Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3871: Last resort

Chapter 3871 Final Means

Above the higher sky, the fighting between the two giants became more fierce.

Time is still passing by.

The battle continues continuously.

As if the outcome is difficult to distinguish.

Below, a person is still waiting eagerly.

Waiting for the victory or defeat of this battle, waiting for whether he is alive or dead.

"This battle, I don't know when it will fight!"

"Hey, yes! Always tugging my heart."

"You said that the evil dragon is fighting with this clone now. If we flee at this time, will we?"

"You think too much. Our world has already been sealed by this evil dragon with an enchantment, and it is impossible to escape.

And if you move rashly, it is most likely to die.

I would advise you to let go of this mind and wait for the outcome of this battle. "

"Okay... OK. Hey!"


"Boom boom boom! boom boom boom!"


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

This bang was more violent than before.

And this time the roar of the two giants was more violent, stern, and tragic than before.

Gradually, gradually...

People suddenly discovered that the chaos above the higher firmament had begun to calm down and slowly stabilize.

"The winner is divided?" Someone suddenly shouted when they saw this scene.

" seems so!"

Seeing this one by one, the spirit came immediately.

"Who wins and loses? How is it?"

A pair of eyes quickly stared.

"The battle is over." In another piece of void, even Shi Feng spit out these words slowly.

"Emperor, how is the battle going?" You Chen asked quickly when he heard Shi Feng's words.

"Both lose and hurt." Shi Feng said.

"Both lose?"

"Both lose?"

"Both lose out!"

With Shi Feng's answer, You Chen, Mu Liang, and Gloomy Monkey uttered a call at the same time.

Gradually, as the sky became stable, two huge figures slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The green dragon, as if the spirit is exhausted, crawls into the sky, motionless.

People have already discovered that the green dragon has now become extremely thin.

Just like a gust of wind, it can be blown away.

And another dark giant squatted in the void.

The situation is not much better than that of the green dragon.

The dark body is also extremely light.

He gave out bursts of breath, like a huge wave slowly rising and falling.

"Why doesn't it move?"

"This is, are all hurt?"

"It seems... isn't it?"

"The battle is a tie?"

"Now this... who can see what the situation is now, tell us about it." someone shouted.

However, people like them naturally can't see the slightest reason.

Immediately afterwards, they cast their eyes to the side where Shi Feng's four were.

Someone shouted: "Your Excellency, how is the situation now?"

"Both lose and hurt!" Shi Feng did not speak, and You Chen uttered a reply to those people.

"Both lose and lose? In other words, that dragon is already badly hurt?"

"It looks like it should be."

"We...maybe we can..."

"I suggest that we should not act without authorization.

Even if that evil dragon is severely wounded, with our strength, I am afraid that even a single breath can turn us into ashes. "

"Uh... so too! Is it just like this and just watch the changes? If you wait like this, if the evil dragon recovers."

"This... hey... Tell me, what is the best?"

"I think..." Hearing these noisy voices, suddenly Murong Hao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said:

"Let's see how those people do. Only they know what the situation is like."

"Well...this is also true." Hearing Murong Hao's words, people nodded one after another.


"You all stay here, I'll go and bring that thing to fruit."

At this moment, Shi Feng said to the three of Mu Liang.

"Great Emperor, are you okay?" You Chen asked Shi Feng with a worried face.

"It's hard to say, but for me, it won't be that easy for the dragon to kill me.

But if you get close to that thing, it is still extremely dangerous, so no matter what happens, don't go up. "Shi Feng replied.

When answering this sentence, his face looked extremely solemn.

"Subordinates understand." You Chen nodded.

Before You Chen's words fell, Shi Feng's figure suddenly moved and he rushed up.

Madly rushed to the three-headed six-armed body and the green dragon.

During the flight, Shi Feng had already felt that his three-headed six-armed body had been under his control again.

This means that he is really exhausted, that guy, fell into a sleepy state.

Shi Feng tried to manipulate the three-headed six-armed body at this moment, but he already had no strength at all.

After a thought, the black lotus body, who was paralyzed in the void, slowly disappeared from his body.

Turned into black lotus, returned to Shi Feng's mind.

"This one rushed forward."

"He has taken back his clone!"

"Although the clone was injured, this one seems to be in good condition now?"

"Yes. Perhaps, he himself is full of terrifying power.

Perhaps this time, we are really saved! "

"Yeah! Yeah! Looking at this man's current posture, he should be planning to give this evil dragon a fatal blow!

I hope this time, it can really be destroyed! "

"God bless! God bless! God bless the sky!"


Seeing Shi Feng rushing up madly, the dragon was getting closer and closer, with great momentum.

One by one, in my heart, there was hope.

One by one, fists clenched involuntarily once again, really excited and nervous, and some people began to pray secretly in their hearts.

"Oh!" The green dragon, crawling higher in the sky, already saw Shi Feng rushing up violently.

Immediately directed at him, a dragon chant erupted.

It's just that, now this dragon chant sounds like it has no power at all.

It only shook this area of ​​heaven and earth boiled slightly, only boiled slightly.

It was incomparable to the previous violent dragon roars.

"Naughty animal, this emperor will destroy it!" Shi Feng raised his head to face the evil dragon, and let out this voice coldly at him.

At this time, it should be more certain to use Tianluo Ziyan.

But this space is limited, and Leng Aoyue still cannot communicate with this place.

Shi Feng can use the strongest power now, that is...the sky demon slaying the devil formation!

"Kill!" After a cold drink, a white light flashed.

Shi Feng sacrificed his Mount Xumi.

After that, Mount Xumi flew up wildly, looking like it was smashing into the evil dragon!

Chapter two


The green dragon is like an endless mountain floating in the sky.

