Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3876: Beloved her

Chapter 3876 Beloved Her

"When you enter Longyuan Cave, you don't have to watch out for anything.

Here, there is no danger.

It just takes some time to get out of Longyuan Cave. "

The dark fruit doll standing on Shi Feng's shoulders said to Shi Feng.

However, even though this guy said so, Shi Feng did not put down his vigilance at all.

I've been feeling wholeheartedly, preventing danger.

No matter at any time, anywhere, do not take it lightly.

Especially this kind of strange place that has never been in the future.

Furthermore, it's just other people saying that there is no danger.

When the words of the dark fruit doll fell, the gloomy monkey was there, and slowly said:

"Longyuan Cave, in fact, hides unknown dangers, but many people don't know it."

When he said these words, he suddenly saw a touch of sadness on his face.

Before, he looked like a man with a story.

At this moment, this look is back again.

"Longyuan Cave is dangerous?

I have traveled through Longyuan Cave many times, but I have never encountered it. "The dark fruit doll said.

"That's you lucky, you haven't met." The gloomy monkey said again.

After saying this, he didn't say anything.

It seems that I don't want to talk to him more.

"Oh, is it?" Hearing his words, the dark fruit doll's face appeared, revealing a hint of suspicion.

Continue to say: "Then you are talking about, how dangerous is this Longyuan Cave?

What is the evil thing? "

This time, the ghastly monkey ignored him.

After a while, I still didn't speak.

With both eyes, staring ahead, seeing him like this, it seemed that he had fallen into some kind of sad memory.

Shi Feng also saw something faintly from his face, and said to him:

"Let's talk about it, what have you encountered here?"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the gloomy monkey slowly turned his head to look at him, and said:

"My lord, in fact, I didn't see clearly what I encountered back then.

But I did meet it. "

"Maybe what you have encountered is just the illusion you have seen." The dark fruit doll interjected at this moment.

"I, what I saw is not an illusion! No!" However, upon hearing the words of the Dark Fruit Doll, the gloomy monkey's face suddenly changed, and he said viciously.

Emotions also became a bit agitated.

"Why are you so excited." Seeing this, Dark Fruit pouted a small mouth on the cute face.

"I, the person I love most in this life, is that I have disappeared forever in this damn, Longyuan Cave!"

The excitement on the face of the gloomy monkey did not change, and he roared at the dark fruit doll.

When he heard this, Shi Feng, You Chen, and the Dark Fruit Doll moved at the same time.

No wonder, this guy is so excited.

It turned out to be...

Really, a person with a story.

When I first saw him, I put my spirit in a coffin and played a ghost. The whole person is not like a person and a ghost is not like a ghost.

It turns out that he once had a beloved one!


The dark fruit doll fell silent and stopped speaking.

Shi Feng and You Chen didn't say anything at this time.

Slowly, the excitement on the face of the gloomy monkey slowly disappeared, and it seemed that he had slowly calmed down.

Said to Shi Feng, "I'm sorry my lord, I just failed to control myself."

"Human nature, don't need to say sorry." Shi Feng said to him.

From his perspective, it would be difficult for anyone to control his emotions.

"If you can, just say it briefly, what happened to you back then." Shi Feng said to the gloomy monkey again.

Shi Feng treated him as a prisoner when he began to subdue this guy.

If he didn't need him to lead the way, I'm afraid he would be killed directly at that time.

With the contact, especially above the Dragon Blood Forest, he was hit hard, and he stepped forward to fight for himself.

Shi Feng had already regarded him as his own.

"Yeah." The gloomy monkey nodded slowly.

Then he spoke and said, "I and her entered the dragon's mouth together, hoping to have adventures here.

Along the way, we were all fortunate enough to come to this Longyuan Cave.

Before we entered the Heavenly Desolate Dragon's Mouth, we had already carefully understood and studied this secret land.

From the news we got, we also knew that this Longyuan Cave was not dangerous.

