Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 816: Xuanyuan Changyun's blow!

Chapter 816 Xuanyuan Changyun's Strike!

In the lobby of Wanbao Commercial Building, Kui Lao and Weida are still floating in the void, looking at the empty front door.

Next, Kui Lao said, "This person just passed on to me. If it was not for the master of Shi Jinshuai, he would kill you and me!"

When talking about this, Kui Lao's old face showed a bitter smile.

"Kill you and me!" Upon hearing this, Wei Da's face was frightened and angry, but thought about it again. If the boy really shook his own hands, then both of them ...

Thinking of this, Wei Da was shocked. Although Wanbao Commercial Building was powerful, he died in Wanbao Commercial Building. Although he might avenge himself, he died, but he died. what!


In Xuanyuan City, Shi Feng and Luo Qingchuan flew through the city and immediately attracted a lot of attention!

"This ... these two people dare to break through our Xuanyuan City and destroy the rails. This is Chi Guoguo's provocation against our Xuanyuan City. Are they dead?"

"You .. look .. that woman caught in that man's hand! God, am I dazzled? In our Xuanyuan City, she was choked by her hair, and she was still empty in our Xuanyuan City! "

"It's Xuanyuan Yanrou! That's right! It's Xuanyuan Yanrou! It's our Xuanyuan City Lord, Xuanyuan Changyun's palm pearl Xuanyuan Yanrou! Oh my god! These two guys, too crazy."

"Xuanyuan Yanrou, Xuanyuan Yanrou was hijacked!"

In the city of Xuanyuan below, there was a burst of exclaiming sounds. Many people who saw this scene couldn't believe the truth of the scene they saw.

"Let me go! You quickly let go of me! I am Xuanyuan Yanrou, I am Xuanyuan's daughter, you will not die, you will die! Your flesh will be given piece by piece by your father. Cut off and soak you in the salt water forever and ever! "

Xuanyuan Yanrou, who was holding in Luo Qingchuan's hands, was still like a madwoman, yelling constantly, and issuing vicious words one after another.

"Shut up to this seat!" At this moment, Luo Qingchuan gave a cold drink, and then mentioned it with his right hand, shaking his left hand, "Papa!" Two bursts of crisp sound echoed in the sky above Xuanyuan City.

Xuanyuan Yanrou, after Shi Feng, was severely slapped by Luo Qingchuan for two slaps. Previously, they were in front of the Wanbao commercial building, but at this moment, they were in front of Xuanyuan City, with a surprised look.

"Ah! Ah, ah, ah!" Xuanyuan Yanrou yelled frantically again, "Dead! I want you to die! I want you both to die! I want you to suffer the most painful in this world Death! "

"Not honest!"

"Pap!" Under Luo Qingchuan's cold drink, Luo Qingchuan's two slaps, and he flung out without mercy again, Xuanyuan Yanrou's glamorous face has been swollen. .

For Luo Qingchuan, what Xuanyuan Yanrou is soft and Xuanyuan Changyun, he does not look at it at all, only the person in front is the most respected existence in his life!

"Where did the mad thief come from, let go of my young master!" Just then, in Xuanyuan City, a sound of anger and drinking followed, followed by a figure of war armor, He flew up from Xuanyuan City, densely, rushing towards Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Seeing these murderous figures breaking through the sky, Shi Feng grunted coldly, followed closely, and a fierce blood-colored flame erupted on his body, starting to sweep in all directions, followed closely, right here in Xuanyuanzhi In the void of the city, a raging, tumbling fiery flame was burning.

The **** flames quickly devoured the flying figures, and the screams were too late to be emitted, and they were burned into nothingness by the flames and blood flames.

It's like a moth flinging fire.

At this time, Shi Feng spoke to Luo Qingchuan, who was next to him, and his body was also shuttled in **** flames: "Qing Chuan, this matter has already alarmed Xuanyuan City, and Xuanyuan Changyun may soon appear , We continue to speed up out of town! "

"Understand!" Luo Qingchuan responded, and immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Luo Qingchuan were working with strength, and quickly speeded up the broken body.

Under the burning and spreading of the fiery sea of ​​fire, the figures that flew towards the two people of Shi Feng were soon devoured by the fiery flames.

Soon, one of the famous Xuanyuan City soldiers flying in the void was left.

At this time, the fiery flames rolled again, shrinking toward the center, and was absorbed by Shi Feng in an instant, showing the young figure again.

Gradually, a tall city wall appeared in front of both Shi Feng and Luo Qingchuan. As long as the two flew through the wall, it was really out of this Xuanyuan city.

"Huh?" At this moment, Shi Feng's face changed quickly, not only him, but Luo Qingchuan beside him, his face changed greatly.

They sensed that a powerful, powerful atmosphere full of killing spirit was rising at the center of Xuanyuan City and the main government building at the same time, while at the same time, the majesty and angry cries echoed throughout the Xuanyuan City , And this voice is only one word:


"This voice! This voice is the voice of the head of our Xuanyuan City, Xuanyuan Changyun!"

"Master of the city appears!"

As the majestic anger rang out, the city of Xuanyuan City exclaimed even more.

And Shi Feng suddenly felt that a golden purple, murderous palm print was breaking through quickly, and came towards himself!

"The power of the Eight-Star Emperor Wudi!" After sensing the power of the golden-purple palm print, Shi Feng was a little bit calm. Sure enough, this is a beautiful and peaceful cloud, the first genius of Xuanyuan City, as Luo Qingchuan said Has entered the realm of Emperor Wuxing.

"Qingchuan you go, I'll break!" Shi Feng stared at the palm print, and yelled at Luo Qingchuan with a commanded tone.

"But ..." Hearing Shi Feng said "after the break" and letting himself go, Luo Qingchuan's face appeared hesitant. How could he leave behind and escape independently.

Seeing Luo Qingchuan's hesitation, Shi Feng screamed again and again, "Don't you even listen to what Ben Ben is saying now? Give Ben Ben less, as far away as possible!"

"Feng .. Feng Shao!" Luo Qingchuan's face changed from hesitation to grief, followed closely, his eyes closed, his teeth clenched, and Shen Feng shouted in front of Shi Feng: "Take care!"

Now that Luo Qingchuan has made a decision, he will not hesitate anymore, and his shape will quickly pass by Shi Feng's side.

Fighting Xuanyuan Changyun, with his own strength, can not help at all, but can only secretly pray in his heart, the master should not be involved again.

If the master ever happens again, I will definitely go to Zhongzhou and tell the master, Tucheng Xuanyuan!

Luo Qingchuan thought in his heart fiercely.

power! Power!

Luo Qingchuan found that his strength was simply too weak, and he was useless in front of the real strong!

Get stronger, I have to be strong! Clean up all obstacles for the master!

(End of this chapter)

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