Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 4021: Earth God King

Chapter 4021, the God King

The hideous thorn, contains boundless power of terror.

Although Shi Feng and Lai Ye flew up, the thorns continued to rise from the ground, chasing them madly.

At this moment, Lai Ye was still in a state of panic, keeping his head down, looking at the fierce and fierce force of the earth below him.

This is enough to destroy her to pieces.

It's just that, holding Shi Feng flying up her arms, at this moment, her right foot is stepping down.

"Boom! Bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!" There was a bang, and it went wild again.

I saw that the huge thorn that blasted them violently was constantly ripping out.

"Sure enough, he is still the best." Rainer whispered.

From knowing him until now, I haven't seen him, he can't deal with it.

Just like the last time I met the big green snake in the sixth domain, it was terrifying and mighty. I thought that this time, he really encountered a difficult opponent.


Not long ago, I encountered that strange giant shadow in the **** prison, and was chased by him, and finally ran away.

From now to now, he flew up with his arms around him, his face calm and unhurried.


Immediately afterwards, Raino reacted suddenly.

"He...he...he...wrapped my...waist!" Thinking of this, Lai Ye immediately moved his hands and pushed Shi Feng.

"Huh?" With this push, Shi Feng twisted his eyebrows and gradually released that hand.

The two figures were suspended in the air at the same time.

"Get out." Shi Feng said faintly.

As Shi Feng's voice fell, "Oh, ha ha, ha ha ha ha."

"Oh, ha ha ha."

Just listen to bursts of laughter, ringing from under them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ground below was rioting again. The ground was surging like a wild sea, and the movement was extremely quiet, and the scene looked extremely shocking.

A figure slowly emerged from the rioting ground.

The whole body exudes a terrifying explosive power.

At this moment, Shi Feng's eyes were already staring at the figure.

The figure gradually became clear.

He is a brawny bald man wearing purple armor.

"Unexpectedly, you could break my earth thorn!" The bald head looked up and said, looking at Shi Feng above.

When he said this, there was a playful sneer on his face.

It seems that the blow just now was also his tentative blow.

Even if Shi Feng broke it, he didn't care much.

"That one! That one is the Divine King of Mingfa City!"

"The King of the Earth, one of the three major guardians of Mingfa City?"

"I recognize him, it is indeed the King of the Earth God! I didn't expect the King of the Earth God to be dispatched."

"This person, a demon, is wanted by Mingfa City, and the Lord of the Earth himself appeared and arrested him!

However, just now, they actually avoided the blow of the Earth God King. It seems that they can commit crimes in Mingfa City, their strength is really extraordinary. "

"Um... I just felt that the blow of the Earth God King absolutely blasted me into flesh.

But they..."


With the appearance of the King of the Earth God, Dao Dao cried out in shock, constantly resounding in this city of Buruo.

"Give you a chance to mobilize your strongest power so as not to leave regrets and die." Shi Feng said to the bald earth **** king below.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the earth **** king raised his head and laughed.

"It seems that this **** king just launched a random blow, which made you proud.

Catch the blow that made you desperate! "

When the earth **** king said this, his right hand moved up violently and pushed out wildly with a palm.

"Oh!" A sound of dragon chants suddenly sounded.

I saw a huge earth dragon appearing, opening its teeth and dancing claws, opening its mouth and roaring, flying towards Shi Feng and Lai Ye.

"Earth God Dragon! One of the strongest stunts of the Earth God King."

"Yes, it is indeed the Dragon of the Earth! Over the years, there have been countless strong men who have died under this trick."

"The God King of the Earth directly used the God Dragon of the Earth. It seems that this time he is really serious."

"Well, activating the Divine Dragon of the Earth has proved that the King of the Earth God has regarded this person as his true opponent!"


As soon as the huge earth dragon appeared, the startled cries rang again.

Shi Feng could see that the power used by this bald head at this moment was indeed much stronger than the previous ground thorn.


"Brother Tianwu, what do you think?"

In a void not far from the city of Buruo, two figures were suspended.

One of them is a majestic middle-aged man, wearing a white shirt and a white cloak behind him, rolling in the wind.

The other is an old man with long hair and long beard, immortal wind and bones, wearing a loose robe, like a fairy descending to the earth.

The questioner just now was the middle-aged person.

He is the City Lord of Mingfa City, Murong Yunhe.

And he called the other man Tianwu brother, it seems that he was the Tianwu teacher who was in Mingfa City that day, giving lectures to the children of all the families.

On that day, Murong Yunhe also blocked Mingfa City because of him!

Hearing Murong Yunhe's words, Tian Wu slowly shook his head, and said, "This person, I still don't understand it, so it's not easy to say."

"Oh?" Murong Yunhe said "Oh" when he heard Tianwu's words, and then said: "So, Brother Tianwu didn't see it either?

Could it be that this person's martial arts cultivation is above you and me, surpassing the peak? "

"Not necessarily!" Tian Wu said solemnly on his face.

"Keep watching." Then Tian Wu said again.


The earth dragon rushed in the ground below. At this moment, Shi Feng finally made a move.

I saw his right hand, and looked down randomly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw his seemingly small hand, holding the huge dragon head in his hand.





The huge earth dragon roared, struggling violently and resisting.

However, after being held by that hand, no matter how violently he moved, he couldn't break free.

As if, has been tightly imprisoned.

"He held the Earth Dragon!"

"Yeah, the Earth God Dragon launched by the God King of the Earth! This...this...this is too powerful and fierce, right?"

"Well, what is the origin of this person, unexpectedly..."

"It's fierce! It's really fierce, **** me!"

"This...what kind of cultivation level has it reached to achieve this?

Could it be that this is, that the one who has reached the peak and made the extreme realm is not successful? "

"Does this still need to be said? The Earth God King, among the four heavenly powers of the Gods, can also be regarded as the top.

And he held the strongest blow of the Earth God King so easily, enough to explain..."

"I rely on! No wonder, no wonder you dare to provoke Mingfa City, it turns out that you really have the confidence to provoke!"


At this moment, the people in the city of Buruo, looking at the extremely shocking scene in the sky, were directly shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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