Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 821: Shi Feng is angry, the earth is shaking

821 Shi Feng is angry, the earth is shaking

There was a crackling sound, and it rang out in this peaceful small village.

The fierce military officer suddenly slapped his palm on the old face of Liu Laohan, and slapped Liu Laohan straight down!

"Grandpa! Grandpa! What are you doing to hit my grandpa!" The little girl Xiaobao, who was hugged by a soldier, saw the grandpa being beaten and yelled, crying, her small body struggling violently.

But no matter how she struggled, how could a little girl break free a soldier's hands. "Grandpa! Grandpa!"

The officer looked down at Liu Laohan, and said fiercely, "Old things that are immortal! The private Xuanyuan City Lord ordered the arrested Qin prisoner not to say that he had concealed from Lao Tzu without knowing it. Lao Tzu saw you impatient!"

"You two, fight me, kill this old immortal!" Then, the officer yelled at the two soldiers behind him.

"You! You! Go in and catch that kid!"

Then, the officer gave another order. The two soldiers behind him went to Liu Laohan who was lying on the ground. Six soldiers went to the old wooden house and soon entered the wooden house.

Lying on the ground, full of embarrassed Liu Laohan, looking at two equally fierce soldiers, approaching himself closer, his face full of panic, begging at them repeatedly and begging:

"No! Don't! Don't come over! Don't! Don't! Ah!" The scream of savage oldness resounded again!

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

. .

"Huh?" In the blood-colored stele space, Shi Feng, who was absorbing the majestic strength of the world, suddenly frowned.

He suddenly sensed that he was touching the enchantment of the outside world, was touched, and immediately followed, Shi Feng's blood flashed and disappeared into this void.

In the shabby wooden house, when six soldiers rushed in, they saw a teenager lying on a wooden bed. One of the soldiers saw the teenager and yelled:

"It's him! It looks exactly like the wanted order, everyone!"

After the applause dropped, six soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding spears rushed towards Shi Feng immediately.

"Hmm!" Facing the six soldiers rushing up, Shi Feng only snorted, and immediately, the six soldiers burned with six **** flames.

There wasn't even a time for wailing and sorrow. When the six **** flames had dissipated, the six had vanished into nothingness.

"Ah! Ah!"

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Don't hit my grandpa anymore!"

Immediately afterwards, two shouts passed into Shi Feng's ears, and Shi Feng's complexion immediately became cold!

These two voices are the voices of the owner of the cabin, the old man and the girl.

It was just learned from the soldier's mouth that they had come for themselves because of a warrant.

"Dead! I want you all to die!" Shi Feng drank suddenly, the old man and the child, because they saved themselves from the mountains and forests, suffered the insults of others, so how can Shi Feng not be angry!

Immediately after, the entire land and the whole wooden house shook violently, as if the beast was awakening here.

"Boom! Boom!" The ground outside the house shook violently. As the ground shook, hundreds of heavy armored soldiers became crooked.

"What's going on? What's going on? Why did an earthquake suddenly occur, this **** ravine! What a shame!" The officer, who was shaking violently like other soldiers, yelled, and then, moving in shape, rushed straight Over the sky, leave the shaking earth.

"Huh? What's the matter?" As the officer flew into the body, he suddenly glanced inadvertently. In the ground below, the two soldiers who were beating the old man suddenly burned with **** flames. They both swallowed directly.

Seeing this, he suddenly felt a bad hunch in his heart. When he lowered his head and looked to the rear, he suddenly saw that the hundreds of soldiers who followed him had all turned into a smear of **** flames.

"Not good! Let's go!" The officer was shocked in his mind, and immediately accelerated the speed of breaking the air, preparing to escape.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the ear of the officer: "As a warrior in Wuzong Realm, even the old man and the child would not let go of the scum, you still want to live."

The officer who was flying upwards quickly saw a blood-colored figure, and a young face frosty like ice. This man seemed to be waiting for himself all over the sky.

"You! It's you!" When the officer saw the boy's time, he was shocked. This boy was exactly the man wanted by the master of Xuanyuan City.

Wasn't this person unconscious and awake yesterday and was brought back by the old man? He should be seriously injured. Why doesn't it look like nothing is happening now!

Pretending, he must be pretending to be fine! You want to scare me away, yes, it must be like this.

The officer who figured this out suddenly suddenly clenched his right fist and shone a bright fire-colored light, and suddenly punched at the young man in front of him.

An attack from Wu Zongjing's dregs, Shi Feng didn't even look in her eyes, she flicked her fingers, and a shot of energy flew from Shi Feng's fingertips, attacking the officer's abdomen.

Immediately after that, there was a snorting sound, a sound like a fish bubble being crushed.

The officer blasted to Shi Feng's right fist, but his fist had not yet reached his head. The fire-like light on it disappeared instantly.

The officer who heard the voice just now, looking at the officer whose fists had dissipated, suddenly felt a sudden abdomen in his abdomen, and his face suddenly changed again. He had understood that what a warrior did not want to happen happened. On yourself.

Your own Dantian, broken! broken! It's up!

"No!" The officer shouted in sorrow, and he knew better that he was still in the void now, and now he had become a wasteful man, and he would be aware of it and lose the power to break the air.

"Don't!" The officer shouted again, but no matter how big he was, it was difficult to change his doomed end. His body, like a big bird with broken wings, was falling rapidly towards the ground.

With a bang, he fell heavily on the ground.

"Bad guy, call you to hit my grandpa, call you to hit my grandpa." Below, the little girl Xiaobao, seeing the wicked man falling down, quickly picked up a stone and threw it towards the officer.

With a slam, it smashed into the officer's head, and the officer's body twitched suddenly. After all, it seemed that he was a warrior who had once lived in the Wuzong realm. After years of cultivation, his body also surpassed ordinary people. Fallen, still not dead.

At this time, Shi Feng's body also followed the descent from the air and landed next to Liu Laohan who was lying on the ground and now fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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