bai Rong is here, he didn't dare to go around.

If something unexpected happened to her, she would not be able to explain to Mu Liang by then.

However, despite this, he was still sensing, his eyes were still looking.


Time passed little by little.

Gradually, gradually, Shi Feng saw that the scars on Bai Rong's face had really disappeared.

Peerless beauty appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

It's really alluring to the country, with a peerless look.

Although the man is middle-aged, at this moment, there are no traces of her face on her face.

The fair and delicate face, but with a hint of mature charm, really, it is a peerless beauty.

No wonder, then, there will be a man, obsessed with her, and committed suicide for her.

"It should be possible to go out now." Shi Feng said to her.

"Oh!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Bai Rong reacted and quickly touched her own face with both hands...

(End of this chapter)

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