Chapter 3834 Asura

"I turned into the world of Shura, where there is nothing but a gloomy world. I want to know if the world of Shura has other things."

Shi Feng said to Bai Renying.

"That's what he asked?" When he heard Shi Feng's words, Bai Renying moved.

And she looked at the person in front of her at this moment, this one, calm and calm, and did not show murderous intention.

In other words, he is not aware of the upcoming thing in the world of Shura.

It turns out so!

Bai Renying thought of these, his heart was relieved.

It was like a big rock raised high, and it slowly fell to the ground at the moment.

After that, she spoke to Shi Feng very respectfully: "The world of Shura, there is indeed a lot in it. After you enter the world of Shura, what you see should be nothing but the outer world.

Of course, the Shura world also has multiple worlds, which are called inner worlds.

One after another, the first few worlds are okay, and you will not feel resistance after entering.

However, the further you go, the harder you will feel. There will be heavy efforts to prevent you from entering. "

"It turns out that there really is another world in it, and there are more than one world!" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart when he heard the old lady's words.

"So how can I enter the inner world?" Shi Feng asked again.

This is the most critical.

"In every world of Shura, there is a boundary stele buried deep underground.

However, there is a cross mark above each boundary monument. "The old lady said again.

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded slowly.

This turned out to be the case!

At the same time, Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and his avatar in the world of Shura suddenly rose.

Go find the cross mark.

On this side, in this piece of night sky.

The old lady saw that Shi Feng hadn't spoken for a while, and then whispered softly, asking him, "What are you doing?"

Although she said that the big stone in the old lady's heart had just been put down, she was still a little uneasy.

Extraordinary people, the old woman is still worried, he may have found that the disciples of Wan Jiangui Zong are moving.

"It's all right, so be it." Shi Feng replied to her.

"That's nothing else, and the old body has receded." The old woman said in a tentative tone.

"Well, you go." Shi Feng said.

The old lady Bai Renying bowed to him, "The old body retreated."

Immediately afterwards, I saw Bai Renying's old figure slowly moving towards the old building complex below.

Shi Feng, still floating alone in the night sky, slowly raised his head, looking up at the round moon in the night sky.

"It's almost time to go back to the Spirit Demon Continent." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Nowadays, Leng Aoyue is still on the way in the spirit world.

In the world of Shura, Shi Feng continued to search.

It's just that now he hasn't bumped into it. The two figures are now appearing in this world.

One of them, dressed in a white robe, is handsome and handsome, carrying a long sword in his back.

The breath exuded from him was very similar to those of Wan Jian Gui Zong. They should, and should be, Wan Jian Gui Zong.

And a person beside him, dressed in golden armor, with a strong figure, a powerful face, and unsmiling, like a golden armor!

"Senior Shura, as long as this world is out, then it is the God Realm." The white robe man said to the man in gold armor.

"I know." The man in gold arm nodded and said to the man in white robe.

After saying this sentence, he saw that the man in the gold armor moved sharply and stormed forward.

It seems that he is also very familiar with this place, and even flew directly to the entrance to the gods.

"I have informed them, they should have greeted them at Wan Jianfeng at this moment."

Looking at the golden figure, the white robe said secretly.

At the end of this sentence, his figure also moved abruptly, chasing that one away.


At the very center of Wan Jianfeng, before the dark stele, at this moment, five old figures were standing.

These five people are the ten thousand swords that are now honored by Bai Renying.

They have received the news from the Seventh Brother, and now, naturally, they are waiting for the Seventh Brother and that one to come.

At this moment, I saw only the dark stone in front of me, suddenly shaking.

"Come!" The old man with long eyebrows saw it, and immediately said.

The other four people and four old faces all moved together at this moment.

Then they sensed that the power of space flowed, and a golden peerless figure flew out of the dark stone.

It was the man in the Golden Armor who appeared in the world of Shura.

"Congratulations to Senior Shura!"

"Congratulations to Senior Shura!"

"Congratulations to Senior Shura!"