So when we entered Longyuan Cave, she and I had no defense at all here.

In this way, speeding in the Longyuan Cave.

I... will never forget that scene, Longyuan Cave, suddenly appeared twisted, a dark mouth appeared.

We were unprepared and rushed directly into that big mouth. "

Hearing this, You Chen asked: "You also entered that big mouth? Then, how did you survive?"

"I don't know! I really don't know." Hearing You Chen's question, Sinister Monkey shook his head and said.

After that, he said: "After that, endless darkness swallowed everything about me.

In that darkness, I didn't know whether I was alive or dead. No matter how I shouted or moved vigorously, I made a sound and couldn't move my body.

Just between that muddled. My beloved her is no longer by my side.

In this way, I learned later that I stayed in the endless darkness for three years, until the day after three years, the endless darkness slowly receded, and I, just like that, returned to this dragon. Yuandong! "

"In three years, I did not forget her for a moment.

After returning to Longyuan Cave, I started looking for her. The whole Longyuan Cave was flown back and forth ten times by me!

However, I never saw her figure or her body.

At that time, I even imagined that she might return to Longyuan Cave before me, or she might have already returned home.

But... But... But..."

Speaking of this, the voice of the gloomy monkey suddenly became choked.

At this moment, his tears flickered, and a big man actually started to cry like this.

"I came to her home to look for her, but her family told me that her soul stone was broken three years ago!

In other words, three years ago, she rushed into that dark mouth with me, and died! "

While talking, the gloomy monkey has become more and more sad.

His body trembled slightly uncontrollably.

I didn't expect that he still had such a past.

Once, loved such a person.

Chapter two

"Well, don't be sad!" Shi Feng said, comforting him.

"Hey!" You Chen sighed deeply when he heard the words of the gloomy monkey.

With a sigh of emotion: "It is said that men have tears and do not flick them lightly, but they are not sad!"

"Next, we all have to pay attention and don't take it lightly!" Shi Feng snorted.

Then he said to the gloomy monkey: "If we really encounter that dark mouth, I will destroy it and avenge your beloved one!"

Shi Feng said this sentence, that Leng Jun face has become unusually serious and serious.

The gloomy monkey looked at him with gratitude: "Much...thank you lord."

Now, for the strength of this person, the gloomy monkey is more and more convinced.

If you really meet the evil animal with him, he should be able to really destroy it.

"Lianqing, I'm here, can you hear my heart? My beloved Lianqing!"

The gloomy monkey shouted in his heart.

Three figures continued to gallop in this Longyuan Cave.

Now, the gloomy monkey really hopes that the big mouth of darkness that swallowed himself and his beloved one will appear again.

It's just a pity that Longyuan Cave has always been extremely calm and has always been such a green color.

"It seems that we have never met." Suddenly, the dark fruit doll said such a sentence.

Because he could see that their group was about to fly out of this Longyuan Cave.

This time, the ghastly monkey did not quarrel with him anymore, but sighed deeply in his heart with some disappointment: "Hey!"

"Don't worry, this place has already imprinted my soul mark. I have the treasure of space. If nothing happens in the future, I will visit this place often."

Shi Feng seemed to have seen the gloomy monkey's heart again, and comforted him again.

After he has his own soul mark, in the future, he can indeed come to this Longyuan Cave from time to time through his space treasure Solo magic lamp.

The Gloomy Monkey didn't know much about the spatial power of Solo's magic lamp.

He thought that Shi Feng was just comforting him, so he nodded and said nothing more.

"It's about to leave Longyuan Cave. After Longyuan Cave, it is Longlin River!

Flying above the Dragon Scale River, we must all be careful! "

At this time, the dark fruit doll raised her voice suddenly and reminded Shi Feng.

"Then Longlin River, what is so dangerous?" Shi Feng asked hurriedly.

"Longlin River is filled with poison all year round, and the most terrifying thing is, if you see the golden poisonous mist, you must avoid it as soon as possible."

