Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3837: Little Black Flying

Chapter 3837 Little Black Flying into the Sky

The sky gradually turned into the day.

Between heaven and earth, there was a gray.

On the top of Wan Jianfeng, there was a mist of white mist.

A ray of morning sun penetrated through the white mist.

Everything recovers, the sound of birdsong reverberates in the mountains, full of vitality of life.

Such a scene, if someone comes, I am afraid that at this moment, there was a massacre last night.

Tens of thousands of lives, the soul is here, and it will be trapped forever.

Shi Feng, standing proudly in the air, the first ray of sunlight, just sprinkled on his cold face.

The coldness on his face seemed to resolve slightly.

Mu Liang stood proudly at the top of the Wanjian Golden Pavilion, still looking up at him.

It can be said that this battle last night, this massacre, all started from itself.

Although it is said that this Shura and his army of Shura once had a hatred against him.

Wan Jian returned to the sect, the peak-level forces of the Gods Realm, just because of themselves, so close to destruction.

Thinking of these in his mind, Mu Liang sighed.

He was also fortunate to have met such a good friend, desperate for himself, and even slaughtered.

"Brother Yuming." a cry rang out from his mouth.

Shi Feng heard the cry, lowered his head slightly, and looked at Muliang.

Then, a figure flashed, and Shi Feng disappeared into the void.

When Shi Feng appeared again, he had returned to the Wanjian Golden Pavilion and returned to Muliang.

"Brother Yuming." Mu Liang shouted again when he saw Shi Feng coming again.

"In a few hours, you can meet your mother." Shi Feng said to Muliang.

Then he said, "At this time, you should have no obstacles that can stop you."

Shi Feng rescued Bai Rong, but still stayed in these **** realms, worried about what would happen between Mu Liang and his mother.

But now, there should be no change.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Mu Liang said, "Yeah.

Everything, thank you Youming Brother. "

"Huh." Shi Feng nodded gently.

In fact, it should be almost possible to leave now.

However, Shi Feng thought about it, or waited for today, and waited until the matter was completely settled here, before I talked about it.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

However, at this moment, the little black standing beside Shi Feng and Mu Liang seemed to feel it at this moment, and immediately lowered the dog's head and called out towards the bottom.

Hearing Xiaohe suddenly yelled, Shi Feng and Mu Liang also bowed their heads and looked down.

"the host!"

"the host!"

Hearing Xiao Hei's cry, below, two respectful voices suddenly sounded.

Calling Xiaohei as the master, it is naturally the red and white swordsmen.

Immediately afterwards, I saw two figures, one red and one white, floating up from below.

He also flew to the top of the Wanjian Golden Pavilion, kneeling at Xiao Hei on one knee, and kneeled there.

The war was in the night sky last night, and the movement was so great that the red and white swordsmen were naturally disturbed.

The two of them were standing in the courtyard in front of the Wanjian Golden Pavilion at that time, quietly looking at the battle in the night sky.

Hearing the name of Shura, the two of them thought that there would be no suspense in this battle.

But the result... The result did not expect that the famous Shura, in front of that one, was nothing.

It is really incredible.

Later they heard even more, it turned out that this young man, who had been despised by them, personally killed Wan Jian, the first genius of the sect, but the legendary Nine Nine Divine Lord!

This, I really did not expect that the legendary character who shocked the gods and the supreme realm, now even so close to them.

Nowadays, there is an inexplicable relationship.

The six strongest elders in the sect were eventually burned by him with him. One of them was Bai Renqi, their ancestor.

At that time, they also heard with their own ears that they were full of majesty and taught strict ancestors to them, but in the end, they pleaded hard for them, only to save their lives.

This is also the case of the ancestor who saw them for the first time.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it.

This is entirely because this one is the legendary Nine Nine God Lord.


"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

Seeing this kneeling red and white sword companion, Xiaohei shouted at them again.

However, the two of them are not Muliang, and they simply cannot understand what Xiaohei is calling.

Two young faces showed a daze.

Kneel without moving.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wang!" However, when he saw that the two of them were still, Xiaohei was a little angry and called a bit fierce.

"This..." Red and white swordsmen, at this moment even more at a loss.

"Should we stand up?" the white man thought to himself.

However, although he thinks so, he wants to stand, but he dare not stand...

I was afraid that the dog's intention would be wrong. At that time, it would be another torture that was better than death.

"This... is really difficult!" The white man sighed in his heart.

This communication is so inconvenient, I really don't know what to do in the future.

This dog is moody. I am afraid that in the future, there will really be no good life.

"Hey!" Thinking of these, the man in white already felt that the road ahead was dark.

At this moment, Mu Liang reacted and said to them, "Okay, get up."

Xiao Hei called you two equals. "

Speaking of the word flat body, even Muliang was speechless.

This dead dog really means that.

"I'm leaning, I'm still flat!" The men in white, "keeping" in their hearts.

Follow, want to get up.

However, at the moment when the red and white swordsmen were about to get up, "Wang! Wang Wang! Wang Wangwang!"

I only heard the little black, and then yelled ferociously.

Hearing this ferocious cry, the red and white sword companions just moved, and they dared not move again.

Later, the two raised their heads together, and some of them looked to Muliang for help.

"You dead dog, you're enough." Muliang said to Xiaohe angrily.

Followed, some helplessly said to the red and white sword companions:

"This cheap dog is booming because you two didn't say that, thank Lord Long."

Man in white: "..."

Woman in red: "..."

At this moment, the two were speechless.

After a while, the two of them shouted in unison: "Thank Lord Long."

Then, the two kneeling bodies slowly stood up.

This time, Xiaohe didn't call again.

I saw above the black dog's face, showing the content of human satisfaction.

