Chapter 827: Together

Xuanyuan Chengcheng's main mansion!

Every civil, military and military official, seeing the anger and anger, even Xuanyuan Changyun who had to go out in person, all were silent and no longer advised.

Following Xuanyuan's long transport for so long, they knew Xuanyuan Changyun's temperament, and since he made a decision, it would be useless to persuade him.

Instead, he provoked his words again, causing the scourge of death.

However, at this moment, standing at the bottom of Wenchen's first position, the military division Zhuge Xiao who had not spoken just now, after seeing everyone silent, he walked out of the column, looking pale, shouting at Xuanyuan Changyunbaoquan above:

"Master, you must not leave the city in person!"

Seeing Zhuge Xiao's delisting, Xuanyuan's anger in the fury, his face eased a little, staring at Zhuge Xiao, he sang, "Why!"

Zhuge Xiao said: "The two people sent someone last night, saying that they would exchange with Miss Yanrou and use that space to cross-domain teleport arrays. The reason why there is so much noise today is that I must have guessed the protagonist you, but Orally promised that when they enter Xuanyuan City, they will not be missed. "

"This seat naturally will not let them go." Xuanyuan Changyun yelled.

"That's their purpose today." Zhuge Xiao said: "They want to disturb us by the chaotic movements of the outside world and force the protagonist to leave the city. Then they take the opportunity to enter this Xuanyuan city and use the teleportation array while the protagonist is away. "

After hearing Zhuge Xiao's words, Xuanyuan Changyun sang again: "These seats can't let them behave outside, kill my general, and persecute my tens of thousands of soldiers."

Seeing Xuanyuan Changyun's anger on his face, Zhuge Xiao was still unhurried, and said:

"All our soldiers have followed the protagonist for many years against the Iron Blood Soldiers. The reason why they rebelled, according to Weichen, was that they were manipulated because they had been imprinted. As soon as they were killed, our soldiers, Allegiance is still the principal.

Those killed generals are indeed a pity! When it comes to the last sentence, Zhuge shook his head and regretted it.

"According to Weichen, we should now put all the soldiers together, and then let the general Yun Yun take command, and the general will sit in the town. The soldiers will form a long snake array, line up, and hunt for the two inverses. thief."

"All under Yun Yun?"

"That's right!" Zhuge Xiao nodded: "The two people, one in the Five-Star Emperor Realm and one in the Four-Star Emperor Realm, and the general Yun Yun and Budo Xiu are the peerless powers of the Seven-Star Emperor Realm.

All the generals are under the command of the general, and when they meet the mutinous soldiers, they can be easily compiled and returned, and then continue to line up, and lengthen the team to search for the two, as long as they are found, it is more than sufficient to kill them with the power of the general , You do n’t have to go there in person. "

"Okay! Then do what you say! Go down to the order, and immediately, whether it be soldiers in Xuanyuan City or soldiers in other cities, all will be led by General Yun Yun! Defenders, military law!"

"Sheng Ming!" Zhuge Xiao bowed.

. .

In the wild, Shi Feng and Luo Qingchuan successively killed the Xuanyuan City generals, and forced the soldiers to surrender with relentless methods. At this moment, their soldiers under control had reached 60,000.

And Shi Feng, who killed seven warriors in the Emperor's Realm, burned his destiny, and fell down the martial arts practice, and has returned to the Five-Star Emperor's Realm.

The energy in the body is even more than before.

Looking at the densely packed soldiers behind him, Luo Qingchuan smiled and said to Shi Feng: "Feng Shao, a spy just returned. The soldiers in Xuanyuan City and other cities sent us to hunt our soldiers, generals. Together, it seems that Xuanyuan Changyun can't sit still and is ready to go on his own! "

After listening to Luo Qingchuan's words, Shi Feng smiled and shook her head, and said, "Now, it's not necessarily when Xuanyuan Changyun goes out in person."

Then, Shi Feng said:

"That day in Xuanyuan City, when Xuanyuan Changyun came out, I also felt a slightly weaker breath than Xuanyuan Changyun. The man's martial arts cultivation should reach the seven-star Emperor Wudi, if Ben Shao guessed right Now that all the soldiers are in one place, it should be under the command of that person, and then come to hang us. "

"Seven-star Emperor Wu! General Xuanyuan City, Yunfu!" Luo Qingchuan exclaimed in a deep voice after hearing Shi Feng's words. Then he said, "Yes, Xuanyuan City, there is indeed a seven-star Emperor Wudi. However, with Feng Feng less than your current combat power, just now Wudao Xiuwei has returned to the five-star Emperor Wudi, he Xuanyuan Changyun can not deal with it, but against him Yun Yan, there should be no problem. "

"That's natural!" After listening to Luo Qingchuan's words, Shi Feng grinned, and said, "But he doesn't know that Chang Yun doesn't know that he has less basic, but he is a warrior in the Five-Star Emperor Realm. The seven-star Emperor Wu Fei suppresses less than enough. !!

Hehe, Qingchuan, to kill the seven-star Emperor Wuxi, maybe we don't need to sneak into this Xuanyuan City secretly. At that time, we will send troops to kill directly, and Ben Shao will personally kill this Xuanyuan Changyun! "

"Seven Star Emperor! Seven Star Emperor!" When Luo Qingchuan heard Shi Feng's words, he even responded from Shi Feng's words and laughed: "Swallow up this Seven Star Emperor, you can step into Six Star Emperor Feng! "

"Yes!" Shi Feng said proudly.

Followed by, Luo Qingchuan turned around and yelled at the several armored soldiers behind him: "Add manpower, pay close attention to Xuanyuan City and the movement of the party's soldiers to find out who the commander is! Or Xuanyuan Changyun If you are out of the city, report your speed! "


Although Shi Feng guessed, since Xuanyuan Changyun still has strong men, he should not be out of the city, but for the sake of safety, he must not be careless.

. .

Outside of Xuanyuan City, soon, all the soldiers from all over the city came together in one place, and at a glance, they were all densely populated with silhouettes. The soldiers dressed in generals had reached thirty. Public.

The army of 300,000 people is led by one person. This person is the commander-in-chief of Xuanyuan City, Yunfu!

Yun Yan stands proudly in the void, looking down, with a mighty face, not happy or sad.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Ling gave a deep voice and said, "Everyone, at a distance of one meter, form a long snake array. Follow the general, hunt down the rebels, and find the rebels, and send out the signal as soon as possible."

"Yes!" More than 300,000 people responded in unison, and the earth trembled violently under the shout.

"Go!" The golden spear in Yun's hand pointed forward, and the army of more than 300,000 people rushed forward in a mighty manner with the applause of Yun's applause.

Like the current of Pentium, rushing forward, the earth trembled again suddenly.

"Two rebels, this general, this time, they must have killed themselves!"

(End of this chapter)

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