Said the dark fruit doll.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said with a light "Oh", already beginning to imagine the Longlin River.

"This Longlin River, since it is named after the dragon, what does it have to do with it?" Shi Feng asked again.

"It is rumored that the true dragon fell, the dragon scales fell off, rotted, and turned into that poisonous river!

After that, the virulence became more and more serious! Flying out of the Longlin River, there is still a glimmer of life, but if it falls into the Longlin River, then there is no bones left. "

The dark fruit doll said.

And when he said these words, his dark and chubby face had become extremely serious.

"Have you ever entered this Longlin River back then?" Shi Feng asked the gloomy monkey again.

Hearing Shi Feng's question, the gloomy monkey shook his head and said, "I returned from the darkness and only had her in my heart. How can I stay in this secret place again."

"Yes!" Shi Feng nodded.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Three sounds of breaking through the sky sounded in a sky.

Shi Feng, You Chen, and the gloomy monkey have already flown into an endless sky.

It's just that, although this sky is also dark, it has a sense of grayness.

Shi Feng could feel that several of them were already in a poisonous mist.

Immediately, the Nine Nether Power began to resist.

You Chen and the gloomy monkey also gained strength at this time.

"Huh? You have nothing to do?" At this moment, only the Dark Fruit doll sat motionless on Shi Feng's shoulder.

On his body, there is no slight fluctuation of power.

"Of course, I am just a fruit!

These poisons are useful for your physical bodies, and what use are they for me. "Dark Fruit Doll said with a natural expression.

Think about it carefully too!

"I also found out. It seems that these poisons have no effect on me." At this moment, You Chen also suddenly spoke.

Just now, although he had also carried the ghost power to contend, he compared it and found that the aura flowing around did not cause any harm to himself.

So when he said that, he also removed the ghost power from his body.

"Don't be happy too early!" However, when You Chen just withdrew from the ghost power, the Dark Fruit Doll said this to him.

"What do you say?" You Chen asked him.

The fruit doll said: "What we are encountering now is just this lowest level of gray mist.

Although this gray mist does no harm to your ghost body, if you encounter the blue mist, I am afraid that you are the body of a ghost, and it can turn you into gray in an instant. "

"Uh..." You Chen said "Uh".

"Moreover, the power of this blue mist may be contained in the gray poisonous mist at any time."

Hearing what he said, for the sake of safety, You Chen used the ghost power that was withdrawn just now to operate again.

"Okay, go! Let me fly in the forefront, you follow me." Shi Feng said to You Chen and the gloomy monkey.

"Yes, the Great!"

"Yes, Lord!"

The gloomy monkey responded with You Chen at the same time.

Shi Feng flew to the front when he moved.

Then, You Chen and the Gloomy Monkey followed closely.

The three figures began to shuttle in this poisonous fog!


However, not long after they left, a tender voice suddenly sounded in the night sky where they were just now.

This is the girl from the Qianyue family who has been following them, and now she has also come to this dragon scale river.

Looking at the billowing poisonous mist, he lowered his head and looked at.

It is said that once it fell into the Dragon Scale River, there was no bones left.

So she wanted to see how this terrifying dragon scale river in the rumor looked like.

It's just that the poisonous mist is rolling, and she can't see it with her naked eyes.

Since she couldn't stand it down, she raised her head again, and stared at the front again, looking at the looming figures that were about to disappear.

"They fly away.

Me, hey! After she struggled again, then her suspended figure moved again and again, and she kept moving through the poisonous mist.


Along the way, according to the words of the dark fruit doll, they are very lucky.

What I saw was gray poisonous fog, and no poison of other colors was seen.

Longlinhe is rumored to have various toxicities. If a powerful poisonous mist appears, even the powerhouse of the peak realm of the gods will have to hate it.

"In the Longlin River, rumors have bred countless treasures.

If you have the courage, in fact, you can give it a try... well... without fear of death..."

(End of this chapter)

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