Seeing this one appear, the five old men immediately bent towards him and arched their hands.

At the next moment, the figure in white robe flew out of the dark stele.

When he saw the five old men, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted to them: "Second Brother, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, Five Brother, Six Senior Brother."

"Huh?" When he finished shouting, he glanced, and when he saw that there was one person missing, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

Today, such an important thing, the big brother Bai Renfan is not even there?

"What about Bai Renfan? Why don't you see him?" And the man in gold armor also found Bai Renfan greet him in the future, frowning, showing a displeased look.

"Could it be that he doesn't deserve to be greeted by him in person?" When he said this, a cold chill filled the darkness.

Wanjian Guizong Wulao instantly felt that the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and there was a cold murderous intention circulating around him.

"Your excellency is not that our brothers are not here to greet, but that our brothers cannot come to meet them at all.

He is gone. "Bai Renying immediately opened his mouth and explained to that one."

"Not in this world? Dead!" When he heard Bai Renying's words, Jin Jia's face suddenly moved.

"What? Brother is no longer alive? Sister, what happened?"

Even the white robe man was shocked at the moment.

Not long ago, he said goodbye to his fellow disciples in the world of Shura.

Why didn't it take a few days for the master to...

"Brother, was killed." Bai Renying said to the man in white robe.

"Killed? Who did it? Could it be those who have no bounds?" said the white robe man again.

In his view, only those strong men in the upper realm can kill his brothers in this world.

As far as she knows, Master Brother Wu Dao Xiu Wei, in the **** king's ninth heaven, in the entire **** realm, it is a horizontal existence.

But in the eyes of the powerful in the upper realm, it is nothing.

But it's not right.

Not long ago, the Nine Serenities Lord of the Hidden World of the Gods Realm was born, showing his strong strength to kill the Powers of the Supreme Realm.

It is rumored that all the powerful people in the upper realm have honestly returned, and dare not commit crimes to the gods.

Yes, they should not come to Wan Jianfeng!

Otherwise, the Nine Nine Gods provoked anger, and the entire Supreme Realm will certainly not be better off.

Chapter two

"You can remember that a few years ago, in Mist Omori, a talented young man was born, fighting alone and fighting for the supreme nine forces."

Bai Renying explained to his little teacher again.

"It's that person!" When he heard Bai Renying's words, his younger brother Bai Renyan's face suddenly moved.

He also paid attention to that matter.

I even guessed the identity of that one.

But now I didn't expect that the one, who actually killed his brother, Bai Renfan.

"Okay." At this moment, I saw the face of the man in gold armor, which became much more relaxed, and then he said again:

"Since Bai Renfan is dead, I will not pursue this matter anymore. This time I entered the world of gods, you help me find someone."

"Who are you looking for?" Bai Renying asked him.

Now, in these hearts, as well as in her own heart, she is now Wan Jian returned to the patriarch.

So, when faced with this one, she stood up and answered him.

The Jinjia man didn't say anything, only to see his right hand, resting on the air in front of him gently.

A golden gleam flashed, followed closely by a golden image, which appeared in the eyes of Wan Jian Guizong.

Among the golden images is a figure wearing black armor.

Leng Jun's face fell in their eyes, it was extremely familiar.


"It's him!"

"It's him!"


After seeing the golden image, Wan Jian returned to the five elders, and his face stopped at this moment, Qi Qi changed.

With five old faces, his eyes opened wide.

Seeing their appearance, the man in gold armor quickly asked, "Why, do you all recognize this person?"

Tell me quickly, who is this animal, and where is it now? "

"Your Excellency, it is him who killed our brothers!" Bai Renying said to the man in gold armor.

"Did he kill our brother?" Hearing Bai Renying's words, Bai Renyan's eyes also opened.

Unexpectedly, this person who was looking for was actually the one who killed the brother.

"It's him?" The Jinjia man was also slightly startled at the moment. What a coincidence?

Immediately afterwards, he drank angrily: "Where is he now?"

"He, now we are in Wan Jianfeng!" Bai Renying replied.