The Mount Xumi, which came up violently, was nothing but a hill in comparison.

Although the Mount Xumi that was sacrificed is still growing.

"Sky demon, slaying demon formation!" Shi Feng signed an ancient demon mark with both hands, his handprints kept flying, and he shouted.

Suddenly, in the Mount Xumi, a series of golden sky demon runes flew out from it, densely packed with golden light shining.

It was like a violent storm and swept towards the green dragon.

"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

The soul of the true dragon continued to howl in anger.

Under the envelope of the sky demon rune, the sky demon slaying demon formation was concluded instantly.

The space in which it was located immediately undergone earth-shaking changes.

One piece of gold, one piece of chaos.

Golden flames, burning wildly.

The golden flood is surging.

The golden thunder exploded wildly.

Golden hurricane storm rolls.

There is also a golden demon general appeared, holding various demon soldiers, and holding them high against this green dragon.


A wave of ancient sky demon power blasted the green dragon violently.

"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

The painful roar of the dragon continued to echo.

"Okay, great! Under this person's power, this evil dragon began to cry again."

"The power of this launch is not as strong as the previous clone, but it is also very strong."

"There is hope, this time, it seems that we really have hope."

"Yes, that's right! It's really great.

For countless years, no one has ever encountered the soul of a true dragon and can go out alive.

And we survived! "

"This time when we went out, we could brag for a long time.

Haha, hahahaha, from now on, there will be no more true dragon souls in the Dragon Blood Forest, haha! "

Many people looked up at the sky and laughed excitedly.

"Oh! Ooh! Ooh!" The painful cry of the green dragon continued to echo.

The more painful it screamed, the happier they laughed.

"The destiny plate, there are instructions again." At this moment, Mu Liang suddenly said.

However, Mu Liang didn't pay much attention to Mu Liang's voice, You Chen and the Gloomy Monkey.

Seeing the scene in front of me now, I don't need the guidance of the destiny disk at all.

But Mu Liang, looking down at the face of the Destiny Pan, slowly changed.

"Not good!" Suddenly, Mu Liang's eyes widened and changed suddenly.

With this exclaim, both You Chen and the gloomy monkey reacted immediately.

"What's wrong? What did you see?" You Chen asked quickly.

Mu Liang did not answer him, but screamed violently at the sky: "Be careful!"

"Be careful?"

Shi Feng controlled the Sky Demon Slayer Array with all his strength, and with the bombardment of the Sky Demon Slayer Array, he already thought that everything was under his control.

If this continues, the evil dragon will be killed sooner or later.

However, at this moment, he heard a "careful"?

And this is Mu Liang's voice.

"Huh!" There was an extremely shrill sound.

Shi Feng suddenly saw a huge green thing resembling a thunder, across the sky, and bombing towards him.

"This is...this!" After Shi Feng saw it clearly, his face changed drastically.

That's nothing else, it's the dragon's tail!

Unexpectedly, Dragon Tail unexpectedly came out of the Sky Demon Slayer Array...

The dragon's tail galloped extremely fast, and it had arrived when Shi Feng reacted.

"Pop!" An extremely crisp sound exploded violently.

Shi Feng, the whole person suffered a serious one!

"Ah!" An extremely stern and violent yell came from his mouth again.

His body was once again smashed by the dragon's tail ferociously.

"Ah! Not good!"

"The Great!"

"Brother Nether!"

The three of You Chen looked at that scene, and they were shocked again.

People who originally thought that this battle would be over, but who thought that they could live without any suspense, all showed incomparable shock.

All this happened too suddenly!

"Ah! Oops!"


Shi Feng felt the severe pain again.

Once again feel that his body will die.

Clenching your teeth!

"It's a wicked animal. You even counterattacked this emperor! However, you were unable to destroy this emperor during your previous full strength, so let alone this time!"

Shi Feng said fiercely.

The body is still like a broken sandbag, flying backwards.

It didn't stop until flying out for a long time.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" He was breathing heavily in his mouth.

However, his eyes still looked at where the green dragon and the Heavenly Demon Slaying Demon Array were located, "The difference... almost..."

He gasped.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw again that the golden ancient runes that swallowed the green dragon had all disappeared.

However, the green dragon has disappeared.

This means...

"The soul of the true dragon has been wiped out?"

"Not necessarily! It's possible, right?"

"If the soul of the true dragon is really wiped out, this world should return to darkness.

But now, it's still green one..." When someone said this, they suddenly saw that the green light between the sky and the earth disappeared instantly.

This dragon blood forest has once again returned to an endless darkness.

This means...

"Disappeared! The green light disappeared! We are free from the enchantment of the true dragon soul, we are really alive."

"Ah! It really is. It seems that the soul of the true dragon has really been destroyed. Great!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

People started laughing again.

But then someone saw that the fairy mountain where the golden runes were released not long ago, and the cloud-shrouded fairy mountain, seemed to have lost all its power and began to fall.

But for the time being, no one will pick it up.

After all, this artifact is owned by that one.

That one didn't recall him and let him fall. Obviously, the last counterattack of the Soul of the True Dragon really caused him a very serious blow.

"Boom!" Mount Xumi fell heavily, and there was a violent roar in the dragon blood forest below him.

"The Great!"


You Chen, Mu Liang, and Gloomy Monkey didn't care about the others at this moment, and hurriedly flew towards the severely injured Shi Feng.

Although Shi Feng could still levitate the sky, he looked extremely weak.

The complexion and momentum are extremely poor.

A blue **** pill was swallowed by him.

Looking at the three people who were flying, Shi Feng shouted to them: "Protect the Law for me. It will take some time to recover."


"Don't worry!"

"The lord recovers in peace, and then leave it to me."


(End of this chapter)

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