Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 814: Ben doesn't care who your father is!

Chapter 814: I Don't Care Who Your Father Is!

Wanbao Commercial Building.

"Hum!" Lengheng gazed coldly at Shi Feng's Xuanyuan Yanrou.

A proud look of irony appeared on Shi Feng.

She was waiting, waiting for the man's face to change next.

In Xuanyuan's smoky mind, he appeared at this moment, and then showed a face of extreme fear, extreme anxiety, and extreme regret.

As for this person still holding his wrist, Xuanyuan Yanrou believed that panic had made him wonder what to do.

But Xuanyuan Yanrou was not in a hurry. After he understood, he would know that he had one more guilt.

"Xuanyuan City's daughter, Xuanyuan Yanrou!"

At this moment, the maid in Wanbao's building changed his face, panic, anxiety, horror, regret, Xuanyuan Yanrou's imagination, the expression that appeared on Shi Feng's face, one by one appeared on the maid's face.

Xuanyuan Yanrou, the daughter of Xuanyuan City's owner Xuanyuan Changyun, these names are like a giant maid to her breathlessness.

Offending the Lord of Xuanyuan City in his own capacity, it is easier to kill himself than to pinch an ant.

"It's Xuanyuan Yanrou! That's right, it's the pearl of Xuanyuan City Master, Xuanyuan Yanrou!"

"It turned out she was Xuanyuan Yanrou, no wonder she was so beautiful!"

"If these women can marry, they will not only get her beauty, but also absolute power. If I could marry her, I would rather die for ten years, no, and twenty years."

The movement here has long attracted the attention of other people in the hall. After Xuanyuan Yanrou self-reported, the movement in the entire hall suddenly increased.

Xuanyuan Yanrou also noticed the gaze surrounding her and heard the voices of discussion, but she enjoyed the feeling of being surprised and surprised when others knew her identity.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Yanrou didn't move, Shi Feng held her wrist and slowly let go.

Xuanyuan Yanrou thought that this person was already extremely scared, regretted, and horrified. The hand that had just been released by Shi Feng suddenly moved again.

And this time, she also slaps, but this time, she slaps her face towards Shi Feng.

"Look for death!" When she saw this woman, she even started to do it herself, and Shi Feng drank in a hurry.

Followed by, Shi Feng's hand just released, followed immediately, and shook her face faster than Xuanyuan Yanrou.

Just listening to the hall, there was a loud crackling sound.

With this crisp sound, and staring at the face in this direction, a shocked face exaggerated.

They seemed to see extremely unreal images, and even doubted whether they were insane or wrong.

It should be the boy who offended Xuanyuan Yanrou, but at this moment, it was Xuanyuan Yanrou. The man's slap was suddenly thrown on Xuanyuan Yanrou's face.

Many people can't help but suddenly shake their heads, feeling that if they shake like this, things can become what they imagine.

I think it was the boy who was going to be beaten.

But facts are facts, and despite how difficult they are to accept, the facts are not changed by any thoughts or actions of them.

Xuanyuan Yanrou's white and delicate, beautiful and pretty face, has left a clearly visible five-finger palm print, and even a touch of blood, overflowing from Xuanyuan Yanrou's mouth corner.

"Xuanyuan Yanrou was really hit! This boy, he actually hit Xuanyuan Yanrou!"

"He ... it's too cruel, such a beautiful face, his slap even fanned out! This man, is it a man! Such a hot hand!"

"Yeah, let's not talk about Xuanyuan Yanrou's identity, but this beautiful face, who would be willing to fight!"

"He dares to fight Xuanyuan Yanrou, now he is absolutely dead!"

At this moment, even Xuanyuan Yanrou himself couldn't believe what happened to him.

I was beaten in the city of Xuanyuan, and I slapped in front of so many people.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Yanrou was absolutely snoring.

"Respect ... Dear guest, go quickly! You can't go any further."

Just then, the Wanbao merchant's maid uttered a voice and whispered to Shi Feng.

Anyway, it was he who offended Xuanyuan Yanrou himself, and it was he who helped himself to make such a disaster.

Although it was offensive to offend Xuanyuan Yanrou and protect the rights and interests of this young customer, this is his responsibility.

In any case, this Xuanyuan City will not let itself go, it is better to bear it by itself and let the teenager run as soon as possible.

"Want to run!" At this point, Xuanyuan Yanrou had already returned to God, and that cheeky face with five-finger fingerprints suddenly appeared a wicked look.

"You ... you hit me ... you dare hit me! My father will never let you go! You will have to pay a thousand times, ten thousand times the price, my father, will destroy your nine races, everything is related to you People will die terribly! "

Xuanyuan Yanrou gritted his teeth fiercely and said again fiercely.

Listening to the threat of Xuanyuan Yanrou, Shi Feng said coldly, "Lao Tzu, who is your father!"

"Pop!" There was another crisp sound, ringing in the lobby of this Wanbao commercial building.

Under the gaze of all eyes, they saw that Xuanyuan Yanrou was once again slapped hard by this boy!

Does this boy know that he will die and start to break the jar? Suddenly, they find a problem. If Xuanyuan Yanrou is in this place, he will be killed by this boy ...

After thinking about this problem, many people took a deep breath, Xuanyuan Yanrou's side, there seems to be no master protection.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be slapped by this person continuously.

"You! You hit me again! I fight with you, die! I want you to die!"

After being thrown with two slaps, Xuanyuan's smoke and softness have become like a vixen, angrily, screaming, his hands are claws, and a plume of purple smoke lingering between his claws, slamming away towards Shi Feng's face .

"Qingchuan!" Shi Feng whispered.

"Understand!" There was a response, a white figure flickered, even if it flew in front of Shi Feng.

Luo Qingchuan greeted the Xuanyuan Yanrou that came over, condensed the palm print on his right hand, and patted the palm toward the Xuanyuan Yanrou.

"Ah!" A cry of pain rang out, and Luo Qingchuan's palm was photographed on Xuanyuan's heart.

Xuanyuan's smoky body suddenly stopped in the void, motionless!

"Go!" Shi Feng uttered another low drink, and his body flew forward.

At this time, Luo Qingchuan also moved, stretched out his hand, and pinched Xuanyuan's smoke-like black hair that was as soft as a waterfall!

(End of this chapter)

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