"Just at Wan Jianfeng?" Jin Jia's face moved again.

Soon, a cold smile appeared on his face: "Good! Good! Good!"

He said three "good" words in a row, "This has saved a lot of things in this seat.

Take this seat to see him soon, here, see you soon! "

As he talked, he saw the voice of this man in gold armor getting colder and colder.

It seems that the whole space can be frozen.

"Your Excellency, please follow us." It was Bai Renying again.

Then, she saw her figure and flew away.

At the moment when Bai Renying flew, the other Wan Jian returned to the four elders and flew.

Subsequently, the men in the Golden Armor, as well as their younger brother Bai Renyan, all flew into the night sky with their bodies.

Leaded by Wanjian Guizong Wulao, leading the man in gold armor, he flew towards the Wanjian Golden Pavilion.

"That's not bad, it turns out that this guy has hatred against that kid.

In this way, it saves us a lot of things. "Bai Renyi told several people around him.

"Yeah, everything seems to be doomed.

We, the Swordsmen, should not be extinct. The old man with long eyebrows responded.

"I'm just worried that this one is not the enemy of that person.

In that case, it really is..." Until now, Bai Renqi was still worried.


After Shi Feng returned to the Wanjian Golden Pavilion, he continued to meditate.

Today, Mu Liang, who is lying in bed, still hasn't slept.

That is really, do not want to sleep.

"Yu Ming Brother!" But at this moment, Mu Liang lying on the bed, his face suddenly moved, and his upper body straightened up from the bed.

In a move of the right hand, the Destiny Plate appeared in the hand.

Shenzhen, began to move around.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng woke up from the meditation, felt the movement of Mu Liang's side, slowly stood up, walked towards Mu Liang and asked him.

"Something." Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

"Oh." Shi Feng said softly, "Oh," followed, the thoughts were moved, and the power of the soul took the lead in sweeping in all directions.

"Small animals, get out of this seat." Suddenly, a rolling sound rang out in this world.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shocked the entire Wanjian Golden Pavilion, violently shocked.

"Ah!" Mu Liang exclaimed suddenly, his figure became unstable.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiao Hei also woke up from her sleep, yelling in shock.

"Humph!" Shi Feng snorted coldly, only to see him lift his right foot, and then slammed into the ground under his feet.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, he saw the violent Wanjian Golden Pavilion, which stabilized immediately.

Immediately after that, a figure flashed, and Shi Feng disappeared into the Wanjian Golden Pavilion.

"Xiaohei, let's go and see." Muliang said to Xiaohei.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwang!" Xiao Hei cried.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Liang and Xiao Hei's figure flashed at the same time and disappeared.

When Shi Feng appeared again, he had already appeared on the top of the Wanjian Golden Pavilion, looking up at the seven figures in the night sky.

But his eyes stared at the golden figure.

Unexpectedly, this guy appeared here!

"It was just right!" Shi Feng said with a sneer.

Shi Feng entered the site of Undead Demon God in search of Jin Mo, and finally found Jin Mo in the Undead Demon Tower.

However, at the time Jin Mo was bullied by a man who claimed to be the Shura clan, and Shi Feng was naturally angry.

Later, the Shura family's meditation called his father's avatar!

That doppelganger was destroyed by Skull Yan, and that mantra, Shi Feng would naturally not let him go and tortured him to death.

Then he collected his soul into Xumi Mountain. Now, he is still constantly being burned by flames, and it is better to die than to die.

At that time, they threatened themselves that the Shura army would enter the gods and exterminate themselves.

Now, finally here, I saw the deity father!

When Shi Feng's words fell, Mu Liang and Xiao Hei also flashed to the top of the Wanjian Golden Pavilion at this moment.

Together with Shi Feng, he looked up at the figures above.

"Kneel down and set aside Dantian!" At this moment, only the gold armor man could hear a deep voice.

Like Shi Feng, an irresistible order was issued.

"Don't waste Dantian, kneel!" However, Shi Feng responded to him with such a sentence and returned it directly to him...

(End of this chapter)

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