This expression looks in my eyes, really, I want to kill him.

Even Shi Feng beside him was speechless.

With a slight grin, this guy is really...

However, here, Shi Feng, another soul thought, has entered his space mystery, Xumi Mountain.

There are many hidden caves in Mount Xumi, a dark and spooky cave, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

I only listened to the screams of tremendous incompetence, and kept echoing here.

In the cave, there was a fierce white flame in the cave.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" The screams continued one after another, endlessly, sounding hairy as if Li Gui was screaming.

Chapter two

"Yaner! Yaner!"

There was a very sad voice in the screams.

It turned out that the person who was burnt by the white flame was the son of Shura who bullied Jinmo on the same day at the Undead Demon Tower, and he was cultivating words.

Shi Feng beheaded his words on the same day, because of his unforgivable crimes, he imprisoned his soul here. When he lived forever, he was constantly suffering from the burning of flames.

At that time, the flame he burned was the flame of the torch.

Later, it was replaced by this more fierce unicorn flame, the degree of pain was already incalculable.

I just felt that it was really painful and hard to endure, and it was more painful than death.

Compared with this, Bai Rong, who was once imprisoned in the world of Shura by Bai Renfan, is incomparable, and this soul is constantly suffering from the burning pain of Qilin flame burning.

"Father! Ah! Father! Save me, father! Save me, father! Father, ah! Ah! Ah! Father, where are you, come and save me, I am really miserable, father, you have to Revenge me! Revenge my father."

Bai Yanzhong's remarks suddenly heard his father Shura's cry, and his heart shook, and he burst into a shout of shouts.

The voice of shouting, in pain, showed endless cruelty.

Howling like a ghost.

However, what he did not know is that, in fact, his father Shura was not far away.

However, his powerful and invincible father is now a waste person. Dan Tian was destroyed, his bones and organs were broken, and he was paralyzed on the ground.

In comparison, it's not even as good as a waste person.

Hearing his son's screams and hearing the sounds, Shura only felt his heart and became more painful.

I feel more powerless, and even feel that I am more useless.

It turned out that his son did not die out.

But this situation is really not as good as it is now.

"Ah! Father! Have you heard the baby's words? Come on, save the baby!

Father, come and save the baby, the baby is really painful and painful! Ah! Father, where are you! Come on, come on! "

Seeing that his father did not respond, Xiuyan's shouting became louder.

Asura listened to his ears and only felt more uncomfortable.

"Yan'er..." Shura yelled these two words softly, and no longer shouted loudly.

I am afraid that these two words can only be heard by himself.

He was afraid that when he heard his voice, he would arouse his emotions even more.

Perhaps there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, feeling that the invincible father would come sooner or later, to avenge him and rescue him from this misery.

But where did he know that his invincible father had now been tortured by that person to be unnatural.

"Strength! Ah! Strength!" At this moment, Shura really desired power.

If there is a more powerful force, it will not be so miserable.

"Think of me, Shura, beating countless enemies in my life, and now it is so end."

Shura was really unwilling.

"Does it hurt?"

Suddenly at this moment, Shura heard a young voice and suddenly sounded in his ear.

Immediately after, a pair of legs appeared in front of him.

As soon as Shura saw it, he immediately looked up. Soon, the figure, the incomparable face of Leng Jun appeared in his eyes.

This person, looking aloft, looked down at himself.

In Shura's memory, no one has dared to face himself in this life.

"You!" Shu Luoton spit out a "you" word at him.

Then he said with hate: "Kill and don't kill, what do you want to do?"

"It's useful to keep you," Shi Feng said to him.

Then he said: "I heard that you are in another world and have been contending with an evil force. I want to know what that evil force is called."

"Everyone knows that I cultivate a family and fight against the Protoss for generations. Without the efforts of my ancestors and the blood of the Shura tribe, I am afraid that the Protoss would have invaded these gods!

How could this little **** realm be so peaceful. "

Asura returned to Shi Feng.

"Really, Protoss!" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart when he heard Shura's words.

At this moment, the impression of Shura has changed.

In particular, he said that they cultivated families for generations!

This can also be regarded as a hero family.

"You, kill if you want to kill. Now it's in your hands. I never thought of leaving here alive.

Also, what do you mean by torturing my words?

It would be better to let my father and son die. "Sura said in a deep voice.

"Your son committed an unforgivable sin and naturally endured this endless pain. This is completely what he asked for!" Shi Feng replied coldly after hearing Shura's words.

He is deserved of guilty to bullying Jinmo.

"And you, I won't kill you." Shi Feng said to Shura again.

"You, hum!" Shura snorted at him.

When Shi Feng said that he wouldn't kill him, he naturally thought that this guy must treat himself like he does with words.

I want to make myself suffer from endless flame burning.

"Is it dead or alive, is it the torture or the relief of eternal life, next, look at yourself." Shi Feng said.

Asura asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Take me to see the world of Shura." Shi Feng answered simply.

The world of Shura made him feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Shi Feng wants to know where the familiarity comes from.

And what is there?

This, he must figure it out.

"You want to enter the world of Shura?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Shura's face moved suddenly.

He naturally felt that this person was uncomfortable.

If you let him enter the world of Shura, I am afraid...

Shura still remembers, but the army of tens of thousands of Shura, just last night, was bitten and chewed by this guy's avatar.

The screams of pain seemed to echo back to my ears.

This is a wicked man!

"Yes." Shi Feng answered.

Then he said, "Take me to the world of Shura!

Next, don’t mess with me.

Otherwise, I will make you suffer more painful than your son. "Shi Feng threatened Shura.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

However, when he heard Shi Feng's words, the Shura laughed.

Laughing crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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